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 Is this person anorexic or naturally thin?
Is this person anorexic or naturally thin? I have a feeling he's only joking around being anorexic on his blog (i emailed him and that's what he said and he also said he doesnt have an ...

 Help and please don't make fun of me?
iam 12 i weight 180.5 and am over weight HELP me i want to look skinny also am 5'7 please help i am so unhealthy
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 Do you really get fat after high school?
the picture below is me as of now...
im 17, 5'3, and about 111 lbs. i play softball and soccer almost year around. i swim constantly throughout the summer. i LOVE junk food. i can ...

 Am i annorexic?
i used to be happy with my self.. but recently many things have just gone bad in my life and i dont have anycontrol of them
the only thing i can control is my body
lately iv been eating ...

 I wish to stop smoking pot but will i get fat if a do?
as smoking pot speeds up your matabalisom I am coNcernd if i stop smoking pot and eat the same 3 meals a day as i do allready will i get fat as my matabalisom will be much slower
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 Is it bad to weigh 89 pounds and be i the 8th grade?

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im bout 5'1...

 Why are americans fat? What do they eat for their meals? Burgers and burgers??
I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I saw an old episode of Oprah and she said more than half of the american population are overweight.
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 Am i FAT??
i am 13 (14 in two months) 5'4 and 105 pounds in the morning

am i fat?

please help because i always feel disgusting and i dont know what to ...

 How the hell do I gain some weight?
Im 5'3 106 pounds,I eat bugers,pizza,bacon,every unhealthy food I could think of.When I eat,I go to sleep and is it any way I could slow down my metabolism....

 Can any body suggest me 5 easy steps to lose weight?
My weight at present is 89 kgs .i'quickly want to lose weight before my on campus placement commences. I'm final year student of pharmaceutical sciences....

 Do you get less hungry a few days after fasting?
i'm beginning to fast friday and i would like to know if during school hours next monday (i have this week off) if my stomach is going to growl during class?


 I want to loose weight i am 5"2 and 189 lbs i don't eat alot of junk but i drink soda if i cut out the soda
would i drop most of my weight?And also what is the best tasting diet soda?...

 Am i fat.........................
My sister always says Im fat when she's mad and want to yell at me.

I'm 5 feet 3 inches. I weigh 101 lbs. My sister always i mean always calls me fat, and i think she is seriuos. ...

 Should i become anorexic just till i like my body?
im 14 and fat no joke.im not one of those girls who freak out over 1 or 5 pounds im literally fat at the verge of hitting 300 pounds!!!!!i know that anorexia is bad and so is bulimia but im so sick ...

 Which is better for me?
Should I make a corn dog or an ice cream cone?...

 Does drinking too much Diet coke make you fat?
Although diet coke or coke Zero have no calories I read somewhere that the chemicals in the drinks can slow weight loss and actually cause you to retain weight? Please clear this up for me??...

 Whats the fastiest way to lose alot of weight?
Whats the fastiest way to lose alot of weight in a short period of time? What can i do and how much weight could i lose in three months? ...

 I am exercising 5 days a week for 1 hr to 2 hrs but not loosing weight, after 3 or 4 months!!?
It is so frustrating because I go from no exercise to exercising and feel like I have gained. I started doing 60 minutes cardio, but they said that wasn't good, so I went down to 45 minute ...

 Losing som belly fat :)?
what type of work out should i do to lose belly fat im already eating healthy but i need to ...

 Help :-( im TOO skinny!!!?
i am 12 years old and have a bad problem
i am REALLY skinny! but i mean really. im not anorexic but i look it. all my friends are atleast 80 -100 and im 75!!!! my waist line is only 23 in! :...

Am I at a good weight or are people fooling me???HELP?
I am 13 and am 5'1 at 121-125 pounds. Whenever I look in the mirror I just see a chubby girl, my mom and sis tell me that I am just having illusions in my brain and that I am not fat and that i have a cute body but I just feel really fat and miserable 'cause all the girls at my school are soooo SKINNY and have flat stomachs... SO, am i really fat or Is everyone telling me the truth ?????

You're average, though on the tad bir heavier side of average, I believe. BUT YOU ARE AT AN AVERAGE WEIGHT.

But don't worry, when I was 13, I was around 180 lbs at around your height. :D But I lost most of it, and am 5'4" and around 120-125.

You may think you're fat, but that's because you compare yourself to people who are 5'6" and are like, 100 lbs. It's in your subconsious. No worries.


i'm sure the people that love you are telling you the truth, you're also not done growing so i'm sure you'll get some height on you as you get a little older which will probably thin you out (even though your weight is fine.)

ari h
your weight is fine. your not chubby u just think that u r so it looks like that in the mirror cuz thats what your looking for

Emstr P
No one can tell you the "right" weight to be. You are at a fine weight. when i was 13 i was 117 pounds. sure you may think you are chubby but you are just growing and if you have doubts, don't! You are different and thats REALLY cool! : )
Hope i helped! : )

7th heaven freak
I looked on this website.

You are fine look at the medium build. Don't worry I have a tummy 2!!!!

Here is the website see for urself


Your fine.

Don't worry.

Go on google and find a BMI caculator. I'd say that would be somewhere between a 21-3 , and anything between 18 and 25 is considered normal and fine.


Sticky Wicket
I checked your Body Mass Index and it says your healthy


Kinda have to see a picture of what you look like, but im sure your family is right. that is an average size for your height... nothing to worry about. =)

cutest of the cute
but if you are uncomfortable with your body you wouldnt be annorexic to loose a couple pounds

You are at a good weight! What if you could not gain weight? What is the concern about youthful weight? Who are you comparing yourself to? What makes them be the perfect yardstick?

Pretty birds ♥
You are roughly at the right weight. Try exercising a bit more and toning up. Remember to be confident because that means more than the number that the scale spits out at you.

S h o r t y ♥
no your not fat, your weight is perfect for that height!. just because you look at a bunch of girls that are skinnier than you, you start thinking your fat because your fatter than them. dont go crazy now!theres alot of girls that start stressin out about their weight and end up having diseases. you can have a flat stomach by excercising... trust me with a flat stomach you'll feel better

I was your weight when I was 13 and I was five even.
I'm still five even at 105 and people tell me I'm a stick.
I feel the same way you do, but I think you're fine.

no i think your weight is fine

you can consult a height and weight table to see how you measure up.


according to this table you are normal

your friends who are soooo skinny may be very unhealthy too!

why is that important im 12 1/2 and i weigh more than u but im still really pretty and its not like ppl really care they care more about ur personality and if ur skinny and mean then they probably wont carre about u but if u got a good personality it dolesnt matter if ur chubby!!!!! my guess is U R BEAUTIFUL AND ALWAYS WERE SO STOP COMPARING URSELF TO OTHERS!!!!!!! P.S. im not fat but im not skinny either ima grl who knows how to eat

Kaтie Kiтson™
Yea for your height thats huge.

Gasgano 55
It doesn't seem to me it's that bad. You might be a little chubby, just enough to be cute, unlike the skinny kind that you can see the bones from.

My GF's 5'4" and about that weight, and she's not fat. Just comfortable. 3" won't make you a monster, that's for sure.

It's hard to say without seeing you, but I don't think that's an unhealthy weight. Your mom and sister are right, you do have a cute body. It isn't stick thin like all those other girls. If it's really bugging you, start jogging or swimming or whatever, that way you can get more toned. Toned is so much better than stick-thin.

Also, maybe consider talking to someone about the thoughts you're having before they get out of hand and you start to have an eating disorder.

I'm not a doctor - A good source to rely on is your family doctor. Keep in mind that you are young and still growing. Try to eat healthy and exercise daily. Society today makes young people feel like they are not 'perfect' because you are not what EVERYONE else is .....
Be healthy! God Bless

Amy R
Hmmmm - according to the age-adjusted calculator below, your BMI is 23.6, and you are overweight for your age and height - not grossly overweight or anything, but chubby might be close. So you might feel a little better if you lost a few pounds - you can do more walking and try running some sprints while you walk and you can try to consume less sugar by drinking water instead of sodas and saying no to cookies and other deserts most nights. You do not need to starve yourself by any means - just eat more vegetables and fewer junk things like candy or fruit juice or potatoe chips. Pick your foods for value most of the time and limit the days you allow yourself to eat less-healthy things - the weight will come right off at your age.

if ure not really comfortable with ure body. do some excercise and diet. that will improve ure body and help u feel good too.

Jesse =D
I'm 17 5'2 and 140lbs. I am a little to thick. I look great and have a flat tummy at 120lbs. And your only an inch shorter so I think you are fine sweetie. Don't listen to people on this site that tell you differently because people like them are the reason so many women turn anorexic.

Your weight is good! Trust me, it might be hot now for those girls to be supppper skinny but when you are older and the guys are looking for hot girls...they wont be looking for the ones with their bones sticking out of their bodies!

stephy d
not fat

maybe your like 10 or 15 pounds overweight

You could be on the upper side of normal. Check the source for yourself. You may have to watch your diet and get enough exercise, but do not get in a hurry to lose a lot of weight. At 13 you still have some growing to do.

I <3 CHOCO!!!!! =)
I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I think you need to lose some weight, but not a lot. The average weight is 103 for 13 year old girls. I think you're fine. Don't worry about it, you're only 13. But who cares close enough plus this is where you are growing. Don't compare youself to others.

Amanda S
That seems to be an appropriate weight for your height. You are 13, and at the age, no one thinks they look skinny enough, or pretty enough, or they are too fat, etc. Eat right, exercise, and create a lifestyle that will carry through the years and you are good to go!

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