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 I am exercising 5 days a week for 1 hr to 2 hrs but not loosing weight, after 3 or 4 months!!?
It is so frustrating because I go from no exercise to exercising and feel like I have gained. I started doing 60 minutes cardio, but they said that wasn't good, so I went down to 45 minute ...

 Losing som belly fat :)?
what type of work out should i do to lose belly fat im already eating healthy but i need to ...

 Help :-( im TOO skinny!!!?
i am 12 years old and have a bad problem
i am REALLY skinny! but i mean really. im not anorexic but i look it. all my friends are atleast 80 -100 and im 75!!!! my waist line is only 23 in! :...

 Im 5'8 and weight 110 and Im 18?
I still feel fat. I have been struggling with weight since I was 13. i have been doing better lately-than a few yrs ago when i was in the 80's lbs. help me feel good about my self whats wrong?...

 I am 20 years old, two foot six, and weigh fifty billion pounds. Am I overweight?

 What can a 24 year old girl do that is fun that DOESNT'T involve drinking, eating, or spending money?
I don't want to eat because I am on a diet.
I don't want to spend money because I am in college.
I don't want to drink because it is just not good for you!

What ...

 What age do you consider to be old?

 How do I lose weight without exercising?

 Am i a fattYYYYYY?
im 5''1
110 pounds.

tell me tell me
u can be cruel so i lose weight cuz i feel liek a ...

 Help me i want to loose weight!!! do guys hate chubby/fat girls?
I am sooo depressed this summer has been really boring because all i have done is sit around at home!! I live about 10 miles away from all of my friends in a smaller town both my parents work and I�...

 Why is it that smoking makes you lost weight?
is it physical cause it speeds up your metabolism or just sorta mental coz you smoke out of boredom instead of eating out of boredom....

 What is your favorite exercise and why?
And your favorite exercise machine? What results have you gotten, and why? What machine do you recommend for weight loss? Thanks!...

 Is 108 overweight for someone 5"1?

Additional Details
well for a long time i was bilemic and was told to gain weight now i want to lose it ...

 Can you still drink Coke and lose weight with exercise and diet?
Even if it's one or two sugar cokes a day....

 Im I Fat ?
Im 5'7 and 122 -125 pounds and i feel like im a whale. Whats the right weight for me ?...

 What to do when your Bored??
I'm trying to stick to my diet but i have nothing to do, and i think thats why I am not in shape because when im bored i eat. I need something to keep me busy so I don't eat anything till ...

 How much weight should I lose?
I'm 5' 3'' and 125 pounds...how much weight should I lose...?...

 At what age did you lose your viginaty?

 How do I control my food cravings...now?
Like right now I want to eat mac and cheese with ketchup and then a cupcake....werid taste I know. But its 9pm and am not sleepy...what should I do?...

 What is the best food for breakfast?
My mother always told me to eat fruit first thing in the morning (before oats or cereal etc.) because it helps to clean out the digestive system and get it functioning for the day. Is this true? At ...

Why are americans fat? What do they eat for their meals? Burgers and burgers??
I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I saw an old episode of Oprah and she said more than half of the american population are overweight.
Additional Details
Btw, yes, i'm from overseas. Somewhere in asia.

there are so many fast food chains in america its sick
i hate it, you drive around you go past a mc donalds and there is like a 20 car line in the drive thru i mean come on people americans are too busy with their lives to actually stop and think, what should i be eating? should i go to the mcdonalds or should i take two minutes of a longer drive to go to a healthy resturaunt and save myself from having a heart attack

yes, people eat fast food every once in a while but a lot of people eat it every day because it is fast, easy, and cheap.
you're better off making a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich from home than eating fast food garbage

it is gross to see people who are overweight going into fast food places and coming out with everything supersized. its like they dont see a problem that is right in front of their faces

it is also embarassing to live in america and to be called a country with over half the population overweight

i dont mean to offend anyone with my answer but it is the truth
20 years ago you never saw someone who was overweight like we see now
boy, has that changed

america needs to think about what they are doing to their bodies because with the way these people are eating, they are going to soon drop like flies because their bodies wont be able to carry on because they had to supersize their fries or they had to get that giant value meal because of what i said before its fast, easy, and cheap

autumn leaf
Maybe you should stop goofing off asking questions you already know the answer to buddy. I mean what are you trying to do, help by being a big mouth? Sorry if I offended you. Doesn't help hearing that now does it? Think carefully before you ask dumb questions. I can assure you that nobody means to upset you by being too overweight.

*never give up*
our proportions are huge. when was the last time you went to a resturant and the plate wasnt huge?

Too often we choose convenience over health, whether from laziness or absurdly busy schedules. The result is consumption of fast food on a near-daily basis. All those empty calories just make us balloon right up.

One thing you might not have heard from Oprah is the wide variety of conditions that fall under the heading "overweight." If I'm five or ten pounds over my doctor's Ideal Weight Chart recommendation for my height and body type, I'm still technically overweight, but not obese.

It's not only what we eat, it's how much. Most American portion sized are 2x-3x more than what they should be. Also we like to sit on our butts all the time and use cars too much.

Big Brother
Because we are all wealthy and have great health care.

Kristy M
FAST FOOD AND POP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex M
fat because we eat fattening foods and don't do anything after it

Depression, loneliness, insecurity, fear. yes it is true more than half the population is overweight, and I am one of them. Although I am doing the exercises, and cutting back, but I'm not on a diet, I just eat the lower calorie foods, and don't eat past a certain time. I'm not offended, but others may be. You have more to worry about than overweight people I'm sure you have your own faults and imperfections to bear.

Because we live in such a rich nation the marketing giants vie for our almighty buck. Each food company is trying to out do the next, so they add more sugar, more salt, more fat, more FLAVOR in desperate attempts to attract and keep our business. So, our food gets more and more flavor explosive (and to their benefit, less and less expensive to make). So cheap ingredients with lots of FLAVOR equals high profit margin for the companies. And in turn our appetites for explosive flavor increases. We become comsumers of momentarily satisfying, easily procured GARBAGE. And of course, we become fat and unhealthy.

This phenomenon is not occuring only at fast food chains, but in everything we consume. From flavored water to so called whole grain breads. High fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, high levels of sodium and trans fats are in mostly everything we consume, even what we purchase as so called "raw products" in our grocery stores. Its difficult to escape unless you live an Organic life. Gladly many of us are awakening to this fact and we're on the road to a better tomorrow.

A lot of people eat burgers and other fast food, then don't exercise. Fast food is convenient during the work week (especially with an hour for lunch) then people go back and work on their computers or sitting at a desk answering the phone for the rest of the day. Then on the weekends, a lot of people watch TV and eat more stuff that is bad for you, like potato chips. This stuff is okay to eat when eaten moderately, and if you go out and exercise or take a walk afterwards. But most people (not all) don't exercise on a regular basis. Exercise is a good way to lose weight regardless of whether you eat a lot or a little bit of fast food.

You asked this as if you are from overseas?? One reason for Americans being over weight we don't take the time to sit down any more to a meal or take the time to plan healthy meals....some I said not all.....
Americans are always in a rush, go thru the drive thru windows at fast food places, or pizza places and grab something quick.
I work long hours and its night by time I get home and don't want to stand in kitchen cooking...just want something fast and easy...btw...am not fat, I control mine by the amount I eat and am active at my work running up and down halls all day...some jobs though you sit at your desk for 8 hrs a day or longer and grab a burger if your lucky

we eat huge portions and just terrible junk food. we also don't exercise - very lazy...watch television, play video games, and on the computer way to much.

we need to eat healthier, smaller amounts, and exercise more.

you aren't offending me. i know the problem. take care! SD

not all are fat though u know and ALSO I think America has LOTS and LOTS of fast food places. When I'm on the road going to visit family or something u are ALWAYS going to see LOTS of fast food places in each town. and if ur late for work and u are starving easy thing is to go to McDonald's and get somthin' quick

American women are on the go all the time, they usually eat standing up on the way somewhere. The easiest food to eat is junk. Of course this is completely a generalization. There are plenty of American women who have healthy balanced lives. Don't believe everything you hear.

we eat burgers with high fat mayonnaise on them and supersized fries....and a diet coke

Robert F
fats, trans fats, processed and highly processed foods. then the highly genetically enhanced foods. lots and lots of preservatives

The American foods cannot be sent out as such but there is the foods that aren't treated with the preservatives for export only.

Number of reasons. A lot of Americans believe it is just too much trouble to fix healthy dinners, and tend to snack on junk food and grab cheap, greasy takeout for dinner. I'm guilty of this myself, running through the drive through at McDonalds for that $1 double cheeseburger and $1 McValue fry rather than going home and fixing up somethin that has half the fat and twice the nutrition.

We also seem to have an addiction to sweet or salty foods. Sodas instead of water, french fries or Doritos instead of fruits and veggies. If you get used to high sugar drinks and foods, healthy food with natural but lower sugar content tastes blah to you.

Poker Face
Because most of them can afford to.

Because a thick burger from Hardee's has about 900 calories.

victor m
because a lot of people don't eat healthy and myself I eat to late at night.

fast food ...

North Americans are getting bigger because the portion sizes are HUGE! I remember buying a bag of chips as a kid (15 years ago) and it was in a small bag, about half the size of a regular bag of chips today. Also, parents are both out working trying to make ends meet. They sometimes find it easier to have take-out or TV dinners, something quick and easy to make. Kids are getting less exercise because school budgets have been slashed and video games/computing are readily available...there is almost no need for a child to go out and play. A lot of my daughter's friends (6 - 7 year olds) also have TV's in their rooms....another distraction!
Hope this helps!

the bad thing about the american culture is that everyone is always so busy they dont sit down and eat at home with their families like it is where i come from... i have lived in america for the past few years and the eating habits truly are completely different from everywhere else in the world

Americans are fat because we eat over processed crap and fast food. We're all in a big hurry and nobody takes the time to prepare fresh meals like Europeans. It's sad. Even when I go to the store and attempt to get fresh stuff, I always end up getting all sorts of boxed stuff.

For myself, it is a matter of not scheduling walking and other exercise into my day. I have an office job that is rather high stress. If I walk and eat the proper foods every three hours and drink lots of water, I lose weight. But it takes forethought and planning and many times I just don't take the time to do that but grab what is convenient.

Stila 4
We eat a lot of pizza, breads, cheeseburgers, fries yummy yummy high carb foods. We eat constantly too hey i admit we love to eat.

It's because we sit here at our computers and answer questions and eat french fries and soda pop or burgers and chips.

After going to Europe, I can tell you why Americans are obese.

It's not because our food portion is larger. After a trek in Europe, European portions are just as large if not larger. Think of it like this: in Belgium the national dish is 1 kilo of mussels AND french fries (with mayo). Not exactly healthy. AND in Europe water is for boiling potatoes, not drinking.

The reason we're overweight is that we lack public transportation. We would much rather sit at home and watch TV than go outside. We don't walk to work or to a bus station, we drive. We don't walk to the market, we drive.

We don't overeat as much as we underexercise.

~Just A Girl~
The sad truth...most Americans are LAZY.

Also we tend to be very busy and convenient is crucial for our daily lives.

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