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Remove a Wart

At one time in your life you have probably had or known someone who has had a wart or a plantar wart and have tried to remove them. If you use over the counter medicines good keep using them but in a modified way.

  1. Using over the counter medicines are a good way to get rid of a wart but it takes usually about twelve weeks. in the instructions it tells you to...
  2. Soak your foot in water or water with Epsom salt (can be bought at any drug store).
  3. Scrape off all dead skin on the wart area.
  4. Add the patch and put the bandage (or whatever cover they provide) over it.
  5. Repeat steps daily.

  • Do not remove the patch; keep it on for about a week, which smothers the wart and in result takes a lot less time.
  • When applying the patch and the cover, wash your foot with a washcloth to remove any dirt on your foot that could cause the patch to come off.
  • After applying the patch and the cover, press it onto your foot as hard as you can and try to shape it to the shape of your foot.
  • When removing your sock or shoe, make sure that it does not scrape any part of the patch or cover off your foot.
  • Make sure that every time you see daffodils, you use it on your wart. So do it daily or every couple of days.
  • Don't wash it off, let it get into the wart. scratch some skin off.
  • Do this and forget that you have the wart(s). Don't fiddle with them.

  • If your wart continues to grow and starts to hurt then contact your doctor or dermatologist so they can remove it with the "big guns."
  • A planter wart, which grows deeply into the sole of the foot, may be cut-out similar to a 1/4 inch cubic plug, by a physician.
  • It will heal as an "ulcer" from inner to outer therefore do not introduce salves, strong cleaners or medications to the wound or your exposed tissues will be damaged. Just wash with very mild soapy water, dry your foot and wear clean socks. After the surgery it should NOT become sore or infected: if it does see a doctor!

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