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 There's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis!?

 Why do i wake up in the morning...?
and not feel like doing anything, i just feel like nothing is worth it, im not gonna kill myself, and this isnt a cry for attention i would just like some opinions ...

 Im a rape victim, what can i do?
last year i was raped, now i find myself having commitment issues, i dunno wot to do.. does anyone have any ideas to help me get over it except for therapy
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 When you are depressed, what do you do to feel better?
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with ur ...

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 Cure for depression that doesn't involve pills, god, or a dumb hobby?

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I said no god and no pills! So all you pill poppers and god lovers please pay attention....

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random person
Do u think they will put me in a mental hospital?
I'm only asking this because my mom mentioned it to me the other day. I had cut myself that night, have been doing it for a year, and she found out. She said, "Next time you do that, I'm going to commit you". I have depression, OCD, and bulimia. I either starve myself or binge (occasionally purge), never eat normally, and have gotten sick because of it. I've been an outpatient for about 7 months, and I'm only seeming to get worse. I have thoughts of severely hurting myself (like putting myself in the hospital) NOT suicidal though, but I used to be suicidal. I really feel like I'm going to do it. I'm 14 years old.
I'm on medication too, 150mg of Zoloft.
I have been seeing a therapist for a year as well.
I've tried to stop...but something in my head (NO i don't hear voices) tells me that I'm still fat and need to starve and hurt myself.
Thanks x

no i don't think they will put you away they will try something different. Now do you ever think about anyone other then yourself? do you know how to feel someone else's pain they are having in life? Do you know how to love someone? How do you feel when you see someone hurt?

your not fat but i think they can put u in a mental hospital do u go to counseling

tHa PregO Nurse is 21 weeks!!
Honey honestly that would probably be the best thing for you. If your still doing all of that with medication. You do need to seek medical help.

Michelle C
They probably will put you in a mental hostpital, you just need to try to get better little by little and step by step, its going to take time because your body is so use to doing what you been doing....hope you get better!!

why dont you talk about it with a pastor or any christian leader? they may help you spiritually.. don't worry i'll pray for you..

Doesnt Matter
well my friend actually had many experiences like this and im sorry your going through it and i know its hard but u can get through it just like she did/is. make sure to stay close to family and the people who mean most and just get comfort.. oh and one more thing im positive your not fat so just relax on that.. and if u think you are cause ppl call u it ignore them.. life's to short for this stuff.. live life to the fullest. be young think smart and follow your heart.. everything happens for a reason.. this is just an obstacle in your way.. im sure u can concur it

Perhaps some time away is what you really need. Obviously, what's happening now is not working, so maybe the next step is what's needed for you and your future. Maybe you should make the choice yourself and decide to have some time away.

You need to be honest with your therapist. Nobody wants you to be unhappy, depressed and self-destructive.

Your actions are scary.

Do they scare you, too?

Are you afraid of what might happen to you if you keep going in the direction you are going?

You need to care about yourself and see yourself in a better light. When you do, then you will treat yourself better.

Do what you have to do to make sure that you are healing and getting better.

What do you think the consequences are going to be? Can you see a bright future? if not, then you need to make changes and NOW.

You and your mom can only take so much, right?

john N
I cannot hope to know who you are from just a few lines, but I'll give my thoughts.

Well... I think she may try, but I would say she would do it only because she loves you and needs you and feels totally helpless. You're mom feels like she needs professional help to be a better parent.

One thing you may want to consider though you may not like it...you can preempt your mom and check in to the hospital yourself.

That would show you recognize that there is a problem, and that you are responsible enough to seek help to solve it. It would show that you do have control over yourself and are humble enough to know that you may not be able to solve it alone. Later on in your life people will respect you for being mature enough to make such difficult decision at such a young age.

Who knows? You may find it a valuable experience that you will value later in your life.

You seem pretty aware of yourself, so ultimately, it's up to you. You are in control. Think about it and do what seems right- hopefully the path you choose will make you and the people that love you happier.

Besides, it seems kinda of a waste to go through so many years of suffering without experiencing the good stuff in life. It's like paying and waiting in a long boring line for a fun ride only to leave the line right when you get to the front.

Hope you stay in line. Life will get better. The wait is worth it.

troll anyone?

I know this isn't what you want to hear but maybe you should put yourself back in the hospital and get some more help. I had deprssion and at that point in my life it was better for me to be where I was safe.
Remember...your life is worth so much more than you can see right now.
Stay safe.

im so sorry that you have to deal with all this unfortunately i cant say that they wont commit you its your moms decision. you need to ask yourself do i need this help and if it happens that you are placed in a treatment facility embrace the help they give you...... i hope this helped and i wish you the best of luck

Hun I use to do the same thing... I'm 24 now & have grown past that.

I started heading to church at 16.. That helped a lot. But secondly, it was a matter of finding the root of why I veiwed myself the way I did. It was almost as though, I found satisfaction in hurting myself. It felt good, like I deserved it....I never knew why, but I was never satisfied until I hurted myself.

But hun, there's always a root to why we view ourselves that way. Alot of times, there are deep wounds from our past -that just need complete healing & restoration from. Sometimes we need to forgive the people that wounded us- unforgiveness can mentally cage you into this cycle of pain.

Other times, we need to forgive ourselves. We tend to carry burden we refuse to let go, punishing ourselves over and over again.

Sometimes, everyday is just another step of learning to love yourself again. That & being around good company. That means friends who are more upbeat, optimistic, -healthy for you.

The real battle is the mind, really. -& the way we control it; not the other way around.

It just really depends how badly you want it. To not be caged in your mind anymore in this vicious cycle.
I hate to recommend religion- because people are either for it or against it. But God has a way of breaking chains (even mental chains). & I'm just speaking out of sheer gratitude...I haven't cutted myself since high school.

Sweety, I hope whichever road you're on, you'll surely find peace and restoration within yourself....

& I'll be prayin' for you tonight, if you don't mind.

i have a lot of experience with bulimia
okay so it wont make you skinnier. it releases your metabolism so you wont burn your food off
so just tell yourself it wont do anything for your own good and as for the cutting thing.. scars aren't cool so tell the voices in your head that. i really hope you get better!

maybe you should commit yourself. It sounds like you're doing just about everything else but that and it's not working. Then again they can be pretty tough places to be in. Doing all those things can work. But the only person who can make them work is you. You have to try your best. It's going to be very hard. You might cry. You might break down. But you have try. I don't mean to just do he usual and say you're trying. (not that you do that) I'm just saying that you should do your best to fight back against the things that bug you. I tend to have a bit of ocd and when it bugs me i just fight it as long as possible and it's taken time but it's gotten better. I'm not letting it win anymore. It doesn't control me anymore. You also might want to tell your therapist about how it's nothing's really working. And you might need a higher dosage of zoloft?? I really hope you can get better. If you need to talk just email me anytime.

Honey I know exactly what you're going through. Before I was commited, I had episodes where i would scream and break things, put holes in walls and get really depressed. I had a really bad problem, and it sounds like you do to. I was commited December of last year and I was released within a month. I've felt great ever since. I know its scary, I was terrified, I was angry, I was all mixed up. But its something that you need to do. It helped me so much, I made friends, I lost a friend that I didnt realize I needed to lose, and I realized alot of things about myself. I encourage you to get your mom to sign you into a home. Some of them will keep you from 2 hours to 2 weeks. Some up to 2 years. At first, I would suggest going into temporary [2hrs-2weeks], thats what I went into. It really helped me, and I hope I've helped you.
Good Luck


[[and no, they dont monitor you in the shower. they dont monitor you in the bathroom at all. its against the freakin law. But they do have cameras in your rooms and basically everywhere exept the bathrooms. They search you when you get there and you're usually not aloud to have wiring in your bra, drawstrings, razors or weapons of any kind[obviously], shoe laces, necklaces, basically anything you can use to hurt yourself will be confiscated and returned to you when you leave. But its all for your own good, and I would definatly recommend it.]]

It would be thew best place for you to be if you want to continue living and getting better.

Honey you need to tell your Doctor about this..... My son was a cutter. It took a long time. He is ok now
But, You need to find out what pain you are trying to runaway from. These painful feels are what you cut yourself.

oh dear. i wish i could help you, i really do. reading that seriously brings tears to my eyes because your only a year younger then me and for you to feel like that is terrible. i am so sorry. i think you need to go somewhere where they can help you. and i dont even need to see you to know your not fat. you need to be comortable with yourself. and your obviously arent getting enough help. you need to go someone hun. you need to go somewhere and stay there for a while. i seriously hope everything works out. and please dont ever think of suicide. it hurts those around you so much. you are a beautiful person. everyone is. dont harm yourself.
i hope everything works out. :D

you should probably be under constant supervised care if you do cut yourself again. nothing against you but i hope your mom takes good care of you and does what she should even if you don't like it.

i think your mother is just worried about you and your health. and you are so young, you should be enjoying life not being so miserable...
to get you in a hospital is a rather complicated procedure, lots of bureaucracy... she may just be scared and afraid that your health is not getting any better...
parents say lots of things when in fact they're just scared and no longer know what to do...

Honey, being in a place where you can be monitored and your meds can be finely tuned to your needs is not a bad thing. It's probably the best way to get you started on the road to recovery. Your Mom cares about you but she cannot be there 24/7 and you deserve better than to hurt yourself. Think about it.

your 14 and all this?
damn you need to go to a mental hospital, or atleast a phyciatrist

as much as you dont want to go, i think sending you to a mental health treatment center for a little while could help. best of luck to you

Lots of girls your age suffer with the same problems and I think for your mental and physical health you should go to a doctor and get help, even if it means staying somewhere, where people will help learn to love and respect yourself. You already know you have a problem, which is the first step, so just hang in there becuase things will get better.

Oh my gosh =[
umm well they migh t..
i mean dont cut yourslef
dont hurt yourself
as long as your healthy , everything is going to be ok .
dont worry abotu what ppl think of you , no one cares .
life is amazing if you always look on thebright side ..

Stay at the teen rehab center...really get help for that. It would be so sad if no one help you...I wish there was more I could do for you....:( pray

Feed the scenesters to the lions
yes, most likely.
you will be monitored very closely, even in the shower.
so think about it.
they will also put you on additional medications.
it's a boring/weird place to be. so really, get over your problems.

Your mother can put you into a hospital for sure. You need to go into a hospital that specializes in eating disorders. That is where you are going to get the most help. It appears that the zoloft is not working or you would not still be struggling with the negative thoughts. Your psychiatrist might want to consider putting you on a different medication. Zoloft doesn't work for quite a few people and you just might be one of them.

When you talk to your therapist be as honest as possible. They can not help you if you keep things back from them. I hope you get well soon. My daughter has anorexia and almost died. She is doing better at the moment but there is always a risk she could fall back into it.

P.S. Don't be buying fashion magazines and avoid watching modeling shows on television. Don't go to websites that are pro-anna or pro-mia. These will only hold you back from feeling ok about yourself. This has been helpful for my daughter. She hates it because she likes those things but she knows that it makes her mind go back to the dark place of anorexia.

I'm gonna try & be nice
Sounds like you NEED to be in a hospital.

I like the fact that you are very aware of things: you know you have a problem, you know that there is this drive in you to continue to put yourself in hospital, you know you have illnesses and you're taking your meds...this is really good because it means you're not in denial about anything. I understand a little about where you are right now. That feeling that you want to hurt yourself even though you know you shouldn't? I know that feeling very well.

Does your therapist know what's going on? I'm thinking that perhaps the meds is not working...it may be the wrong one or the wrong dosage. meds can be tricky to figure out...I've tried so many...sheesh...it seemed to take forever but once they got it right, I started to feel a lot better.

You are also an outpatient for the past 7 months? They need to know about this...that you're getting worse. Have you told anyone how you feel, what's going through your mind..exactly as you mentioned in your post? If not, please do.

Since it seems you're not doing well as an outpatient, for your safety, it may be a good idea that they admit you. I'm sure you don't want to do it but, I'm worried for you..your Mum seems to be worried for you and I think you're worried too. You know you're getting worse. When I knew I was getting worse, I spoke to every doc who would listen and I didn't stop until I found one good one. I still see him and I'm doing a hell of alot better...but it took a long time and alot of work on my part.

It may not be a mental hospital that you go to but a place that specializes in your disorders/disease. Either way, I would go if I were you...if I trusted the doc and my Mum and the place I would be going too, yeah, I'd go. I'd do it to get better.

I hope this helps. For 14, I think you're incredibly smart, articulate and I'm glad you wrote this post. I get the impression you have the determination to beat these things that cause you so much hurt and to learn to overcome it. I wish you all the best.

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