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 I just had a large plate of pasta and football practice in 45 minutes i need an answer a.s.a.p
I had a big plate of pasta with sauce and meatballs. We do heavy running, pushups and all sorts of excercises. Will i puke up my pasta? Does my body have enough time? Please answer
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 I eat tuna sandwiches for breakfast instead of normal breakfast stuff would this hurt my diet?
Im on a diet but I read i should eat my biggest meal in the morning well i would normally eat my biggest meal at lunch ie the sandwiches but i swapped lunchs meal for breakfasts and now eat cereal at ...

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im 21 years and I weight 191 and i need to know how can i loose some pounds easily to look my best in my first ...

 I've got a big tummy. How to reduce it?
i'm a software engineer.Morning i have bread toast or corn flakes.Afternoon i've rice meals.for dinner i've rice meals and go to sleep.I've developed a big tummy.i hardly find ...

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How can these people expect anyone to give them any respect when they clearly are lazy and have no self control?

The worst thing is ...

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 Whats the best way to lose weight fast after becoming a mommy?
losing weight??...

 Has anyone tried Adam & Eve diet?
Metabolic diet - balance blood sugar.
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It nothing do with apples and not a FAD diet. It was recommend by natural ...

 How do you lose weight w/o starving yourself???

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Just adding this. And i disagree with yoo, i found loads of pro-ana sites. Thanks for the long lists, i have a ...

 Starving Yourself for 8 Days?
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Don't have a go at me because im not heading to do it. I would just ...

Help a fat girl?
im in desperate need of help im 27 15 stone and scared i wnt see my son grow up i need to do something but dnt know how. Pls no fat jokes or mickey taking im desperate pls help diet and exercise

"Do some simple ecercise every day,like walking!"

the obvious...eat healthier (more fruit and veg) and take up exercise or sport. joina gym. paying for it monthly deffo gives u the incentive to go!!

If people say bad things to you, just ignore them.. They're not worth it..

Now, as for the changing.. you should start by changing your diet to low fat or fat free foods and cutting down meals to smaller portions.. My dad always says to me "You know it's good for you if you DON'T like the taste..." makes me laugh.. Keep eating Breakfast, lunch and dinner and have a snack or two in between, but make them smaller, healthier and don't rush while you're eating, take smaller bites and take your time eating it!

Exercise.. well it's sometimes quite hard to get motivated to go out and exercise, but you can use your son as your motivation.> Remind yourself that this is for him and go out each day and do a brisk half an hour walk and build your way up from there.. Don't push yourself too hard.. If you can't do it straight away, build it up from15 minutes onwards... Even if it's just walking around the back yard a few times..

Or you could try a diet group like Weight watchers or something.. It actually works!!

Good luck :) and stay strong!!


I Think I'm Growing Up!
depends on your height 15 stone is serious for some short but a tall person not that bad.

BMI needs to be taken into consideration and your bone structure. How wide are your shoulders, have you got heavy bones etc etc.

Light exercising like walking is a good place to start... stay away from fried foods, eat plenty of veg and fruit. Get your 8 glasses of water a day.

I can see you are very desperate at the moment. People often delay there problems and only worry when they reach breaking point. You need to worry every day. Every second. the problem is, my dear, in your lifestyle. Dont blame it on metabolism, or genetics or depression or any other thing. I hate to say it, but if you are fat, its probably your fault. But every cloud has a silver lining and this is no exception. True that you are the enforcer of your bodies suffering, also true that only you can make a change. I'm not giving you any news when i say the key is nutrition and exercise (i hope im not). Forget miracle diets, forget magic pills and forget supernatural help. IT DOES NOT WORK!!! You can become healthy and strong but it will take a long time. Think of today as the first day of your new life, or something cheesy like that. NO shortcuts, no miracles. The best advice i can give you is to LEARN. don't bother going to the gym otherwise, unless you have a personal trainer. Buy a few good books on nutrition and understand what you eat and why your body is the way it is. Be reluctant to take any specific advice as everyone is different. Learn and understand yourself on your own. I dont want you to take a degree in nutrition, i mean, JUST READ ABOUT IT!! You'll find it will all make alot more sense next month that it does now. you'll find yourself reading labels all food you buy. you'll find yourself weighting you food before cooking. and then, yes... EXERCISE. The reason why u shouldnt start exercising straight away is because if you work your a$s off on a treadmill and reach no results, you demoralize and give up. Make sure that when you do start (say, next month) you go for the kill and you know what your goals are for the months after (say, lose 4 lbs). Manage your motivation and once you see the results your motivation and results will fuel eachother and it will all snowball from there.

Hope this helps

Sharon K
Join a slimming group they will give you a healthy diet plan and you'll get lots of encouragment then go to your local gym, you'll be suprised at how helpful the staff and members are, the staff will tell you what to do and also encourage you, good luck.

Hi there, I was big too but wanted to lose it fast so i tried Cambridge diet and i lost a stone a month. its really easy cos after day 3 your not even hungry any more

Start walking....start by just going as far as you can and then just increase it by a minute or so a day until you can walk for at least 60 minutes then trying jogging occassionally...don't eat as many sweets and cut out ALL soda...drink water!

Oh My What To Do!
Portion control and exercise is the best thing, try not to binge on junk!! How old is your child, playtimes at the park are good exercise, if you have a very young baby you may still be carrying some weight from your pregnancy and have some post natal depresssion for which you will need to see your gp, 15 stone doesnt sound too heavy (I've been there believe me!) dependant on your height!!

Lady Carole
I am 49 and was 19st 3lbs, been on Slimfast and am down to 17st 10lbs. Try it, they do shakes or you can make your own, soups, oat bars and best of all chocolate caramel bars.

If you are really desperate you will be able to do this, Just think what is the point of eating that slice of cake? Yes it tastes good and it will keep you happy for the whole of 5 minutes but what about how happy u would be if you didn't eat it and began to lose weight?
Try weight watchers or slimming world the weekly meetings really help. good luck

Annie M
Clear out the cupboard of all crap food. Start tomorrow by having 3 decent meals a day and eat when your are hungry but just small healthy snacks.

Dont deprive yourself. Try some gentle exercise also, jogging would be a good start but it takes time to run a long way so dont give up.

Me again!
Your young, and are able to admit there is a problem, so its not too late.

Your food intake needs to be seriously looked into.

And of course if you are very heavy, you should not start jogging right away, and should get yourself a bicycle, and start walking and leaving the car behind.

Good luck to you.

my wife swears by the points system used by weighwatchers.
It's easy to follow and you can eat a range of foods.
You also need to exercise regularly.

Just eat less and exercise more. It's the ONLY diet that works. Start now and you will be fine.

Follow the diet and exercise plan in the show "The Biggest Loser." Those people are really big but they manage to lose weight safely and faster.

just eat a healthy diet....more of the healthy food don't starve yourself though!! eat little and often <you dont necessarily have to eat less to go on a diet...>
substitute snacking on rubbish foods for fruit salads and cereal....

cut out on eating lots of bread and carbs <but food like rice is v.good...my dad went on a rice and chicken salad diet which worked pretty well!!>

Get regular excercise <start of with taking a brisk walk every morning/evening and build up over time to more like going to the gym...you don't want to stress yourself out!!!>

get some more confidence, which will help you if you 'comfort eat' ...start off by not calling your self 'fat girl' !!...your not fat....your curvy ;)
ts good that you have the motivation with your son which im sure will keep you going and make sure you have a lovin family&friends around you!!!!!

good luck :)

contact curves (www.curves.com) it is a place where u exercise for 30 mins so wont take to long out of ya day and also have food consultants there, supposed to be really good.

brun it off in the sack babe

In a nutshell, you will drop the pounds if you expand more energy than you consume. The most efficient way is to combine exercise with a reduced calorie diet. I'm a mom of an adult son and I remember only too well how hard it is to stay away from all the goodies and to keep the fridge relatively free from junk.

Now, here are some positives to work with. Boys (not all, but most) love sports. You can combine time with him and exercise time for yourself by doing certain activities with him. For example, go take him out on the soccer field and play soccer with him, or basketball or ping-pong or you both sign up at a community center for Tae Kwon Do classes (they're cheap). I took my son scuba diving. It wasn't a "girly" thing and we both learnt something, socialised and got some exercise.

I personally do a daily exercise routine that's called "Turbo Jam". In the UK, it's Kick fit or Turbo Kick.. something like that. I had to start out slow and clumsy, but I find the music motivating and if you stick with it AND you start counting calories, you'll drop the pounds rather quickly. No, I don't work for the company haha.

Honestly, get yourself a notepad and start weighing and measuring your foods and look up on the internet how many calories are in 50 or 100 grams of food. It'll be a bit of a shocker, trust me. Start out consuming no more than 1200 calories a day. It'll be hard for the first 3 weeks. Generally a new habit takes about 3 weeks to stick. If you do 40 mins of sweat producing aerobics alternating with 2-3 days a week of strength training, you will see results, I guarantee it. The first 5-7 pounds will be water weight loss. Then shoot for a 1-2 pounds a week in fat loss. Key is to keep doing it, even when you don't feel like it. ... and drink tea or water. I have about 4 cups of coffee a day and 4 cups of tea and that seems to work well.

Best of luck!

Don't eat after 7pm, or 4 hours before you go to sleep. Silly as it sounds, it helps you lose weight.

There is a swollen tissue syndrome for male

and female stomachs from some foods.

Excessive acid making bacteria in the large

intestine cause the belly to have large

cells full of liquid. The excess acid has

other side effects. There are too many BMs

and that triggers over eating. Avoid all

pure vegetable oils and use tree oils like

olive and coconut. You will have to eat

coconut oil twice a day to reduce the acid

bacteria. After three days the BMs should be

down to one per day. Binging will take at

least a week. Wall mart sells the coconut oil

in the cooking oil section.

try WW, either online or a face to face meeting.

Its very good and healthy diet

Hi there, i just know how you feel as i am in the same situation as you, so why not try talking to your Dr and asking for some help, or join the gym and go on a diet as the two work together, you will meet people just the same as you are, desperate to lose weight!!! You also may find a person at the gym who will take a personal interest in you and help to keep you motivated, i wish you good luck as i NO how hard it can be, you eat a bit of chocolate to make you feel better then feel guilty, otherwise known as comfort eating, you take care and i hope you reach your goal.

For a start off you should stop beating yourself up, if you really want to lose some weight then stop frying everything, grill or bake things instead, poach, scramble or boil eggs, steam veg and your on your way, just take all fatty things out of your diet and introduce fruit and veg to it, eat three very healthy meals each day with fruit as treats and you should start to see a difference, try www.slimmingworld.co.uk for inspiration and help, I've lost over 3 stones on that diet and swear by it as you can eat most things, good luck.

get on doug kaufmann's phase 1 diet!

Hiya - I was in the same situation a few years ago. I know this isn't what you want to hear but losing weight isn't a fast process (not if you want it to stay off). I lost nearly 4 stone, but it took me about 3 years to do it. You have to be completely determined to do it!

Try to cut down on portion sizes, eat more fruit & veggies. Melon is a good one, coz it's full of water (and it makes you pee more too!)

One idea (which I saw on telly) was to do 10000 steps a day. Don't do this all at once - try 5000 a day & then build up slowly. I made the mistake of trying to do a complete Cindy Crawford workout video (even though she said only do what you can I thought "nah, I can keep up with you!" - wrong!) The next day I couldn't move!!! he he

During your weight loss if you lose 1-2lb a week that is good progress! It might not look a lot or feel a lot but in the long run it all adds up! And if you put on a 1lb once in a while, don't worry! Treats are good!

Good luck with your quest!

mike h
Okay hun, don't worry. Yes you have a little problem but don't panic, the solution is quite easy.

First of all don't go on weight alone (weight/BMI is innaccurate as it doesn't take into account muscle wieght or somototype/body shape). You need to go and get your body fat levels measured, any GP or gym should be able to do this for you. This will give you an accurate idea of where you are now and where you need to be 'weight' wise.

As for the rest of it, it's all about lifestyle hun, eating right and excercising. Simple.

The current reccomended healthy eating plan is four or five small to medium meals a day, each one (apart from breakfast) should contain some carbohydrates (rice/pasta/potatoes etc) some protien (chicken, fish, etc) and lots of vitamins minerals and antioxidants (fresh fruit and veg). You can pile your plate high with as much veg and snack on as much fruit/fruit juice as you like. Just keep one day a week as your 'treat day' where you get a takeaway/pizza/whatever so you don't have 'cravings' and feel like your missing out, and you have something to look forward to and reward yourself with.

Also excercise is essential. Cardio excercise will not only keep you healthy, increase your lung function and decrease your resting heart rate, it will also burn off a lot of calories, keeping you slim. If you keep your body fat levels to a healthy level, then your body will look a lot more toned and healthy. The best ways to do this are probably running and swimming, but cycling, x training, etc are good too.

Weight training is also important, use light weights with lots of reps and you will tone and define your muscles without 'bulking up', which will keep your body strong and supple, but also increase your metabolism so you burn off even more calories even when you are resting!

Good luck

DIETING: Go to: h t t p : / / c h o o s e d i e t . b l o g s p o t . c o m and select one, possibly changing later. Eat 6 - 8 small meals daily, with a little protein in each, preceded 20 minutes earlier with a large glass of water, (drink at least 10 large glasses [250 ml] daily) and snack on as many celery sticks as you like, with the occasional carrot stick, or slices of cucumber and/or tomato in any vinegar desired (no oil!). Also see http://www.ediets.com and subscribe to their email newsletter. Slowly work up to 30 - 60 minutes of brisk walking, daily, possibly doing other exercises at home as well, as you are listening to music, or watching television, like bending and stretching exercises, Tai Chi, (see page 2 at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris... ) Pilates, or pump iron. Many overweight people use food in an attempt to fill an emotional void, which is unhealthy, and ultimately futile. See http://emotionalhealth.ivillage.com/...... and http://www.foodaddiction.com and http://www.oa.org/ Phone EDAP (U.S.A.) on 1800 931 2237. Others eat out of boredom, so find other things that you enjoy, or are interested in, so that boredom is no longer part of your life. Analyse your "nutritional type", at www.mercola.com (enter that term in taskbar) and modify your diet accordingly.

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