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 Does pole dancing keep you fit?

 Do I need to loose wieght?
I know a lot of people ask this question, but I want to know (from a professional please) if I have too much body fat for my age and height. I am 15 years old and 5 feet and about 4 or 5 inches tall. ...

 Does starving yourself help you lose weight and excersing when your done keep weight off?
starving your self whiles exercising goelp you lose ...

 Join the Gym, or run/jog/walk?
should i join the gym

or should i just try to jog around the block once a day?

if i jog or walk around the neighbor hood, how often should i do it and how long? i grow tired ...

 I'm15 1/2 and 6' 1" and i weight 160 pounds?
I'm skinny, but i wanna gain muscle any tips?...

 What's the point in dieting?
Sure looking good is all nice and everything but you are not happy when dieting. No. Think about it, you are not happy. Wouldn't you rather eat whatever you want instead of eating in ...

 I am 40 stone and cant lose any weight - Do you think I should just stop trying and keep eating?

 Got any good weight loss tips?
I need them fast!
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I am on a diet now I need to know how to exersie....

 Is it better to be Skinny or Muscler?

 Does anyone know if you can get low calorie bread?
This probably sounds silly, but im trying to loose weight, im not far off my goal, and im starting to get cravings and hunger spells, i usually go for a bread based snack, like toast or a sandwich, i ...

 What diet worked for you?
I'm a college student and going on Spring Break in about a month. I was wanting to lose about 10 lbs before we go. What diet advice do you have? Besides eating healthy and exercising what else ...

 How can i lose weight FAST?
i need to lose weight really fast r there ne diet pills or fad diets that actually work i just cannot lose weight no matter how hard i try and its really getting me down i need help ...


 Do people just want to be thin to look good for others?
i think so. Its not about being healthy anymore but being thin that ...

 What are some foods that help increase energy?

 What is the best way to lose weight fast like 35lbs in a 3 months?

 What is the best thing to eat to lose weight?
i am 10 years ...

 Help me please?
i really want to lose weigh tbu ti don't like working out and i love junk food. what can i do?
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and i'm also 14 and in 7th grade ...

 Working out makes me so hungry, I always end up gaining weight. How can I avoid this?
I know that working out can also make you gain MUSCLE weight, and that's not what I'm talking about. But when I start working out, I am RAVENOUSLY hungry all the time. I eat way more ...

 If alot of fat people are fat because of illness, why dont you get fat people in the 3rd world?

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white plu dont you understand the question you dozy c**t....

pappu m
I'm a boy of 17 ,,,,,,,,,very thin..............plz tell me how to gain weight......i dont want 2 eat non-veg.

♥High On Sugar 4ever!!♥
Like the dude said on top eat steak!! LOL!! You know vegans DIE!! There I said it DIE!!

India Rubber&How can you be sure
you sick anorexic freak, eat some ******* steak

have always heard that a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of milk before bed will help put on weight...

Ok you can get the protein from tofu as well, and also do lots of exercise and eat lots of Pasta and Pizza specially when you plan to exercise that day and you will build healthy muscles and gain weight.

If you take milk products then go for whey protein, at least 1 gramme per kilo of body weight. Eat lots of oat meal...I eat mine cold mixed with a better tasting cereal. If you don't take milk products then really there's nothing you can do other than accept the results of your dietary choice.

Good luck.

Anand Rathore
there is no need to gain weight by non-veg. try to eat banana min. 1/2 dozens daily..drink milk four times a glass daily, eat butter, eat cheese, eat lots of oily things,eat junk foods like pizzas. but dear you also should fit and fine so go to zym also for a attractive looking body and not only fat try some proteins also like almonds,soya,etc..hope it will help u..so get size and shape both by hard work and hard eat..god bless you...

don't listen to some of these people. so ridiculous.

you need to weight train, eat plenty of protein & consume more calories than you burn.

bread and soy products

♥ hello_kitty_xoxo ♥
peanut butter sandwiches and do the weight gainer shake.

Sean D
thats easy, eat a lot of meat you need it to getr fat
dont exercize
watch tv alll day
dont drink water
only soda and juice and milk
mix up your meals breakfast for dinner
you can gain 5 pounds a week

M.D. Hotaling
make sure you eat only 1 big meal a day right before you go to bed, good luck

This bears out my theory that men shouldn't be vegetarians. Its just my opinion but what you describe is consistent with what I see in other vegetarian men. Men simply require more protein. Soy is a thought, that might help. This body type is what seems to be predominant in vegetarian men. If there are some veggie guys out there that have more success with their diet and body, they should answer this. I'm a certified fitness trainer and this is all I've seen so far. Maybe one of you veggie guys can prove me wrong? I just haven't seen otherwise.

what about sugar or fatty foods?

that or eat extra food and gain weight by over eating

no offence but how do you expect to gain weight if you wont eat anything buut vegetables.
i suggetst you eat alot of them if you have any hope of puting on weight.

what's wrong with chocolate?

go to ur local gnc store or vitamin shop and pick up cytogainer made by cytosport

Purple L
gym..they will help u..coz u have 2 do some exercises everyday to gain a certain amount of calories,in addition u have to follow a diet,,like eating 5 meals a day,,but hay why not non-veg!! :) coman be a lion :p

eat lots of proteins and carbohydrates..

go to the gym...

if it still doesn't work. drop it. it's in your genes.


Audi S
does that mean you want to eat veggies?

my dr. reccomended Boost to gain weight..i'm using the plus one..it has 360 calories..dont try the strawberry one..it tastes nasty..


It's hard to gain weight when you're a growing man eating vegetarian. If your diet allows, eat a lot of dairy especially cheese. If you avoid dairy eat tons of nuts, avocados, and other foods high in fat. Eat big meals and eat before bed - basically the opposite of the dieting rules. Drink a lot of juice - it has plenty of vitamins but also a lot of sugar and calories. One cup of apple juice has 100 cal. Just make sure you watch your nutrition and get plenty of protein where you can - soy, lentils, beans.

Amanda L
Protein bars and shakes, and foods high in protein. B/c your so thin, I am assuming that your metabolism is running on super high, you'll also want to eat foods lower in carbs, b/c carbs give you energy. The foods you eat with protein arent going to give you fat, but it builds muscle. I have attached a website that should help, and its relable b/c its WebMD.

Also, I would do some search and find information on HYPERthyroidism. Its when your thyroid is workingto much and you cannot gain weight. Most people have HYPOthyroidism and thats just the opposite, its hard to lose weight

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