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 If you call a suicide hotline, do they automatically call the police?

 What if when you sleep and piss and you dont feel it but it happens almost every night?

 Mother in law is psycho and stalking me plus hurting my daughters mentally?
My MIL is saying mean and hurtful things to my daughters. My oldest (10.5) has talked about suicide because her nanna doesn't love her. My MIL is constantly saying mean and hurtful things to ...

 I need help? i cant cope with the pain?
Im on the verge of a nervous breakdown because of my x bf, he was madly in love with me and then the next wanted me out of his life. He was my world i loved him dearly and still do, over the past 8 ...

 Have you ever attempted suicide?
If you have, did you get help? How long does it take to get better? And are you happy you didn't go through with it?
Looking for serious answers please....

 Can video games (like GTA) help someone become less shy?
I'm so alone, and I feel just like somebody else
Man, I ain't changed, but I know I ain't the same
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I know GTA is *not* real, but since I playing I ...

 I'm just curious to know how old are the people who hang around in this section?
I am 25....

 Help me..? im hurting so bad inside i just want to kill my slef?
ok this is hard for me i dont know what to say to explain how i feel except that im 20 years old and i havent ever been in trouble before and i live at home im not currently employed cause i just got ...

 Can anyone tell me why do people ask stupid question's?

 How long can you go without sleep before you start going crazy?

 I'm turning 39 in 10 minutes. Is life pretty much over after the 30's?
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 Why would anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence use Crystal Meth.?
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Is it ...

 Can people please say something to me, distract me...?
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 Is George Bush clinically insane?
He certainly has been acting very strange....

 My life is so lovely that I might as well shoot myself...?
Does anybody know from a counsellor who doesn't charge because I can't pay
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I'm not looking for attention, I am just genuinely messed up and really want ...

 I need help!! should i go to the hospital right now?
I dont knwo what to do!! Im 21 years old.. ifeel like i am losing my mind.. i am like twitching, im not thinking straight, i feell like i am going to like lose control.. i am so irratable and ...

 Tips to sleep at night and calm down.?
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there on this site by the ...

 What should i do? how do i tell them?
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 Isn't it a disappointment to have a BA degree, ONLY to find out you can't use it & get a decent job?
Due to your mental disability? I feel like I wasted time & money. Now, I'm too mentally disabled to work. My mental illnesses are disabling, & I had a low undergrad GPA in Spanish-2.3, ...

Elisha T
I feel suicidal and have tried to end my life lots of times they wnt admit me and i feel i need to be?
i have been suffering from deppression since 4 years old and only seeked help in the last two years i feel desperate if i don't get admitted soon i will be dead and no one seems to care even though i have told them over and over and over again and i have took 8 overdoses in the last two weeks and tried to jump off a bridge my councellor knows all this and how i feel about being admitted but he doesn't seem to want to do anything i have never been admitted before and have never been this bad and more wanting of ending my life i have planned when and how to do it and my councellor knows when i will do it and admits he knows i will do it i feel if i was admitted i would find it esear to cope with life.

ok, do something really stupid, and call the cops, they will make sure you get the help, just make sure you call them in time, and don't involve other people. Like sit on top of a building claiming your going to jump.

You need Jesus!

Lately, I've been feeling rather depressed and momentary thoughts of ending my life have even popped up in my mind. It's scary and concerns me. However, I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Having Him in my life keeps me sane, keeps my mind off myself from dwelling on those depressing thoughts. Rather, the Lord Himself changes me everyday. Depression can be a hard obstacle to overcome. Doing it by yourself will most likely get you no where. Lord, I can only imagine where I'd be had I not had the Lord in my life. *shakes head* I'd probably be in loads of trouble or I'd be dead already. Thankfully, I have God watching out for me. He's my heavenly Father, my Daddy. ^^ So whenever those thoughts want to creep on in, He always reminds where I could be without Him or if I ever gave into those thoughts, and He brings me back to Him for peace of mind and heart.

if your gonna do it then do it properly. if you really wanted to die it wouldnt take you loads of attempts to do it. get a grip and sort it out

I'm sorry, what's stopping you from admitting yourself? Sounds more like you're looking for a load of attention that you for some reason never received. Depression at 4? Come on now.

gemma r
phone the police and tell them. they will have to admit you

Aw im so sorry to hear that. Just think in your head what makes you want to end your life? Why do you think like this? This might not help brilliantly but it will help on makin u a little happier by makin the day your own. Run a nice bath for urself, put on ur fave music n sing along to it. It releases the tension inside of ya. When you get out the bath, put on a comedy, make a hot choccy and just laugh until u cry with laughter :). I no it wont help on the long run but it might remind ya of a gd day in ur life and just make u smile. Do it every so often and make yourself feel great!

Also see a therapist. You might need a little more proffesional help too. Hope this helps a little

Go to the police station and ask them to get you emitted tell them what you just told us and they will get you amitted for your own protection.

Go to the nearest emergency room and tell them how you feel. They will admit you and hopefully you will get a better counselor in the hospital !

Time travler
Call up your county mental health services. 411 can get the telephone number for you, that is if you are in the USA. Tell the mental health services what you wrote here . I bet they will get you the help you need. Do it now!

Elisha life is hard, but you shouldn't go with suicide!! Look at the positive of life and things could only get better from there!! Tell me how it works out!!

it sounds more like you have personality traits.
the language you are using is 'suicidal' where as what you really want is recognition that you are feeling so low and in your desperation you are resorting to these extreme measures to grab peoples attention. you don't really want to die, you probably just want the help and support to get you through these difficult time and don't have coping strategies to do so.
your counselor is not responsible for your behavior- you are. you are choosing to take this action nobody is making you.
If you really wanted to die you would go and do it where nobody could see or stop you, allowing you to die before discovery. i see people like you are describing yourself all the time in the psychiatric ward. admission to hospital will not help you alone. learning new coping strategies to deal with life and taking responsibility for yourself is the way forward.
one day you will do unexpected permanent damage to yourself in a bid for attention and believe me peoples pity wears thin after the first few times leaving you feeling more isolated than ever.
there are other more rational ways of getting help and support from support groups on line, phone lines to talk to somebody 24 hours a day etc.
you know what happened to the boy who cried wolf?? well this may be starting to happen to you.
seek help other than admission, stay safe and trust me, you do not really want to be admitted to psychiatric ward, really you dont.

Big Girls Dont Cry
First of all I want to say how sorry I am that you feel this way and I understand because I've been there a few times myself.Please don't kill yourself,there is help out there.If you call the police and tell them you are suicidal they will get you admitted.Good luck.

cant take heat?get the f%&k out!
tell your parents to take you to a mental institution.my sister was in one for a couple of months and now shes not suicidal or depressed.if they arent taking you seriously call 911 ASAP!! since this is an emergency and a life or death situation.they should know how to help you also. just dont kill yourself.

I felt like crying when I read this. There is no one on here qualified enough to help you. However, if you feel you need to be admitted but no one is listening, you can admit yourself. If you think you are a danger to yourself they have no choice but to accept that and keep you under observation.
I hope you get the help that you need.
As for your counseller, I would consider getting another one! They are obviously not helping you. Are you on medication?

speak to your doctor and i would probably get a different counsellor aswell as he doesn't seem to be taking you seriously.its obvious you need help and i hope you get it soon.good luck.

Dude, do it. Its better to give it a chance then to kill yourself.

Sometimes you can't always rely on the authorities to help you. Sometimes you just have to seek help from other places like family, friends, priests, pastors, ministers, girl friends, and boy friends etc.

I don't advise you to do anything silly as it could end up costing you for the rest of your life.

As a suggestion you might want to go to your doctor and explain to him or her about what is happening and if he or she won't listen then try going to another doctor or something.

Sometimes people who work in hospitals etc are not that willing to help because of the number of people they are already dealing with and for other reasons too like some folk might not even care.

Were you not admitted to hospital when you overdosed? I would make an appointment with your GP tomorrow and ask to see the mental health team.

Go to your doctor tomorrow. Or simply turn up at your A and E department and pester them until they get a psych to assess you.

Sharmaine G
ive tried and been in your postion with wanting to end my life many times so i do know how you feel.in the uk there are a couple of differnt ways you can get help,
1 is call the police,my boyfriends a policeman and is lovely,he would help you see a docter!
2 is call 999 and as for an abulance if you cant get yourself to a and e safely they will take you you will have to wait to see and docter and they will ask you questains and help you
3 call your gp up tomorrow or outof hours
4 call the help lines on line there lots of free numbers out there

i really do hope that this helps and understand to that even people who dont know you are taking the time to reply,so everyone out there isnt that bad honest!

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