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 One minute I'm sad and crying in my bed in the dark, and the next minute I'm happy and working out and stuff.
Could I be bi-polar?...

 How can i get over sucidal thought's...The more that i fight depression..?
the more my depression worsen's and more sucide sounds like heaven to me..I don't know what to do and i don't know how to be really truley happy...Real smiles and lauph's not fake ...

 Cure for anxiety?
I have to do some public speaking next week anyone know any of anything that will help.
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anything OTHER than drugs?...

 Whats the point in life?
i just dont get it..we work and love..then just die..just die and its all over..and ur gone forever...i just dont get it..i never wanna die im 18 and im starting to know now that we really die..i ...

 What can I do when the GP just recomends self help?
I am depressed. I have a stressful job, managing staff as well as the public, and I feel as though everything I do away from work is a mess. I live with my boyfriend of over 3yrs, and I consider our ...

 I truely need help, I'm feeling so suicidal?
My mind is really messed up at the moment,Im so depressed, I feel like there is no point in me living another day,Im 19 n have been feeling this way for a very long time now - previously on here ...

 Is looking at the toilet paper after you wipe normal?

 Anyone have a good way of releasing anger?
i get mad often and i would like to be able to release it ...

 When does a Pyschiatrist think you should be placed in a mental hospital?
If someone is told they have signs of psychosis, a mood effective disorder and obsessive compulsions then gets placed on antipsychotics, the person still goes out and drinks on a night out whilst on ...

 Someone please exsplain this to me?
does anyone relate to this situation that i am in...i am living with my boyfriend who has bi-polar a couple of yrs ago he decided to quit taking his meds cause he said it was a joke...sometimes he is ...

 Am I Emo? I Have To Know!?
I think of suicide a lot. I would never attempt it though. I get depressed EASILY! I get sooooo mad soooooo fast. Most people annoy me. I am usually just never happy. I DONT cut myself. I listen to ...

 Are there people out there that really hurt themselves???
I don't get it!!! Help me understand why they do it!!! I'am serious!!...

 Why do I cry almost every night? It is because of my bad childhood experience. Do you guys think I am crazy?

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I started seeing a Consultant Psychiatrist about 2 months ago for an eating disorder. By the second session he was discussing aspects of his own life such as the fact he is studying for a Masters ...

 Why i see black things fly around all times???Please I need a help.?
I have beeing seeing these stuff more obvious about 3 months.
There every where...they have different shapes such as circle and squre sometimes it's like zigzag. Inside there are small ...

 I like to self-harm. Is it so weird?

I'm 25 and have found myself to be very depressed lately. I'm going through a divorce, ect. I have tried Paxil and Lexapro, and both make me very sick to my stomach, which I ...

 How do you know when your anti-depressants start to work?
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 Any advice for the partner of someone diagnosed with Manic Depression?
Our relationship is longstanding and I don't want to be scared off!!! I need to understand more how this thing works and just how supportive I can be. Is he better ignored when in a depressive ...

 Would it destroy you and send you under if you lost all your material posessions? or would you survive it?
i think it would totally destroy me....my soul would be crushed and my house of cards would come falling down....i dont own many material posessions, hardly any cept a computer, but if i lost that, i ...

I need help with obession...?
Ok, I am seriously in love with Chris Daughtry. I know everything about him and I almost broke up with my boyfriend just because I like Christopher *so* much. I have even slept beside my laptop because i had blown up a picture of him asleep. And, yes, I do know that it will never happen but it's still getting out of control!!!


Shayla ☺
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... It's fine being obssessed with someone! It's normal! LOL I'm OBSESSED with Ryan Scheckler! lol! Try focusing on someone more in your own league...... inno it's hard but try........... or find a really ugly pic of him and every time you think about him look at it. lolololol.


ps: us obssessed people should stick together! lol

Who's Chris Daughtry?

calm the hell down . .. dump your boyfriend and buy yourself some cats.

haha jk. but seriously. in the ensd your gonna realize that it;s not worth it and that you wasted a lot of time.

killing is making a choice
Eventually you just get over it...it's a girl thing...it happens.

It is called OCD and not the OCD you all are thinking of
Its called Obsessed with Chris daughtry I know because I suffer from it too! There is no cure for it at all, And I know that because I have had it since he first auditioned on American Idol, January 2006 really I don't want to be cured LOL.
I don't sleep with my laptop on and a blown up picture of him. Of course Chris Daughtry is married etc. You just have to tell yourself honestly, he is a celebrity and its just a celebrity crush that you will get over,
Seriously though in my case there is no known cure for the OBESESSED with Chris D disease and if there was I don't want a cure :)

Don't worry, it'll pass. I have had crushes like that too in the past and I got over it.

It will go away.
Everyone gets those.

Although, not quite that bad.

um, find a new obsession that's going to help your self in the long run

Give it two, maybe three weeks tops to get over it. Everyone gets obsessions, but it's unhealthy to go to extremes. I've had obsessions before with people like Ryan Ross, Pete Wentz, Zac Efron, and right now I'm just getting over and obsession with Saul Hudson (Slash). These things pass : ) I'd suggest getting a hobby that would be better to obsess with?

I almost broke up with my boyfriend because I am in love with the Jonas Brothers.
If you find out an answer to this definately tell me.
Because I need some serious help with my obsession as well.


If this Chris doesn't like you, then all you can do is wait until you don't like him anymore. But you should probably do without the giant pictures, they make things worse. And if you like Chris so much, you probably shouldn't go out with other people if you can't think about anyone Chris.

Hmm...first of all, to most of the people that posted above -- if you don't know what you're talking about, then just shut up.

Anyway, to the poster -- this is serious. Its normal to have celebrity crushes but not to this kind of extreme. you're probably young, I would guess 14 - 16? and a lot of people this age have crushes on celebrities and other people they know they have no chance with, because subconsciously they know they aren't ready for a real relationship. and most celebrities they see as the "ideal" partner, because they really are portrayed as perfect. but you have to realize that they aren't.

I would suggest that you surround yourself with reality, because the farther you get into your own world, the more dangerous it can get. Trust me, this can potentially get even worse and can really damage your mental health. If it doesn't go away soon, I would strongly suggest you go see a psychiatrist.

Treon M
ok lyk wow you need to move on with your life because people arent wat you always expect them to be. find sumthin new to love like GOD...

i recommend a psycologist sweetheart.. your a bit on the crazy side, breakin up w/ur boyfriend for someone ull prolly never even meet? thats a bit psyco

Get off the computer and away from the shopping malls. Take some sort of hiking trip, go camping, boating...do something active outdoors that gets you away from anything related to the entertainment industry.
If you can't get away for a few days, at least turn off the electronics and that sort of thing and run around outside. Not only will it do your body good, but your brain will also be refreshed and you will be able to think of something healthy. Fantasy shouldn't get in the way of the real world.

Have fun hun! And seriously, do something active outside. It'll do you a world of good.

wake up and realize your insane! then you'll be fine

maybe try to slowly cut things out. a few things are alright, but try deleting all your pistures, then occupying your time with other things. maybe even for a while, don't listen to his music, so you'll get used to the loss slowly

Adam S
wow, i think you need a reality check. You need to cut yourself off from everything related to him. No matter how badly you don't want to, you need to stop obsessing. Stop looking at pictures of him, stop listening to his music, it's the only way your going to get over it.

so what if you're obssessed with him (for now). as everyone says, it's going to pass. who wouldn't be obssessed with him. he's a hottie and a rising star.

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