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 Are anti-depressants really the answer?
I have been going through some really difficult times with my marriage, my family and myself for some time.
My wife and I have been seeing different psychologists plus we go to two different ...

 Ok so what do u think of cutting if it is not done for attention, not done to kill ones self...read more.....?
okay so like if someone had been cutting only they did it like on their stomachs or somewhere where clothes covered it and someone accidentaly saw it and they said that the cutter had been doin it ...

 Can a person with Down Syndrome play an instrument?

 Is it safe to just double my medication?
I take anti-depressant Efexor (xl) 150mg daily but I feel really low. Is it safe to just double my dose until I can get to a doctor?

 I have a question for anyone who has dealt with people who cut themselves?
i work with a girl with this problem. she's 23, i'm 47. help me understand why she does this! she talks about it a little. she denied that she still does it, but recently admitted that ...

 How can i avoid that awful sunday evening pre - work depression?
sunday afternoons are always spend feeling down + preparing for another boring week at work
is there a way around this?...

 Used to have excellent memory but now just forget stuff easily what should i do?

 Can't seem to get out my depression?
Im 19 and I've been feeling very low for too long now and have been secluding myself from all my friends for about 2 months. my parents have been my rock during the 2months and my two sisters ...

 Any ideas on how to become more confident?

Additional Details
I am not really that ugly or so people tell me and i have a bunch of friends, just with myself i feel bad about myself....

 How Can I Make My Life Better?

 Sucide? Please help! Some ones life is in danger!?
Okay. Last year (Novembersish) I found out that one of my best friends were cutting. And these were not thin little knife marks they were very large and looked as if she were trying to skin her ...

 I just passed my driving test today, first attempt?
I got 8 minors, I had been learning for 5 months

Who want's to congratulate me??


 I've been prescribed with Citalopram by my Doc for my social anxiety. Has anyone had this work for them?

 How do u cope with major depression and suicide thoughts can't seem to get a grip on it?
have been diagnosed and receive treatment but don't feel as if i'm getting ...

I had been to see a Psychologist and had therapy for 2 years and it ended last Christmas. I wanted to go back to see her as I was having problems again but Mental Team said No. Once you have had your ...

 Can your brain explode from boredom?
or would that make it implode?...

 Non Medication Aides for Anxiety?
I'm trying to take the non-medication road to healing my panic and anxiety (seeing as how all the meds they put me on for that just THROW me into panic attacks). I was wondering what other ...

 Should i tell my mother about my bulimia?
i've been bulimic for 4 years now. but sometimes i get better but it always comes back. i haven't purged in 2 weeks now and i think i'm getting better. but still i know i'm not ...

 Can parents be particularly detrimental to your mental health?
how damaging can these things called 'parents' be? I remember a red dwarf episode in which people from the future finally proved that all our hang ups and neurosis were caused by our ...

 Does anyone know any good anxiety/depression meds that really work? I'm on prozac and it don't work very well.

Under the stars
Is there anyone who can reassure me please?
i feel lost and i dont know who i am. i need hope. what if everything in my life goes wrong? i feel so alone, please help :-( thank you xxx
Additional Details
aged 14, not on medicines, felt like this for nearly 10 months

It's all part of growing up. We all go through it and learn to deal. Then we die.

Cat♥Eyes =^..^=™
I would love to help if I can..please tell me your age. Do remember you are not alone, we have all felt this way at one time or another.
***Barring any other issues, right now you are at a cross roads, not a child yet not an adult, it's a tough time in life. If you like feel free to email me: cateyezgreen@pacbell.net
++++But do see a counselor or mental health, your family doctor could recommend someone...

we need more information to answer that cause it depends on the problem.
When you feel lost, find yourself (take a break from everything and just think). When you need hope, go to a good friend and talk to her/him...or just talk to a pet or write in a journal. When everything goes wrong, make it right (make it better than right). When you feel alone, just think about all the good times you have ever had, and then go hang out with someone and have lots of FUN. things will get better, don't worry.

Everything will not go wrong with your life, things will get better. I have been dpressed for years and now I am much better.
Maybe you should seek councelling

God loves you, and you are precious to Him. Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation, and qualifying us to Heaven. Just come to Him with sincere repentance and faith, and you will find assurance, joy, peace, hope and meaning. Life will be worth-living. Never, never, miss Heaven for anything of this temporary and troubled world. Best wishes for happiness and Heaven!

you are depressed; i know there are some periods in your life when you just dont know where you belong, why do you live, etc.These happens usually because something tragic just happened or something that made you lost all your confidence in you and your hope, and thus you think that everything in your life goes wrong, as you said in your question.
you have to be positive, think positive, just say to yourself, " hey I can get over it, is not such a big deal " , you just need a bit of confidence in yourself and , of course, if you have friends ( and I think you do), their help should be very useful.

Now I am no expert in this stuff, but I do know something, and here I tried to help you as best as I could.

try to join

c ya there;)

Don't worry about it, just go with the flow. I really can't help you without more details, sorry.

David K
Please email me if u want to talk to me at anytime . Need-help-with-life@hotmail. com you can also add me to msn messenger if u wish ,

onlyme Mr G



Kate S
You are not alone in you feelings. I suggest that you make an appointment to see a counselor. You sound depressed (duh, right?) It might just be that you are a little sad, or still young and figuring things out or you may have depression becase the serritonin in your brain isn't firing back and forth very good. There are medications you can take that can make that work properly. The counselor will talk to you about it. In addition, learning how to build your self confidence. coping skills will serve you your entire life. You can chose to see the good in your life or the bad. There will always be good and bad. When you concetrate on the good, the bad won't seem so bad. Also, I guarantee not everything in your life will go wrong. PROMISE!. You will learn who you are your entire life...its a journey and it changes. Relax and enjoy the good stuff. :-)Check out this website to gett some insight on some of it.

Sweetheart we all feel that way at times. Please speak to a professional about what you are feeling...Its not that you are crazy, it could be a number of problems that can easily be fixed ...do it today...lets get back on track here XOXO

"Wait in HOPE for the Lord. He is our help and our shield." Psalms 33:20

Joseph, II
Ok... -So you DO know that you need alittle help, so THAT'S a hopefull sign. And as for everything going wrong- STOP thinking about it- or you'll be ASKING for it to happen! Instead, take "stock (inventory)" of what you DO have- and build UP on that from there. NONE of us actually "controls" our lives. We ONLY are in charge of OURSELVES- and PROJECT that sense of empowerment onto the things around us that we choose to influence. YOU have the POWER to influence (by your choices) your surroundings. It's NOT "absolute" (unexpected little "surprises"- can occur at any time), but much more often than not- you're going to GET what you "ask for" (that's why I told you earlier- NOT to ask for trouble! -It becomes a self-fullfilling prophecy). Once you get a GRIP on what YOU want, then you can go after it. Want to "know yourself"? -Look in the mirror, and ASK. (!) Examine your thoughts, REAL feelings, and match them up with the kind of person you would LIKE to be. THAT done, you can begin the process of BECOMING that person. It WON'T be easy; & it's NOT going to happen overnight. But if you are bound & determined (come "high-water or New Orleans". :) ), that you are GOING to get your act "together" -it WILL happen!!! And that's not just "hope", it's a fact. SO pick yourself UP, dust yourself off, -& get at it !!! It's YOUR life- afterall... Good luck. :)

so you are feeling depressed/scared/lonley huh? i was depressed at one stime in my life. you just have to look on the bright side and just say everyday "im going to have a good day" and get your self out and do things to make you happy.
(i.e. go swimming, runnning, bikeing, ect.)

Listen, everyone has these thoughts from time to time. From children right on up to seniors citizens. Keep one thing in mind. If things go wrong you have the power to make them right. If you lose someone you are close to, dont think of it as a loss, think of it as, you were able to know someone who was so great and your life is better for it. If you lose a job, remember, that obviously wasnt the job you were supposed to have. If a partner breaks up with you, well then you will be available when the girl/guy of your dreams comes along.

You will be okay, everyone has these feelings, and it passes. Something really great comes along and you realize its not all bad. Dont be afraid to live for fear of things going wrong, because then you will miss out on the opportunity for things to go very right!!

something to remember. things never stay the same. you are you. and you better have hope or you have nothing. so get it. reach deep down and pull it up. you can do it. and if you believe in Jesus you will never ever be alone. so believe. good luck and God bless.

Yes, could you please share more info with us? How old are you? Are you on any meds right now? Seeing any doc's currently being depressed? How long have you been feeling like this? Please don't feel alone, somewhere out there, there is someone who either feels just like you do or there are people like myself that care about why you feel the way you do..........I know its hard right now but everything in life happens for a reason and although at the time the negative things are happening its difficult to imagine that they are for a reason but they truly are. You are going through a difficult time right now and if there isn't anyone by your side to talk to you can always talk to God. I am far from a religous person but do believe he listens to everything we say and helps us through difficult times in our life. Sit and talk it out outloud with him, I know it will help you and it will help me knowing you are doing that. Please let us know more and we can help you out a little more. I am thinking of you and know you will get through how you are feeling, you will :)

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