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 Do i look fat in my bikini?

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This is me, went with my family to the Dominican in july, and had professional pics taken on beach, look at my ...

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 I am 5'6" and weigh 95 lbs and I feel flabby and fat....should I? help!?

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 What is the best way o lose weight?
i am only in 6th grde but i need to lose weight i need any solution. but i cant go threw a diet is the prob i just cant stay with it plz help!!!!!!!!!
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And maybe some spinach on the side??

Or should I just have on or the other?
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I need weight advice???? Please help? dont answer if you are not serious.?
I am an 11 year old girl and i am 5 feet 4 inches tall. I weigh about 102 pounds. I am very active because I play basketball, I am on competitive swim team, and I play tennis. But I still eat alot. I have usual meals, breakfast lunch and dinner, but i can't stand the feeling of being hungry. So most of the time my face is in the fridge. My arms, legs, face, and things like that arent chubby, my stomach isn't chubby, but when i band over there are big rolls of fat. I started doing sit ups and lifting weights with my mom, but nothings happening. So my question is, am I over weight if I am 5'4 and 102 pounds? Also, do you have any advice for my eating problem?

P.S. Thank you for reading it all if you did
Only Serious answers please
Keep in mind that i am 11 and 5'4. THAT IS TALL!!!!
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also, all the girls in my basketball, swimming, and tennis are soooo pretty and skinny!!! i am always covering my stomach with my arms cuz all of em are so skinny

Your not fat. I would sugguest watching what your snacking on and keep your portions in control. Excercise is good but don't go overboard. You also have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat so if your excercising and seem to be gaining weight but losing your so called "rolls" it is normal. Just don't let it consume you. You should be aware but not overly anxious. Soda and junkfood will wreak havoc on you. I don't know if you consume a lot of that but keep that in mind.

No way are you fat. You are a tooth pick. Just relax. Everyone has a roll when they bend over. I am 5'1 and 130 lbs, and guys just love my figure. You are a lot skinnier than me, and I just wen't to the doctor, and I am at a great weight. You are eating every thirty seconds because you are 11 and growing, also because you are very sporty and active. Hunger is your body's way of telling you that you need to eat more. Listen to it. And please, please, do not listen to anyone who tells you any different. I do not want some one who only weighs 102 lbs. to diet..that would be so, so dangerous. You know what, I bet you that you are probably every bit as thin and pretty as those other girls. You are just feeling self-conscious about all of the new changes that your body is going through. relax! Eat what you want. Your beautiful!

tri girl
I was you 10 years ago. I was very active in sports (swimming) and your height and weight. I knew I was skinny, but I always felt like I was fat because of my stomach rolls. Looking back and seeing pictures, I now know that it was nothing to worry about. We are always a lot harder on ourselves with the way we look . Just realize other people don't see you the way you see yourself. All those other girls you swim with are probably going through the same thing you are. And don't worry about being hungry. Because you are young and especially because you are so active, you need to eat a lot more than most people. There are lots of websites out there that calculate the amount of calories you burn doing certain activities (like swimming, sleeping or whatever) and you can see how many calories you burn everyday. That will give you an idea of the amount you need to take in to maintain your active lifestyle, but based on your weight now, you are doing just fine. Good luck!

You are not overweight. You are, however, very active, and growing, so you need to eat a lot, and get good nutrition. Don't worry about eating all the time, just make sure you are eating healthy and nutritional food. Milk, yogurt, lots of fresh fruit and vegies, whole grain cereals/bread, and lean meat. Stay away from the fast food, fried and deep fried foods, except for occassionally (once a week or less). Also, the occassional sweet is also okay ... the key is balance and focusing on healthy. Don't diet! Just eat healthy, and as much as you need to.

People carry their weight in different places, much of which is genetically determined. Also, you are still developing and growing ... places you may feel you have extra weight, may actually just be temporary things during the growth process. Keep active, eat nutritious foods, and enjoy life!

If in 3-4 years you still have concerns, consult a nutritionist, health advisor, or coach for their opinions. In the meantime, research all you can on good nutrition and good exercise.

Have a healthy life!

Universe Sista
Well because you are so active you are shedding more than you can imagine. Remember you're young and your metabolism burns at a certain rate however it burns faster depending on your activity. As we see you are very active. When you bend over I'm assuming the roles are just your skin so don' be alarmed. Remember women has a total 24% body fat because we carry babies. The good fat protects our organs etc... Also keep in mind that genetics play an important role. Ask your mom or dad if they had the same problem. We are all different with various metabolic rates.

Yes,I read your whole question. At 5'4" and102 lbs, and your 11, YOUR NOT FAT!! You're very active which burns off calories, and don't forget you're still growing.
If you're concerned about your water intake, try Crystal Light. You get the water without the calories. As for the other girls, everybody has their own body type.Give your self a chance to grow in to yours. By the way, swimming is one of the best overall exercises. You expend alot of calories so don't forget to eat alot of protein, fresh fruit, and green,leafy vegetables. A favorite treat wouldn't hurt once in awhile either!

You may have genes working against you. Don't worry too much about the weight. However compulsive eating is another matter. Discuss it with your doctor and maybe get some counciling. CED is not something to fool around with. It can ruin your life.

medusa morada
I reeeeeeeeeally think you are far to young to worry about that kind of subject.
And if it makes you feel better, I don't think you are fat at all!!!! Just keep exercising, and keep yourself busy that way you won't have time to think about food and go to the fridge.

Granny 1
Your not fat! If your snacking on sweets, try carrots, celery sticks and fruit. Talk to your Mom and let her know how your feeling, I just bet she'll be a big help.

At 5'4" and 102 pounds, you are not overweight. It is normal for you to have a high metabolism (to be hungry all the time) when you are exercising every day and eating regularly. Obviously, try to avoid snacks that are empty calories - go for fruits and veggies and low-fat protein, but don't worry so much about the rolls - even super models have rolls on the sides when they bend - that's just our anatomy. Pay more attention to how your clothes fit and how energized you feel.

You still have a lot of growing to do, so don't get super anxious about anything just yet. Keep exercising and making good choices with your food and you won't have any trouble. If your feelings about your weight/ body image don't change - or get worse, please talk to your mom about seeing a counselor who can talk with you about your eating. Good luck!

Vulcan 1
Your not over weight yet
But you better start eating the right foods or you will be when your 25

When your hungry grab an apple or banana
stay away from fried foods and sweets.

Ok, you need to eat 6 smaller meals a day so you are not eating 3 bigger meals and then searching for more foods. Here is a healthy eating plan I would advise: If you want to do this it is for life so you need to totally change your way of eating and exercising. This is not a diet rather than a healthy eating plan for life. So no more talking diet cause it means time limit.

Here are the golden rules:
Initially cut down to 1200 (women) - 1500 (men) calories.
Exercise 6 times per week for 1 hours a day. Do three weight sessions and three cardio sessions. No gym involved if you don't have the access.
Don't eat carbs after 4pm, never eat carbs within 2 hours of exercise or within 1 hour of exercise.
Drink 3 litres of water per day. You can have a green tea at the end of the day.
Limit your fruit in take to 2 pieces per day.
Never eat dinner after 6pm.
Adopt of low GI eating plan this is sustainable for life!
Make low fat dairy choices

Follow this menu plan as a suggestion:
Breakfast 7am - 1 cup hot water w lemon
20 minutes later have a bowel of oats w water (no honey) OR
fruit salad w low GI soy yogurt
Snack 10am - pear or apple (both low GI)
Lunch 12.30pm - muligrain sandwich w 50g tuna & salad (no butter)
Snack 3pm - low GI yogurt OR skim berry smoothie (no honey or banana) plenty of ice, 1/2 cup skim milk & 1/4 cup yogurt
Dinner 5.30pm - 120g grilled lean meat/fish/prawns/tofu patties (not fried) w spinach salad & mixed vegies (no whites, carbs) OR 3 egg white/soy omlette with ham, cheese and tomato
Snack - 1 scoop of low cal low fat ice cream (if hungry)

Exercise is must be intense. Refer to www.bodybuilding.com for your weights routine. Never do weights two consecutive days have a cardio day in between.

Cardio needs to include running, go hard up stair wells and cycling. If you have access to a gym include boxing and spin classes as well. You get the most benefits from exercise when your body is totally fatigued and this is when you see changes.

To maintain you can increase calories to 1500 (women) - 1800 (men) and reduce exercise sessions to 3-4 times per week. If weight creeps up again due to holiday period etc.. go back to 1200 (women) - 1500 (men) cal and 6 sessions again.

Good luck it worked for me it can work for anyone.

I think you are at your IDEAL weight. As far as your eating goes, I think it is the amount of activities that you have that contributes to the spuratic eating. Don't let it worry U though. By age 15 you will be firm, toned, and a complete beauty queen. So, keep with the physical activity and try and balance your eating and you should be fine.

I agree. 11 is too young to worry about being fat. You ain't fat.

You are absolutely no over-weight. I had the same thing too before I had kids, and I was 5' 3" and less than 100 lbs. Looking at girls now I think they look good with a little bit of shape in they're stomachs. I'm still thin but after having 3 kids I have no muscle tone in my stomach. I would suggest however you keep up the sit-ups because you may still have the same problem I do with less muscle tone and having kids someday will ruin what's there. I say show it off!

It's called baby fat. You aren't overweight or unhealthy but your body shape has not changed yet. Keep up the sports/exercise,eat a healthy balanced diet and when your hormones kick in I'm thinking you'll be very pleased.

I think that since you are active - you probably go to the doctor on a regular basis (most schools now want a doctor's permission that you're healthy & fit) ask the family doctor. But, I think that if you start drinking more fluids that may fill you up. Crystal light has a lot of different flavors - only 5 calories. You're buring energy since you are so active. Eat protein and fresh fruits. Turkey patties, Chicken Beast, eggs, cheese. Also, before you go to practice and even after - eat a banana. They are good for taking that hunry feeling away. Eat balanced meals - cause you need carbos too. But in between - eat the suggested items - low calories.

Keep your MIND active - your body is active - keep your mind active and off of food.

Good luck.

you aren't fat and eleven is to young to worry about it

Sweetheart, you are 11. You are COMPLETELY normal. There is nothing wrong with your weight. The hardest thing is accepting yourself for who you are. Look, 102 lbs for a 5'4 11 year old is completely normal. Stop worrying! Say it with me... Completely normal. Enjoy your childhood.

libby d
You are definitely not overwieght. I would guess that your involvement in so many sports has kept your weight in check. Although, if you are not eating properly now, then if you would ever cut back on your sports you may put on some weight. My motto for staying healthy and eating healthy is just eating everything god given. I read the other day in Woman's Health magazine that adding green tea to a work out helps burn off
excess fat where woman tend to store it the most. This might be
beneficial to you in shrinking your belly. They suggested 1-2 glasses before the workout and to eat extra protein like fish, eggs, cheeses, peanut butter and lean meats. Have mom keep alot
of healthy snack around. Try making portion sizes of a few favorites and putting them in baggies to carry around with you when you get the urge to snack you will have healthy ones available to you immediately. Also, try snacking 4-5 times a day
on healthy stuff to avoid getting to the point where you are starving
which will cause you to overeat. Good luck!

eat some sunflower seeds instead of a meal or drink water before you eat a meal,because you won't eat as much.

You do not need to lsoe any weight. I have weight probelms and I drink water before I eat anything. It takes 20 mins for your brain to know if you are really hungry of just thirsty. It is better to eat 5 small meals throughout the day rather than 3 huge ones. I hope this helps.

You are not fat!!!! You're body is going through natural changes. Talk to your mom about it and tell her your concerns. She sounds like she's willing to help you.

It is very inportant for you, at your age, to eat enough so that you will develop. As long as you are eating a variety of healthy foods, and not just "junk" food, then you are doing great by listening to your body and eating when it tells you that you are hungry. Aslo, it sounds like you are incredibly active! Your body needs lots of feul for basketball, swimming, tennis, sit ups and weight lifting.
The reason why you think you have "rolls of fat" when you bend is that flesh is flexible and moves around. It is just your flesh and muscles moving. So, keep exercising and don't worry about eating too much!

i am 12 years old. i feel the sm way 2. i'm very active...but i NEVER lose any weight!! i know just how u feel. when i go to the swimming pool i always put a shirt over my bathing suit, because i think im fat. when ur tall u tend to have more weight then the smaller girls which is totally normal. im like 5' 4'' also and i weigh 110-115. i feel so bluh!

Lakewood, WA
Your weight sounds about right to me. Remember that you are still 11 yrs. old and growing, its not always healthy for a young girl like you to be on an intense diet like older women. My advice for you is to eat healthy 3 square meals a day. It also sounds like you are extremely active so when you get the munchies, don't starve your body, feed it something; a granola bar, veggies, or what I found what works with me.....milk. Milk is a good filler when you get the munchies because the cream in it coats your stomach. Don't worry about the other girls on your team, they're probably skin and bone. I'm in college now and I found out that a man likes to see curves on a woman not bones.

Stop worrying about your weight. Please. You are a healthy, growing young person. You SHOULD be eating - your body is telling you that the activities you are engaged in are using the calories you intake the way it is supposed to. That is why you are hungry. Depriving yourself of food is dangerous to your development. Strenuous exercise on top of your activities/sports is unnecessary and dangerous.

Please relax and enjoy your childhood. You do not have to worry about the very normal, very healthy 'rolls'. Your body is growing and changing and anything you do right now in terms of strength training can cause undue stress to your bones and muscles, which are still in their development.

You are tall for your age and 102 is very slender. Muscle weighs more that fat, so never use your weight number to determine your body health. As far as 11 yrs old, 5'4" AND 102 lbs. you need not concern yourself about your weight at all.

From what you describe about yourself, you seem pretty fit, and very active. Also you height vs. weight is in good shape. To me you don't look over weight. Try having you fat measured, but for a person you age, I wouldn't be to concerned, you still burn it off fast. An other thing you might want to pay attention to is the things that you eat?! If you are eating healthy, then don't worry, but if you are snacking on chips, ice cream and other junk foods containing so called 'transfats' then I would try to curb that, and satisfy you hunger with more healthier choices, like nuts, cereal bars, fruit, yogurts, and greens, like celery, cherry tomatoes. Also good sandwiches with breads what contain more the 2 grams of fiber should help you out. But all in all, I don't think you are overweight. The fat you think you see when bending over is normal, when I bend over I have the same thing, this is normal, and I am fit, believe, I box. Good Luck

At 5'4" and 102lbs, you are not overweight. Pediatrician first and ask him to explain why this may be happening to you. Also, you are an athlete. You will build muscle (which has been found to be heavier than fat) quickly...and while doing that burning fat in the process.

Honestly, I think that at age 11 I was always in the fridge like yourself and very active. But the more active you are, the more calories you need to sustain a healthy body so that you can continue to succeed in sports. So while in that fridge, just reach for healthier options. Lots of fruits, veggies, proteins, etc...and limit your intake of sweets, sodas, etc...

Oh yeah, Sit-ups help develop the muscle under the fat...I would suggest introducing a cardio program along with your ab work to show better results.

These things take time and do not attempt to rush any results. So, all in all, talk to your doctor, include a cardio program along with the things you are currently doing, and just enjoy being a young woman.

Hope this helped a bit!

Hon, there is nothing wrong with CONSIDERING your health and weight at this age, but as the others have stated, do not give in to the media hype to OBSESS about it!

EDUCATE yourself about what *proper* weight IS, and you will have ammunition against such thoughts, or others' comments.

Your proper weight depends on a LOT of factors. Here is some reliable information to help you understand that and the overall *weight* issue you have perhaps heard discussed so adamantly.


Best wishes, dear--keep active, eat right, and most likely the rest will take care of ITSELF! :D

PS in regard to YOUR PS--

Back in the dark ages, I was in Life Saving class with one of those girls--same height, LARGER build than me, but a good twenty pounds less. It was KILLER trying to *do* the lifesaving tasks with her, especially when she had to *carry* me above her as she swam on her back across the pool, her poor body gave new definition to the word BONY! :(

Back then we did not have a name for what she was--today that word is WELL KNOWN--it is simply THIS:


Do those who love you a favor--NEVER let that be YOU. Ask your Mom and Dad who Karen Carpenter was................ :(

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