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 Will I ever be the same after this?
In April I was beating by two girls, one my age and one a year older(im 15). They called me many names, one excused me of sleeping with her boyfriend.- I didnt btw. It was after school back of the ...

 Should I kill myself?
I just woke up and realized my life is a piece of crap just like everybody else's. who'd remember me anyway?...

 Serious Problem. Please help me FRIENDS.?

 I cut myself and nobody helps me even when i do get help from doctors it just doesn't work for me it just hurt
Well i am depressed and i don't like saying why i am because it is in my family and i wish i was dead all the time and cutting just makes it feel like i am alive even if i feel like i wasn'...

 Suicidal, I know I need help?
I am suicidal, my friends are all pissed off because they think I am not depressed and want me to go bak to my old happy self. But they are adding to it. They completely ignore me and act as if our ...

 Do i have a problem?
I'm 28 years old and I have never had a boyfriend. I dont drink and I have a disease that makes me walk funny. I dont really have any friends and I like to stay in at night and watch the telly. M...

 What do I do now I'm at rock bottom?
As a man I have been stripped of everything I care about:

No. of friends: 0
Job: none
Weight: ...

 My Fiance wants to commit suicide- Help!?
I have been with my fiance for 4 1/2 half years. I have never cheated on him! This past month, I have been talking to a guy behind his back that lives up north. The guy and I were not talking about ...

 How can i relieve stress?
I handle stress very badly and in an unhealthy way. I'm taking a health class now and were covering stress and said it could lead to traumas and other bad diseaeses. I've always had a bad ...

 I hate my life. I worry to much. I feel to ugly all the time its not fair?
Okay so im a 14 year old girl. I go to high school. I hate it soo much. I feel awkward talking infrount of people so when i am picked for something i end up stuttering and people laugh. I feel ugly. O...

 I am severely depressed and feel suicidal. can someone please help. can you give me a purpose for living?

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hi, i dont see a purpose for life. i dont know why im here and what and why i am doing things for. if there is a ...

 How can i stop being bullied?
i hate school. its hard to make friends, get along with people and everything. everyday its the same group of stupid boys and stupid girls bullying me. making fun of me, calling me names and stuff. i ...

 I need help I don't know what to do any more?
I have been suffering from depression and an anxitey nervous disorder as a result I have given up on my karate training (I try going back then I feel scared andd can't do it). I'm on ...

 What scares you?

 How do u deal with depression?

 My son sleeps until 4 oclock in the afternoon. Is this normal?

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He is 21 years old. He goes to college. The three days he has to get up earlier, he gets up at one oclock for ...

 Please stop me from killing my self?

 Identify two great reasons to be alive?
For me this life is just an existence. Oh sure, I know what to do to move away from grief and pain, but in addition to that, I want to know what to move TOWARDS -to have a drive, to have a reason to ...

 Why am I becoming MORE MISERABLE as i get older?
i rarely ever smile or laugh anymore and when i do, it's sounds like i'm being ...

 What are your fears?
everyone has atleast one mine is dark and kinda ...

jamie s
Am i crazy??? why is this happening to me????
I'm 22 now and ever since i was a little kid i've had dreams that where more then da ja vue i would dream about things before they would happen, sometimes before something happens i kind if see it in a daydream. in the past year or two it has gotten more and more commmon including when someone that i was very close to died i have had dreams of sitting and talking to him, including one the night before his wedding anniversary that i was completely unaware of when he told me i had to see how his wife was doing the next day i did and it was there anniversary no one else had contacted her and she wasnt doing very well. Lately it has just been getting worse sometimes i feel like i'm crazy because like the other day i drove by this house and this little girl was standing talking to an older boy and this scene flashed into my head. i dont know am i going crazy? I can also pick numbers before they are called right before theyr called. It's looking at someone and seeing a scenerio that upstsme
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I'm not saying i'm psychic i dont even really believe in that i just want to know that i'm not going crazy

I myself have had this gift/curse since childhood. It is a scary thing sometimes especially when you know some one you love is going to die. I see and feel things that are going to come true. The sad thing is I can't change the dreams. I would recommend some good dream interpretation books. The only thing I can recommend to you is that you never use your gift for bad and don't use it against people.... Good luck to you and remember you are not alone in this gift/curse.......

You are not crazy I have this happen to me a lot. Not always as intense though. But I really do believe I have saved my own life before due to a certain dream. Contact me and I could tell ya about it.

Public enemy#2
You'll be fine...

its a gift

no, you are not going crazy. i have a friend that is a psychiatrist and he always says the people that ask if they are crazy ARE NOT crazy... it's the ones that think nothing is wrong with them. i have had A LOT of the same experiences that you are discribing... and then some! i don't think i'm psychic either. i can't "guess" the lottery numbers. i can't "know things" on demand. sometimes i hear a voice (not in my head, in my ear,) that has saved lives... sometimes i see digital numbers flicker... kind of in my head, and the numbers LATER turn out to be important to a date, or an actual TIME... but i don't know what it means until sometimes WEEKS later. i right EVERYTHING down in a journal... i am 34 now but have been having these experiences since i was 7. the first "visions" i had happened while i was in sunday school... and the visions were not anything that would be helpful to religion...but helpful to me. if you can control your dreams ASK QUESTIONS because perhaps you need to deliver a message... if you just find yourself in a da ja vue experience... i think those happen just to make you notice that you ARE aware of more than your standard senses deliver. i have da ja vue all of the time, but it is never anything important... it's just average everyday life stuff. YOU'RE ALRIGHT and there are other people out there just like you... but usually people keep it a secret so people don't think they're crazy or SATANIC!

If you see things "right" before they happen that's called precognitive...As far as psychic goes I think we all are in our own way, just some are better with interpretations than others
Good Luck :-)

can i have the winning lotto numbers?

You don't believe in psychic phenomena and that is why you think crazy. Call it what you like, but it is commonly known as psychic ability. If you can get past that label, then you can really understand and utilize your gifts and abilities in a way that serves the greatest good for your personal situation and your community of relationships.

Maybe you are going crazy or not. See a doctor for a CAT scan...if nothing there, see a psychiatrist.

Your not crazy.

You are crazy,,Hurray for you

Wow, you should talk to your doctor about it. It seems that you have a gift and that great. Don't worry, because I know how you feel and I think I'm crazy sometimes because of something related to your story and just don't worry. You will be okay. God bless you and I hope you believe me and understand that you might be gifted. Good luck.

You're not crazy- I do the same things, and I would guess that you are probably a very sympathetic and caring person and are just more tuned in to the emotional energy surrounding you. You feel more than most people do, at a very deep level. It's not a bad thing- people probably find your company very comforting, because you feel what they are feeling and can empathize with them. :)

get a cat scan. you may have a brain tumor

Clairvoyance is an exceptional gift and one that should be used carefully. You are not going crazy at all. All human beings have much more brain-power and far more ability than they ever use.

Only special people have true clairvoyance. Remember that there is a reason for everything, you just have to understand why you have been chosen to be able to use that ability. HOW you use it will determine your life.

Try concentrating on that gift for GOOD, you may find that you do, indeed have a blessing rather than a curse.

This has happened to me before, but not too often. Do some reseach and see what you may find. You are not alone!


Consult a person in paranormal activity.

You are not going crazy. I have dejavu very frequently just like you. The way it was explained to me is that when we plan out our lives, we leave signposts along the way to let ourselves know that we are on the correct path. The signposts come through as dejavu. We have seen that scene before as we were planning our life (spirit memory). You may actually be psychic. You could learn more by reading the book on dreams by Sylvia Brown. I found that her book answered a lot of my questions.

thats happened to me before to but i dont think your crazy

you're not crazy, it just sounds like you're slightly clairvoyant. many people are clairvoyant in small degrees and never really notice it. I've had dreams about people dying, only to find out that they did. it completely freaked me out. I don't think you have anything to be concerned about.

You're not crazy just "tuned" a lil differently.
You pick-up on things others may/do miss.

& I don't agree it's not a gift, it's hell.
Pointless junk swimming around your head, none of your business & you usually can't do squat about anything bad impending, anyway!
It's a form of torture!

No, you are not crazy....sounds like you have a gift. Document everything. Just think...you may be able to assist the police in finding missing persons, etc.

you may want to see a mental health professional. if you're having these thoughts, and its scaring you, learn to turn your thoughts off. its difficult, but acheivable.

You're not crazy, you're clairvoyant. Learn to use this for the good.

Denny B.
I have had a lot of strange things like you are talking about.
I was wondering, have you ever had a dream that coninued on night after night and then just stop?

Some may see this as a gift, some say it isn't wanted, and it maybe has the one suggested ....get a brain scan... you may have a tumor.
I have been able to know when someone in my family was real sick or had died...........except my Dad, I thought he was going to be fine and would leave the hospital, my wife and I went down to get a sandwich and drink.........as we were paying for our food, I heard my name to go to the Blue phone and pick it up.....I was told to get up to his room stat...fast.. he had died.......nowI think Our God got me out of there, so I would not see if strangle on his own blood, cancer had eaten thro a main artery and he dround on his blood.
I think you are an insturment of God........He is using you to help others......and...the da ja vue thing, I have asked God for understanding and not gotten answer yet.
da ja vue and my bible learning is a direct conflick.......I am able as an adult to have learn that (praying for understanding what I read) has made that little Bible of Books....just keeps growing, yet it looks the same size.
Take care, you not crazy!

I'm in my 40's and it has happened to me since I was a little girl..Mine also happen in dreamlike states...I will also hear whats going on with that..I also hate it..I know that when I'm on antiDepresants it gets worse...I have learned not to talk about it because of peoples reaction towards it..I keep it to myself unless it comes to a family member that is in trouble then I will let it be known..My family is used to it and they know for a fact what I am saying is true...People say it is a gift but I consider it a curse..Most of the times when I get a vision It will make me almost throw up..Because it is very shocking to the body..Just hang in there...Practice trying to controll it..If you are seeing things that scare you, you can learn to push it out of your mind..Good Luck From your New
answeres Friend

Historically many people have claimed to have precognition or visions in their dreams. I would try breaking down the symbolism in your dreams, not with a corny book but with your own life experience.

Example: If I dream about not being able to put on my fathers belt.

Depending on if my father spanked me with a belt or if my father was obese or something the belt would mean different things.

Once you break down your dream into symbols and metaphors you might begin to understand what it is trying to tell you.

Even if its precognitive, then I would try to harness that slippery fish, it can only benefit you. Just try not to fall into the trap of self-full filling prophecies.

first you're not crazy...at least I don't think so. everyone has a dash of psi talent whether they realize/believe it or not. Precognition is usually present in small doses.
This seems fairly severe....i'd suggest a psychiatrist or counselor for your confusion and a doctor to test for brain tumors, as this is known to cause visions.
I wish you luck.

It sure would be easy to see why this would bother you. Actually, what you have is a kind of gift, but right now it's not a very welcomed gift. It's like someone coming up behind you and yelling "BOO!" No fun at all. I can give you my "read" on it if you like - no, you are not going crazy. You have been given something. If you could translate your dreams and knowledge clearly, other people might be able to use what you know. What I am trying to tell you is that this does not have to be such a pain in the neck to you. For years, I have known about stuff ahead of time. I can look at someone when he comes into a room, and it is like a train with a whole lot of passenger cars come in along with him. I can (and often do) write down what I have "seen" and sometimes I even go over and give him my observations. So many times the person will come over me and thank me. I have learned to trust my impressions over the years, as a gift instead of a problem. That is my way of handling it. My friend, Woody, who is in his thirties, has this gift also. Like the one you have. It makes him nervous to talk about it, but when he spoke to me about it, after I told him I had the same gift, he began to relax and tell me more about it. I am thinking as you get older you will come to really understand what this is all about. If you get too startled or bugged by it, run it by your doctor. But sometimes, just knowing you are not the only person who is like this can relieve a lot of the tension you are feeling about it all. I will hold good thoughts for you to help you get a better balance between what you sense and what you do. When I was younger, "knowing stuff" was not frightening, it was annoying. Today, I use this gift to help others. I am 63 years old. I hope what I have told you helps to calm your concerns about this whole thing. Please have a great summer, now. - G. in South Portland, Maine, U.S.A.

Joni K
Research "Angels" on the net. You are being talked to by your Angels. Everyone has them. Learn how to talk to them. They are here to guide you. Be careful though, anything "spiritual" can and will have consequences. Angels are GOOD. God is GOOD. Talk to them.

Just go with the flow and trust your instincts, you could have a very special gift and if so learn how to control it so that you may help other, who you find that may need your type of guidance.

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