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 What are the worst foods to avoid when dieting?
I need a list of absolute "NO-NO's" while I try to lose weight....

 Am i too skinny??
im about 5'2 96 pounds...
should i loose some?
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soryy i meant gain!!
i dont wanna loose weight ill ...

 Am I fat? Is my stomach big?
http://s127.photobucket. I am the one whithout the towel...The taller one...
I feel like my Stomach is huge...And it ...

 Hwo can i get skinny without not eating?
i am chubby and wanna be skinny!...

 Is drinking Coca-Cola everyday bad for you?

 Why does my tummy get bigger & bigger even thou I ceased eating rice at night?

 Do you think I'm fat?
I'm 13 and 5'4........I weigh 119 pounds........My best friend says no your not fat.........but I always feel fat........What's your thought?...

 Why is it easier to gain WEIGHT than to loose it?

 I weigh about 223 pounds how can I lose 43 pounds in 4 weeks?

 Should I go anorexic?

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I am really thinking about it. I am like 5`1 and wigh about 98 pounds. All my friends are skinny. what do i do?...

 Im 13 and I weigh 122 lbs. and im 5foot. Am i over weight?

 Should a 12 year old take diet pills???

 Are you tall or short?
i think..considering the size of people my age i'd probably be average or a bit below ...

 What should I have for breakfast that not fattening?

 Does making yourself sick after a meal help you loose weight?

 Drink 4-7 diet cokes a day. am i going to die?
earlier than i would have anyways....

 Am I Fat?????
I am 5'10'' and 125 pounds. I think I am a little fat. How can I lose weight quickly. (Like a week or two)...

 One word response to this. Size 00?

 How do I lose weight for a wedding in 54 days, I am the Matron of Honor?
I need to loose 20 pounds or more for a wedding in June, I was just asked to be the maid of honor this afternoon, help!!...

 Are eggs good or bad for you?
How often can you eat them?...

Tu Amor
How much water should a person drink per day?
My cousin doesn't drink as much water as she should. I'm encouraging her to drink more water per day, but how much? She's 12 years old, and 5'2" & 117lbs.
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Putting your answer in fl oz would be appreciated, thank you.

8 glasses

32 ounceswhich=8, 8 ounce glasses

A recent study shows that the average person needs to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

take your body weight and divide in half.

So for instance if you weigh 150lbs you should divide by 2 and drink 75oz a day.

8 cups a day

Half your body weight

I drink 8 16oz bottles of Aquafina per day, I've heard the amount you need to drink daily is 2 liters!

BLAH BLAH BLAH.Everyone is saying 8 8 ounce glasses a day.I guess none of them read the article in the Journal of American Medical Association where doctors all agreed that there is absolutely no basis for this argument.
All agreed that the amount of water that a person needs in the course of the day is based on a multitude of factors.While it's not healthy to get too little getting too much can deplete your stores of both water soluble vitamins and electrolytes.Therefore there is no answer for this question.A few glasses a day is plenty and things like juice and non caffeinated beverages count towards this.

8 to 10 8 oz. glasses

Mona lisa
8 glasses.

1 gallon

Playing Nice
64 oz

6-8 cups

lees girl
8 glasses, so I've heard

8 8 ounce glasses a day at least , if living in the desert more should be consumed

When tallying-up water consumption one should factor in the quantities consumed in food and drinks other than water.

well she has to drink water everyday and everytime if she needs to be fit she has to start running and stop eating junk food especially soda make drink when she wakes up and till she goes to sleep let see if it works

katie b
8 glasses

Rubber Duck
6 to eight cups

Eye Candy
64 fl oz per day.....

If you want to cleanse, take your body weight, cut it in half. That would be the amount of oz you should drink. Example- you weigh150, then you should drink 75 oz of water a day to cleanse.

Jason T
64 fl. oz.

all about me
8, 8 oz glasses a day,that is 64 ozs

8 - 8oz glasses a day

jeff s
enough that she urinates a few times a day, it should be clear to light yellow. never darker, except first thing in the am.

♥Brown Eyed Chef in Training ♥
they say 8-8oz glasses a day but alot of people don't drink that amount. sometimes its hard to do so.

drink when ur thirsty and sometimes when your not.....but if she drinks 5 its fine.

Personal Trainer
Its all relative tot he amount of activity and how much you weigh.

I tell my clients to drink 8 ounces for every 20 pounds of body weight.

Add some if you are highly active.

Dr. Z.
64 oz.

Just enough so they don't get dehydrated. 8 glasses a day is a little excessive. You might want to go to costco/Sams club and pick up a large pack off bottled water, and send her off with them, or you could get her a nalgene bottle she can fill up herself.

Chef Orville
You should encourage her to drink at least 8 full 8 oz. glasses of water each day.

Two litres

64 ounces, but, the more the better. Water not only hydrates you, the more you drink, the more toxins it pushes out of your system. So drink up!!!

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