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Get Rid of Toe Fungus

Fungus is curable. It may require medical treatment but there are positive things you can do to stop fungus without medical bills.

  1. Go to your doctor and make sure it is a toe fungus.
  2. Fungus is a growing, living thing. Changing the environment that it lives in will stop its growth. Wearing a different type of shoe may help, such as sandals to let feet breathe. Sunning the feet can also help, but be careful not to burn them.
  3. Soak your feet in water with vinegar added: approximately 1/4 cup of vinegar to 2 quarts of water. Do this every day for at least 2 weeks, then at least once a month.
  4. Use sulphur powder, available in most drug stores as a non-prescription item, or look for it in the gardening department. You can also mix this with an over-the-counter fungus powder.
  5. Depriving the fungus of oxygen may stop the spread of the infection into new nail as it grows. One remedy is to coat nails nightly with VapoRub only use this on a thoroughly dried toenail to avoid "sealing in" water that promotes fungus. Or, you can keep nail polish on them, especially at the "quick," where new nail is forming.
  6. Find products for the removal of nail fungus in a drugstore, or a beauty supply store's nail care section.
  7. Another tested method is 5% TO 10% pure orange oil available in garden and farm centers (not orange oil cleaner) in a 50-50 mixture of vinegar and rubbing alcohol. SHAKE-WELL BEFORE EACH USE. Apply daily between toes, on and under toe nails. You can obtain a medicine dropper at a drugstore or Walmart.
  8. As an alternative, you could use a few drops of tea tree oil or oregano oil. (Both can be bought in vitamin/health food stores. Wal-mart and other grocery stores also carry tea tree oil.)
  9. If home remedies are not working, your physician can give you a prescription for an oral medication that will kill the fungus. Typically, you take the pills daily for a week out of each month for at least six months. (There are warnings for this kind of anti-fungal product which is taken internally and includes side effects of possible liver damage and even death).

  • Toenails grow slowly. It may take 6 months or more for healthy nail to replace diseased tissue. Be patient and consistent with your remedy, in order to see results.
  • Try to keep your feet dry.
  • Clean the inside of all your shoes with vinegar. Sit them in the hot sun to dry.
  • Carefully read the directions of all products used.
  • If your feet are also red you may have a mixed fungus and yeast infection. The vinegar will kill the yeast infection also, but avoiding eating yeast and sugary foods will also help in this case.
  • But be aware-Toe Fungus's nickname is Athlete's Foot

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