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 Is popcorn fattening?
Is the movie theater popcorn fattening? I don't get butter on it. Also is orvelle redenbackers popcorn fattening i eat the light butter kind. I am trying to tighten my stomach and my upper chest....

 Please answer!!!!!!!?
age : 13
height : a little over 5 ft
weight :about 120 lbs (54kg)
body frame : medium

am i overweight or am i ok for the moment?
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 I'm 18 about 5 6 and weigh 120 is that ok?
I'm just curious what is the average weight for a female my age and my height....

 Ladies, what are the best ways to lose weight?
I'm a size 16 to 18 and would really like to lose some weight - I've already come down a bit, I was a 20 at one point, so I'm dead pleased but now I just need to lose a bit more, maybe ...

 Is this person anorexic or naturally thin?
Is this person anorexic or naturally thin? I have a feeling he's only joking around being anorexic on his blog (i emailed him and that's what he said and he also said he doesnt have an ...

 Help and please don't make fun of me?
iam 12 i weight 180.5 and am over weight HELP me i want to look skinny also am 5'7 please help i am so unhealthy
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 Do you really get fat after high school?
the picture below is me as of now...
im 17, 5'3, and about 111 lbs. i play softball and soccer almost year around. i swim constantly throughout the summer. i LOVE junk food. i can ...

 Am i annorexic?
i used to be happy with my self.. but recently many things have just gone bad in my life and i dont have anycontrol of them
the only thing i can control is my body
lately iv been eating ...

 I wish to stop smoking pot but will i get fat if a do?
as smoking pot speeds up your matabalisom I am coNcernd if i stop smoking pot and eat the same 3 meals a day as i do allready will i get fat as my matabalisom will be much slower
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 Is it bad to weigh 89 pounds and be i the 8th grade?

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im bout 5'1...

 Why are americans fat? What do they eat for their meals? Burgers and burgers??
I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I saw an old episode of Oprah and she said more than half of the american population are overweight.
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 Am i FAT??
i am 13 (14 in two months) 5'4 and 105 pounds in the morning

am i fat?

please help because i always feel disgusting and i dont know what to ...

 How the hell do I gain some weight?
Im 5'3 106 pounds,I eat bugers,pizza,bacon,every unhealthy food I could think of.When I eat,I go to sleep and is it any way I could slow down my metabolism....

 Can any body suggest me 5 easy steps to lose weight?
My weight at present is 89 kgs .i'quickly want to lose weight before my on campus placement commences. I'm final year student of pharmaceutical sciences....

 Do you get less hungry a few days after fasting?
i'm beginning to fast friday and i would like to know if during school hours next monday (i have this week off) if my stomach is going to growl during class?


 I want to loose weight i am 5"2 and 189 lbs i don't eat alot of junk but i drink soda if i cut out the soda
would i drop most of my weight?And also what is the best tasting diet soda?...

 Am i fat.........................
My sister always says Im fat when she's mad and want to yell at me.

I'm 5 feet 3 inches. I weigh 101 lbs. My sister always i mean always calls me fat, and i think she is seriuos. ...

 Should i become anorexic just till i like my body?
im 14 and fat no joke.im not one of those girls who freak out over 1 or 5 pounds im literally fat at the verge of hitting 300 pounds!!!!!i know that anorexia is bad and so is bulimia but im so sick ...

 Which is better for me?
Should I make a corn dog or an ice cream cone?...

 Does drinking too much Diet coke make you fat?
Although diet coke or coke Zero have no calories I read somewhere that the chemicals in the drinks can slow weight loss and actually cause you to retain weight? Please clear this up for me??...

Michelle S
Slimfast - does it work?
I've never been on a diet before, but have decided I could do with losing about half a stone. I'm looking at the Slimfast diet - does it work? Have any of you tried it? What sort of results did you have and do you have any advice? Thanks very much.

Mmmm, yes, if you think you can stick to it - but lets face it, a watery milkshake for breakfast is not really a substitute for some nice fat, juicy crumpets, is it? My point is, if you like your food, it is better to try some delicious but healthy substitutes, that way you're less likely to get bored with the diet and give up!

Just give it ago and if you can feel yourself loosing weight keep at it! I wasnt keen on it when I was on it! You get alot of wind lol x

Susan S
To lose weight, a person has to reduce the calorie intake by some amount by modifying their diet. A diet without sufficient nutrients will only increase the appetite of the person trying to lose weight. Since most people combine a diet with an exercise plan, additional nutrients are required for the growth of muscles required to increase the metabolic rate required for long term weight loss. More information available at http://tinyurl.com/jax5h

Annie M
No dont have that rubbish its full of crap. Instead just cut out all the biccies/crisps fatty food that you currently eat and live on healthy stuff for 2 weeks and you will lose the weight.

In a word 'No'

didnt work for my mate. xxx

Yes it does work until you start eating normally again. So you have to stay on it for the rest of your life if you want to keep the weight off.

Good luck x

It does work, but with "excercise". It's a gradual loss, but then more likely to stay off. Don't forget to still have one sensible meal a day. Slimfast on it's own is not good for you. I have a banana shake in front of me now. Some of their range are quite tasty. Be lucky

Didnt for me sorry.

well it works as long as you stay on it.but once you stop taking it the weight comes back plus more.i would suggest the south beach diet to you.

I've tried Slim Fast a couple of times and I did not get any results. It made me feel more hungry .... then I got to the point where I just drank it because I loved the taste of the milk choc. one.... it was like I was having a choc. milkshake....... it did not work for me, but everyone's body is different as is everyone's metabolism. What works for one person may not work for someone else. All you can do is try it and see how it works for you.

good luck

yes it works but it only works because you are limiting the amount of food you are putting inside yourself. it would be absolutely no different to having a moderate sized cereal breakfast with semi skimmed milk and glass of juice. It will not work if you have a shake for breakfast and then crappy food for the rest of the day.

named diets are stupid really - all you have to do is cut down on fatty foods and exercise more - you dont have to start drinking shakes or cutting out carbo's etc, just watch the fatty stuff, eat anything else you want in moderation and get out more.

make a lifestyle change by a just a bit and that half a stone will go forever. go on a slimfast diet and you'll put it back on as soon as you stop drinking shakes.

Slimfast works as a quick fix option, but as soon as you start eating normally again the weight will just go back on.

My best advice would be follow a healthy eating plan, drink plenty of water and exercise at least 3 times a week, that way you'll lose weight, tone up and keep it off.

the best way to lose weight and keep it off is eat less and do more....

lower your calorie intake and exercise more - this is the healthiest way to lose weight and you will keep it off

Never try slimfast diet. The best way is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Exercise everyday for half an hour to burn out fat.Get a good fibre supplements to help your body gets all the unwanted waste out. Drink plenty of water. Less meat and more vegetables in your meal will surely help you to slim down.Slimming diet s from the counter usually make you feel full which is bad for your health.

No....it's a slimming aid!

I tried it recently and I haven't seen an improvement, so the best way forward is to definitely eat loads of fruit and veg, drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.

I know that although this should help, if you are in a job that doesn't give you a lot of free time it can be difficult, but just try having small regular meals, using fruit as snacks instead of the usual junk.

I am sure that with a little planning people can find the time to do somethng that fits in with their lifestyle.

When I was a student, my housemate once made up some Slimfast from powder and left it in the fridge overnight. The following day it was full of weevels. Ewwww!

it does work until you stop useing it then you go back to a normal diet and the weight goes back on just try eating better and more excersise to get that weight off

Tudor B
No, its a con. Exercise and a balanced diet is the only way.

Dustin S
I tried it once, drank one of those dang things with every meal. Gained weight faster than Oprah at a picnic.

Sherona B
I think it definetly does. It did for me. I lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks. I was exercising as well. Everytime i think i need to loose a few pounds i go on a slim fast diet and it does work. I am currently doing one now. I use the shakes and soups as my meal replacements. I have a shake for breakfast about 9am, a banana as a snack 11am, i have a proper lunch at 1pm another snack at 3:30 (maybe apple) and then i have the soup for dinner at around 6:30. I am not at all hungry throughout the day so i do not feel deprived. Also to maximise results, it would be advisable to increase your exercise level.

Good luck.

nope, best eat less and no snacking

It worked for my husband, who, along with exercise and slimfast has lost two stone. He started on slimfast for breakfast and lunch and dinner of 600 cals then moved to slimfast for breakfast 600 cals for lunch and 600 cals for dinner. He's lost four inches around his waist and looks brilliant - his bum is now to die for and (much to my dismay) smaller and perter than mine! Go for it and good luck!

Slimfast has about 300 calories a can, thats about the same as a sandwich or morethan a bowl of cereal. Which would you prefer?
Id recommend a balanced, calorie controlled diet combined with excersise rather than slimfast.
If it really worked, why are there still so many overweight people going about?

Emma W
I was never a fan of the slimfast diet. The shakes don't fill me up, and I am reaching for the biscuit jar half an hour later. Try just cuting down on the fatty foods and upping the exercise. That half a stone should just fall off.

it works but it stops when you stop and you can't keep at it forever. Because you have to stop you will will will put that half a stone back on. It is common sense. I have seen many fail on that stuff in the long run. go to www.southbeachdiet.com, or just get the book. you will lose that weight in a couple of weeks and you will keep it off.

Donna M
It does work if you stick with it. But, be warned, those shakes (esp. coffee mocha) are yummy - and I can polish off two or three in a row, which defeats the purpose, really.

In the longterm NO!
Half a stone is really no weight at all, who told you you had to lose it? I am sure you are just lovely as you are! But if you are determined here is what twenty years of dieting and three years counselling for an eating disorder have taught me.....excuse the capitals it's a subject that can make me over excited! :)
What the diet industry doesn't tell you (because it makes sooooo much money) is that dieting actually makes you FAT! When you give your body much less food than it needs it slows down your metabolism and actually sets the body up to store more fat as it thinks we are in a famine (left over from evolutionary times). Therefore, when you lose weight too quickly as soon as you start eating anywhere near normally the body goes "thank god food! I better store as much of this as possible in case there is another famine". So you actually can eat LESS than you did before you started dieting and still gain weight....so then you go on another crash diet and make your body even more paranoid....and it becomes a vicious cycle! Annoyingly this doesn't happen so much with men as they are not horomonally constructed to store fat for reproduction and have more muscle mass. THE ONLY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT SAFELY is to EAT WHEN YOUR HUNGRY. STOP WHEN YOU'RE FULL and EXERCISE! Which is admittedly a pain as it's no instant cure but there are NO instant cures no matter what the diet industry tells you! As soon as you start crash dieting that's you on a diet for life!
Go swimming three times a week , walk more, go dancing, whatever exercise you like, and that will actually speed-up your metabolism and make you better at burning fat. If you also eat mostly healthy food, lots of veg, brown rice, lean meat, fish, fruit, low fat yoghurt, that will help enormously, tho the occasional chocolate bar, pizza and alcoholic drink will do you no harm. The important thing is NOT TO EAT LESS but to DO MORE. Listen to your body it knows what you need so eat when your hungry and stop when your full (not stuffed) however much it takes to fill you and you'll do fine.

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