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 I've got a big tummy. How to reduce it?
i'm a software engineer.Morning i have bread toast or corn flakes.Afternoon i've rice meals.for dinner i've rice meals and go to sleep.I've developed a big tummy.i hardly find ...

 Are laxatives a good way to lose weight quickly?

 I can't put on weight, although i eat 3 meals a day and extras, has anyone got any tricks?

 Why are the Americans so fat?
Now more than half of Americans are obese

How can these people expect anyone to give them any respect when they clearly are lazy and have no self control?

The worst thing is ...

 What is the quickest way to loose 74 pounds within 7 to 8 months?

 Whats the best way to lose weight fast after becoming a mommy?
losing weight??...

 Has anyone tried Adam & Eve diet?
Metabolic diet - balance blood sugar.
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It nothing do with apples and not a FAD diet. It was recommend by natural ...

 How do you lose weight w/o starving yourself???

 What are the good and bad effects of anorexia?

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Just adding this. And i disagree with yoo, i found loads of pro-ana sites. Thanks for the long lists, i have a ...

 Starving Yourself for 8 Days?
If someone starved there self for 8 days, Only One fruit smoothie each day, how much weight would they loose??

Don't have a go at me because im not heading to do it. I would just ...

 I love my Man, but at a slight mistake he gets really mad at me, what do i do 4 him to believĂ© im not cheating

 I go regularly now to 24 hour fitness gym, I need to lose about 200 pounds what exercies should i do?
mostly ive been walking the treadmill for half an hour and riding the stationary bike for 20 minutes and things like that. any hep or ideas or suggestions????...

 I'm on a Diet right now, and I'm starving! What can I do to fight this urge to eat? (Already had my calories
.........for the day. It's 3am where I'm at. I work nights, that's why I'm still awake)...

 How can i lift my breast without surgery?

 Would you rather a size 0, or a curved plus size?

 If I am wanting to lose weight should I not be drinking any alcohol at all? x?

 Is showering 3 times a week healthy for a man?
it takes an hour each time with all that scurbbing. this is the only work out i get to keep fit....

 Protein shake recipes?
Anyone know some home made, low-calorie, protein shake recipes? I just want to know so I can make them at home because they're really expensive....

 How in the world can I lose 20 pounds in 2 months???? ?
I'm 13, I'm fat, and I hate it.

I used to be really skinny but the summer changes a bunch. Any way I'm 5 foot 4 and I'm 125. DONT GO TELLING ME THATS NOT FAT!!! I Think ...

 Am I Fat, Be Honest?
I'm 13, I'm 5' 0
& I weigh 117-118.

I feel fat, any suggestions to be 100 lbs? thank you!! :)
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I hard that smoking helps you to lose weight. Is that true?Will I lose weight if I start smoking?
I am eighteen and I would like to be thiner...

Find some other way. Although it is true that nicotine has an appetite suppressant effect, it has so many dangerous effects that starting to smoke would be a horrible idea.

Heero K
OMG! Sure, it'll help you lose a LITTLE weight, but you'll screw up the rest of your life. I mean, would anyone like a girl who smells like crap, looks like crap, and is basically crap? Don't ruin your life. When a person starts smoking, it's impossible to quit. Just do the usual. A balanced diet and exercise. And never smoke. Remember that. Smoking leads to lung cancer, throat cancer, bad heart conditions, and a bunch of other things. Unless you want to look like 65 at age 30, don't smoke.

Also, think about the money you'll waste. I mean, a pack a day(which a smoker probably reaches eventually) for a year is at least a thousand dollars. I could do a lot of things with that money. (ahem, a X360, a Wii, and a lot of games).

It's not very significant weight loss. It isn't worth your health. Just eat healthier and exercise....which you have probably heard a million times before.

Yes it does help some in reducing weight but it helps all in catching lung cancer or tuberclosis.

De S
I have had great results with an all natural product called Isagenix.

This product is only available by distributor.

If you would like more information please email me at bignlild@msn.com

I would not start smoking to lose weight.. Do it the healthy way

NO unless u want to be dead no I'm trying to help u by saying no !!!!!!! THE SOLUTION IS CALLED EXERCISE

daddy "d"
Don't start! Trading one health problem for another is not worth it. I started smoking while in Iraq from all the stress and now it's so difficult to quit. More addictive than heroin? I believe it.

Harushnakarvikonivonich Hakopyan
Smoking weakens your sense of smell/taste therefore making food less flavorful. If that keeps you from eating as much of it then you may lose weight but so will eating less food, and that comes without the risk of dying of cancer, heart disease or emphysema.

Don't start...c'mon, you're 18 years old, you gotta be smarter than that! When you start, it's harder to quit, when you do quit, you get pissed because you've gained weight by quitting, so its best not to get caught up in the first place. Try diet and exercise.

no, eating right and exercise is the only way.

i know someone that gained weight but quit friends and relatives will praise you. Just keep busy instead of eating or putting things into your mouth

No it's not true. Some people smoke instead of eating so I guess from that point of view it would work. Terrible idea.. just exercise more. That way you'll still be able to climb stairs without having a hack attack. I'm sure you've heard it a million times but don't start smoking, it's so bad for you and very hard to quit.

That is so untrue. Many smokers out there who have weight problems. Exercise & a healthy diet is best way to lose weight.

it depends, could be true for some but not for others, if ur trying to lose weight you should watch ur diet not start smoking..

lil' momma
i did that about 10 years ago and yes i lost a ton of weight, then when i actually got a bad smoking habit and wanted to quit smoking, i gained double weight, don't do it

Not true- It will not help you lose weight.
I just quit smoking on Nov. 23 after smoking for the last 20 years. It is not worth it.
Smoking is an expensive habit that creates expensive helath problems. The best advice I can now give about smoking is DON'T START.

Cocaine works better.

How many ways can you say, "duh"?

No the only reason people say that is because, when you smoke I swear your killing your taste buds. Think about it the first place that receives anything from a cigarette is you mouth then your body filters it from there. EEEWWW !!! That's why all of US smokers out there gain weight when we quit cause our body is rewarding us by giving us our taste buds back and food seems really good then cause we can finally really TASTE it.. So don't go starting this bad habit like I did...

OMG no!

I smoke a way, way too much..and I am as fat as a cow.

There are easier ways to lose weight than to kill yourself.

As with every other smoker, I wish I had never started.

Some do. But w/e attractiveness you gain by losing weight will be cancelled out with the unattractiveness of bad breath, bad smell, stained teeth, etc.

wish I were
All your going to loose if you start smoking is your friends & family respect, your white teeth, your pink healthy lungs, your sweet breath, your nice smelling clothes and hair, your money, and eventually your health! Diet & exercise is the way to loose weight!

Steve C
I think you have your facts a litlle confused. I think what you are hearing from people is not that smoking helps you lose weight, but rather that quitting smoking makes you gain weight. A lot of times when people try to quit smoking, they overeat, as they try to replace the oral fixation and gratification from smoking with eating. That is one reason why a lot of people do not quit, because they usually gain weight when they do, and would rather kill themselves while looking good. Even if smoking did help you lose weight, there are a lot better, safer ways to lose weight, such as cutting off an arm or leg.

NO NO NO NO NO!!! IT'S A MYTH. But if you start and stop you'll gain. DON'T DO IT,PLEASE

That is the DUMBEST thing I have ever heard.

You might get thinner--you might not....but I guarantee you won't get a boyfriend because you will stink so bad.

Sure and die of lung cancer as well, not a wise move

DON'T START SMOKING YOU LUNATIC! Eat less and excercise.

please dont start smoking to lose weight...you will just do more damage to your body in the long run and It is hard to give up smoking once started.....working out or a nice diet be your best bet.

well, smoking does have that affect on some people... nicotine curves the appetite because your body, sometimes, wants that more than food. it is not wise to start to smoke to lose weight.

Diseases linked to smoking tobacco cigarettes include:

*lung cancer and other cancers
*Cardiovascular disease
*respiratory ailments such as the common cold and bronchitis
*peripheral vascular disease
*birth defects of pregnant smokers' offspring
*Buerger's disease (thromboangiitis obliterans)
*chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and *chronic bronchitis in particular
*More likely to develop cataracts that may cause blindness
*Reduced memory and cognitive abilities

not to mention it will turn your teeth yellow and no one will want to kiss, or be around your mouth, because of smokers breath. You will spend, believe it or not, a huge chunk of your money on cigs. Once you start to smoke, you will get addicted. and its stupid because you HAVE to make yourself get addicted. My grandfather smoked almost all of his life and he has so many health problems i cant even list them. Smoking also makes your skin all leathery. Believe me it's been tempting to start to smoke to lose weight (I'm 18 too), then i start to think about the lifelong problems it will cause me. Luckily I have someone in my life to stop me from starting to smoke. Try going on a diet or to get physically active... I love tennis.... O'yea smoking will put holes all in your lungs so when your like 30 you wont be able to climb a flight of stairs without becoming breathless. I can sit here and tell you all of this... but it is ultimatley your choice... remeber... it is stupid to start a habit that your lucky enough to not have.

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