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Get Rid of Bruises

There are several steps you can take to reduce the pain of a bump and encourage faster fading of the bruise. First, you want to reduce bloodflow to the area with ice to clear away the pooled blood. At the same time, as long as the skin isn't broken, a number of herbal ointments and compresses can help to erase the evidence of a careless moment that left its mark.

  1. Apply ice as soon as possible. When you cool the blood vessels around the bruised area, less blood leaks into the surrounding tissue. Flexible gel-filled ice packs, specifically designed for injuries, are available from sports shops and athletes will usually keep a couple of them in the freezer. For most of us, a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel is perfectly adequate. Or soak a flannel in ice-cold water and lay it over the bruise for 10 minutes. Whatever chilling agent you use, remove it after 10 minutes and wait for 20 minutes or so before you re-apply it so you don't overchill the skin underneath.
  2. Remember that if you have bruised your arm or leg, immediately wrap an elastic bandage around the bruised part. By squeezing the tissues underneath, the bandage helps to prevent blood vessels from leaking. The bruise will not be quite as severe.
  3. Reduce bloodflow to the bruise to minimize discoloration. If you bruise your leg, for instance, and you can take a break, settle into a sofa or armchair with your leg up on a pillow above heart level. If your arm is bruised, try to keep it propped above heart level whenever you're sitting.
  4. Start applying heat after 24 hours of cooling the bruise to bring more circulation to the area and help to clear away the pooled blood. Use an electrical heating pad for 20 minutes several times a day. Be sure to follow the instructions on the heating pad: in order to avoid burns, the pad should be placed so that it lies on top of - not under - the bruised limb.
  5. Alternatively, you can apply a warm compress either under or over the bruised area. A hot-water bottle will work. Or use a microwavable heat pack, available from medical stores or online.
  6. Vinegar mixed with warm water will help the healing process. Vinegar increases bloodflow near the skin's surface, so it may help to dissipate the blood that has pooled in the bruised area. Witch hazel will also do the trick.
  7. Apply arnica ointment or gel to the bruise daily. Arnica is a herb that has long been recommended for bruises. It contains a compound that reduces inflammation and swelling.
  8. Take a handful of fresh parsley leaves, crush them and spread them all over the bruise. Wrap the area with an elastic bandage. Some experts claim that parsley decreases inflammation, reduces pain and can make a bruise fade more quickly.

  • If you feel that you bruise too easily, you may be deficient in vitamin K, It strengthens capillary walls so they're less likely to leak blood and create a bruise. Get additional vitamin C by eating more peppers and citrus fruit or take supplements of up to 1000mg a day in divided doses.
  • People who are susceptible to bruising may be deficient in vitamin K, which you can get from kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts and leafy green vegetables as well as from multivitamin supplements, which you should take with meals to enhance absorption
  • Bromelain (a digestive enzyme found in pineapples) breaks down proteins that trap fluids in the tissues after an injury.

  • When the bruise does not go away in a few days and begins to swell or becomes unbearably painful, see a doctor. It could be a more serious injury.
  • When bruises appear suddenly, without cause you should seek medical advice from a health care professional. Bruises with unexplained causes can sometimes be something more serious.

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