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 How come I didnt die after tying cord around my neck and passing out with alcohol last nite?

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I guess I didnt make it tight enough. Next time I got to make it tighter and drink more alcohol so I dont notice how tight I put it and then I will pass out. What a ...

 Heroin addiction?
Hi, i have heard from many heroin users that 4 hits( injected) of heroin is all someone needs to get addicted. is this true or does it depend or each person?...

 What is Your Greatest Fear About Aging?

 What in the world would cause this to happen??!!??
Yesterday, i went to pick up my son from school for a dr. app. and while i was walking up to the door, all of a sudden i got this feeling that i was at the wrong school. So i started to question ...

 How do you fight lazziness?

 Dont you wish sometimes to curl up in a ball and die?

 Why am i depressed? is it because there are things i cant change? or is it because im ill?
to clarify. would i be depressed if everything was ok.. so am i just p*ssed off?
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you lovely kind people thanks. i cant do anti depressants. im fighting it . sometimes ...

 My fiance was a kidnap victim, who was raped and beaten for two years. She now suffers from PTSD..any advice?
I would like to know how to handle this delicately. The man responsible will be out of prison October of next year, and we will have to face him in court to make it ok for me to legally adopt the ...

 Is there anyone who can reassure me please?
i feel lost and i dont know who i am. i need hope. what if everything in my life goes wrong? i feel so alone, please help :-( thank you xxx
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aged 14, not on medicines, ...

 What is not good to do while sleeping?

 Im depressed. I think. I cant think a happy thought at all. Why?
Im 19 years old. I still live at home. I dont go out, i dont do anything fun. I dont have any friends in town, they all went off to college. Basically i have no friends. I go to a job i hate and i am ...

 What do i do in this situation? Preferably adults answer please!?
Ok so my fiancee and i are having problems. I am ADHD, and sometimes i cannot control the way I act. I am controlling and very demanding i dont listen and im mean. I hate this so much I cry everyday. ...

 If you see a homeless person who appears to be 'crazy', how do you think s/he became that way?
Do you think that life on the street did that to him or her, OR do you think that a mental problem led him/her to the street?...

 Someone burned my hair?
a group of idiotic boys burned my hair yesterday. it wasn't alot of hair that was burned off but what pisses me off is i dont even know these people and they just thought it would be funny to ...

 Why do people lie?

 I have a presentation to do in front of 50 people and im shy, if i get drunk before it will it make it easier?

 Why are extroverted people easy to forget their firends?

 Is it normal?
is it normal to be your own worst enemy? like, i hear a voice in my head thats a little like mine, but it trys to get me to do stuff, like, asking out a girl, or doing something crazy-uber. i dont ...

 Does MADNESS prevent INSANITY??
I know you may think i'm contradicting myself, but if you think about it.....Those people who are a little mad in their daily lives, like doing stupid acts and unexpected things such as doing a ...

 Are anti-depressants really the answer?
I have been going through some really difficult times with my marriage, my family and myself for some time.
My wife and I have been seeing different psychologists plus we go to two different ...

John B
I truely am worthless?
I lack the ability to complete simple tasks. I use drugs to kill the pain I feel, and it works. I want to crawl int a hole and disappear from the world. I would be doing it a favor. to say everyone has a purpose and all that **** is egocentric. what makes anyone say that i do not know... I fail at everything I do, I hurt inside on a daily basis. I have no one to smile and talk to, to hold, and safe with.

Jim B
dont worry........it could be worse, what if you were black?

ps.....if you are, then its ok too.

Credic J
Please, we all got problems

kim s
I think people are only what they perceive themselves to be.

You're definitely a worthwhile person, but just thinking that you are not can make you think of other thoughts to prove that you aren't. The pain killers you're using don't sound like they are working if you feel this bad most of the time. It might be due to low blood sugar too, if you're not eating much of anything else. Maybe you could try getting some counselling, talking to a pastor, or even talking to a nutritionist to help you eat more. Sometimes feeling bad is a combination of life experience and vitamin imbalances. That's my theory anyway.

♥.Storm Girl.♥
go to ur doctor coz u have some issues u need to work thru..


At least you don't have stinky farts all day long. Or maybe you do?

Yeah, you got some work to do, but don't we all...

i love you....we all do

relax and take a deep breath.....

life is hard, but it is also short..
don't let your dying days be, "if only i've done that...."
let it be, "i'm glad i've found someone like...." or "i'm happy i've done that".

stop, and think.....it's never, i mean NEVER too late to change.


do you should try helping people, you would be surprised how good in makes you feel

Clare P
It sounds like a form of depression and if you are taking pain killers this is not the right medication for depression. If you think you will fail at everything you will make that happen. You will see once you have the right help you will see the world differently and it will get better. Everyone has bad days but if you are having more bad days than good you need to recognise that you need to ask a professional for help.

"Okay In Zee Hole"....its a line from the simpsons.....when marge says......i thought....well...i laughed.

I would advise you NOT to take prescription meds because it will only make the problem worse - addictive and suicidal thoughts come along w/ these meds. Start searching inside yourself for your life purpose - Read some Spiritual Material ( No it dosen't have to be the Bible ) but go to your local bookstore and read some books about Spirituality. Start helping out your local homeless shelter - food aid etc... you'll feel better - STOP TAKING those damn drugs especially if you hide behind alcohol - this is another government "getcha" drug :-p


this is exactly how i used to feel...
but then i got geico and saved 15% on my car insurance and it made me feel a lot better =]]
just kidding
honestly im pretty sure you are depressed and i think you need help. or change your lifestyle . i know last year i felt exactly the same way and everyone around me wanted me to go to therapy but i just thought they were all stupid and i felt worthless and wanted to die. but then i started to do pilates watch comedy central and started to get really into anime and just spent my time listening to techno music and for some reason it just made everything better. having something occupy my life and not think about all the pain actually did make it better and now im a pretty happy person. Honestly you cant go on like this. i think you should visit to the website for "to write love on her arms" and read all the stories and just seriously put on some happy harcore techno music and start dancing around to it. hope you feel better =]]

Noone is worthless and we all deserve to feel wanted. You are worth just as much if not more than the person next to you. If you feel like you have noone there for you
then go out and look for someone, there is always someone there who cares about you and would rather see you smile and hold your head high than feel bad. Hurting is normal, i still hurt every single day
but I dont give up because I know things are always going to get better
good luck

You are not worthless!!!!! AND YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THAT IN YOURSELF!!!!!

That sounds a lot like depression. and its such a horrible stage to go through. I hate when i go through those funks, they last for months sometimes. Im not sure what really ever helps me but sometimes i try to keep this idea of cleansing my body in hopes to cleanse my soul. I tell myself that on a certain day i will stop smoking cigarettes and all the stupid drugs that seem to get me though the days and i exercise like crazy. Its worth a shot. It makes me feel healthier and happy and also a lot less lazy. Exercise the mind and body. Try it. It helps

maybe the drugs r creating the pain too? idk but ur definitly not worthless

You need help!

Nobody can do it alone. You really need to talk to someone who can help you out. Doctor should be your next phone call, then the mental health clinic, then, maybe a drug program. get off that. That's why you can't finish anything.

Maybe you need some prescriptions...ADD or something like that. I know many people who have gone years without being diagnosed. A little ritalin or some other therapy, and they are set.

Check it out. You are NOT alone.

It takes a while to get an inferiority complex, so it will take a while to get over it. You just have to tell your self every day that you are just as good as very body else. We all make mistakes, every body is not good at the same things. You may be good at one thing and somebody else is good at another. Some one may be better at math then you, but maybe you are better at computers ( just an example). But just because you don't always know the right answer, or you may not do something as good as some one else doesn't make you inferior to them. We are all born with some things that are different then others. And some can learn some things better then others can. But I have found that every body is good at something. Find out what you are the best at, and improve on it. That might help.

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