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 Is popcorn healthy?
One hundred calorie bags of popcorn that is... Is this healthy for me? I eat one bag every night as a snack. I heard that there were some reported cases of cancer in popcorn factories... I am asking ...

 When dieting should i cut salt out of diet or just cut back alittle?

 I am 5'6" and 200lbs, am I fat?
My mother is obease (sp?) and my father is not, my brother is...heavy, I don't want to be 'fat' but when some of my friends complain of being 'overweight' or I hear about the ...

 Ok i think i'm fat..i am 5'1 i weigh 110lb and I'm 15?

 I'm 15 years old...how can i get taller??
im 15 years old...and about 5'5"...i know that's not that bad. my parents are about 5'7" and 5'8" and my older brother is about 5'10". is there anything i ...

 Does pole dancing keep you fit?

 Do I need to loose wieght?
I know a lot of people ask this question, but I want to know (from a professional please) if I have too much body fat for my age and height. I am 15 years old and 5 feet and about 4 or 5 inches tall. ...

 Does starving yourself help you lose weight and excersing when your done keep weight off?
starving your self whiles exercising goelp you lose ...

 Join the Gym, or run/jog/walk?
should i join the gym

or should i just try to jog around the block once a day?

if i jog or walk around the neighbor hood, how often should i do it and how long? i grow tired ...

 I'm15 1/2 and 6' 1" and i weight 160 pounds?
I'm skinny, but i wanna gain muscle any tips?...

 What's the point in dieting?
Sure looking good is all nice and everything but you are not happy when dieting. No. Think about it, you are not happy. Wouldn't you rather eat whatever you want instead of eating in ...

 I am 40 stone and cant lose any weight - Do you think I should just stop trying and keep eating?

 Got any good weight loss tips?
I need them fast!
Additional Details
I am on a diet now I need to know how to exersie....

 Is it better to be Skinny or Muscler?

 Does anyone know if you can get low calorie bread?
This probably sounds silly, but im trying to loose weight, im not far off my goal, and im starting to get cravings and hunger spells, i usually go for a bread based snack, like toast or a sandwich, i ...

 What diet worked for you?
I'm a college student and going on Spring Break in about a month. I was wanting to lose about 10 lbs before we go. What diet advice do you have? Besides eating healthy and exercising what else ...

 How can i lose weight FAST?
i need to lose weight really fast r there ne diet pills or fad diets that actually work i just cannot lose weight no matter how hard i try and its really getting me down i need help ...


 Do people just want to be thin to look good for others?
i think so. Its not about being healthy anymore but being thin that ...

 What are some foods that help increase energy?

Jen S.
Disgustingly fat?!?
hi, i'm female (a teenager), 5'0, and a whopping 100 lbs, which is DISGUSTING. i'm eating about 500 cals a day, but i end up going over if i'm with my mom and she makes me eat...i'm trying to lose 20 lbs--i don't eat any sweets or desserts, and the 500 cals are healthy: in carrots and fruit and healthy stuff like that. i'm a vegetarian, so i eat no meat...but i still need help losing weight! i've lost about 10 lbs, but i have another 20 to go! any tips, advice, anything to help me drop this weight?! thanks!

Ellie M
wow u really have no brain get a life you fat cow

o my god.. your so funny.
Heres some advice; exercise at least 2 hours a day[make sure its INTENSE]
eat 200 and only 200 calories per day. THINK THIN.
If you want that pizza that your whole family is wolfing down, well, you want to lose 20 more pounds right? Well, ya cant have it.
You can have lettuce, apples, oranges, and cucumbers though and food that has very few calories.
If you do what I said you should drop 20 pounds in about a month or a month and a half.
Oh, and by the way your not disgustingly fat. In america your considered skinny. But I dont know what your culture is because in some countries, that is obese. Im assuming you live in america, so your skinny. You really dont need to lose any more weight, but since you asked I gave you some advice.

Why dont you eat some lemons and go make yourself throw them up. Then never eat again, you should lose your 20 in no time sister!

Try eating a snake

Sounds like your fishing for compliments....

There's a whole sea out there ya know.

i'm 5' and 105.
100 is healthy by far!
you are not fat! and getting down to 80 is just very dangerous! everyone will see your ribs . 90 is unhealthy even.
and since we both are teenagers-- we need atleast 1600 calories a day to be healthy! youre gunna kill yourself just to be skinny. 100lbs in NOT whopping. for our height/age 120 would be. PLEASE do not choose to loose weight! if you want to just exercise
BUT YOU MUST EAT MORE! YOU RE GUNNA MAKE YOURSELF SICK AND EVENTUALLY GO IN THE HOSPITAL. please i dont want you to die. i lmost lost a friend because she got too skinny.

Anybody who reads this PLEASE REPORT THE SO CALLED DR. SMEGMA. He is a FRAUD and could hurt ppl. with his so called advice. What a loser. Oh and YOUR NOT FAT! I am 5' and weigh almost a 100lbs more (due to 3 pregnancies) and I think you are heading on the wrong track to disaster. You are SKINNY, probably TOO SKINNY. Pls. see someone about this. Goodluck and best wishes.

afrilatina baby gurl
when u eat with ur mom y not try 2 eat low fat things and im 13 and i weigh more so 100 actually ok

Don't make your self seem fat 100 pounds is not fat

Star B
You're not even fat at 100 pounds!!!! You're actually waaaaay closer to being underweight than you are to being overweight. Sounds like you might have an eating disorder or something. Just enjoy your life with healthy foods and excercise. 500 calories is definitely not enough! Your metabolism will slow down and take in anything and store it as fat, so you will not lose weight on that kind of diet. But you don't even need to lose weight!!! Take care of yourself, and please just enjoy your life while you can.

Haha, disgusting. 500 calories, omg you'd be dead. Try a gorilla.

dont listen to dr. smegma...hes a fraud.
u need to get help...my sister is anorexic and it has destroyed her. her legs swell up all the time and shes always in a bad mood. her hair is dead and her skin is scaly. u dont want to be like that. im not saying ur anorexic....but ur on the road to it

: )
You need professional help. Your mom needs to book you in with an appointment to see a psychiatrist asap.

Sarah B
ummmmmmmm your more to the skinny side...don't try and lose weight, it's unhealthy at your weight.

Your weight is low for a teenager, actually.

Are you trying to become an anorexic? Log off your computer right now and go eat a cheeseburger. Obsessing over size is stupid.

i'm sorry but I a 3 times that weight and a teenager you are just fine

Y do you think that 100 pounds is fat and your hardly eating ANYTHING!... I think you should start eating more...a LOT more!

you don't sound fat at all... if fact, the opposite... and its important to get enough calories in your diet or else you won't be able to funtion very well...

♥@$$ kicking princess♥
if ur anywhere in the teen years
u must weight 100 pnds
if not ur not normal
ur more of an anorexic chick
so eat up!

oh my god you are under weight for your age

Obviously this can't be real lol.. My gf is skinny as a stick 5'1 and 98 pounds... If you lose any more weight you're going to die..

~*White Water Lover~*
you sounds anorexic....EAT something. i think you need help if your a "whopping" 100 lbs.....the only way it's disgusting is because your not eating enough.

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