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 I'm turning 39 in 10 minutes. Is life pretty much over after the 30's?
I'm really becoming aged. I have one year of my 30's left. I'm looking for answers from old people (40+) about how to handle leaving my 30's and entering old age. If you are under ...

 Why would anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence use Crystal Meth.?
Knowing what we know about this drug. About how addictive it is; how unstable it is and just how dangerous it is; why would anyone with any amount of intelligence even try it.

Is it ...

 Can people please say something to me, distract me...?
i've got a lot on my mind atm, i'm stressed, worried, and i really feel the need to cut myself right now, but i'm desperately trying not to. i haven't cut for weeks, so i'm ...

 Is George Bush clinically insane?
He certainly has been acting very strange....

 My life is so lovely that I might as well shoot myself...?
Does anybody know from a counsellor who doesn't charge because I can't pay
Additional Details
I'm not looking for attention, I am just genuinely messed up and really want ...

 I need help!! should i go to the hospital right now?
I dont knwo what to do!! Im 21 years old.. ifeel like i am losing my mind.. i am like twitching, im not thinking straight, i feell like i am going to like lose control.. i am so irratable and ...

 Tips to sleep at night and calm down.?
Can anybody give me any tips on how to sleep better at night. Everytime for the past few nights I have been crying everytime I try to sleep. I am waking up when I hear my dad get up worring if ...

 I have a stalker.. any tactics to scare em off?
there on this site by the ...

 What should i do? how do i tell them?
recently i've been feeling very confused lately, feeling really low, all these weird things are happening, like i'll be standing up or something then suddenly i'll go into a dream like ...

 Isn't it a disappointment to have a BA degree, ONLY to find out you can't use it & get a decent job?
Due to your mental disability? I feel like I wasted time & money. Now, I'm too mentally disabled to work. My mental illnesses are disabling, & I had a low undergrad GPA in Spanish-2.3, ...

 Is it normal ???
i hate being in groups. i hate hanging in groups of over 5 (including myself). thats why i dont have very many friends. once my teacher left the classroom and all hell broke loose. there were kids ...

 Do you think your wierd??

 What things can trigger you to go into rage?

 How can i stop feeling depressed....?
Ive been feeling depressed for a long time and its no fun.. how can i break away from it.......

 Is it possible to beat clinical depression without anti-depressants?
If so tell me how. I've felt like sh1te for days and have all the same symptoms as when I have had it before like crying nearly all the time. But I don't want to go back to the docs and end ...

 Is wanting to jump off a bridge a sign of depression?

 Why do i do drugs?
i have done drugs, more than a few times actually. i feel really good when i am doing them, but guilty after. should i keep doing them and live with the guilt or should i give up my happiness?...

 Please interpret this Dream?
In my dream, I was reorganizing and cleaning. But It wasn't my real apartment,it was bigger. In the dream I lived there. There were alot of old-fashioned white wooden drawers. There was white ...

 What do you do to get rid of your daily stress after work? How do you spend your time till you sleep?

 Am i depressed or just weak minded?
hi. im 22 years old and have never had a gf,and never really even had a girl interested in me that i have liked. it seems i always fall straight into the friend wagon, never the boyfriend. this has ...

I want to be normal?
i m 26 year old i m haveing panick attack last summer but now i get medicine what is help me whit that and my high pulse to but sometime i feel like so alone and to tell u io dont want kill my self i m just so tire
i want to be normal go to club s and everywhere where i was before and i dont know how to do that i dont have panick attack sense i m take the medicine wich is 5 month now but sometime i dont feel good and i m tire for this before i always happy and going out person i was
now i m sitting home not going nowhere and is staart ruin my life please help me how i can be normal again please somebody help me

Chrissy P
Panic attacks are more common than most people know. Some personalities are just prone to having them. (usually onset by stress) There are also different levels. If you feel your meds aren't helping that much, you may need to try others. Talk to your physician. Also, go to a bookstore, or get online and educate yourself on this condition. These "attacks" can be very much controlled, and almost eliminated after you have the knowledge. I've had them off and on for 30 years and I'm doing fine. Relax and BREATH !

Hey well if you really are a firl im there for you and i feel your pain. If your feeling bored or your wasting your time away go for a stroll and look at the natural beautiful things in life. Trust me you want to be here and you dont want to kill your self. Dont you want to see what great things are in store for 2008!?!? Well i am a big believer that things happen for a reason. Hang in there somthing will happen with luck!

whats normal..............

r.c P
dear medicine is medium to heal
God is healing you because i am praying for your fitness

relax, go to a doctor and take your meds regularly, you'll be able to have fun again, just take deep breaths and relax.

British Gentleman
Take deep breaths

Pete S
Who IS normal???????????????????

Quit looking at it as FEAR and look at it as EXCITEMENT!!!When you have an attack,control your breathing,and then smile and laugh,because during a panic attack,you are more alive then than you will ever be!And dont worry about being normal,their is a lil' something wrong with all of us:)

See your doctor again, let him/her know that your medicine makes you feel terrible sometimes. They might be able to switch your dosage or perhaps try another medicine. You have nothing to lose by doing this. Good luck!

you can e-mail me and perhaps I could help you more consistantly.I am roughly the same age and had the same exact problem, -panic/clubs/feeling abnormal. I now see an internationally credited psychiatrist

I have been in the same situation you are in with panic attacks. Over the last 6 months I have slowly cut back on the medication and now no longer take it. I feel better than ever and I am 6o years old. You can overcome this problem if you really try. Go for a walk every day and get some exercise, it will be a good help.

See a psychiatrist and get an education.

Theres no such thing as normal. Panic attacks is a normal =n alot of people and you need to see a therapist or something, maybe someone who has similar problems as you but has gotten over it. I suffered severe depression and forced myself to go out and interact with people no matter how I felt and it was SCARY!! i sweat ed and if someone was talking to me while I was around allot of people I turn red and pretend like I didn't hear them,lol Now I'm "normal" as you put it. You can also give yourself to God and pray. Clubs are overrated! But I do like to get my drink on and play pool!!

I have anxiety and I used to have panic attacks too. What helped me was to find what was triggering the panic attacks and then avoid that. What caused my panic attacks was the kind of work situation I was in, so I changed the type of job I did (I used to work in retail and now I am a nanny), and I very rarely now have trouble with anxiety. So figure out if there is something in your life which is stressing you out and causing the panic attacks.
On the topic of medication, usually medication for anxiety might fix the anxiety, but it causes other worse problems. Instead of taking medication (although DO NOT stop your meds until you talk to a doctor), perhaps try seeing a therapist regularly just to talk.

call some of your friends and ask them if they want to go shopping. also, if you're not having panic attacks, you have nothing to worry about! just go out and have fun! in any case, go out and if you don't like it, just go home and relax there. in any case, you can ask your friends to come over to your house to watch a movie or for dinner or something. just ease yourself back into your life and just know that you always have your home to go back to incase you feel uncomfortable where ever you happen to be.

I know you are probally scared to leave you house becuase you might have a panic attack, and that is a normal feeling. I went trough this befrore but you have to be strong and do things and live your life, you have to get mad before you can get through it, get mad and say I CAN DO THIS, AND GO OUT AND HAVE FUN!!!! I promise there is nothing wrong with you! you can do it!

La Leona
live your life how you want, you can't let this force you under a rock... but to be normal, you may want to work on your spellng and grammar first... goodness

There's no such thing as normal. Take things day by day and gradually they will get better!

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