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 Any ideas on how to become more confident?

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I am not really that ugly or so people tell me and i have a bunch of friends, just with myself i feel bad about myself....

 How Can I Make My Life Better?

 Sucide? Please help! Some ones life is in danger!?
Okay. Last year (Novembersish) I found out that one of my best friends were cutting. And these were not thin little knife marks they were very large and looked as if she were trying to skin her ...

 I just passed my driving test today, first attempt?
I got 8 minors, I had been learning for 5 months

Who want's to congratulate me??


 I've been prescribed with Citalopram by my Doc for my social anxiety. Has anyone had this work for them?

 How do u cope with major depression and suicide thoughts can't seem to get a grip on it?
have been diagnosed and receive treatment but don't feel as if i'm getting ...

I had been to see a Psychologist and had therapy for 2 years and it ended last Christmas. I wanted to go back to see her as I was having problems again but Mental Team said No. Once you have had your ...

 Can your brain explode from boredom?
or would that make it implode?...

 Non Medication Aides for Anxiety?
I'm trying to take the non-medication road to healing my panic and anxiety (seeing as how all the meds they put me on for that just THROW me into panic attacks). I was wondering what other ...

 Should i tell my mother about my bulimia?
i've been bulimic for 4 years now. but sometimes i get better but it always comes back. i haven't purged in 2 weeks now and i think i'm getting better. but still i know i'm not ...

 Can parents be particularly detrimental to your mental health?
how damaging can these things called 'parents' be? I remember a red dwarf episode in which people from the future finally proved that all our hang ups and neurosis were caused by our ...

 Does anyone know any good anxiety/depression meds that really work? I'm on prozac and it don't work very well.

 Please Help I have Anxiety and Panic Attacks everysingle day, it's destroying my entire life, what can I do???
I have been suffering from Anxiety and Socail Disorder for many Years now, I tried allot of thing to overcome it, but nothing worked. I have never taken medication for it because I am to afraid to ...

 ABSOLUTLEY URGENT! PLEASE HELP, im really down and i feel like ending it, i beg you to help please?
i just lost my grandma, i have no family and fake friends. i feel i look terrible
http://photos-d.ak.faceb i have a ...

 How do I get around to telling my mom that I am suicidal?

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I've been suicidal for 5 or 6 ...

 Do you think emos need metal help??
the ones who cut and hurt them selfs...
plz i wana know if my friend will get over this or if i should take action....

 Is suicide the biggest sin?
just wondering will you go to hell for it
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i'm bathist (i can't spell good)...

 Need Answers !!?
I'm really close to this teacher in my school, I could trust her wth anything. She's helping me quit self harming, but I'm worried that it's putting her job at risk cause I know ...

 What do you do to help relieve stress?
im always stress.. so can u guys give me an idea how u relieve it?...

 How to not be gay???
Please help! And please don't just tell me to accept myself because ive tried,i cant and i wont,i cant be this way and need as much advice as possible. And if this is any help,im 14 and i dont ...

Why are extroverted people easy to forget their firends?

Rephrase your question- it doesn't make sense.

yabba dabba doo
durrrrrrrr, because they have 100000 things on their mind, unlike nerds like you that stay home and dwell on the same 5 boring things in your life. buy a gun and shoot yourself

Because they make many friends and have the personality to continue to keep moving on. When they REALLY felt a connection with someone they will stay in contact at least occasionally.

they are too active

Betty Sue
i am very extroverted and when i have a real friend, i never forget them. i am very dedicated, but the narcissistic thing is soooo true. i'm just great and i know it.

because they are full of themselves..plain and simple

Cause they're always busy doing stuff.

nEeLaM zAfaR
extrovert people easy to forget their friends coz they are socialble and have a self-confident .
somebody with interest outside they are social climber

They may not really "forget" you, but just get caught up and busy with other things that they dont have as much free time as introverts do.

what is a firend?

out of sight out of mind

Mercy P
bec. they easily meet new friends and friendship has to be maintained in an intimate way. if you keep meeting, meeting new friends, how do you get intimate with them in a big group?

I think that extroverted people need others do draw confidence from. They become happy by receiving affirmation from others. Sometimes friends become too commonplace for extroverts, and they head off in search of new people to leech support off of. Luckily, I am an introvert.

cause they tend to be narcissistic?

la reina
cause they know they don't need em. we are cool all by our onesees

Because they have so many!

They are too busy being extroverted.

because they just can't remember!

We have lots of "friends" but are not deep enough for true long-lasting frindships...sorry but true

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