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 Why is nutrition such an important issue globally?
Diseases either directly or indirectly linked with nutrition.
What is considered to be THE most important issue concerning nutrition.
Why and how does the nutrition of different countries ...

 Why do people eat over 300grams of protein is healthy?
Sure it helps build muscle while it restores it. But is everyone aware that too much protein is bad for your kidney's. If so, they why take soooo much protein??...

 Am i fat???
Thigsh- 20 inches (highes point on my thighs)
Waist- 26 inches
Hips- 32 1/2 inches

is this fat?
are my thighs/hips/waist to big?
im a girl and 14
104 pounds ill ...

 800 calorie diet?
i need to lose 40 pounds.
can i do it in 14 weeks eating 800 calories a day.
oh, no dairy or meat too.
only fruits,veggies, nuts/seeds....

 I need 2 lose weight i have 2 weeks i need a FREE way to lose 12lbs in 2 weeks please help.?
if its more than 2 weeks don't answer/ please help. and if u r going 2 tell me its not heathy dont answer .i need answers that will help ...

 Am i fat... idk?
is being 5'8 and 162lbs fat?...

 How much weight should i lose?? (pics)?
i'm sorry if the links don't work.

 Are twinkies a healthy snack?

 Is it ok to eat ketchup with scrambled eggs?
im trying to lose weight
and i like ketchup with my eggs
i knwo thats weird but yea
is it ok if i eat 2 scrambled eggs in the morning with ketchup? and whole wheat toast....

 I think i look too skinny- do you?
http://i293.photobucket. http://i293.photobucket. http://i293.photobucket....

 How to lose weight in 45 days?
Hi. I am 25 year old male and married. I used to be of 64kg or a bit less before marriage (2 years ago) but after marriage i gained 18kgs for no reason because i am eating the same sort of food. I ...

 Have I Lost Any Weight ?
Judging From there 2 pics have i lost weight??


 Am i Fatt?
I Am 13 5'3" 3/4...And 106 Lbs. I Think Im Fat...
Answers Please...?

 Is 115 pounds fat?
my friend Jackie thinks shes fat . shes 115 pounds and i think
shes like 5'4.do u think she iZ fat or iZ she just freaking out
like i think? oh ya and she is 14....

 My boyfriend says im fat. I am 5'7 and 102lbs. Should I lose weight?

 Am I overweight???
I know everyone asks these questions and they are really not but i need your guy's help.

I am btween 12-17 yrs. old, 5'3-4 and i wiegh 180-200 lbs...i need some help...if you ...

 How much water should a person drink per day?
My cousin doesn't drink as much water as she should. I'm encouraging her to drink more water per day, but how much? She's 12 years old, and 5'2" & 117lbs.

 Am i TOO underweight?
I'm 13, 5'5" and weigh 85 pounds. Everyone is like oh you look so anorexic do you have an eating disorder? I'm like..no. Even my teacher one time asked me if I had a problem with ...

 What kind of milk do you drink??
i drink fat free skim milk....it's really not THAT bad......

 Tell the truth r u fat?
be ...

Suggest me some tips for growing tall?
I am 17 years old.

Grumpy Old Man
Well the medieval instrument of torture, the rack, should do the trick nicely. Does hurt a bit though.

Anand A
just play skipping everyday... its real. try it.

ravi s
the best way would be to do pull-ups or you could play basketball

Wendy B
Eat all your veggies and what ever you do don't smoke they say it stunts your growth!

bobbyrimai24 m
im 5.2 ft. but i want just 3 to 4 extra.

renu n
#1 Stretching exercises
Height increase is possible with stretching exercises. Results do take time since there are three levels of development which consist of Level 1: Tonal & Muscular development of the back muscles Level 2: Spinal decompression & Straightening Level 3: Progressive spinal disc regeneration & thickening.

Stretching exercises can add up to three inches of height permanently. While there are numerous exercises that target the spine, our researchers have developed the best possible combination of yoga style exercises that tone, strengthen, and develop the muscles that support the spine leading to height increase.

Once these muscles have developed appropriately, the spine will begin to lengthen as well as straighten another inch or two through spinal decompression.

Then, with time and proper implementation of the exercises the spinal discs as well as the cartilage that supports your arms, legs, and spine will begin to thicken leading to a proportionate and taller body.

Pros: Grow taller, up to three inches. Exercise has other benefits such as health, increased metabolism, decreased body fat, enhanced immune system. Effective at any age.

Cons: Exercises take 15-20 minutes of your time but are worth it.

Click here to read more about stretching exercises and their benefits.

#2 Supplements
The right supplements are as important as the proper exercises. There are numerous supplement currently available but most of them do not contain the vital ingredients that stimulate growth.

Our Growth Enhancer Plus™ supplements contain the necessary ingredients that will help you grow taller including glucosamine, amino acids, and multivitamins. The ratio of each ingredient is important since the body can only utilize certain ingredients efficiently in the presence of other important ingredients.

Through years of research and development we have come up with the best supplement available to grow taller: Growth Enhancer Plus™.

You can grow taller by an additional 2-3 inches with the right supplements.

Pros: Grow taller, up to an additional three inches. Take anywhere and with your favorite drink. Takes no time at all to take. Ingredients will also increase energy, increase vitality, and improve focus. Effective at any age.

Cons: Expensive but are well worth the height increase.

Click here to discover more supplemental benefits

#3 Human Growth Hormone
One of the most expensive medications is synthetic human growth hormone. Prior to biomedical research and technological advances, doctors would gather cadavers and extract growth hormone from brain tissues.

Today synthetic human growth hormone is produced in medical laboratories. This medication can increase height effectively particularly in kids with low hgh levels.

Human growth hormone can increase an individuals height up to five inches within many months. However, there are numerous side-effects associated with hgh which make it more risky than the other methods to grow taller.

Pros: Grow taller, up to five inches. Results are permanent. Quick application

Cons: Very expensive. Require needle injections. Have bad side-effects. Only effective if your growth plates are still open.

#4 Limb Lengthening
Limb lengthening is a surgical procedure that requires either internal or external rods placed inside the limbs which have to be adjusted periodically. This procedure is currently being performed for cosmetic reasons outside of the United States.

Although limb lengthening is very effective it does require extensive recuperation and time. Approximately 1mm of height per day can be added which translates to an inch per month. Pain medication, hospital stay, and a high cost makes this procedure almost very expensive and out of reach to most individuals.

Also, since this is a surgical procedure, infection is possible which will lead to higher medical bills.

Pros: Grow taller, up to twelve inches. Height is permanent. If you have short legs, you will end up with legs for miles.

Cons: Extremely expensive makes it out of reach to most individuals. Most of the height will be on the legs. Possible risk of infection. Hospital bills, medication, and time.

#5 Human Growth Hormone Stimulators
Human growth hormone stimulators are amino acid combinations that naturally force the pituatary gland into making human growth hormone. This procedure is effective and much safer than expensive synthetic growth hormone. There are no negative side-effects since your body makes hgh naturally.

In particular, effective stimulators come in liquid form. Results take time and positive side-effects also occur. Usually, a decrease in fat deposits and increased metabolism, are the positive side-effects.

The problem with human growth hormone stimulators is that they are only effective on younger individuals below an average 28 years of age.

Pros: Grow taller, up to two inches. Take anywhere anytime. Decreased fat deposits. Increased metabolism.

Cons: Works on younger individuals mostly.

harish p
feel free in mind do lots of cycling

Totally depends on your genes. May be heriditary reasons too. But try to eat dietary food and running in the morning plus stretching xercises.

rajesh p barmeda
Its on your tips. Do Suryanamaskar eat lots of protiens. It will work.
2nd op: Ask Amitabh


Usually height stops growing at the age of 19 to 21 and you are 17 then you can increase your heigth. The way to increase your heigth is to massage your legs or if possible whole body, it should be daily massage but not loose massage just to relax yor body it should be a tight massage which will streach your body, Isnt this sounds somthing different form the above posts. Anyways, i have the experience and now my heigth is 6 feets. The results are perfect. If you are over wieght make it less. Ya but make sure you will not get the results early or very soon, it will take time. Not 3-4 months more than that, depending how your body responce. Now lets come on diet, eat whatever you want but limited not over food. Eat only till your hunger is satisfied.
Thats it. you will be long and tall with great personality.
thank you
take care ........live long life.

cheri h
there is nothing you can really do as it all depends on genetics

mujibur r
do differently

Your mom should have chosen a taller man to have children with. Sorry Sparky, but you are not going to grow anymore than your genes say you will. If you are not tall, just get used to it; there's no sense trying to boost what is predetermined.

Hey, first of all, since u r 17 already and since u r a female (I guess), then u dont hve much time to gain height.

But still, u shuldnt loose hope.

The best way to hve a fast growing height is to swim.
Swimming is the best exercise as it is a total work out.

The reason y one's height stops increasin after certain age is tht, the space between the bones in the joins (Knees etc) gets filled up. Proper exercise, at proper age, prolongs this phenomenon as also activates the elongation of bones (confusing ehh??)..

I would suggest you to swim a lot...its fun and benefitial...
Or else cycling is good..

Murugan M
ivanga solrathu yellam panninana apuram rombha valanthuruva. apuram mappilai kedaikathu

eat well, stretch, no caffeine.

Gary J
try drinking more milk. milk has lots of calcium and calcium makes bones bigger= taller and stronger bones

jump jump jump often. jump at school, try to touch fan (when it is off), also try skipping rope.if u jump often u ll soon tall. becase my cousin did that. now he is taller than me.

rehan s
Pray to god

santhosh s
eat well and do jacking or do yoga and surya namaskarams

Cedric KaiPeng
keep jumping about 200 times a day , and play more basketball games , if not skipping!!! If it still cannot works , means you are grown to be short

U hv 2 do work outs regularly.& 4 this visit google & then write exercises for increasing height

Nothing works except a balanced diet followed by active life and enough sleep to drain the toxins. I have seen people growing without special efforts. Because height is a function of your genes and heredity. I suggest you to look for the father's family , if the sisters of your fathers are taller, you too will be. Otherwise it is hard for your to gain a good height.

neha y
Regular exercise,running,cycling,sit-ups,swingin... must contain more of salad,milk,protein rich suppliments.

lucky s,
You have still one year to grow do yoga,with yoga you can increase height 2 to 3".
Note: Your height grow till age of 18 years.

arpana s
Please do Excesses very morning and drink one full glass of wheat juice it also help for glowing your face

Few things you need to know...!
1) If your family is generally short then it's in your genes.
2) Even if it weren't in your genes... Your probably not going to grow much more at 17
3) Don't do weights... They realy do stunt growth.
4) Eat well.

john c
I am sorry, but there is nothing you can do to grow taller. It is in your genes. You simply have to live with the hight you have.

Its really all based on genetics however there are some things such as smoking , alcohol , caffine and harder drugs that will negatively affect your health if done in excess.

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