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 Does it really make your stomach flat if you wrap your stomach in plastic wrap and then go running???

 I eat tuna sandwiches for breakfast instead of normal breakfast stuff would this hurt my diet?
Im on a diet but I read i should eat my biggest meal in the morning well i would normally eat my biggest meal at lunch ie the sandwiches but i swapped lunchs meal for breakfasts and now eat cereal at ...

 I would really like to be skinny by next year?
Ahh! I cant take it! Being overweight is horrible! Isnt there anything that isnt hard and is easy to stick to, to lose weight?!...

 Why do fat people go to McD's and order a couple big macs and then ask for a diet coke?I see this all the time
No offense to overweight ...

 Do all girls have fat knees?
My knees have wierd fat on them and I am not overweight, but is there a way to get rid of it or do something about it?...

 I don't eat very healthy, can you help me?
Here's my problem. I'm 13, and I don't eat what I should. I have breakfast, which is cereal, I don't each lunch much, and dinner I rarely eat it because I'm so picky. I hate ...

 How many calories do you need to burn to loose body weight?

 Why am I dead tired at the same time every day?
I work 9 to 5 in an office. I have a beautiful office to my self with lots of light. Every day around 2 or 3 pm I get so tired I don't feel like I can keep my eyelids open. This lasts through ...

 How can i loose some pounds??
im 21 years and I weight 191 and i need to know how can i loose some pounds easily to look my best in my first ...

 I've got a big tummy. How to reduce it?
i'm a software engineer.Morning i have bread toast or corn flakes.Afternoon i've rice meals.for dinner i've rice meals and go to sleep.I've developed a big tummy.i hardly find ...

 Are laxatives a good way to lose weight quickly?

 I can't put on weight, although i eat 3 meals a day and extras, has anyone got any tricks?

 Why are the Americans so fat?
Now more than half of Americans are obese

How can these people expect anyone to give them any respect when they clearly are lazy and have no self control?

The worst thing is ...

 What is the quickest way to loose 74 pounds within 7 to 8 months?

 Whats the best way to lose weight fast after becoming a mommy?
losing weight??...

 Has anyone tried Adam & Eve diet?
Metabolic diet - balance blood sugar.
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It nothing do with apples and not a FAD diet. It was recommend by natural ...

 How do you lose weight w/o starving yourself???

 What are the good and bad effects of anorexia?

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Just adding this. And i disagree with yoo, i found loads of pro-ana sites. Thanks for the long lists, i have a ...

 Starving Yourself for 8 Days?
If someone starved there self for 8 days, Only One fruit smoothie each day, how much weight would they loose??

Don't have a go at me because im not heading to do it. I would just ...

 I love my Man, but at a slight mistake he gets really mad at me, what do i do 4 him to believé im not cheating

Does anybody else srtuggle to drink the 2 litres of water you need a day?
not including water in tea,coffee.........

definatly, i just think to my self i need the water

yes i barely drink any water and im rele dhdratined i need to drink a lot more

yes, it's quite difficult, but i try and have a drink of water every 10 mins or so to not feel dehydrated especially in the summer.

lucy fer

nope i drink a full 16 oz glass of water right before each of my 6 meals and to take all my supplements

Mike T
Not really. I try to drink a half pint to a pint every time i go to toilet. Of course, this makes you go to toilet more, so you drink more.....easily get all your water doing this!!

No I don't but I have two tricks, first I keep a nalgene bottle full at work which is 32 ounces which is roughly 1 liter (a liter is actually 33.8 oz) I drink at least one of those at work, and then at night I drink a liter of seltzer water (which is just carbonated water) and comes in delicous flavors such a madarin orange and raspberry, and that makes it no problem to get my daily alocation of water! Good Luck

I started making it a habit to drink water all throughout the day about a year ago. Now it seems I can't live without it. I'm always toting water around or I have a couple of bottles rolling around in my car. It's such a part of my daily routine, that it's no longer difficult to drink that much.

Brian V
Thankyou I thought it was 2 gallon so I have really been strugling and I was never out of the loo.

I've drank sparkling mineral water for years now, more than 2 litres. I'm addicted to it, I don't drink tea or coffee unless I go to visit someone.

yeah I do, even though it may not seem like it, that is a lot of water. and it doesn't help if your busy and you have to constantly use the bathroom. but I try my hardest to get all the water I need, :)

YES , don't think I've ever managed to drink 2 litres aday and if i did i'd spend the rest of the day on the loo .

i barely drink water. i just never get arnd to doing it lolz

Donna A
To be honest, no. However if I had to go and get a glass and fill it all of the time, then yes I would.

My trick is to have a two litre bottle with me throughout the day. I then just take sips of it at various points. At the end of the day, the 2 litres has always gone.

♥boys are such a waste of time♥
i do

The Random Hero
No i just dont drink it. But, if you're having problems, try to pretend it's like soda or Gatorade. Imagine that you're extremely tired and you got the last soda in the fridge, covered in frost.That could help.

David S
Nope, but I'm not drinking soda and eating refined foods either.

mokolon is right, a report was published years ago stating that 2 litres of water a day is necessary but most of it will be obtained from the food we eat. evil bottled water corporations twisted the report and perpetuated the 2 litre myth.
also,drink tap water - it's better for you teeth.

yes im terrible with doing that! i can only do it if I have had a chinese the night before because of all the salt in the food!! lol :)

if you can't drink all your water, and you like pop and stuff, you should get the flavored water. It's got a sweet taste, with all the benefits of water. I dont' really struggle to drink my water, but I've been building up to drinking all I need. I started just drinking what I could, now I really don't drink anything else.

No. I Spread it out during the day and I have no problem drinking that much water.

Suky T
I prefer to drink warm water so when I get in the office in the morning I boil a kettle of water and drink it during the day. Always forget to drink at the weekend though.

Nope I keep a gallon jug in the fridge and every time I want a drink I chug from it. I usually finish it off by bed time and refill it so it chills overnight.

Elaine P
The latest info is that 2 liters is 2 much. And btw, liquids include soda, tea, coffee, juice, etc. Don't drink more than is confortable 4 u.


dont quote me on this but...
Yes i tried it once and got to 1.5l

i felt so bloated and my stomach kept making water bottle noises (no joke) needless to mention the toilet trips - i think my work thought i had bladder problems

You actually don't need to drink that much water. That number refers to your TOTAL water intake. Unless you are eating dehydrated foods and nothing else, a large portion of your water per day comes from the food you eat. A single glass of water with each meal is usually sufficient to reach the target.

i used to struggle but now i have a healthy diluting juice to mix with the water, robinsons orange barley water etc, can drink my recomended intake no bother now

i was just talking to my friend about how much we drink, and we figured we dont even drink a pint of water between us never mind 2 litres! and my friend has always got a bad headache due to dehydration, then she wonders why! i dont know about you but i'm gonna 'teach' my body into drinking more water cuz most of the time i just dont feel thirsty! but i know ifi drank more i would benefit from it.

Dr Wot
You're wrong to think that we all need 2 litres of water intake a day. Your water needs will vary according to your other dietary habits.

Some foods are wetter than others (even things that seem dry, like bread); if you drink a lot of other liquids, then you will need less plain water in addition. All of your water intake is absorbed from the final stage of the Alimentary Canal (colon), whether it has been obtained from food, drinks, or plain.

The idea that the water in tea is 'wasted' IS A MYTH. Very few people could bear to drink tea that is brewed strongly enough ('stewed', really) to have a significant diuretic effect. The amount of caffeine in most coffees (they are usually blended; fast-grown commercial beans contain less of it, and stronger blends are uncommonly expensive) is also negligible until you drink several cups in a short time.

In small amounts, diuretics keep your kidneys and bladder healthy, by giving them some constant work to do (like a kidney gym'). Otherwise, you would dehydrate & flood as you drink different amounts throughout the day.

If you actually need two litres, you will find it very easy to drink. If it is difficult, you are probably getting quite a bit from 'wet' foods.

According to the book Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty! by F. Batmanghelidj, he reccomends you drink 1-2 glasses of water a half hour before every meal and 21/2 hours after a meal, and throughout the day whenever you are thirsty. I reccomend you read that book, it inspired me to drink more.

It does seem hard to get in that much water in a day but when you continue to do so, your body will get used to it and you will naturally feel the need to drink more as you get in the habit. If you want you can make the water more interesting, like get sparkling water or mineral water and add a squirt of lemon (I also add stevia, a natural sweetner that is NOT a sugar but an herb but is 200x sweeter than sugar, found in health food stores).

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