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 I need help..bad.?
i recently got out of atreatment center for bulimia...i was 102 pounds when i got in there. i barley ate anything. since i have been out i eat ungodly amounts of food and forthe past few days i have ...

 Ive been exercising since january (the gym).. and i eat soooo Well why am i not losing weight?

 I'm a boy of 17 ,,,,,,,,,very thin..............plz tell me how to gain weight......i dont want 2 eat non-veg.

 Does chewing gum help you burn calories?

 Am i anorexic? Please be serious about this.?
Okay. I stopped eating so mush in july. I used to eat snacks a 3 meals a day an i was fat ! I was 5-2 and weighed 130 pounds! over the summer i stopped eating so much. about 3 oreos a day.
I now ...

 ANYONE KNOW OF A GOOD DIET PILL? that you or a friend has had results with?
ok. losing weight is impossible isnt it? can someone please give me some tips on losing weight. i just dont think excersizing and eating right will do it all. i might need some extra help. does ...

 How can I lose ten pounds in a week?
I want to be 95 pounds by monday. I'm not sure how Im going to do it, got any advice or helpful ideas?
Im thirteen and im 4'9....

 What are some good ways to loose weight?
I am a ballet dancer and i want to loose a few pounds for my upcoming show which is in casting right now & i want to get the lead role. I basically need a way to help put off some weight & ...

 Is popcorn healthy?
One hundred calorie bags of popcorn that is... Is this healthy for me? I eat one bag every night as a snack. I heard that there were some reported cases of cancer in popcorn factories... I am asking ...

 When dieting should i cut salt out of diet or just cut back alittle?

 I am 5'6" and 200lbs, am I fat?
My mother is obease (sp?) and my father is not, my brother is...heavy, I don't want to be 'fat' but when some of my friends complain of being 'overweight' or I hear about the ...

 Ok i think i'm fat..i am 5'1 i weigh 110lb and I'm 15?

 I'm 15 years old...how can i get taller??
im 15 years old...and about 5'5"...i know that's not that bad. my parents are about 5'7" and 5'8" and my older brother is about 5'10". is there anything i ...

 Does pole dancing keep you fit?

 Do I need to loose wieght?
I know a lot of people ask this question, but I want to know (from a professional please) if I have too much body fat for my age and height. I am 15 years old and 5 feet and about 4 or 5 inches tall. ...

 Does starving yourself help you lose weight and excersing when your done keep weight off?
starving your self whiles exercising goelp you lose ...

 Join the Gym, or run/jog/walk?
should i join the gym

or should i just try to jog around the block once a day?

if i jog or walk around the neighbor hood, how often should i do it and how long? i grow tired ...

 I'm15 1/2 and 6' 1" and i weight 160 pounds?
I'm skinny, but i wanna gain muscle any tips?...

 What's the point in dieting?
Sure looking good is all nice and everything but you are not happy when dieting. No. Think about it, you are not happy. Wouldn't you rather eat whatever you want instead of eating in ...

 I am 40 stone and cant lose any weight - Do you think I should just stop trying and keep eating?

Michael B
What is an easy way to stop smoking?

Get cancer and die works great

banana man
Just do it just say no!
I smoked for 15 years some times three packs a day.
Stay away from drinks with alcohol.
If that fails try buying the worst tasting smokes you can find and put in your shirt pocket when you want one smoke that soon you will come to know how nasty the smokes you have are and will help you say no. GOOD LUCK Worked for me.

quit, cold turkey, I did, been 2 years now.
Good Luck!
PS chew gum, it helps take the edge off in the beginning! stick with it!

Quit buying cigarettes and get rid of anything that can remind you of them. Put the money you would have spent on them in account or something. If you crave them just remeber you can save over $8000 a year by not smoking.

There is no easy way.
but i helped my grandpa come up with a way

count how many smokes you do in a day.
Write that number down on a post it and stick it somewhere youll see it often.

then every other day try to do 2 less smokes a day. so for a week do 2 less, then 2 less and then 2 less everyother day for a week.

And then for the week after that just smoke the same amount you did yesterday(the last 2 less). And do that number for a week.

Switch off every other week. doing the 2 less, and then not doing the two less every other week. and every other day on every other week smoke 2 less.

Then every time you do 2 less and can do it for a whole week (the day where you just got done with the 2 less week and now your doing a straight week of the last 2 less) and write the number of smokes you did and put the number on a postit and stick it next to the old one. Keep doing this till the 2 less brings you down 2 0(to zero).

if you cant stop smoking with will power nothing will help

nicotine patches

Madalyn H
you should go on a trip to a secluded place for like a week or 2 and go cold turkey. the first 3 days are the hardest.

not smoke cigarettes? i've just stopped smoking in the week all together through will power, was quite easy but still have to smoke when im out at the weekends

Chris R
Like any other substance, cigarettes have there users who are not addicted and those who are. The type and quantity smoked by any particular person is no indication of their level of addiction or not.

Those people who tell you that they just stopped and you have no willpower if you can not, were never addicted.

If you are addicted, try everything. Give each method time to work.

I know people who have stopped with the patch. Not me.
I know people who have stopped with the gum. Not me.
I know people who have stopped with Wellbutrin. Not me.
I know people who have stopped with hypnosis. That next on my list.

I have the feeling that the easiest way to stop is death...

I too would like to hear from anyone else with ideas, so long as it does not involve telling me I have no willpower. Anyone who knows me can tell you I have more than most...

Good Luck

Chew gum and use the nicotine patch.

crazy Girly
the patch

I don't know that there is any easy way. I did it cold turkey. Just stopped. A number of years ago.

I don't know that it's easy, it is time consuming, and it's how I stopped after 20 years of smoking.
Remember when you first started smoking? You choked and coughed, but you were determined to smoke, You patted youself on the back every time you smoked.
Well now you do almost the same thing to stop.
The first week for one day you do not smoke, you pat yourself on the back constantly for not smoking,
The next week for two day's you do not smoke, you pat yourself on the back constantly for not smoking.
Do it again, and again, and again. It works, Good Luck.

tim s
either get a fake cigarrette from a trick shop, or pretend smoke pens.Always have them on you and hold them like you would a ciaggarrette it help my mom kick her 20 year habbbit

Remind yourself that cigarettes are expensive while gum is 1/10 the price.

try and get addicted to something else like peaches..eat a peach instead of smoking.=]]
good luck=]]

muhammad h
try something else

Just don't smoke.

me, myself, & I
Easy? Ha Ha There are no easy ways. You put them down and don;t pick them up again. The hard part is what comes next. You have to change your mindset, be determined, not think about smoking, find other things to keep you occupied, at first you have to stay away from smokers because you become a bummer instead of a buyer. Whatever you can do for yourself, such as go for a walk, talk to people, go to smoke free environments, really taste your food and like the way you smell, smoke free. Love nature and yourself, your health. The best way really that works is put them down and don't ever take another puff. Good luck. Been there.

Don't start.

Thank you and good day.

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