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 Do i have to diet to get rid of my stomach?
i weigh 127 and want to get rid of my tummy and tighten up my butt and tone my upper legs do i have to diet as well as exercise. i never had a porblem with my weight. i usually eigh 110 but n ow i am ...

 How do I gain 90 pounds in 6 months?

 I need help..bad.?
i recently got out of atreatment center for bulimia...i was 102 pounds when i got in there. i barley ate anything. since i have been out i eat ungodly amounts of food and forthe past few days i have ...

 Ive been exercising since january (the gym).. and i eat soooo Well why am i not losing weight?

 I'm a boy of 17 ,,,,,,,,,very thin..............plz tell me how to gain weight......i dont want 2 eat non-veg.

 Does chewing gum help you burn calories?

 Am i anorexic? Please be serious about this.?
Okay. I stopped eating so mush in july. I used to eat snacks a 3 meals a day an i was fat ! I was 5-2 and weighed 130 pounds! over the summer i stopped eating so much. about 3 oreos a day.
I now ...

 ANYONE KNOW OF A GOOD DIET PILL? that you or a friend has had results with?
ok. losing weight is impossible isnt it? can someone please give me some tips on losing weight. i just dont think excersizing and eating right will do it all. i might need some extra help. does ...

 How can I lose ten pounds in a week?
I want to be 95 pounds by monday. I'm not sure how Im going to do it, got any advice or helpful ideas?
Im thirteen and im 4'9....

 What are some good ways to loose weight?
I am a ballet dancer and i want to loose a few pounds for my upcoming show which is in casting right now & i want to get the lead role. I basically need a way to help put off some weight & ...

 Is popcorn healthy?
One hundred calorie bags of popcorn that is... Is this healthy for me? I eat one bag every night as a snack. I heard that there were some reported cases of cancer in popcorn factories... I am asking ...

 When dieting should i cut salt out of diet or just cut back alittle?

 I am 5'6" and 200lbs, am I fat?
My mother is obease (sp?) and my father is not, my brother is...heavy, I don't want to be 'fat' but when some of my friends complain of being 'overweight' or I hear about the ...

 Ok i think i'm fat..i am 5'1 i weigh 110lb and I'm 15?

 I'm 15 years old...how can i get taller??
im 15 years old...and about 5'5"...i know that's not that bad. my parents are about 5'7" and 5'8" and my older brother is about 5'10". is there anything i ...

 Does pole dancing keep you fit?

 Do I need to loose wieght?
I know a lot of people ask this question, but I want to know (from a professional please) if I have too much body fat for my age and height. I am 15 years old and 5 feet and about 4 or 5 inches tall. ...

 Does starving yourself help you lose weight and excersing when your done keep weight off?
starving your self whiles exercising goelp you lose ...

 Join the Gym, or run/jog/walk?
should i join the gym

or should i just try to jog around the block once a day?

if i jog or walk around the neighbor hood, how often should i do it and how long? i grow tired ...

 I'm15 1/2 and 6' 1" and i weight 160 pounds?
I'm skinny, but i wanna gain muscle any tips?...

Sienna M
Do you lose weight by drinking lots of water?
............if so, how much water shoul i drink and how much weight could i lose?

noooooo if u drink too much water you will die

true story

no but your legs get tired going up and down stairs all the time

This is kind of a strange question, but I'll go ahead and answer it. Basically drinking lots of water won't do anything in terms of losing weight. Water has no calories and therefore will not contribute to weight gain or weight loss. Your kidneys will excrete any excess water you drink, but water moves into the kidneys by passive diffusion along a concentration gradient, so your body does not expend energy to eliminate it. The only way really that it might contribute to weight loss is if you drink so much of it that it makes you feel full and not want to eat. However, drinking excessive amounts of water can be dangerous too. Some mental patients or heady injury patients will drink excessive amounts of water leading to a condition of water toxicity in which your body sodium levels become too dilute and this can precipitate seizures.

If you want to lose weight, the best way to do so is to eat a low-calorie, healthy diet and exercise. If you're not losing weight, you're taking in too many calories.

MK <><
Ofcourse yes. Drinking water actually makes you lose weight. This is because it drains the toxins that are present in your body. Its a complete biological and chemical thing. Drink atleast 4 litres of water daily and you'll notice the difference

Drinking the proper amount of water can help you lose weight, it cannot by itself make you lose weight. You need to watch your intake of fatty foods, sugary foods and excessive calories. Water helps you to metabolize your food properly and help all the systems of your body work correctly. It also keeps you from feeling hungry if you drink it between meals. A normal person should drink from 8 to 10 - 8 ounce glasses of water daily.

Water actually makes you more bloated. You need to drink a healthy amount every day, but you will find yourself looking thinner if you are toally drained of liquid. Water is good for flushing out toxins in your system, but when you go to the toilet this is all that will come out, and not excess calories.

Yes you will lose weight if you drink water instead of tea, coffee, pop and booze. I think you should drink about 3-4 litres a day and just by doing this you could lose 2-3 pound a week.

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Stevie mac
water will show up on the scales but as it has no calorific value it gives distorted reading,a litre of water is quite heavy!water will occupy stomach for a short period and so maybe take away urge to eat which will of course aid weight loss,exercise is best way to lose weight.Best time to weigh(if you feel you must)is first thing after ablutions and before breakfast which is most important meal of the day

No, you dont loose weight. You would only loose weight if you didnt eat. Drinking too much water only makes you look bigger than you are because you look bloated. And however stupid it may seem as someone else has already said, drinkin too much can kill you (but too much of anything can you) so just drink 2l a day and you should be fine.
Leonie. x

Yes. You are supposed to drink at least 2litres of water per day. It has helped me loose weight.

Amanda K
Yes, if you fill your stomach with water you will not feel as hungry.

You should drink a glass of water 30 minutes before eating every time and two litres minimum spread over the rest of the day

Substituting water for soft drinks and other liquids will help a lot. There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat. How many cans of soda equals that many calories.

Fifi L'amour
Not necessarily. Drinking a lot of water may make you feel fuller and less hungry, and so you consume less calories. Also consuming a lot of water may help with cellulite - clearing toxins from your system - and help with the tone of your skin.

But water itself does nothing for losing weight.

You should drink at least 2 litres of water per day, more if you are very active or in high temperatures. But be careful not to drink too much - I know of people who have become "addicted" to water and were drinking 9 to 10 litres of water a day. It can cause serious injury or death.

If you are trying to lose weight there are literally hundreds of ideas out there. In my opinion, the best way, which has been proven time and time again, is a two part method: Eat right and exercise. First, exercise is a no-brainer. You have to burn more calories than you take in for exercise to be considered exercise. How you do it is worth another answer all to itself. So, that brings us to the Eating Right part. If you understand how your body works, you've got a head start on the world. Food is fuel for the body. Once you've accepted that concept as more important than the idea that food is entertainment, then the rest will be relatively easy. If you are American, and I assume you are, the Nutrition Facts label that you find on all foods bought in the U.S. are the next thing you need to understand. Go grab something from your kitchen (i.e. jar of peanut butter or a bag of chips...anything with a nutrition label). OK, yeah you need vitamins and minerals and all that. But focus on these three items: FAT, PROTEIN, and CARBOHYDRATES.
Let's take these one at a time:

FAT is basically divided into good fats and bad fats. The body needs good fats (mono- and poly-unsaturateds). You'll find these in stuff like olives and avocados where the bad fat is minimal if not nonexistent. The bad fats are your saturated and trans fats that you'll find in meats and oils. If you are trying to lose weight, keep these to an absolute minimum. My suggestion (based on a 1500-2000 calorie diet) is to limit yourself to no more than 15g of saturated fat per day. This is hard to do if you're used to eating fast food. It's also hard to do if you drink whole milk, eat cheese (even the 2% variety), and eat fried foods. All of these are high in bad fats. The good news is that you can substitute your diet to eat the very things you like to eat but with better ingredients. If you eat cheese, buy fat free. If you drink milk, buy skim. Slowly take yourself down from whole milk or 2% to 1% before going skim/fat free if the transition is too radical to do all at once. If you eat a lot of ground beef, use the extra lean variety (96% fat free/4% fat), or substitute lean ground turkey instead. Do whatever you have to do to get the bad fat grams down to less than 15 per day.

PROTEIN: The building block of nutrition (aside from your vitamins and minerals) is protein. You need it strengthen your muscles and it will be essential with your exercise routine. Without protein, you can't build muscle tone or lean body mass. And guess what? Just having lean body mass (muscles) allows your body to burn more calories even when you are sleeping. Therefore, you are able to lose weight (bad weight, that is) just by sleeping. But, you have to exercise!! Don't forget that. You can find foods that are high in protein but also high in saturated fat, so be careful. Stick to poultry (chicken, turkey), fish (tuna is a great source), and beans. Don't fry your meats because if you do, you just added a bunch of bad fat to your otherwise healthy protein filled meal. Instead, grill, broil, or bake. You can do this! Don't forget to exercise to exponentially reap the rewards of consuming protein.

CARBS. In my opinion, the no-carb diet is crap, because you need carbs for energy, especially because you are exercising! That's right, you can't forget you are supposed to be exercising. The trick is choosing the good carbs. You'll see on your nutrition label Total Carbohydrates and Sugars. Sugars should be kept to a minimum and should be avoided within hours of going to sleep. The calories associated with them get stored (for energy) but are not easily burned when it comes time to burn them. Therefore, it's harder to lose the weight associated with them. That's why it's not good to eat lots of candy, cookies, and ice cream that have a lot of sugar. The other kinds of carbs (complex carbohydrates) are essential. You can get these from grains and potatoes. Good stuff!!

Now that you have a brief understanding of these three nutrition components, time to get to it. Not as easy as it sounds? That's because, you're human. If you treat your body right (and I mean very right, by limiting your saturated and trans fats, limiting your sugar carbs, and eating plenty of protein), then you deserve a day when you can eat whatever you want. The body has cravings and you should be able to fulfill these cravings IF you can stand to wait until the end of the week. I call this one day of decadence your cheat day. After 12 weeks of exercising and eating right in this manner, you'll get to the point where you don't even crave the bad stuff anymore.

For more on this method, I encourage you to check out www.bodyforlife.com. The principals I wrote about are spelled out in greater detail there. Consult your doctor before drastically changing any diet or exercise routine. Good luck!

What i have found is that when you get the munchies have a pint of water, if nothing else it takes the edge off food cravings. Sometimes when i get the munchies i actually dehydrated. Dunno if anyone else gets like that. Anyway, if you get hungry in between meals have a pint of water, its helped me sometimes, other times i find im still hungry and then i know i am properly hungry.

Trainer Gregg
nope, water is a macronutrient. It doesn't cause you to lose weight, but it prevents you from being confused on being hungry when you are actually thirsty. Moreover, it is better for your system to be well hydrated. It functions better and more efficiently.

Aim for qts per day. If your urine is bright color, you are dehydrated.

Drinking at least 2 liters a day of water, helps to clean toxins from the body and helps it to work efficiently. So it helps when you are trying to lose weight, but all by itself, no, drinking water will not cause weight loss. Unless of course you don't eat at all and only drink water. But that amounts to starving yourself and the resulting damage to the body ends ultimately in death.

Sara S
drinking lots of water alone will not make you lose weight. It will aide in weight loss if that is what you are aiming for. It will flush out toxins in your body and will also make you feel full. You should be drinking at least 8 glasses a day. Some say drinking ice cold water will speed up your metabolism b/c it causes your body to actually start warming itself up b/c the water is cold. Drinking a lot of water is also very good for your skin as it keeps it hydrated, which in turn makes it less prone to breakouts.

well, hehe, yes drinking water can make u lose weight but only because u wont be drinking other sugared drinks and eating much food coz u will be filled with water, but u should include some moderate exercise with that as well and u will c great results.

I do not know if you loose weight, but I am sure that you loose a lot of time in visiting bathroom.

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