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 Im depressed. I think. I cant think a happy thought at all. Why?
Im 19 years old. I still live at home. I dont go out, i dont do anything fun. I dont have any friends in town, they all went off to college. Basically i have no friends. I go to a job i hate and i am ...

 What do i do in this situation? Preferably adults answer please!?
Ok so my fiancee and i are having problems. I am ADHD, and sometimes i cannot control the way I act. I am controlling and very demanding i dont listen and im mean. I hate this so much I cry everyday. ...

 If you see a homeless person who appears to be 'crazy', how do you think s/he became that way?
Do you think that life on the street did that to him or her, OR do you think that a mental problem led him/her to the street?...

 Someone burned my hair?
a group of idiotic boys burned my hair yesterday. it wasn't alot of hair that was burned off but what pisses me off is i dont even know these people and they just thought it would be funny to ...

 Why do people lie?

 I have a presentation to do in front of 50 people and im shy, if i get drunk before it will it make it easier?

 Why are extroverted people easy to forget their firends?

 Is it normal?
is it normal to be your own worst enemy? like, i hear a voice in my head thats a little like mine, but it trys to get me to do stuff, like, asking out a girl, or doing something crazy-uber. i dont ...

 Does MADNESS prevent INSANITY??
I know you may think i'm contradicting myself, but if you think about it.....Those people who are a little mad in their daily lives, like doing stupid acts and unexpected things such as doing a ...

 Are anti-depressants really the answer?
I have been going through some really difficult times with my marriage, my family and myself for some time.
My wife and I have been seeing different psychologists plus we go to two different ...

 Ok so what do u think of cutting if it is not done for attention, not done to kill ones self...read more.....?
okay so like if someone had been cutting only they did it like on their stomachs or somewhere where clothes covered it and someone accidentaly saw it and they said that the cutter had been doin it ...

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 I have a question for anyone who has dealt with people who cut themselves?
i work with a girl with this problem. she's 23, i'm 47. help me understand why she does this! she talks about it a little. she denied that she still does it, but recently admitted that ...

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sunday afternoons are always spend feeling down + preparing for another boring week at work
is there a way around this?...

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 Can't seem to get out my depression?
Im 19 and I've been feeling very low for too long now and have been secluding myself from all my friends for about 2 months. my parents have been my rock during the 2months and my two sisters ...

 Any ideas on how to become more confident?

Additional Details
I am not really that ugly or so people tell me and i have a bunch of friends, just with myself i feel bad about myself....

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 Sucide? Please help! Some ones life is in danger!?
Okay. Last year (Novembersish) I found out that one of my best friends were cutting. And these were not thin little knife marks they were very large and looked as if she were trying to skin her ...

Am I depressed? Bipolar?
Yes its long. Please read. It would mean a lot.

I feel like there is a deep pit in my stomache. Fun activies that use to excite me dont even spark interest. I am only fully happy when I am "intoxicated." I use to be a verry happy postive person, now people view me as pessimestic. I get annoyed by the tinyest things. I feel like I am living in a box. I cant breathe.

Then again. I get in these crazed moods where I have so much energy. Today i recently went shopping crazy and bought a ton of items that I dont necessarly need. And they were all expensive. But even that did not amuze me

What is wrong with me??

You're a woman.

Possible bipolar disorder, so read the page and take the questionairres at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris on page 5, and read page 2 in full. Avoid intoxicants: they won't help, long term. Alcohol will depress you (experience).

make an appointment with your doctor.

Is this a recent thing or have you been feeling this way for weeks / mnths ? There are varying degrees of bipolar and depression that only a specialist can discuss with you over a period of time . You need to discuss this with your dr first and have some hormone levels tests first - thats step one - if you ever feeling like self harm act immediately and get to a "safe " place

donna l
We cant medically determine that i would just say you have a hormone imbalance. Its more common now then ever. I would talk to a doctor about this because it can get seriously bad.

you are fine relax

victoraul n
It sounds like Bipolar, an especialist will tell you better. And if that is the case, you know you are not alone, Abraham Lincoln was bipolar and other very important ones. Anyways faith helps.

You should get evaluated by a Psychiatrist. Either way they can help you feel better.

Up & At 'em
Make an appointment and then go to see a professional for diagnosis.

Also, check for a support group in your area. That will supplement the professional help. It will not replace professional help.

Miss. Misunderstood
Well are you taking any odd medicine?

I think you should tell a doctor your symptoms, because they sound pretty odd.

I don't know whether to call it bipolar or depression, but I think I'm going to have to go with bipolar.

I hope you get help. :]

amy i
do you have extreme mood changes go here www.moodtracker.com here you can log your moods and if you decided to see a dr he or she can watch you mood changes

I think you just have somthing missing in your life. Like has someone really close to you passed away or fallen sick? I personally believe that this is just a phase. You'll grow out of it. Instead of drinking, find another hobby that you could escape from the realities of life. For instance, I enjoy biking, because all it is, is me and the road ahead. I can forget about all the other problems I have in my life.

You're probably using shopping as your escape from reality. It's a hobby, thats true, but a very expensive one. You probably use shopping as your "drug" same with alcohol.

I highly doubt its bipolar because your moods are swinging very quickly. Bipolar in adults, (18+) usually only change a few times a year. Sometimes it may go from a extremely hyper mood to a depressive mood. Unlike children with bipolar, who throw extreme temper tantrums frequently.

Anyways, try to find something relaxing that you can do to pass the time, like yoga, or a book, or anything, like a new project.

Bipolar, possibly.

You do not give your age but it is my guess that you are chronically depressed - I know because I have been like that most of my life.

The only way that you will conquer this problem is by being properly diagnosed by a professional . I take a combination of medications that help. Every person is different.
I also have sought out a good Doctor who I talk to every week and I trust him when he gives me feedback about the way I am thinking or feeling

Drinking and shopping will NOT make this go away. It is a chemical imbalance in the brain combined with years of negative self-talk that a therapist can help you to change.

Good Luck and God Bless You

I feel the same way>.>
And I I'm not bipolar.
There are different types..my parents used to tell me all the time..I wnated to prove everyone wrong, and I did.. they said I'm just depressed..I worry too much
I was a postive person but now I find things so hard and nto working the best thing to do is ask someone things or even go to the doctors and ask whats wrong, you have things bottled up :]
I hope this helped sone

Just Me
You need professional counselling, not the ignorant guessing of Y!A.

First of all, assess yourself. Perhaps you've got internal issues within you causing all that pessimism and lack of energy.

Indeed you cannot rely on Yahoo! Answers to diagnose you. You have to be seen by an expert for that. But if you'll ask me whether you're inclined to having depression or bipolar, I'd say depression because according to what you've stated you don't really exhibit much of manic manifestations.

But don't fear. Just see an expert about it. And pray about it! God bless you!

You could be, but please don't depend on people from yahoo answers to diagnose you. No one here will really be able to do that for you.

Please see a professional about this if you are concerned.

I know this is a long answer..but I feel inspired to answer you...

you know...


I think we are all crazy. we are all sometimes bi-polar. we are all sometimes depressed.

although I DO validate these things are real conditions that people have....

i also think... that we are all suffering from so many things in so many different ways.

Listen to your heart. pray.... meditate... TALK TO OTHERS about how you feel...write it down. Listen to music that "heals" you.....

What you are REALLY seeking is that wonderful perfect feeling of love... aren't we all? Just know that you are not alone. Everyone around you is suffering too.. feeling unexplainable sorrow too.. it's just we all don't SAY IT. and we all deal with it in different ways....

I don't know what kind of help you need.
ultimately YOU will decide that.
for only YOU really know what is going on inside of you.
You already hold the answer to this question.

The truth is none of us will ever completely reach peace or reach total happiness. Because life is more about the JOURNEY than the destination.

It's about the PROCESS that gets us to our goal....not about the goal.

what you are going through right now is something you have to go through in order to stretch and to learn and to grow and to become WHO YOU TRULY ARE and who you are truly meant to be! It's a difficult and painfull process

but only through our sorrow
can we know what joy is

and only through times of darkness
can we know the meaning of light


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