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 Should i become anorexic just till i like my body?
im 14 and fat no joke.im not one of those girls who freak out over 1 or 5 pounds im literally fat at the verge of hitting 300 pounds!!!!!i know that anorexia is bad and so is bulimia but im so sick ...

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 Help :-( im TOO skinny!!!?
i am 12 years old and have a bad problem
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 Im 5'8 and weight 110 and Im 18?
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im 5''1
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tell me tell me
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Additional Details
well for a long time i was bilemic and was told to gain weight now i want to lose it ...

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brookie b
Do you really get fat after high school?
the picture below is me as of now...
im 17, 5'3, and about 111 lbs. i play softball and soccer almost year around. i swim constantly throughout the summer. i LOVE junk food. i can never eat a lot at once cuz i get full easy, but i dont just eat 3 times a day. i have small courses throughout the day. im crazy when it comes to gaining weight, i constantly think im gaining when i know for a fact i am not. gaining weight terrifies me.

everyone keeps telling me with my junk food habits that rite after high school im gonna get fat. is this true!!! is my matabolim going to shut down and im gonna get fat? what can i do to get around this?
please help and thank you.

Additional Details
also i must confess, at special get togethers or if we go to a resturaunt i love. im guilty of pigging out a little bit :-[
but afterwards i feel awful so i pay the price.

no...when you are about 30

you get lazy

Mike N
i was chunky in high school and still am today.

You had better change your eating habits because yes, you will become a fat girl. Do not smoke cigarettes because every woman that does looks like hell when they turn 30. I am not kidding. A little alcohol when you get older is ok and the main thing is stay away from tobacco like they sell in stores. It should be illegal. It drives me nuts when I see a pretty young girl smoke cigarettes. Worse than heroine.

wow you have some issues.
but yea its not that ur motab is going to shut down its that you wont be on sports teams to keep you fit anymore. as long as you keep working out it wont change

That Was Easy 2 Answer
No it's not true

keep working out on a regular basis and not eating too much of anything bad for you, and you should be alright.

ur sports will stop after high school and u may not have time to constantly excersice...eating ur small meals throughout the day is good keep that up. just do whatever you can fit into ur schedule to excercise and you'll be fine! dont worry and whatever you do, dont let ur fear leade to an eating disorder!

Metabolism won't shut down, it just gets slower.

can i have your body!? im jealous

Elmo watches you at night
first off you're really hot, and no metabolism doesn't slow down until you're about 25, just make sure you exercise regularly most people end up getting fat later in life because they can't find the time to exercise

thats not true

Julie L
No, that is not true. If you get lazy and start eating a ton and not working out then maybe it will happen. It sounds like you're pretty active though, so just keep yourself active and you'll be fine. You sound a lot like me actually. I am 25 now and I love junk food too. It's fine as long as you balance it out with healthy food and exercise.

It depends,Sometimes after high school you just are'nt as active as you were like playing sports and stuff.But I think you just have to keep busy an you have to exercise and eat right to stay in shape.

As you get older your metabolism will slow down. If you continue to eat junk food and if you don't exercise you will gain weight, and a lot of it. We all reach a point when we stop growing up and start growing out. It is far easier to develop good habits while you are still young and keep the weight off, than it is to wake up one day and decide to take off what you have already gained because you are repulsed by what you see in the mirror. Restrict sugar (try Stevia for a sweetener instead), and fatty foods. It is FINE to eat a few unhealthy foods a week, but moderate it. Just like wine, a glass here and there is fine (when you are 21) but if you start to have 2 or three glasses everyday, you can run into big problems. Moderation is the key word. Keep up some type of exercise program. If you find that you are starting to gain weight, talk to a dietitian that can help you find any changes that need to me made. Good Luck!!

The best advice is to STOP eating fast food ASAP. No matter what because it is scientifically proven that as we grow older our metabolism slows and other digestive functions slow down causing the fast food you are eating now to stop being digested correctly. Furthermore, when you're older you won't be exercising as much. For now you are not fat and are actually pretty trim and look good. But if you don't heed the warning I'm pretty sure when you get older the fast food and junk will catch up.

Look for other foods that are low in fat and calories, there are alot of foods out there that taste fabulous and aren't really fatty.

I wish you the best of luck and don't worry you aren't fat right now =).

I used to eat all kinds of junk food going through school and never gained a pound. Now that I am older I am overweight but I think it is all the empty calories from beer and my metabolism has slowed.

When you get older, your metabolism tends to slow down and it becomes harder to keep weight off. You should try to establish healthier eating habits now, because it is very possible that you could end up gaining weight later in life if you continue eating the way that you do.

no, that's not true...it's not like the day you graduate your metabolism just stops. I was the same way...5'7" and 110 lbs up until when I turned 30 recently, I think my metabolism has slowed a little but I haven't exploded or anything, I'm about 130 now and I'm certainly far from fat...and even if I did get fat its not the end of the world, there are much worse things than having a little extra padding!

Yes you do! Your life changes after highschool (whether it's working or going to College---or both) You'll start to sleep at odd hours and eat at odd hours. Also, usually after highschool you are so broke that the quality of food goes down (i.e. the McDonald's dollar menu becomes the staple of your diet). Ever heard of the freshman 15? Yeah, that's 15 lbs. But as for me, I put on the Freshman 35!

Not everyone gets fat after high school, in fact several of the girls in my high school class appeared much thinner at our 10 year reunion.

Keep up your sports and try to eat less junk food.

If you want to keep your shape you need to keep disciplined and stay away from partying and not be sedentary like many people do after high school. The problem is once they graduate they stop playing sports and doing healthy activities because they are not sure what they like or how to go about finding healthy things to do. Instead they get used to hanging out with friends all the time or become busy with a tougher schedule such as work or college and the fitness goes out the window!

Here are a few tips and suggestions:

Let me start by addressing your question about your metabolism shutting down! It is FALSE that your metabolism will shut down but it is TRUE that eventually your metabolism will SLOW DOWN! You NEED to stay active after high school which means you NEED to find some fun activities that you enjoy. Activities can range from hiking in the mountains to skiing/snowboarding or even continuing to workout at a gym. There are so many different activities but you need to figure out which activities you love and enjoy!

My story is simple! I am male and always had a dream that someday i would be in the best shape of my life. However, i was also able to realize early that if i did what my friends did i would never reach those goals. So i didn't say the hell with my friends i just didn't hang out with them as much anymore and when i did i was the outcast who didn't drink often. Instead i stayed disciplined and worked out hard to get where i am. I also joined martial arts and kickboxing which kept me in even better shape. On the side i would try new things and found that after high school i enjoyed hiking past waterfalls and snowboarding down mountains along with many other activities.

As long as you are moving consistently for 45-60 minutes 4-5 times per week you will be in GOOD shape! If you follow a proper diet that are designed to meet your goals along with staying active you will be in GREAT shape!

Dave Ramsey once said "If you live like no other then later you will live like no other"

This means that if you make the sacrifices now then later you will have something that others don't have and that is your health from the inside to the outside!

I hope this helps! Good luck!

P.S. You are very good looking and it looks as if you have a great body that compliments your pretty face! Keep up the active lifestyle and make some changes here and there to meet your goals which will allow you to get the most out of life!

They want to see you healthy. Mix in healthy foods, active lifestyle, and you'll be ok...BUT if all you put in is junk, it will affect several things about your health. 1/2 weight problems are genetics. You are in very good shape judging by your picture. When you go for your checkup before college, ask the doctor his advice on how to stay that way, yet not give up the food you love. That said, all things in life are best when taken in moderation.

if you quit sport and just eat junk food then yes, but if you eat a bit of junk food and do sport then no, a bit of everything (apart from drugs) is good for you. just stay healthy and keep in shape, eat some junk food from time to tome but also eat fruit aswell. Also do plenty of sport.

Just stay active and keep[ exercising after high school Metabolism slows down as you get older or if you become less active but as long as you keep on it you will be fine. You can even eat some of your junk food and be ok if you are active.

Really, your metabolism slows down between 18 and 25 and again around 30-35. The main problem with gaining weight right out of high school is this:
1. you are 100% responsible for what goes in your mouth. College kids stay up late, sleep in, eat pizza and junk food at 2am - There is no mom there telling you to eat your veggies, or cooking you balanced meals
2. Often college (and especially if you don't go to college) kids stop doing the activities that kept them thin in high school. So if you quit playing soccer and softball and move to Ohio where you can only swim outdoors 6 or 7 weeks a year, you are going to gain weight. You have to keep up your activity levels.

So if you eat better (grazing is ok, just swap an apple for that fruit roll up and carrots for those fried chips) and keep up your exercize (join a gym, go jogging, find some activities to keep you sweating 3-5 times a week for 30-60 min) then you'll be fine.

Calm down. Your metabolism will slow down as you get older, but it shouldn't really impact you for a long *** time. Unless you get out of high school at 30-40 (which means you definitely have more important issues to worry about hah), you will be just fine.

This issue is all in your head--it's a fear you have. Now one thing I DO know happens is after high school you may be less physically active. Unless you participate in sports all through summer and into college, you may need to stop eating so much junk food to maintain your petite form.

There's also "the freshman 15," which is the 15 pounds most freshmen put on because of so much drinkin and junk food without enough exercising. Beer has a ton of calories, so either become a beer pong master or just work your *** off on the field, in the pool or at the gym when you get taken out.

Your exercising habits sound excellent right now, and you look like you're in great condition (hah, not sure about that pose though, popeye), so either keep up the exercise or stop eating so much crap, or find a balance of both, and you'll keep your metabolism at a rate that allows you to stay lean and mean.

good luck beefcake.

devils and deeds
you're worrying for nothing. i was never overweight, but in my early twenties i actually lost weight. honestly, my taste in food matured and i have no desire for the junk food that i practically lived on when i was a teen. anyway, you're metabolism is not going to "shut down" the night of your high school graduation. it will slow over time as you age, and that gives you plenty of time to make gradual changes to your diet and lifestyle as you need to.

That's not true. If people gain weight after high school, it's probably because they get too lazy since there's no school. And if they do go to school, then they stop doing all the exercise (and gym, PE, etc.) If your metabolism is fast now, trust that it will stay that way. Possibly even forever.

Does the whole world look fat to you. That's just a myth, open your eyes.

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