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 What things can trigger you to go into rage?

 How can i stop feeling depressed....?
Ive been feeling depressed for a long time and its no fun.. how can i break away from it.......

 Is it possible to beat clinical depression without anti-depressants?
If so tell me how. I've felt like sh1te for days and have all the same symptoms as when I have had it before like crying nearly all the time. But I don't want to go back to the docs and end ...

 Is wanting to jump off a bridge a sign of depression?

 Why do i do drugs?
i have done drugs, more than a few times actually. i feel really good when i am doing them, but guilty after. should i keep doing them and live with the guilt or should i give up my happiness?...

 Please interpret this Dream?
In my dream, I was reorganizing and cleaning. But It wasn't my real apartment,it was bigger. In the dream I lived there. There were alot of old-fashioned white wooden drawers. There was white ...

 What do you do to get rid of your daily stress after work? How do you spend your time till you sleep?

 Am i depressed or just weak minded?
hi. im 22 years old and have never had a gf,and never really even had a girl interested in me that i have liked. it seems i always fall straight into the friend wagon, never the boyfriend. this has ...

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 I'm plain and kind of ugly. Can I actually have boyfriends?
http://i225.photobucket. I just sat and cried for hours because it hits me how unattractive I am to men--both attractive and otherwise.
I'm ...

 How do you cure loneliness? Any ideas, all are welcome.?
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 OMG , Plz help me with this for gods sake ?? I am ruining myself?
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our niece just spilled the beans to a cousin that she's a vampire. sneaks out at night to feed. has headaches from the voice in her head, that talks to her for hours at a time. got it from a ...

 How can you tell if someone is addicted or using cocaine?
i have a feeling my bf is using it and im not sure i dont know how to tell. plz help
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also i dont want to let him know that i think hes using it because ive heard that ...

 Could I be Bi Polar?????????
My Aunt has been diagnosed with Bi Polar disease.
So I looked it up and I think I may have it.

I can be EXTREMELY HYPER to where I'll do ANYTHING.
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 Does drinking alcohol help anxiety sufferers?
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 My dreams are freaking me out?
every time i have my period, i have a recurring dream, that my daughter is being kidnapped, i always find her, but then i have to watch her being abused, last night however i dreamt that my son had ...

 I need help?
Its hard to explain everything but i will give u some details, i have derpression and some social promblems, and i am a full time carrer and i am finding it really hard to cope with everything most ...

 Cant stop crying?
Im crying now as i type this... Im so upset i feel upset to the core! why is this...
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I had cancer in 2005 im 22 now.. i hate the way i look... i hate most things . god ...

Has anyone out there ever suffered from depression, and if so, How did you discover you were suffering from it and can it ever be defeated?
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Thanx for all the ...

Bruce B
Why would anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence use Crystal Meth.?
Knowing what we know about this drug. About how addictive it is; how unstable it is and just how dangerous it is; why would anyone with any amount of intelligence even try it.

Is it just stupid people using this drug? REALLY DUMB PEOPLE?

I have a rule against inhaling anything that calls for battery acid and amonia as an ingredient.

What the hell?

Wally Y
It sounds like you are surmising that people in general are intelligent? If that were true there would be no politicians elected to any office in this country, because intelligent people know they are all liars and only want the money and prestige from their positions.

People are just that dumb

molly maid
most people trying this drug may be hooked on another drug and will try anything to relive that first experience,but it can never happen and until they can accept that then they will continue to follow 'the path of destuction'for some it may be the 'path of no return'as for being dumb then that's a matter of opinion it dose'nt take alot to become addicted to a drug,but it can take a lifetime to withdraw from them,for most user's it replace's a missing emotion.

you have a good point, but it has been scientifically proven that there is an "addiction gene" that is passed down from parent to child, so some can't help it. others do it because they have a really screwed up home life. i would never touch it, personally.

el guapo
losts of reasons...usually to fit in/because it's cool or just to get messed up. the problem with meth is that it it makes you "numb" to to other things after the first time, for example: chocolate won't ever taste as good etc...
the smoking habit is even more stupid, people smoke pack after pack unlike meth which is done with less frequency

S.E.X.Y. as can be!!!
NO ONE with any amount of intelligence would use it! Or it could be they think they'll just try it once and they wont be addictive

Its more of a psychological matter than just being intelligent or not. Many intelligent people have self destructive habits. Probably because they wernt shown very much love in childhood.

I have to agree, it takes a special kind of stupid to do meth.

I couldn't tell you the answer to that because I don't do meth & never will.
I have seen lots of programs on this & it is done by people from all walks of thive. So I have to say this don't have much to do with how smart you are.

Kevin K
It's addictive, you try it once, literally one time and you're hooked, you can't leave it alone after one shot at it. If there's pressure on you to try it or you just want to "experiment" thats all it takes is one time and its downhill from there. It's one of the most addictive drugs.

There are many intelligent, successful, even wealthy People in Life, "who take Meth !"

I never took Meth, but I am no better than one who has taken Meth, or is still on Meth !!

They are not stupid, they "in my opinion" do not have an inner Stable Peace of Mind.

Some seek this state of mind, out through
Meth. Some seek this inner Stable Peace of Mind out through intake of excessive alcohol.
Some seek this Stable inner Peace of Mind, through belief in a god, through their religion.
Others seek this Peace through watching sports day and night, at the expense of neglecting their family. We all have our way of trying to seek that inner Stable Peace of Mind, and to try and find Happiness !!

We, as human beings, all have the same need,
and that is happiness AND Peace of Mind !!

There are many rich people, such as Mr. Trump, who is what a Multi-Billionare, who thinks that if he sells only 1,000 more houses, or creates just 10 more reality T.V. shows, he might possibly find Peace of Mind. And I actually do not think Mr. Trump is a bad person.

No one is Dumb or Stupid. We are all

seeking the same thing, even if for

some, it is something which only brings Very

temporary peace and happiness.

Real Peace and Happiness Only comes
through the Transformation of one's Mind.
I found this Transformation of Mind through Tibetan Buddhism. This is not for everyone, and that is alright.

"Whatever form of Philosophy that works for a person which does NO harm to oneself, or another, AND will most definately bring them Stable Inner Peace of Mind, and Happiness, then go for it !! 'And stay with it, without being a Hypocrite about it !! ' "

Take Care. Have a Great week.

I am a Registered Nurse working in a
Cardiac, and Respiratory areas of an
Acute Hospital, but I choose not to list this as my sources.

I share through insight, and self-understanding.

mom of 4
i think they do drugs to fit into a certain group of people , or from peer presure or depression , i also think some do it because their parents did or their older siblings , its sad how some ruin their life

I have a relative who has done meth. This person was very intelligent but due to family problems turned to this as a form of acceptance with friends and as a way of escape. I'm still trying to understand it because I never thought an intelligent person could be so stupid. Now I can't even relate to this person anymore because they have no desire to improve their life or to become more than they are now - no future outside of just existing. This mindset is completely alien to me.

Heck no. I never understood it either.

Melanie J
Drugs have been used for centuries by humans who are trying to expand their minds or who are always thinking and looking for a way to relax and not think at all. People who are intelligent and inclined to experiment with drugs may get bored with the usual and start looking for something new..a new high. They want to experience different sensations, thoughts and feelings. Maybe they are looking to be more connected to their bodies and less aware of their thoughts or maybe they are tired of thinking along the same lines and want to let their minds wander in new directions.Just because a person is intelligent doesn't mean that they won't do something stupid.

I consider myself a fairly intelligent woman and I used crystal meth a few times in the same week about 12 years ago. Personally, I was curious. I wanted to see what the big fuss was about and I wanted to try something new. It made me very hyper and my mind was going a mile a minute. It wasn't that great and I never did it again, but to each their own.

I understand where you're coming from, but sometimes people just make bad choices, or get caught up in the wrong crowd. and then there's peer pressure too.
regardless of the reasons people use meth, I think the best thing that we can do for them is not judge them, pray for them, and offer them our friendship along with trying to point them in the right direction. I think by the time they're hooked, they already know they're in trouble and don't know where to turn.

It's terrible how people decide just to abuse themselves over their problems. They should put into perspective that things could be a lot worse. They need to get help not turn to drugs.

Cassie d
sounds like you have already judged "these" people, you already believe you are better then they are without ever understanding what brings people to do this drug. We need less people like you in the world and more people who care and want to understand.

iron chef bryan
have you met any intelligent people who use meth? you kinda answered your own question.

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