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 Am i fat.........................
My sister always says Im fat when she's mad and want to yell at me.

I'm 5 feet 3 inches. I weigh 101 lbs. My sister always i mean always calls me fat, and i think she is seriuos. ...

 Should i become anorexic just till i like my body?
im 14 and fat no joke.im not one of those girls who freak out over 1 or 5 pounds im literally fat at the verge of hitting 300 pounds!!!!!i know that anorexia is bad and so is bulimia but im so sick ...

 Which is better for me?
Should I make a corn dog or an ice cream cone?...

 Does drinking too much Diet coke make you fat?
Although diet coke or coke Zero have no calories I read somewhere that the chemicals in the drinks can slow weight loss and actually cause you to retain weight? Please clear this up for me??...

 Whats the fastiest way to lose alot of weight?
Whats the fastiest way to lose alot of weight in a short period of time? What can i do and how much weight could i lose in three months? ...

 I am exercising 5 days a week for 1 hr to 2 hrs but not loosing weight, after 3 or 4 months!!?
It is so frustrating because I go from no exercise to exercising and feel like I have gained. I started doing 60 minutes cardio, but they said that wasn't good, so I went down to 45 minute ...

 Losing som belly fat :)?
what type of work out should i do to lose belly fat im already eating healthy but i need to ...

 Help :-( im TOO skinny!!!?
i am 12 years old and have a bad problem
i am REALLY skinny! but i mean really. im not anorexic but i look it. all my friends are atleast 80 -100 and im 75!!!! my waist line is only 23 in! :...

 Im 5'8 and weight 110 and Im 18?
I still feel fat. I have been struggling with weight since I was 13. i have been doing better lately-than a few yrs ago when i was in the 80's lbs. help me feel good about my self whats wrong?...

 I am 20 years old, two foot six, and weigh fifty billion pounds. Am I overweight?

 What can a 24 year old girl do that is fun that DOESNT'T involve drinking, eating, or spending money?
I don't want to eat because I am on a diet.
I don't want to spend money because I am in college.
I don't want to drink because it is just not good for you!

What ...

 What age do you consider to be old?

 How do I lose weight without exercising?

 Am i a fattYYYYYY?
im 5''1
110 pounds.

tell me tell me
u can be cruel so i lose weight cuz i feel liek a ...

 Help me i want to loose weight!!! do guys hate chubby/fat girls?
I am sooo depressed this summer has been really boring because all i have done is sit around at home!! I live about 10 miles away from all of my friends in a smaller town both my parents work and I�...

 Why is it that smoking makes you lost weight?
is it physical cause it speeds up your metabolism or just sorta mental coz you smoke out of boredom instead of eating out of boredom....

 What is your favorite exercise and why?
And your favorite exercise machine? What results have you gotten, and why? What machine do you recommend for weight loss? Thanks!...

 Is 108 overweight for someone 5"1?

Additional Details
well for a long time i was bilemic and was told to gain weight now i want to lose it ...

 Can you still drink Coke and lose weight with exercise and diet?
Even if it's one or two sugar cokes a day....

 Im I Fat ?
Im 5'7 and 122 -125 pounds and i feel like im a whale. Whats the right weight for me ?...

Samantha B
Help and please don't make fun of me?
iam 12 i weight 180.5 and am over weight HELP me i want to look skinny also am 5'7 please help i am so unhealthy
Additional Details
ok i want to be 120 just to tell you by next summer

The best thing that you can do is eat healthy and get active! Start running, jogging or even just take long fast paced walks. Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. NO MCDONALDS!!! Not even a McDonalds salad, they are just about as bad as a big mac. In fact don't eat any fast food all together, it is SO bad for you. Limit your intake of sugar and eat low fat meals. Set healthy achievable goals. Good luck, sweetie!

Wendy L
you are not that unhealthy if you are 5'7 and 120 would be too skinny.

just work out more/ walk to places you would normally have someone drive you to/ join a sport/ eat healthy and encourage your family to do so too so they don't leave unhealthy snacks out for you

if you got down to 140 or even 150 you would be perfect

i am sure you are just beautiful. don't stress so much! it makes you gain weight!

Kaylee P
For one it doesnt matter how much you way (unless you are really unhealthy) because alot of times it is in your genes or you have a slow matabolism. But if it is that you are unhealthy start out with just trying to eat healthier like instead of drink sugary drinks drink water or milk. After you feel like you are ready start to work out by running around a local park. If you keep booth of these habbits up and keep on adding more klike eating healthier and running longer distances you will be more healthier and thinner in no time!

So Over You
You should just go see ur doctor, and he can give u a diet plan, that is healthy. And exercise lots. U Can Do It.

Mrsz. John Abraham
Make sure you stick with a healthy diet. Cut down your calories a little by little and make sure you dont indulge too often in sweets and such. Also, try to get your daily excercise as much as possible(about 30mins to an hour a day). Even going for long hikes and visiting the gym once in a while won't hurt. Just make sure you are active more than usual and cut down food portions by a little at a time, and you'll be in perfect shape next year! :) good luck!

awww sweetie dont worry about it I was the same exact weight and height and age as u.
u just need to excersise and eat right
its hard but ull look amazingg

mrs. afuentes
control your food and walk atleast 20 minutes a day..... small portions but satisfying...

ok the answer to your loosing weight is how bad do you want to loose weight, are you willing to sacrifice, what helped me and works is trying the special k diet, eat it for breakfast and lunch if you get hungry inbetween meals eat a fruit or yogurt or a salad something light or vegetables, like carrots and celery and for dinner eat your normal meal but not late and not so much oh yah exercise try like sit ups jump rope, or running, at least twice a week. I know its probaly hard but if you really want to loose the weight you will, oh yah try not eating pork its not good for you substitute it with turkey it alot better, trust me. If you really set your mind to it you can and will loose the weight you want.

Usually obesity is caused by many factors. At your age it might be from your parents who don't know what is good or bad foods, it could be where you live, the list goes on.
I'd go seek professional help, but my personal opinion is to find organic brown rice, quinoa, millet, wild caught salmon, etc. avoid bread, non organic yogurt, candy, most commercial fruit juices, and ESPECIALLY soda. Buy whole non-processed foods.

Hopefully you can convince your parents to buy healthy food.

I used to be 150 pounds and lost around 20 in a few weeks just by not eating bread... Blah blah blah... I am now around 125 pounds for 5'7...

Oh yeah, don't drink milk either. Water is good enough.

It takes extreme amounts of discipline to change eating habits.

Good luck.

Kelley C
physical activity will be a big part in helping you lose some weight. And also, of course, eating healthy and smaller portions is very important. It takes discipline, but if you increase you physical activity, and begin eating more healthy you should begin to see results.

But also, I urge you to remember that the importance of being thinner should not be to "look skinny" but more importantly to be healthy.

Ash D
make a plan of healthy foods that ur able to eat, and eat small 7 handfull meals a day. Visit the Canadian food nutrition guide. it shows wat to eat for breakfast lunch and dinner. If you don't want to eat, replace ur meals with 2 slim fast shakes a day, and then a light dinner. Do 30-45 min of cardio 3x a week..and the pounds will melt away...ur still young..it's baby fat.

First of all that would not be healthy to lose that much weight at a time. But, to lose a few pounds you could eat right stay fit and not eat when your not hungry. Is their a reason now why you want to are you being made fun of or just want to change the look up

Try this, you can feel and see results in about three days. Muscle will outweigh the fat so don't let the scale discourage you :).

For exercise, try switching it out everyday, so your body doesn't get used to the exercise (Monday Arms, Tuesday Stomach, Wednesday Legs, Thursday Rest, Friday Arms, Saturday Stomach, Sunday Legs). Also, one the days where legs or stomach or arms come back around the second workout of the week focusing in that area, try switching the exercise out too. For arms maybe lift weights (if you have none then use cans and be sure to hold them away from you or they won't work). For stomach, you can sit on a bouncy ball and do crunches (don't hold onto your legs), for legs, maybe lay on your side propped up on your elbow and lift the top leg slowly up and down, then switch. If you are can't exercise an hour, that's fine but try increasing the time every week or so. If you are old enough to buy equiptment or go to a gym, try that. As you get further into it, maybe you can buy some equipment for mainly those three areas I listed. Also, walk home from places or on the commercial break, get up and run wall to wall.
Also, a REALLY good workout is at youtube.com and search for 8 minute abs, 8 minute legs, 8 minute buns, and 8 minute arms. Try doing these on other days (ex.: Monday arms and workout from youtube, Tuesday legs not workout from youtube, Wednesday stomach and 8 minute abs, Thursday rest, Friday arms no 8 minute arms, Saturday no 8 minute abs, Sunday 8 minute legs. Try doing those how I listed above and don't do it more than once a day along with your daily workout.

For food, which is very important (70% of weight loss is food intake while 30% is excercise, though both are VERY important), try this schedule.

Breakfast:Whenever you wake up or an hour after.

Drink of choice: One hour after breakfast (all other drinks being water.

Lunch: 1 1/2 hours after drink of choice.

Snack: 1 1/2 hour after lunch (or two hours after lunch).

Dinner: 2 hours after snack.

Try portioning your food, one cup for meals and half a cup for snacks and drink of choice. As you get more used to this, you can decrease your portion sizes.
Also try measuring your calorie intake and try exercising over the amount of your intake to build muscle which burns access fat. You can measure that at www.myfitnesspal.com where it measures EVERYTHING for you :).

If you drink cokes and need help with that, try slowly decreasing the amount of cokes you drink, one day the usual, and decrease half of the amount of that you usually drink until it's half a cup a day.

While your exercising, I have a problem with wanting to eat then and I'm sure everyone else does too so maybe bring a mug of ice with you and eat the ice so you get a little munch out of it and you hydrate yourself while doing no harm to yourself or your diet.

Hope this helps and good luck! :)

Also, at www.myfitnesspal.com if you do everything it says exercise an hour a day, eat the amount of calories! Just keep in mind that whichever diet you do YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Good luck :)

I've been doing this and so far I've lost 6lbs in 5 days :)
Good luck

Check your BMR and eat that amount of calories (BMR is the amount of calories that you burn daily just by breathing, sleeping, etc. so if you eat that much, you burn it plus exercise will be burning more then your intake :)

Alot of people simply say "eat right and exercise" and they may seem like little help but that's really all it comes down to; those are the basics of every diet. There are different ways of eating right and exercising but those are just the two things it all comes down to (:

If you drink soda, try to stop by slowly decreasing the amount. Try drink half a coke less each day. And before you know it; you'll have stopped. Try Propel Waters which I actually think are better than cokes and the HUGE bottle of it is only 30calories for the whole bottle. Try replacing that over cokes but drink about 1-2 a day (: Hope this helps!

Well first off, you need to remember that alot of that weight is bone mass. [Because your so tall] Your average BMI would be 23.5, which is an average BMI for your hieght.
And your BMI is 28.2. Now thats in the over weight catagorie. But weighing 120, would not only be almost impossible, you'd be underweight. Which is really bad.
So i recommend you shoot for 150-140. An eat small porportioned meals all day, adding up to about 1200 calerioes a day. [Normal intake.]
And i would recommend starting for a week with 10 or 15 minutes of exercise. And moveing up to long periods of time. That should drop you to 160-170 in maybe 2 or 3 months. I wish you best.

start eating healthy and make exercising a daily thing. and maybe go to the gym and get professional help?

First of all, nobody should be making fun of you...
And second I LOVE your goal..it is extremely realistic and impressive. It shows that you realize it will take time... which is the smart way to do this.

What you need to do is REALLY focus on what you are eating... Don't be embarrased to ask your family for healthier foods... they should respect that you want to take care of your body.
No junk food... is very important..
Drink lots of water...
Try and eat lots of fruits and veggies... lots of salads are good.
Try to eat lean meats etc.. llike chicken or fish.

Excercise! it doesn't have to be boring.. find something you can enjoy that gets you moving.. Dance is great ! if you'r embarrased to do it front of people, watch some videos to learn some moves, and do it in your room... It works alot of muscles, gets you moving and burns calories..and its fun.

There are so many helpful tips to get you started..that I can't even begin to explain...
A really good site that gives you lots of tips and shows you how to do excercises etc.. is

It's a GREAT tool to help you know what to do. It tells you how much you should be eating, has excercise ideas... and you can join and talk to other people for advice ... It's really helpful..and is great for motivation.

You can do IT! It's great that you want to take care of your body so young.. that's the most important time to get into healthy habits. And your goal is so realistic. If you try hard, you will succeed!
I wish you best of luck... check out that site...it helps so much.

If you want to get fit, then there are multiple solutions, some more unorthodox than others. There's the classic diet and excercise routine, a long but very useful option. That's what I suggest. Do a workout that mainly centers where you want to lose weight (thighs, stomach, ect.), and eat healthy, meaning grains, fruits, vegetables, the whole enchilada (bad term when it comes to eating healthy). Also, do try to cut down on junk food. That's not to say you can't ever eat things that are bad again, but you have to portion them. Don't overeat (at all), and you'll be fit before you know it!

RUN like there is nooooo tomorrow. Dont be a social eater! (like me....haha. but im trying not to be) Only eat when u are really hungry. BUT dont be annorexic. But mostly just excercise :)

You really should have a doctor start you on a healthy diet plan (I will get off my soap box). To start you need to evaluate what you eat. Try 4-5 small health meals a day and exercise (cardio). No sodas, white bread, pasta, rice, sweets, chips, etc. An example of a diet day: 2 scrambled egg whites and two strips turkey bacon with 8oz of grapefruit juice (the one in the can, not the plastic bottle) for breakfast, 1 small apple and 4oz of plain yogurt as a mid-morning snack, a turkey wrap for lunch (no chips) and 3oz of baked fish with one cup of asparagus or spinach for dinner. Drink at least a gallon of water a day.

Always remember, you didn't gain weight over night and you won't lose it over night. Don't skip meals, it causes your body to think you are starving and your body will hold onto the next meal.

~Green Glitter~
ok, here is what you should do: go for foods that are simular to the normal ones you eat, except with less calories. get tons of exercise. you can walk for like five minutes. everything you do will help! also ask a friend to work out with you. you will have a lot of fun, while staying healthy! good luck and i hope i helped!

Alison M
Keep Carrots Right next to the brownies (or whatever you like) So every time you reach for a brownie grab a carrot!!

hey samantha im jersey i am 15 and i weigh alot too but dnt be sad or depressed just try drinking alot of water walking around the block a few times and eat lots a fruit and if you ever need anyone to talk to im here

Unless you are ready to start a whole new lifestyle, don't even try to lose weight because you'll not only put the weight back on but you'll add even more pounds. Join a dance club, etc. and do some exercising that's fun.

loosing weight is not easy, and it is not fun! I am trying but it is really hard. You really have to watch you what you eat, you can still eat things you enjoy but limit them. Have yall ever talked with a docotor they can give you a diet guid to follow, or you can see if your parents with sign you up for weight watcher I have heard wonderful things about that diet program. Also talk with your family see if they will help join in the weight loss plan, its always easier when you have people doing it with you and supporting you.

There is no magic answer. Eat less and exercise is all there is to it.

Here are some other tips:

Eat a healthy breakfast. Don't snack after dinner.

Read the label on the food you eat. If more than 1/3 of the calories come from fat don't eat it. If High Fructose Corn Syrup is one of the first 4 things in the list of ingredients don't eat it.

Be patient. You didn't get fat overnight and you won't get thin overnight either. If you screw up and eat something you shouldn't don't give up. Just do better tomorrow.

There is this good book by Oprah Winfrey and Bob Green. It's called Make the Connection. It's really good and shows you how to become a healthier person. Like exercising in the mornings to give your metabolism a boost, drink lots of water ( 6 to 8 glasses a day ) The book also talks about the importance of building muscle and how to eat healthier.

Abhishek Shrivastava
Start jym today walk in the morning and avoid junk food, oily food

Kathryn R
Add gradually some exercise into your life and build up the amount of time you spend exercising and the intensity of these exercises every week or so.

I would start with some walking, say, walk for 30 minutes every day for a week them jog for 5 minutes, walk for 25 on alternate days of the next week, and go from there.

Drink PLENTY of water. 3 litres at least, if you can.

Try to chew your food slowly and don't finish off your how plate of food if you're not hungry. Just eat until you stop feeling so hungry (It takes on average 20 minutes of the brain to register you're not hungry anymore, hence the slow chewing). Try eating smaller portions.

If you want to slim a little faster, try some anaerobic exercise: stomach crunches, sit ups, push ups, bicep curls, etc.

Try snacking on fruit instead of whatever you usually do.

And remember when you have a meal mix carbs and proteins as proteins build muscles and reduce fat, but do not (in simpler terms) work effectively without some carbs.

And for the love of all that is good and righteous; eat breakfast.

you need to join a sport like softball
stay away from junk food and soda
if you have a dog walk him for an hour everyday
if you don't ride your bike for an hour
get off your butt and move
dance in your room and break a sweat

wicked lovely <3


you have to eat healthy and exercise every single day.

eat small meals.

doooon't eat unhealthy food.

meat is good, along with veggies.
i'd stay away from berries. sugar= BAD.

just exercise/walk/run about 30 min to an hour a day.. it'll help a LOT.
dont eat junk food!!!!! once again, dont eat junk food!!!!! and stay away from carbs (bread, pasta, etc)

here are some tips that help me
1) DO NOT go anorexic. dont skip meals. research actually proves tht it causes weight gain for most people eventually. eat a lot of SMALL portions. it'll keep your stomach working, and your metabolism will grow.
2) dont expect results in a day. it'll take some time. if you expect results in a day, you'll give up and it'll actually take LONGER.
3) every month or week, take a picture of yourself and see the difference after a while! (:
4) do something good for yourself if you did well that week. (get nails done, watch a movie, go shopping,)
5) when you feel like eating but you shouldnt, just ignore it. the craving will go away. or eat something like an apple. exercising also takes away most hunger.
6) tan! it'll make you look thinner. tanning lotions or spray tan also works.
7) you'll probaly develop muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. so DON'T get discouraged if you "gain weight." the only way to be sure that your getting toned, is to check how your clothes fit.

there you go. good luck!
please, email me if you have questions, you need help, or just wanna talk (:

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