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and not feel like doing anything, i just feel like nothing is worth it, im not gonna kill myself, and this isnt a cry for attention i would just like some opinions ...

 Im a rape victim, what can i do?
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 Cure for depression that doesn't involve pills, god, or a dumb hobby?

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I said no god and no pills! So all you pill poppers and god lovers please pay attention....

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I am going through a lot and Thinking of Suicide. What should I do?
My dad and I are argueing. My boyfriend and I are about to break up. My mom is starting to become Bulimic and My best friend hates me because she is in love with a guy that I wont hook her up with. I am really starting to think about Suicide. I just think that nothing here is really worth it. What do I do? I need help.

Earl H
girlfriend as you grow up you will have problem some you wont be able to get away from. Although you dont agree with your dad just nod and keep going and for you boyfriend their are so many fish in the sea and much better ones. Remember god has a plan for all of us and the more we grow we learn. Just be patient and take 10 deep deep breaths. And think this soon will pass

First, you're talking about it meaning that it's not an exact emergency. It's good that you're talking about it, really.

If your 'best friend' hates you for something so superficial as that, she is not your best friend or a friend at all. Find some other friends, and I know it's hard. Try finding them in other places [online, churches, youth groups, after school clubs, etc]. If that's not an option, find someone you can talk to about all of this. A school counselor, trusted teacher, other relative.

Not to sound harsh, but if you're going to do it, you're going to do it -- there's nothing else to say.

And before you ask why I have the authority to talk about this, I have attempted several times, and was hospitalized for my most recent one.

If you'd like to talk some more, or would like some help finding someone, please let me know. I'm here for you, even though I don't know you.

The cable guy
Just Relax! Do not even think of Sucide. Just slow down a little and relax! That means your Boyfriend is not helping you out. Talk to him and break up. You will have your own time. Be single it's good and healthy. Best friends don't hate each other either. That means she's not a good friend. Tell her to deal with it. If she wants that guy, let her do it herself.. WHY YOU?

So break up with that BF and tell your best friend directly go and get that guy...
Talk to your parents the situation and they will help you. Life is GREAT! Just RELAX!

You need to find an adult who you trust, such as a teacher, a priest, etc. Go to this person and tell them that you need to talk privately with them, then tell them how you are feeling, tell them what you have been thinking about. Sometimes talking with someone about it is the best thing. If you talk about it, then you will most likely realize that suicide is not the solution.

You should deal with it. Your plight is nowhere near as difficult as thousands of others who have seen their families slaughtered, raped, and abused or are barely surviving due to malnutrition and disease. Look around you - 9 out of every 10 people have faced similar or even greater problems than the ones you describe. Try spending your time thinking about how to help others who have problems instead of spending so much time dwelling on yours. Not only will it make you feel better for helping others, but you will get to see first hand how small your own problems really are.

Hon, a few weeks down the road you are going to be thanking your "lucky stars" that you didn't go near the suicide route...honestly, there is nothing in your life or anyone elses that cannot be overcome with time.

Your dad and you are arguing: You know this and you do what you can to avoid it...if your dad is simply looking for things to argue about...be the mature one and simply tell him you mean no disrespect but you really don't wish to argue with him any longer as it's only making the two of you unhappy.

The boyfriend: there will be another one along shortly after...the breakup will help clear the way for you to meet the new fellow, something you wouldn't be able to do otherwise

Your mom is becoming bulimic...if you have a doctor, mention it to him or encourage her to seek help...obviously someone in her life is putting her down due to a weight issue that might not even exist except in the mind of the person telling her she's overweight. Or, she's seeking attention that she hasn't been getting...possibly from your dad?

Your best friend hates you: if she likes this guy so much, isn't it better if she does the pursuing? The guy might not appreciate your getting involved and even if he did, will you always be around to hook your girlfriend up with someone? You also run the possibility that the guy likes you instead...then what happens?

Life kicks aren't solved by suicide darlin', think about those you would leave behind to mourn your loss...think of the possibilities you have within your life, not only now but into the future.

Consider those people who are bound to wheelchairs, have no legs, or use of them, are quadraplegic, have cancer, are homeless, deal with debilitating illness daily...etc., etc. There's far more for which you can have thankfulness for and these issues are "bumps" that make us the people that we are and grow to be.

A strong person faces their bumps in the road and deals with them directly, head on or lets them be working themselves out on their own...choose those that you need to deal with directly and let the others work themselves out.

Yes, you have a lot going on right now and it's pulling you in all kinds of directions...deep breath and take each issue on it's own, deal with it the best you can and no matter how it turns out...know that you dealt with it in a mature, common sense fashion. Somethings are just meant to run their course...you'll know which ones those are.

Hang tight...you will be okay and so will everyone else in these scenarios. If it all gets really heavy ... seek the help of a medical professional, sometimes we all just need an unbiased person to give us a fresh perspective

Seek counseling immediately! Start withyour school guidence counsoler. Suicide is not the answer. It is selfish and a cowards way out. Not to mention that it destroys lifes forever. Many teens and even adults argue with their parents. It's normal. Try to just stay out of his way and don't provoke the arguement. Boyfriends come and go. You are young and have plenty of time to date. Your best friend is being childish. Is there a reason you won't hook her up with this guy? Tell her the truith. Life is worth living, yes, we all go through hard times now and again but we get through it. You can get through this. God never gives us more than we can handle. Somehow we manage - even when we think we can't. Consider this one of life'smany lessons.we learn from these lessons and we walk away a stronger person for doing so.
Your mother needs to see a Dr. to help her with her disorder. Tell her how you feel and how much you love her and that this is the reason you want her to get help. Feel free to contact me if you seek more guidance. Trust me honey, things will get better.

keith s
Talk to someone. Your problems are not that bad. Think of the kids who lost parents in 9/11 or the tsunami. What about the kids who won't get to enjoy Christmas and have no food. Or the soldiers who lost arms, legs and other body parts in iraq for your freedom.

It is insulting to them to kill yourself over the things you mentioned.

Mama Jam Jam
Peace to you Baby Girl. First, I want you to know that all the problems you are experiencing right now are temporary!! Suicide is forever! DO NOT try to solve a temporary problem with a permanent solution.

Sounds like you are going through a very hard period. Know that this too shall pass, hang in there. Please call a suicide hot line. I don't know where you are but if you dial 911 they can connect you to someone. Also, please talk to a trusted adult in your life, a minister, a school teacher or counselor, an Aunt or Uncle, a neighbor. And last but definitely not least, please pray and know thatt God loves you so much He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to forgive us for all of our sins and transgression. Invite the peace of a relationship with the Lord can give you. You cannot change your Dad, you can only change how you react to him. Your Mom has a medical condition, you are not a doctor and she cannot be healed until she recognizes tha she has a problem.......change the way you react to her. Your "best Friend" doesn't sound like much of a friend, maybe you need to put her in your acquaintance folder and let her deal with her own boy fiend not your problem problem.
Life is worth it! There is a whole world out there waiting for you. LIVE!!!!!!!

Big Jay 7
it's never as bad as you think.
things will get better.

call a suicide hot line

Don't think about suicide at all because of the following reasons:
1) Just because your dad & you argue, there has to be a GOOD reason for it . If not, then STOP.
2) There will be other boyfriends
3) Tell your dad about your mom's eating disorder. he will help her get out of it
4) Introduce yourself to the guy that you won't hook up with your best friend. There is always some good in people.
Think about it. Suicide isn't the answer. Everything will get better in the future!

kerry B
Seek counselling straight away. Very easy to say just tie a knot and hang on.Can you and your dad resolve your differences?Are there any family members or friends that can give you support?

please dont kill yourself. you and your dad will stop arguing soon. ask you boyfriend whats going on and talk about it with him. you need to help your mom. she needs you to help her. your best friend will get over it. dont even think about suicide. it will all get better. maybe you should see a counselor or priest. if you dont fell comfortable with that you should pray. everything is going to be ok.

Relax. Its all worth it. All these things will make you a stronger and more intelligent person. Perhaps one day someone will need you to help them with similiar experiences....and since you've been there you'll be able to help them.

Remember that suicide will not only effect you, but everyone around you. Talk it out with someone, and dont underestimate the assistance of a psychologist.

I think you need to get in contact with someone outside of your family and friends and share some of the load you carry!
A counselor or coach will be confidential about what you share.
Don't think that "it won't work"!
It is very important that you act to get in contact with someone that can support you! Don't think that others should "see" what's going on inside you, but tell it to someone! You are worth it!!

ferial 102
their are alot of things to look forward to in life alot. Dont think about that think about the future you do not know what it has instored for you. Life is full with wounderful and horrible thing dont waste a chance of all thoses things and If you do do that you would go to you know where thats what it says in the bible you should go to a church near you and ask them to pray for you and your family you need it and even though I dont know you I belive you should a a wounderful life I am going to pray for you through christ dont waste your life on some one else or becasue someone else. You only have one. Dont waste it have some fun with it. Just dont go to out of hand lol. And I will pray for you and your family also. I hope everything turns out ok and if you like what I just said or need more help just if you have an myspace add me my URL is www.myspace.com/ferial101 please add me I will try to help you more and belive me I will pray for you =]

Eric M
Seriously, you need to get a grip. Take a look at the things in your life that are causing you grief and analyze them a bit. You could probably do a little compromising with the people around you and things would be better. Talking to people and not letting conversation devolve into argument is important, even if you have to take a few rude jabs during a conversation. Grow some thicker skin and try to be there for your mother.

Suicide is not an answer, it's very selfish. All of these problems will still exist after you're gone and it will just make them worse.

First off all this will pass and be back to normal
very soon.
You need to talk to someone okay a Teacher,Preacher
The Police.
Suicide is NOT the ANSWER
If you have Grandparents or other family talk to
there are Hot lines you can call also to talk to professionals. just dial your operator on the phone
and ASK for a Suicide hot line phone number.
and call them OK..
I will be praying for you.Things will get better
I Promise that from the bottom of my heart.

For me the only thing that works is thinking that i'll never get this opportunity again .. who knows what happens after death ... don't worry how bad things are now there is always a way to make it better or at least start to. You have to ride this life out till the end .. and i can pretty much guarentee that as soon as you meet someone else or find something that makes you happy you'll wonder why you thought these things in the first place. If that's not enough think about all the people who have started of worsethan you and gone on to be extremely happy. It just seems bad now because it is now ..

I know that the world seems like it is coming down on you, but believe me, there is a whole lot more to live for. Your parents arguing is not your problem, it is theirs. The worst that could happen is they get divorced. Again, this is their problem. Sure, it would effect you in the sense that you will live with one of them primarily and see less of the other, but your life will go on. As for your mother being bulimic, this is her problem as well. Do what you can to provide her with info on why this is not a good habit and that she needs to get help. That is all you can do. As for your best friend hating you for something so minimal, then she is not truly your friend. She should know that your having a hard time right now and shouldn't be acting this way. Friends come and go and although she seems like your best friend now, you'll have many more BFF's in the future. So keep your chin up, it'll get better.

You are going to get a lot of idiots on here telling you to go ahead but believe me, things do get better. Try to ignore as much of the negative in your life and concentrate on the positive no matter how little you might see. Suicide is never the answer. If you feel that professional help might do you some good then go for it.
Life changes on a day to day basis. What you are going through now will seem like nothing 5 years from now. Live YOUR life, don't let others control how you feel. Boyfriends come and go, parents are a pain in the butt sometimes but that's their problem, your best friend is mad because you won't hook her up with some guy? Why can't she talk to him herself. Some best friend.

Life is worth it.

Nothing is worth you life. Give things a chance to work out. Your friend is not much of a friend if she can't understand that you are going through a lot ,and she still keeps pushing to get you to hook her up. I say get rid of her and concentrate on getting yourself together. Never take your life that is a cowards way out. It takes more to hang in there than to just snuff your life out. You can make it.

DO NOT DO IT. Sometimes people fight, but after a while the become better. If you commit suicide you will hurt your family, friends, and boyfriend.

Best of luck


How old are you? You sound really young. Do you think None of these things is anything to commit suicide over. Sounds like you are saying "I broke a nail! I want to commit suicide!!!"

Grow up.

Dont even think about suicide. You need to find some true friends that you can talk to, and ask them for help. If you feel you can't trust anyone close to you, then call a counselor. You need to get some help right away! I know you feel as if your world is crashing right now, but things will get better. You have to hit rock bottom to make it to the top. The only way from here is up! Go take a hot bath. This always helps me to relax. And don't forget.. you're not alone! Everyone feels like this at times!

dont do it...you will regret it! you dont want to throw yor life away just 4 those reasons. think about it....there are people out there less fortunate than you....people going hungry. its so stupid to do that to yourself!

I went through a rough time like that too. The best thing I ever did was to go see a counselor. She helped me talk through a lot of things and she helped me understand the feelings I was having and what I could do about them. I also went to a doctor who diagnosed me with clinical depression and gave me a prescription for Zoloft. There are a lot of stigmas surrounding depression, but you shouldn't worry about what other people say. You need to do whatever you can to get the help you need.

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