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 What should i do? how do i tell them?
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also i dont want to let him know that i think hes using it because ive heard that ...

 Could I be Bi Polar?????????
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Help me..? im hurting so bad inside i just want to kill my slef?
ok this is hard for me i dont know what to say to explain how i feel except that im 20 years old and i havent ever been in trouble before and i live at home im not currently employed cause i just got laid off of my job about 3 months ago and no one is hiring so im supposed to be getting a job in a couple weeks at walmart... but theres more then that, i have a bi polar ex boyfriend who called me tonight and said really mean things to me and it really upset me the way he was talking about me... so i went for a drive in my mom's car because i dont have one because a girl pulled out in front of me a couple weeks ago and wrecked my car, so i was driving too fast in my moms car and got a speeding ticket, i was going 52 in a 35 and this is the second speeding ticket ive had in 3 years, it's gonna cause my parents insurance to go up and plus i'll have to pay the court fee and cost of the ticket and plus my car getting fixed is $1500 which my dad is paying for, im not spoiled at all, but i feel
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like im a big disappointment to my mom and dad and i feel like i make things harder for them with me being out of a job and all, and i love them so much and do not take them for granted, but after i tell them about me getting a speeding ticket, they wont be happy and i already feel like ****... i just want to kill my self... and it would be alot easier on my mom and dad...

You're bringing troubles on yourself.
How easy would it be to NOT go over the speed limit?
If you know you have trouble with self-control, then you shouldn't even allow yourself to get behind the wheel when upset -- Certainly not in another person's auto.

If you want to make life easier for your folks, then become responsible for your own actions. Keep account of how much more they will have to pay towards their car insurance because of your ticket, & make up the difference, monthly. Why should they have to pay for your mistake? They certainly shouldn't have to ask you to do it.

You seem to think that your ex-bf upsetting you is good reason for how you reacted. It isn't. He may be bi-polar, but that's NOT YOUR responsibility. You are responsible to yourself. When someone speaks unkindly or meanly to you, you should shut the door or hang up, without apology. If they threaten, you should make out a police report. You need to develop self respect & self worth. For that, I recommend reading:

"How to Find Real Happiness"
- Think of Your Spiritual Needs
- Keep your Life Simple
- Happiness and Self-Worth
- Hope--Vital to Happiness http://watchtower.org/e/20010301/article_02.htm

"You Can Be Happy Despite Problems" :
- How Happy Are You?
- A Sure Guide to Happiness http://watchtower.org/e/20060615/article_01.htm

"You Can Fight Pessimism!" http://watchtower.org/e/20040422/article_03.htm

'Will God Forgive Me for Feeling This Way?' http://watchtower.org/e/20011022/diagram_02.htm

"You Can Find Help"

"A Cry for Help, Soon--A World Without Despair!"

You think you feel bad???
Just how much of a Failure do you think Your Parents Will Feel, if you kill yourself??? Think about it!

"What Is Your Life Worth?" http://watchtower.org/e/20050201/article_01.htm

"Does Praying Do Any Good?" :
- Why do People Pray?
- Does Anyone Hear Prayers?
- Are All Prayers Heard? http://watchtower.org/e/20001115/article_01.htm

Don't accept calls from him, in future. Caller ID? Print this page, and leave it for them to find. with a hand written promise to pay the extra premium, and other costs, once you are employed, and to not speed again, because you have learned your lesson. Is there someone you can talk to, about this? A religious advisor, possibly? Alternatively, you could ask that they contact your parents, on your behalf, saying that you have been to see them, and are considerably distressed over this.

Sometimes things get worse before they get better. You really need to pray that God guides you in this. My husband lost a good paying job and was out of work for 2 months. I truly believe he would have found work sooner if he would have just given it over to God. Everyone was praying but it took time to get him on board. We went deeply into debt at this time because of other projects we had in the works, but things are starting to look up again. There are times when we just want to give up, but don't because God is just trying to tell you something. You just have to be patient and listen.
I know in my heart God has better things for you. Pull out your bible and read. It can make a big difference.

Well you are going to cause your parents a lot more pain if you kill yourself because they are going to blame themselves. They are going to think they made a mistake when raising you and their lives will be over.

A few bad things have happened to you and you don't feel well. If you died that would be a very bad thing happening to your parents and they wouldn't feel well.

The best thing you can do is set some guidelines for yourself. You don't owe it to an ex-boyfriend to talk to him. Just say that you are unavailable right now and hang up. You can not at this point in your life make yourself emotionally available to this person. You can't afford to.

Talk to your parents about being a burden to them and ask them how you can make it up to them. Perhaps you can do something big like paint their house or cook, clean and repair items around the house.

I had an emergency and I needed shelter and my friend put me up. I cleaned every square inch of her messy home because she was too busy to do it. She was thrilled to have me because she got something out of it. I lightened her load.

~Ta Da~
you know what, I am 22, married have a daughter, a stable lifestyle a husband who loves me and even after reading about your so called miserable life, I would still be in your position then mine. At least you have nothing that is holding you back from doing things you want, you have no actions that result in permanent consenquences. You have barely scratched the surface of "life" ....I only wonder how you would feel when you get a taste of it.

Totally E
Right now you feel like it ending it would be the best, but trust me, it is not. I have been there before. There are times I have those toughts daily. It is not the answer. If you are really to the point of hurting yourself, call someone, call 911, call a friend, seek counseling. If you did harm yourself, you would devistate your parents more than hurting them with the $1500.

It can be very difficult when lots of things go wrong all at once. Escape of any kind can be tempting. But it is so important to look at the consequences. Running away does not solve problems and hurting or killing yourself will most defiantly not help. Try to imagine the agony your parents, family and friends would go through if you made such a decision.
I think it would be better to try to look at your situation from an outside perspective, with a little more rationality (this can be tough):
*Your ex-boyfriend is dealing with some pretty dark and heavy feelings himself right now. Try not to take what he has said to heart, because he is probably not even aware of how he is treating you.
*Not having a job is rough, but it sounds as though you may have one at Wal-mart shortly.
*A speeding ticket (or three) can be frustrating to deal with, but I PROMISE you that your parents prefer to pay more for insurance than deal with losing their child. Talk to them. They may be upset, but it can be worked out.
Twenty is not an easy age. Legally, you are an "adult" but you have not had enough experiences at that age to adequately deal with everything on your own. (hey, I am almost 29, and some days barely feel prepared to deal with all the "adult" stuff)
Take a few deep breaths. Realize that dealing with these difficulties will only make you stronger in the end. Get help. Talk to a therapist if it is easier than talking to a friend or relative.
Above all, please know that you are not alone. It sounds as though your family cares for you, and if you are of the Christian faith, you know that God is right there beside you and knows your thoughts and feelings. Pray if it helps.
I wish you the best of luck. Please, take care of yourself, don't resort to harming yourself; your life is too precious!

easy and death do not go together. and stop talking that way,or you can be hauled away !!!!
Get over it move forward and act your age.
You can't stop the past ,just over come it.

As a parent, I would say that no parent expects their kid to NOT make mistakes. It is only money. From the outside looking in, it looks to me like one bad thing snowballed into other bad things. You're boyfriend seems to be the catalyst in this whole mess. Do your parents know about this talk with your boyfriend? Please talk to them about it.

You are not spoiled because you're father is helping you out. I do not know many twenty year olds who would afford a ticket, court fees, and $1500.00 on their own.

Relax! You sound like you have been a good kid who is goign through a rough spot in the road of life. It happens to everyone...it is the balance of life. Maybe you are to learn something valuable from this experience that will help you persevere later in life when dealing with an equally difficult situation. You obviously are conscious of your decisions and how they affect others..you are taking responsibility for your actions...Go a little easier on yourself. Pick yourself up, get back on the proverbial horse and observe the ride. Drive yourself forward until you are in a bettr place. Maybe you are given this opportunity to realize the strength you have within that may be unknown to you. You are young and will make mistakes. Life is all about that..making mistakes and learning. It is tragic when you don't build your character and values from the events of life and get stuck in a cycle only to become stagnent. Learn from this, and move on as a better more mature person. Good luck!

Talk to them! Tell them how you're hurt, how you feel inside, how much you love them and how hopeless your life feels. They may initially be mad at you, but if you tell them what's going on, they'll be able to understand you more, help you out, and forgive you. It will also show to them that you trust them and are responsible... and in turn they'll be able to trust you.

Talk to them, please.

S-L-O-W D-O-W-N......The world is not coming to an end tonight. You're having a rough time right now. We all get that sometimes.

Go to your parents... start off with
" I'm having a rough day..."
Nothing seems to be going right....no matter how hard I try.
I was already feeling bad with no job, and my wrecked car,...
___(ex BF)___ called tonight.. I was really upset from all his meanness over the phone...
Took a drive to get my mind off of it all...
And the lights were flashing in my mirror....I was being pulled over. This is all too much for me to handle right now!!!
I am so upset. My life has gotten out of hand and I just don't know what to do!
You and mom have been great, and I just feel sooooo... bad to disappoint you all. I'm trying to get a job - I want to pay my own way........It's all just so hard right now!


whoa whoa whoa, please whatever you do don't kill yourself please, you would only cause your parents more harm, look your going through a tough time, but don't turn to suicide as your only solution. look sure your parents will be upset but they will get over it, they will never get over the fact that you killed your self because of problems that actually have a solution. you'll get through this, just be open and communicate with your parents.

gurl! i am sure its tough on u rite now, bt its not worth takin ur life.
everybody makes mistakes, theres no way to mature and grow up without takin responsibility. i am sure ur parents are goin to be mad, disappointed watever it is. bt honestly, toughen up. its hard to go tell ur parents abt ur speeding ticket bt its the easier choice. jst tell them, listen to wat they have to say and move on. get a job, learn from your mistakes and move on.
there will be days when things wont go ur way, u jst have to take a deep breath and move on. this is jst the process of growin up.
cheer up!! theres so much more to life than worrying

You think you love your parents yet you talk about killing yourself. Yes your parents will be mad at you for the speeding ticket. But how do you think they will feel if you committed suicide. Your parents LOVE YOU!!!! to lose a child is one of the most horrible experiences ever, I lost my nephew a couple years ago and it still hurts. Everyone makes mistakes, and every mistake can be forgiven. But Death is permanent, there is no going back. So LOVE your parents tell them your mistakes, tell them how you feel, They Love you and they will forgive you.

Zayda R
Well (personally since I'm a Christian this is how I would look at it), the reason why you're having such a bad time, is because God is making everything in your life better.

Before everything gets better, it has to get worse. And God is watching over you every second. And if you want to know more about this whole god thing, then you should buy a Bible and read it and ask God to guide you through everything.

Misty M
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Life is hard sometimes. But that is what builds character. Don't be to hard on yourself. And maybe you should dump your bf if he is being mean to you. He has no right to do this to you. Being bipolar is the new excuse for people that cannot control their emotions. If he truly loves you he would be supportive in your times of need. And killing yourself would not help your mom and dad. I would probably devastate them. So think about how they would truly feel. Your life will get better. You already said your going to start a new job. So that will help. Good luck and God Bless.

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