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 Mother in law is psycho and stalking me plus hurting my daughters mentally?
My MIL is saying mean and hurtful things to my daughters. My oldest (10.5) has talked about suicide because her nanna doesn't love her. My MIL is constantly saying mean and hurtful things to ...

 I need help? i cant cope with the pain?
Im on the verge of a nervous breakdown because of my x bf, he was madly in love with me and then the next wanted me out of his life. He was my world i loved him dearly and still do, over the past 8 ...

 Have you ever attempted suicide?
If you have, did you get help? How long does it take to get better? And are you happy you didn't go through with it?
Looking for serious answers please....

 Can video games (like GTA) help someone become less shy?
I'm so alone, and I feel just like somebody else
Man, I ain't changed, but I know I ain't the same
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I know GTA is *not* real, but since I playing I ...

 I'm just curious to know how old are the people who hang around in this section?
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 Help me..? im hurting so bad inside i just want to kill my slef?
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 Is George Bush clinically insane?
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 My life is so lovely that I might as well shoot myself...?
Does anybody know from a counsellor who doesn't charge because I can't pay
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I'm not looking for attention, I am just genuinely messed up and really want ...

 I need help!! should i go to the hospital right now?
I dont knwo what to do!! Im 21 years old.. ifeel like i am losing my mind.. i am like twitching, im not thinking straight, i feell like i am going to like lose control.. i am so irratable and ...

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 Is it normal ???
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 Do you think your wierd??

Seungyong W
How can i get ready for someone's sudden death?

kill off a few close friends and family members. that way you can prepare your self.

If we lived our lives properly, a sudden death wouldn't be that big of a deal.

Of course, it is always sad to lose someone you love, but if we acted and treated everybody like every occasion was the last time we would see them, there would be no unresolved issues. Everyone would know how much everyone else loves/respects them, and there would be no unfinished business or regrets.

Get a book on grief from the library or see a grief counselor. Your local hospital should have a support group, and a local religious institution should have one, too.


Spiny Norman
Just be alert at all times. Be ready. Be prepared and practise being shocked daily. Keep awake at night, its a non stop vigil really!

Memphis Kitten
There's no way to prepare for sudden death. I find comfort in knowing they will soon be in heaven or on the "other side."

By definition, you CANNOT 'prepare' for sudden death.

Could you rephrase the question?

you can't get ready

but everyone is going to die maybe not to day or tomorrow but they are and that's just life sorry

vw chick
You cant. Everyone says they would be ready, but when it happens it always catches even the most prepared offgard. Hang in there with in time it gets better, I promise. Best of luck.

u can never be ready 4 anyones death just take each day as it comes

emo eyes
You can never really be ready. You can do things like make funeral arrangements and stuff.

lisa c
You can never be ready but you can prepare yourself my uncle died aged 38 and we was prepared as we new he had his illness for over a year. My nan died this october we had a weekend to prepare ourself because it was just all of a sudden and we wasnt expecting it.

Death is always a shock.it doesn't matter when it happens. you can think ahead about practical matters because when the time comes you may be too upset to think straight. try not to leave yourself with things to regret. sort out differences now. tell people how you feel about them while there's time you can't put things right later.

If you know the person is going to die very soon then you need to spend quality time with them. You need to make sure that every day you tell them just exactly how special they are to you and how much you love them. You need to be there and listen to them so they can talk about anything they want to. Every last minute is important.

I lost my partner suddenly just over 2 years ago only I didn't get any warning. I got up and found that I could not get him to wake up. Despite all my efforts to revive him I lost him. I am still struggling with this because I didn't get chance to make sure he knew what he meant to me and how much I loved him.

Unfortunately you will never really be ready for anyone who is going to die, but at least by following some of my suggestions it will ease some of the pain and questions which follow a loved one's death.

I hope this helps and wish you well. :-)))

I'm afraid i agree with Molly. We knew our father was dying, but when he did it was still a shock. I dont think its particularly appropriate to 'get ready' by looking for funeral directors etc before the death has occurred. Getting mentally ready is hard, but all you can do is tell yourself that it is going to happen, and try and see the person and talk to them if possible before they go. If the death is unexpected you cant possibly prepare yourself.

You can't. Simple as that, when it happens, you just have to deal with it the best you can.

Well, if its a sudden death, you probably won't have any warning to prepare for it.

If you mean that the death will be soon but was unexpected then there isn't a huge amount you can do to prepare. Focus on making sure the person has everything they want and need and that you both feel you have said everything that you want to say to each other. Let them talk about what is going to happen, it might be painful for you, but they will need to; planning their funeral is often really important. If they can't talk, then at least make sure you have said everything you ever wanted to say to them, don't leave things unsaid.

The last thing I told my Grandma was that I loved her and that she should enjoy the view (she had a bed by a window with a lovely garden outside) she told me I looked beautiful. Now, I can look back and smile at that last visit, its not sad at all, just how it should have been.

Black Orchid
You can never be ready even if you know a loved one is dying you still cant believe it when it happens

Frogette O
How do you know there is going to be a death if it is sudden?

Iccle bear
unfortunately i don't think you can. Knowing someones going to die makes it easier in some respects, but harder in others. You're left waiting for it happen, sometimes wanting it to happen.

Someone you're close to dying is always hard to deal with whether you know it's coming or not. I lost my father 13 years and I'm still finding it hard.

It's something that you have to deal with in your own way.

if its sudden death you wouldnt have time to prepare yourself !

You can never be ready for a sudden death, I happens and it will all ways come as a shock.

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