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 Dont you wish sometimes to curl up in a ball and die?

 Why am i depressed? is it because there are things i cant change? or is it because im ill?
to clarify. would i be depressed if everything was ok.. so am i just p*ssed off?
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you lovely kind people thanks. i cant do anti depressants. im fighting it . sometimes ...

 My fiance was a kidnap victim, who was raped and beaten for two years. She now suffers from PTSD..any advice?
I would like to know how to handle this delicately. The man responsible will be out of prison October of next year, and we will have to face him in court to make it ok for me to legally adopt the ...

 Is there anyone who can reassure me please?
i feel lost and i dont know who i am. i need hope. what if everything in my life goes wrong? i feel so alone, please help :-( thank you xxx
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aged 14, not on medicines, ...

 What is not good to do while sleeping?

 Im depressed. I think. I cant think a happy thought at all. Why?
Im 19 years old. I still live at home. I dont go out, i dont do anything fun. I dont have any friends in town, they all went off to college. Basically i have no friends. I go to a job i hate and i am ...

 What do i do in this situation? Preferably adults answer please!?
Ok so my fiancee and i are having problems. I am ADHD, and sometimes i cannot control the way I act. I am controlling and very demanding i dont listen and im mean. I hate this so much I cry everyday. ...

 If you see a homeless person who appears to be 'crazy', how do you think s/he became that way?
Do you think that life on the street did that to him or her, OR do you think that a mental problem led him/her to the street?...

 Someone burned my hair?
a group of idiotic boys burned my hair yesterday. it wasn't alot of hair that was burned off but what pisses me off is i dont even know these people and they just thought it would be funny to ...

 Why do people lie?

 I have a presentation to do in front of 50 people and im shy, if i get drunk before it will it make it easier?

 Why are extroverted people easy to forget their firends?

 Is it normal?
is it normal to be your own worst enemy? like, i hear a voice in my head thats a little like mine, but it trys to get me to do stuff, like, asking out a girl, or doing something crazy-uber. i dont ...

 Does MADNESS prevent INSANITY??
I know you may think i'm contradicting myself, but if you think about it.....Those people who are a little mad in their daily lives, like doing stupid acts and unexpected things such as doing a ...

 Are anti-depressants really the answer?
I have been going through some really difficult times with my marriage, my family and myself for some time.
My wife and I have been seeing different psychologists plus we go to two different ...

 Ok so what do u think of cutting if it is not done for attention, not done to kill ones self...read more.....?
okay so like if someone had been cutting only they did it like on their stomachs or somewhere where clothes covered it and someone accidentaly saw it and they said that the cutter had been doin it ...

 Can a person with Down Syndrome play an instrument?

 Is it safe to just double my medication?
I take anti-depressant Efexor (xl) 150mg daily but I feel really low. Is it safe to just double my dose until I can get to a doctor?

 I have a question for anyone who has dealt with people who cut themselves?
i work with a girl with this problem. she's 23, i'm 47. help me understand why she does this! she talks about it a little. she denied that she still does it, but recently admitted that ...

 How can i avoid that awful sunday evening pre - work depression?
sunday afternoons are always spend feeling down + preparing for another boring week at work
is there a way around this?...

Why am i like this?
since chilødhood i have a complex that i m ugly. no one has ever told me that and even ppl say my looks are above average but still i feel ugly and hate it when someone takes my photo during any occasion.why so? i need advice!!!!!!!!


How old are you? Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? If not, go patao someone. Went through the same thing.......now feel on top of the world.

scorpio girl
relax man...beauty is a matter of opinion. each person holds his/her own beauty. what truly matters is the person within. trust me you could be a beauty queen but with a f**ked up personality all the "beauty" is gone...

Maybe you just need to accept it as a "complex" and let it go,
most people go thru this at a younger age and teens, and all grow out of it.

Be patient, and replace the negative thoughts with positive ones.

It really does work. Tell yourself each day what beautiful eyes you have, nose etc.

work on it - - good luck

Donna B
Maybe you should go for counseling, I'm not being dumb. Also, apply at a modelling company, you'd be surprised! Could really boost your self esteem.

just be confident!!!!!!!!!!

basicly your saying your self concious....hmmmm....I'd say just 2 take a good look in the mirror and see what you think.If u still think your ugly ask someone you trust...like your mom! You think your ugly cause you never pictured your self as a beautiful person. Maybe you never think about your self 2 much....So just ask your mom or do something new 2 your face!! Good luck......

Travis S
This is a tough question to answer because there could be multiple reasons why you feel this way. A good thing to do would be to go to counseling so you and the doctor can analyze the problem, figure out exactly why you feel this way, and make some changes. I don't know if you exercise or not, but if you don't it could dramatically effect the way you feel about yourself. Another possibility could be a memory that makes you feel this way. You could also be a person who likes to hear someone tell them that they look handsome/beautiful. So try to figure out what makes you feel this way and fix it and like I said above counseling is the best way to do that. :)

* Deep Thought *
Somewhere in your childhood you probably had an experience that left a stain in your heart and in your mind.

In order to stop this, you must start with your thinking.
Think good thoughts about your self.

Start looking in the mirror each day, and tell yourself your are beautiful.
When you do something good, or complete a task, reward yourself, buy yourself something special, or give yourself flowers.

Start loving you, and appreciating you by counting your blessing, if you have 2 arms, legs, hands, feet, eyes, and do not have any serious skin conditons from being burned or scarred.

You have a lot to be thankful for, stop having a pity party, and enjoy your life, you have a lot to live for, and appreciate!

Everyone is amazing looking to someone, and each one of us has their own very different tastes. In general though, being attractive is simply about having symmetrical features, and confidence to some degree.

Saying that though, I hate the way I look as well and know where you're coming from.

Insurcurity. Maybe you havn't found yourself to be comfortable with yourself. Try reading some self-help books, discover who you are, got for it, you'll feel better, I know I did. If ya like to shop buy something that makes ya feel good even if it costs more. Go to the spa that helps too.

I know how you feel. Just start telling yourself you are beautiful and dont listen to your friends that say your looks are average, thats wrong, a real friend will tell you you are beautiful, i dont care if my friends had two heads they would still be beautiful to me.

under what parameter you are ugly? who cares, just do your best on what you do

I change my name72
Maybe your mom and dad never given you any complement.To me people are always pretty good looking on the out side.Why?Well,I say everybody has there own personality's.Me am fat but Am pretty in the face.To me if people don't like it .By all means don't look at it.Why again?I love it.Because I love myself.Plus If i don't somebody going to have to.Wright?

Indian beauty
This world has its own idea of beauty...U see it in the magazines and on Tv. Its everywhere! So there is so much pressure to look like like that, we even have negative thoughts to ourselves because we dont.

I had this problem too. Everyone always told me that I was ugly since I can remember. (And trust me I'm not ugly) I heard this so much that I eventually started tellin myself that. And I hated myself. Its funny how things work, because someone can say something negative about u and for the rest of your life it plays back in your head. Stop telling yourself that youre ugly and stop being your own worst enemy. Because youre not ugly.

I have had a similar experience. I remember looking into the mirror at age 5 and thinking how ugly I was. I actually won a beauty contest at one point. Think really hard. I believe it was a verbal abuser in my family who constantly made me feel unworthy-which caused the problem. I think you will be surprised how things impact you.

Mike M.
I know for a fact that you're not nearly as ugly as me. In fact, I'm so blumin' ugly I would make your worse nightmare seem like a pleasant dream.

Sweetie, don't be so rough on yourself. In a society today, it's hard because there is a lot of pressure on how you look. What you need is counseling. I used to be really hard on myself, and still sort of am to a degree, but it's a lot better now that I have counseling. They give you a lot of tips to help you feel better about yourself.

you think you are ugly? HA. Wait till you see my face, it'll give u nightmares. Trust me theres is no such thing is ugly or beautiful. Every one is samething, people just think they are attracted to eachothers. Sorry for my spellings.

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