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 What is preventing you from leading a happy life?

 What do these symptoms mean?
depresion+no sleep+talks to self+invents a differnt life+rapid mood swings+attemped sucide+self ...

 How can I get over a fear of dying?

 What are you scared of?
eg. ...

 How would you describe suicide in one word?

 Whats wrong with Suicide?
I'm a Philosophy, Cinema, Psychology student at NYU. Last semester my philosophy class was discussing the ethics of suicide. My class came to the conclusion that suicide is completely ...

 I'm really afraid to go to sleep?
I know it sounds really weird, but lately I've been afraid to go to sleep because I'm afraid that I'll be sick in the middle of the night. I know it sounds irrational, but I'm ...

What is the best thing to do to get rid of depression.. I'm on antidepressants but don't want to take them for the rest of my life ... And i'm single coz blokes don't understand/ ...

 Can my boss keep ringing me while I'm off sick?
Help needed urgently!!! I'm off sick from work with a four week sicknote from the doctor for stress and depression. Caused in no small part by my boss who is a bully and a complete control ...

 How would you rate your current mood on a scale of 1-10? 10 being extremely happy?

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Someone asked about me...well, about a 6--I'm on this site procrastinating to avoid an incredibly messy house!...

 I did it again. I don't know what to do. I am so ashamed.?
I hurt myself again. I don't know what to do. I just lost control of myself. After 7 months of being clean. This was not supposed to happen. Not now. I thought everything was cool again. But ...

 How can I make my 16 yr old daughter quit eating boogers, dandruff, ear wax, crusty skin, etc.?
I am very concerned due to my daughter being 16 years old. If she was a little girl it would not concern me nearly as much. I will appreaciate any help and advice. Thank you in advance.

 I think I have a problem... what's wrong with me?
I think I might be depressed. I have very severe lows which end up with me sitting in the shower cutting myself with my razor while crying. The cuts aren't that deep but they hurt like hell and ...

 I cry everyday,, is this right?
I hurt myslf ...

 I am taking medication for depression, and I am having thoughts of suicide?
I am 15 and I have been taking medication for depression. I don't want to but my parents are making me. I have been taking them since June of 2006. I take two a day. But I hear that these drugs ...

 How many of u believe in---?
where there is love there is no respest and where there is respect there is no love---
please answer ...

 Is there any1 else out there feeling depressed? and wants to kill themseves?
anything to make me feel better..............

 What should i do when i get panic attacks?

 What helped you to stop cutting yourself?

 If you've ever been suicidal, what prevented you from doing it?

Why do I feel as though I don't deserve anything, including happiness and contentment?
I'm a 17 year old boy. I guess that I've been struggling with some internal emotional issues lately.

I live what would be seen as by most people as a very "easy" life. I've never had to work that hard for anything that I have. Honestly, every material thing that I have ever wanted, I've got. The last time I was at the mall I bought a lot of stuff and in the middle of the mall I got all teary-eyed and overwhelmed... it was weird, I ran to the bathroom and stared and in the mirror for 20 minutes. I don't get why this is happening to me.

I feel as though I am not living up to my part of the deal, I guess. I don't get good grades in school, and I think to myself "Why are you having all of this fun when you're letting your family down?" Other than my grades, I'm a really good kid.

I feel guilty when I am getting ready for school in the morning. I say to myself "Why are you trying to look nice when you're such a screweup? Look bad."

I mean, is this normal? Why can't I be happy?
Additional Details
I don't know if I'm depressed... you know. I mean, I'm happy all the time, but it's very short-lived and then I feel bad that I had any fun to begin with.

Dude, the best therapy would be to find yourself a friend who is under privileged and help them out. Make them know that they are worthy and cared about. you'll be amazed at how good you will feel about yourself when you genuinely care about someone else.

Bobbie Joe
Being 17 is very difficult. Hormones are in an uproar, testosterone does weird stuff to your emotions. I am a mom of such a boy. He does not seem to have the ups and downs like you are expressing, but then...how would I really know for sure. He has been slipping in his grades and it has been bothering me. He plays basketball on the HS team and this activity can be very draining. Girls now factor into his life. While what you described can certainly be describe as a normal response to being your age, it can also stir up some very dangerous responses. Maybe it would help to talk to your dad, or mom, or whoever is your guardian, if you feel safe with your emotions with them. Do you have someone in your life like that? You can email me, if you want. I will be praying for you. I am praying now. Oh and by the way, thanks for your question, I am going to ask my son how he is doing today!

Plain truth
Get medical attention. You suffer an emotional disorder and you need external help to pull trough. Sincerely good luck!

Your parents are good to you and you want to to be good to them................................so study and get good grades

You need the LORD in your life. Try Church, HE fills voids!

First of all, you are not a screw up. You may feel like one, you may think you are one, but you are not a screw up. Second, if you are only 17 years old, and if you have pretty much anything you could have ever wanted of a material nature, then you are beginning to realize like the old saying goes "Money can't buy love and happiness". My guess is that by nature, we, as human beings, need and want to do things and accomplish things for ourselves which ultimately leads to our independence. In some form, I am guessing that you are rebelling because you are at the age that you are trying to establish your own identity. Perhaps, your family won't let you do so, but I'm also guessing that you are missing the love and affection we all need to feel good about ourselves as we grow up. You don't have to be academically inclined to feel good about yourself, but there are times that grades do reflect how we feel about ourselves. It is obvious to me that you are searching for answers to questions that don't make sense to you, but be patient, don't jump to conclusions about yourself, and find someone, if not your parents, that you can talk to about your thoughts, feelings, and what is happening to you. Honestly, I don't believe by the comments that you made that you are a screw up and I do believe that you will find the happiness and contentment you seek with time.

middle child
it does sound like you are depressed. But you need to decide what you want from yourself. maybe you can set goals like try studying an extra 30 minutes a day if your grades are bothering you. I do want you to look into getting help with the depression though it can be very serious my husband is a manic depresive and sometimes we don't see the signs until it is to late. There is nothing to be ashamed of depression is a disease it can not be prevented. It is usually cuased by chemical unbalance and can be controlled by meds. but you need to let someone close to you know how you feel then talk to your parents with that person with you it is good to have su[pport sorry answer is so long just don't want you to go through what my husband did

You might be facing depression. You're a 17 year old, you have a lot of things to do, you have a ton of stress. You can to to one of these websites and www.pbskids.org/itsmylife/ then click "Emotions" then click "Depression" or http://www.kidzworld.com/site/p2598.htm
If those websites don't make it better (a)talk to your parents (b)see a psychiatrist and talk about your life.

I really hope you handle this problem.


Good Luck :)


This appears to be a hard question day for some reason.

OK, So look, you are asking a lot of different things here.

First, don't tie your material assets to your worth. Let me say that more plainly. Your clothes do not make you, you do. You understand?

Grades, while they are important, do not make you either.

You need to enjoy yourself first. You need to feel your own self worth. The other crap follows.

You need to tell me why you like yourself, what you can provide to the planet.

The fact you are even asking the question makes you a worthwhile person.

You can be happy. Nobody is "normal". Welcome to the insanity of this planet.

You have taken the first step to taking responsibility for yourself. That is also called adulthood.


Oh, and you should be very afraid, really.

Live life, there really is no other choice.


You must have depression.

you obviously have clincal depression, maybe things are too easy for you and you need to do something on your own. sometimes one has to look at the end of the barrel of a gun before they realize who they are in life, do you really want to get to that extreme? I don't think so. think of somthing you think you may take an interest in and do it.for yourself, no one else but for yourself, and yess seek some professional help.

oh bless you, you need to talk to your mum or dad and if you cant go to one of your favourite teachers and if that doesnt work go see your doctor as i think you may be depressed, you have so much on your mind these days as a teenager. as a mum i understand as my 16 year old daughter came to me 3 months ago and said she couldnt handle things, i said relax and and dont live up to us and think we expect too much of you, the time will come when you will have to be serious about life, enjoy it now as i did when i was your age, just dont worry so much and good luck!!!

News Break!!! You don't deserve anything. What you have you haven't earned and what you can work at you fail to do. Maybe you're starting to realize that the free ride is coming to an end, being 17 and nearing the end of high school.

okay dude, your feeling guilty that what it is... yea it is depression... but getting help isn't always the answers some things u have to figure out on ur own and when i say help i don't mean ask for opinions on yahoo like you are but goin to a doctor... you know but anyways back to topic... ur feeling guilty and you will keep feeling guilty till you decided to do something about it and you asked if you were the only one who feels this way no i don't know if everyone goes through this stage but i sure did and i bet your the only child huh? yea it's called loneliness the main reason your probally doing bad in school is because you want people around and ur more busy thinkin bout how to keep friends real and good friends then to study for your quiz or test or to even pay attention in class. Dude the only thing i can suggest is focous on your school if you don't wanna feel guilty get good grades don't ask for anythin unless you feel like u deserve it and if that's not enough get a Job work part time do like 15-20 hrs a week... and the reason you get all teary eye was because ur parents are getting you every thing you want and ur not giving them anything in return... but they buy you anything you want because they love you and they wanna c you happy even though ur letting them down... so get your life together ultimately only you can make the changes and only you can make your self happy... also i would like to add... keep good friends around, hang out with em, go to the movies and be more outgoing and like someone else said before me your not a screw up dont feel that way but you should def. change ur life style... most importantly manage your time make a schedule ur feeling like everything is going haywire because ur not that organized maybe... well i'm tellin you what i wish some1 would of had told me when i was your age i'm 20 now turnin 21 soon i went through the same or similar stuff... anyways find someone to share your thoughts with and some1 to talk with..


I think its ur parents fault. If they give u everything u want when u aren't furfilling ur part of the deal than that had to of started when u were too young to understand what u were doing. As parents, its their job to make sure u have what u need but more importantly that u are ready to take care of urself when u are on ur own. If they have made everything too easy for u than they really haven't instilled any work ethics into u. It is up to u to evaluate ur life and do what u need to do to make some changes.
I think it's sad cuz u can have some serious problems because of the way u were raised.
(I can kinda relate cuz my mom used to give me everything I wanted. Out of 6 kids I was her favorite and things didn't change until I moved in with my dad. Now that I'm grown and married I've noticed that I expect more from my husband in our relationship and it's because of my upbringing) Please don't use the way u were brought up as an excuse, I'm sure cuz u are asking this question u are willing to change ur ways and carry ur own load. Good luck and I hope I've helped u in some way
ps, kudos to u cuz most kids ur age wouldn't give it a second thought

You are showing very strong signs of depression. This might get really serious if you don't see someone about it. I started to feel the same way you do around your age. After a while of those thought i started to contemplate suicide.

You need to get some professional help. It works.

Chin up man,

just stop being such a screw up. improve your grades, it that is what is bringing you down so much. get some tutoring if you need it, seems like you can afford it. you sound like a rich white kid who has everythign come too easily. at least you understand that you need to lear to appreciate what you have. forget about material stuff, and improve your life. make a change for the positive.
and for goodness sakes, don't join some loser group who plans to blow up a school of innocent kids just because you are feeling "down".
figure out what in YOU needs improving and seek help.
good luck.

Simple, your depressed. Go see a doc. and get something to help ya. Good luck.

no, man, dude, every deserve that stuff. your young and going threw so many changes things are hard. it dose get better for the most part though, I know I was your age not that long ago.

If I was you I might go get a job then only spend your own money, then what you have will really be yours and it dose mean more.

If things start to get really bad you should seek some help, there is no shame in doing that. Wish I had a magic pill or fix for you but I don't. Just take it one day at a time man.

hormoned dw welcome to life as a teenager

you sound like you have depression. you should talk to a doctor about that. make sure to get help, because i'm sure that you are worthy of happiness...everyone is!

Based on your spelling and your ability to complete coherent sentences, I'd say your grades aren't as good as they could be because you're not putting forth enough effort. You seem like a smart guy, but you're totally hormonal. We ALL go through it, but I don't see how that's going to give YOU any consolation. Just because people survive being a teenager doesn't make it any easier when you're in the moment.
I think it would do you some good to get out and do something that isn't for you. Skip the mall and go talk to some old people instead. Get a job and feel what it's like to depend on yourself for your wants. Flirt more. Quit calling yourself a loser. I'm sure a smart guy like yourself has heard of the concept of self-fulfilling prophecies. You're a walking example of one, dude.

well, if u want the truth from a 13 yr old girl, i think u sound depressed! maybe u could get sum therapy or sumthin.

find a job,not for the pay,just stay busy.find a real friend that you can trust and relate to.good friends are sometimes better than a doctor or a pill.good luck,and God bless.

Are your parents giving you a lot of flack or are all these feelings coming from within yourself? If it's the latter, I can almost guarantee that you are having these feelings because you feel you are not living up to your potential. These feelings are normal and I have had them myself. Remember when you were younger and you had all these big dreams for yourself? Well, when too many things come too easily to a person, it takes great strength and discipline to force yourself to work hard to achieve those dreams. But trust me, you need to do this for yourself. What are your talents, and what kinds of things do you love doing? Are you a writer, singer, painter? Have you suppressed your talents because you realize that it's easier to just sit back and have fun? If so, get focussed again on your dreams. Force yourself to paint that picture, or whatever. I promise you, you will be happier and PROUDER for having done it. :)

You are feeling insecure. Perhaps because everything has been so easy for you, you are having trouble appreciating life. Perhaps if you gave some of your time to a special needs groups, you might find more purpose. Try volunteering at your local animal shelter. Visit nursing homes. There are people who spend the remainder of their lives in homes and never have a single visitor. Try joining a fund-raiser for the United Way or March of Dimes. There are so many things you can do to contribute. In the meantime, count your blessings. You are far more fortunate than many. And realizing how fortunate you are, earn it by getting better grades and going on to college so that you can become something wonderful that will change people's lives! You are fantastic! Realize that and the next time you look in the mirror, see what a wonderful person is staring back at you. You'll have to smile.

My Big Bear Ron
Get professional help.

Get yourself in gear now while you're young.

When you get into college, find a counselor there to visit regularly.

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Gran Gran
Your hormones are out of whack. You need a check up at the doctors office. You have good character by coming forward trying to figure this out. Tell your mom that you need some help.

You are a good kid and I hope it works out for you. Good luck!

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