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 I'm a boy of 17 ,,,,,,,,,very thin..............plz tell me how to gain weight......i dont want 2 eat non-veg.

 Does chewing gum help you burn calories?

 Am i anorexic? Please be serious about this.?
Okay. I stopped eating so mush in july. I used to eat snacks a 3 meals a day an i was fat ! I was 5-2 and weighed 130 pounds! over the summer i stopped eating so much. about 3 oreos a day.
I now ...

 ANYONE KNOW OF A GOOD DIET PILL? that you or a friend has had results with?
ok. losing weight is impossible isnt it? can someone please give me some tips on losing weight. i just dont think excersizing and eating right will do it all. i might need some extra help. does ...

 How can I lose ten pounds in a week?
I want to be 95 pounds by monday. I'm not sure how Im going to do it, got any advice or helpful ideas?
Im thirteen and im 4'9....

 What are some good ways to loose weight?
I am a ballet dancer and i want to loose a few pounds for my upcoming show which is in casting right now & i want to get the lead role. I basically need a way to help put off some weight & ...

 Is popcorn healthy?
One hundred calorie bags of popcorn that is... Is this healthy for me? I eat one bag every night as a snack. I heard that there were some reported cases of cancer in popcorn factories... I am asking ...

 When dieting should i cut salt out of diet or just cut back alittle?

 I am 5'6" and 200lbs, am I fat?
My mother is obease (sp?) and my father is not, my brother is...heavy, I don't want to be 'fat' but when some of my friends complain of being 'overweight' or I hear about the ...

 Ok i think i'm fat..i am 5'1 i weigh 110lb and I'm 15?

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im 15 years old...and about 5'5"...i know that's not that bad. my parents are about 5'7" and 5'8" and my older brother is about 5'10". is there anything i ...

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 Do I need to loose wieght?
I know a lot of people ask this question, but I want to know (from a professional please) if I have too much body fat for my age and height. I am 15 years old and 5 feet and about 4 or 5 inches tall. ...

 Does starving yourself help you lose weight and excersing when your done keep weight off?
starving your self whiles exercising goelp you lose ...

 Join the Gym, or run/jog/walk?
should i join the gym

or should i just try to jog around the block once a day?

if i jog or walk around the neighbor hood, how often should i do it and how long? i grow tired ...

 I'm15 1/2 and 6' 1" and i weight 160 pounds?
I'm skinny, but i wanna gain muscle any tips?...

 What's the point in dieting?
Sure looking good is all nice and everything but you are not happy when dieting. No. Think about it, you are not happy. Wouldn't you rather eat whatever you want instead of eating in ...

 I am 40 stone and cant lose any weight - Do you think I should just stop trying and keep eating?

 Got any good weight loss tips?
I need them fast!
Additional Details
I am on a diet now I need to know how to exersie....

 Is it better to be Skinny or Muscler?

Happy lil gal!
If someone starves themselves, not eating but drinking, how long is it before they start to lose weight?

Additional Details
I just want to add that this is a general question and I am not planning to do anything like this!

hannibal barca
depends on the energy you waste. Normally one day

Don't try that. It's so silly

natasha *
Firstly if you starve yourself you would actually put on weight, as your body goes into famine mode.

If you want to loose weight do not starve your self, and nobody is going to talk you out of it, eat smaller portions, because quite honeslty we dont need half the amount we eat, and drink water before a meal, not after as this dilutes your stomach acids and slows digestion. An hour after you eat, drink a detox tea. Eat lots of cirtus fruits such as oranges, and grapefruit. And drink lot of water throughout the day. You will feel healthier too.

Dont bother with fad diets as you only loose water, not fat.

probably straight away, but it will also return straight away when you start eating again. you should look up on the net about what hapens to the body when starved continously. you may get thin ,but will be too sick to enjoy it.

right after u die and yourbody decomposes maybe!!!!!!

this is a stupid and dangerous way to lose weight, I am not gonna give you any positive ideas about it, your body starts eating itself, and you will die. If you need to lose weight, do it the right way and diet and exercise properly and under the supervision of experts, you will lose weight quickly and tone up your body, it will look and feel better and you will be healthy. To starve yourself is a road to a long slow and painful death.

Don't do it. At least do a diet like Slim Fast or drink Whey protein shakes for 2 meals and eat a meat/veggie/fruit meal for dinner.

You will probably lose weight quickly but as soon as you eat again you will pile it all back on! so really there is no point at all cause you'll just feel ill too.

After about two weeks it will be noticeable, but their whole system will start to shut down and they will do themselves alot of damage your hair will fall out, your periods will stop, your skin will go all leathery, your nails will split. Once they start eating agian they will gain weight quicker than they would normally as the body is not used to eating and will store everything incase it doesnt get food again. So not a good idea to starve yourself.

I hope that you do your research before you would do a stupid thing like that. True you would lose weight but it would be your muscle that you would be losing not your fat. If you body does not receive enough protein and fat during a day it will start shutting down. When your body starts shutting down you have a chance of dying. So please if you are trying to lose weight do it the healthy way.

Saskia M
If someone starves themself their body goes into starvation mode and bodily functions are slower as is the metabolism...you will lose weight but in the most health damaging way possible. When you start to eat normally all the weight pus more is gained back because the body over compensates. Not a good idea..starving!

depends on the person! first of all all the muscle will break down and turn into fat and then gradually get eaten away by your body! itis not worth it to lose weight, if you are that desperate consider talking to a doctor or dietician!

Starving yourself to lose weight is never the right way to go about it. the best way to start "dropping pounds" is to eat small amounts of food every 2 or 3 hours. By doing this it will help the metabolism to speed up and start the losing process. Fluids will fill you up for a short time but will make you feel bloated. Eat healthy and exercise

Well..I guess thats surely no way to lose weight..not just because its unhealthy and extreme way..but also because you are likely to put on more weight by cutting down on food..as your body will converse whatever engery it can..if you attempt to strave yourself..thereby you wont lose you weight..try safe and sure methods as exercise, dieting..and maybe even affirmations can help you..

could be a while cause your body builds up this defense of starvation and start eating on itself well really the stored fats that was in your body. although this is not a healthy approach, by the time you start seeing from your fasting, you will be too sick to tell if you lost any weight

how much does one wiegh when they are dead is what you really want to know.

Are you seriously considering this? Won't be long before you hit Crazyville thats for sure. Try excercise and healthy eating, or are you too lazy for this? What a stupid thing to do, you might lose weight but you will put your mind and body at serious risk.

thats the worst way to try and loose weight because it dosent happen. it just ruines ur body. my partener tryied it when she ws younger and now she has loads of problems that it caused and she still didnt loose anything.

It will be a day, then you start drinking again since your body was starve it will store more than required so you will gain more weight than you had before. It is not a cool way of looking weight rather I would advocate you watch what you eat but better still you exercise

Starving yourself does have a short term effect on your weight loss, but a long term damage on your health. You are better off being on detox for a month, then healthy diet and exercise, you'll see great results in about 3-4 months.

Do not starve yourself, because whatever you will loose you'll put on 2x more when you start eating again.

Good luck whatever you decide.

that's a stupid approach to weight loss...if its not to deliberately loose weight then a shrink is needed!

Püre Pöison
Like the others have said, the drink diet is not the way to lose weight. You want to lose fat, not water, not muscle.

Avoiding fatty food is good. But avoiding will only prevent you from getting bigger -and not make you slimmer; unless you count the muscle and water you lose (which is unhealthy).

You want to burn off fat, right? Only cardiovascular exercise would do the trick. Even walking is effective, long walks, that is. If you want fast results, be prepared for physical pain! Three months of military-type exercises can do wonders to weight loss, as I have seen. Choose your diet and exercise wisely - and above all, choose something you can enjoy!

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