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 In order to loose weight quickly which one is better?
joining gym
or comibantion of any 2 or 3....

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Additional D...

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I need too lose 100 pounds by september of next year. I need advice on how to do it in a healthy way. How?

Unless you are extremely obese, losing 100lbs in under a year will almost certainly be unhealthy no matter how you do it. In all honesty the easiest way to lose weight is with healthy diet and honest to god exercise. I lost 20lbs this summer by just eating organics and working out for about an hour a day and i have never felt better.

I would suggest Organics as a great tool. Check out Kevin Trudeau's books, a lot of the political stuff he says is kind of a load but, if you ignore that and focus on what he says about diet it makes a lot of sense.

I recommend the Isagenix system. It is a very healthy system designed in California. It is based on the fact that as you cleanse toxins out of your system, your body will function better and you will loose weight. I have been on it, I felt great on the system, and best of all I WAS NOT HUNGRY. It seemed to give my body what it needed. Combine that with regular exercise (hire a personal trainer for a while if you can afford it) and you can definitely loose 100 lbs. safely.

Loves the Ponies
Try to get on The Biggest Loser show.

You can go to the website, too and it will give you lots of advise on losing the weight in a safe way.

You have to be dedicated and disciplined, but you can do it!

Send it to me

Check out this website: www.hacres.com You can lose 100 pounds by next september for sure if you follow what they say. Good Luck, and be healthy!!

With that amount of weight to lose, you should really be doing this under doctor supervision. I suggest you consult your personal physician regarding this, not a message board of strangers.

Well you will need to stick to a proven weight system system, the best system I found for steady fat-loss was by the guy below.

Ivie O
I've found that building muscle helps burn fat. The more muscle you build, the more fat you will burn. I found a site that has great workouts and nutrional help.
Good Luck!

Pam H
I lost 60 lbs last year. I started off by exercising, and then started cutting out sweets and fats, then eating more lean meat and fruits and veggies. When I started doing crunches (sit ups) I could barely do 1 (one) and now I can do 50 at a time. Start by walking - it is free - if you can only walk to the corner, then walk to the corner and tomorrow walk a little farther. Don't give up. Walk every day. No excuses. Some nights I lift weights in front of the TV while I watch the late news. It helps to schedule exercise right into your day. Every night when I get off work I change clothes and go out and walk or ride my bike for 30-60 minutes. I also watch the show "The Biggest Loser". It is very inspirational. Those people start off at 300 and 400 pounds and it is so cool to watch each week as they become thinner and stronger. You can do it. Just start small and stick with it. Good luck.

Shania R
Exercise and Healthy eating and portion control. Eating healthy foods will give you tremendous energy to work out and enjoy exercising. It is amazing how much more energy you have after a great work out. Eating healthy is so important and once you lose the weight you will know how to eat to keep it off, Good Luck to you.

Dont keep any foods or snacks in your house that you would be liable to eat that could set you back. In order to loose one pound of fat you need to burn 3600 more calories than what you take in. The healthiest way is do be active, walk or jog, at least 3 times a week. Dont try to find the closest parking space to the store, find one that is a little further away which will get you to walk. Its all about being active and eating healthy.

Join a group like Weight Watchers (or one of the knock offs). They teach you healthy and realistic eating habits, portion control, maintance of good behaviors and provide social support to help you over the rough spots. Just having people to check in with helps with that accountability. They don't make you weigh in publicly or announce your weight. But thery help you make healthy lifestyle changes rather than teach you fad eating

First, forget anything that has the words "easy" "fast" or "miracle" in it. Quick fixes and fad diets don't work. If they did, everyone would be skinny.

There is only one way to lose weight in a healthy way. Burn more calories than you take in on a day to day basis. This means both eating right and exercising at least 5 days a week for at least an hour a day.

Check out the book "Body for Life." It outlines a very ridgid diet and exercise plan that is not gimmicky. Just ignore everything about eating this or that brand of suppliments. The author is paid to put those references in the book.

Weight Watchers! You'll lose it slowly..but steadily, and it'll stay off. Its also non-restrictive as to what you can/can't eat. I swear by their program. I never feel like I'm on a "diet."

Please bear this in your mind:

To lose a pound of weight a week you must create a 3500-calorie deficit, or burn 500 calories per day more than you eat. Here's an example of how a 150 lbs. person would achieve that:

Your daily calorie intake to lose 1lb. per week:

Add a zero to your body weight 150lbs + 0= 1500
Add 20% for extra daily activity +300
Daily caloric rate = 1800
Subtract 500 calories a day -500
(by eating 500 calories less or by burning 500 calories through exercise)

Total = 1300

So to lose a pound a week, a 150 lbs. person needs to create a 500 calorie deficit from 1800 calories by either exercising or eating less.

Just substitute your own body weight to the above formula, for you to figure out the right amount of calories that your body need.

Also try doing cardio workout to burn fat and strength training to build muscles. Good luck...

I recommend either Weight Watchers or Sparkpeople. If you don't have a lot of money, start with Sparkpeople. As you continue to lose weight, you need even more support and I think the Weight Watchers meetings help with that better than the online support (too many nasty women with no manners on the WW online group). 100 pounds is possible in a year in a healthy way, but no guarantee. You need to exercise at least 1 hour 5 days a week. No lie. Expect to lose a lot of pounds early on, but then it will slow and become a bit like a grind. You will REALLY need motivation as time goes on especially when you hit plateaus an don't seem to lose anything. For that reason, I HIGHLY recommend taking measurements of your bust, waist, around belly button level, hips, upper arm, thigh. It shows you are losing inches even when you aren't losing weight.

I'm really good at losing weight. It's maintaining the loss that I'm awful at.

Island Hopper
A lifestyle change that includes diet and exercise is the only long-term solution. Contact a nutritionist and get a membership at a gym. The initial investment will prove beneficial and you'll thank yourself in the long run. Good luck.

Follow the South Beach Diet and exercise 3 times a week. You'll feel better and the weight will fall off quickly. In phase 1 you will see the weight drop immediately which will be motivation to keep going, do phase 2 until all the weight is gone and then follow phase 3 for life. GOOD LUCK!

Buy a copy of Bill Phillip's books, "Body for Life" and "Eating for Life" and follow his directions.
IN twelve weeks you will be amazed at what you will have accomplished.
This program will literally work for the rest of your life.

Ma'a salaam

I used the Herbalife plan last year and lost 65 pounds in three and a half months. It's not easy, but it works. Make sure you drink plenty of water, eat healthy and exercise. There is no magic pill that's gonna do it for you. You have to change your lifestyle.

Baps .
Start exercising. Cut down on foods that are high in fat. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Eat more fruit and veg and foods that are high in fibre

Call you doctor and get a physical first. Ask him/her for a good plan. Join a gym, exercises regularly, eat right and stay under the care of a doctor. Gastric by-pass is only fixing the outer parts.It doesn't address the underlining problems. One must fix the inside first before starting any healthy lifestyle.

Delta D
If you have that much to lose, you should consult a physician so your vital signs and blood can be monitored.

Other than that, I good, healthy 1500-2000 calorie diet low in fats will probably do the trick. Also, regular exercise (walking is fine!). It would also be good to join some kind of support group, too. It is easier to lose weight when you can talk about the things that trigger overeating.

Happily Ever Us!
It can be done. I lost 100 lbs in 9 mo's by eating 1200 calories a day (No fried or sugary foods--limited carbs--mostly whole grain) and working out 3-4 days a week--hr of cardio on those days is important! Best of luck!

P.S. Don't forget your multi-vitamin!! :) Very important! :)

Eat less and exercise more. Really. It's that simple.

i lost 85 lbs in a year by walking and cutting calories

strict diet and vigilant exercise. No short cuts, but the first few pounds will melt off if you keep at it!

start cutting out drinks other than water or tea...........

low cal/low fat diet and excercise. you can do it

Lyn B
I am glad you said healthy. Too many people just want to lose and lose fast.
It is important to maintain a good diet so you don't compromise your health. Damage done because of lack of nutrition is not worth a nice body. Some diet damage cannot be fixed.
When you deprive your brain, the brain will take other body cells to convert to the elements that it needs. And the cells it takes are BRAIN cells. OOPS. I don't want to loose brain cells to have thin legs. But I would like to have both.

Also, a quick weight loss is usually a water loss and that loss will come back ASAP. You cannot loose FAT more than 2 to 3 pounds a week. Any more than that and you are loosing water and muscle mass (not good) Your heart is muscle!


1) fruits and veggies, all you want, organic, raw, vine-ripe if possible. Steamed is OK,sauteed is OK even canned or frozen is OK, but lots of them.
2) limited or no meat.
3) nothing fried
4) no FAST FOOD- is junk, no nutrition, empty calories
5) NO PROCESSED FOOD. if you can't pronounce it don't eat it.
6) nothing white, salt, sugar, mayo, milk, (or at least in moderation.
7) NO DAIRY-dairy is great for baby cows, your body does not even digest it properly. check out www.notmilk.com
8) EXERCISE- and be sure to refresh your body with water and fresh fruit
9) NO PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS. Muscle is made from water, replace the water. You get enough protein from the food you eat, You get more protein from spinach than the supplements you take and your body does not get toxic on food protein the way it will with supplements. Supplements can really tax you liver.
10) Good supplement would be Omega 3, and B-12 and Juice Plus+
11) NO CARBONATED DRINKS, or at least limited. They actually dissolve the calcium in your bones.
12) Calories in calories out.


And the spell check would not work, so if I messed up please forgive.

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