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 Whats wrong with Suicide?
I'm a Philosophy, Cinema, Psychology student at NYU. Last semester my philosophy class was discussing the ethics of suicide. My class came to the conclusion that suicide is completely ...

 I'm really afraid to go to sleep?
I know it sounds really weird, but lately I've been afraid to go to sleep because I'm afraid that I'll be sick in the middle of the night. I know it sounds irrational, but I'm ...

What is the best thing to do to get rid of depression.. I'm on antidepressants but don't want to take them for the rest of my life ... And i'm single coz blokes don't understand/ ...

 Can my boss keep ringing me while I'm off sick?
Help needed urgently!!! I'm off sick from work with a four week sicknote from the doctor for stress and depression. Caused in no small part by my boss who is a bully and a complete control ...

 How would you rate your current mood on a scale of 1-10? 10 being extremely happy?

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Someone asked about me...well, about a 6--I'm on this site procrastinating to avoid an incredibly messy house!...

 I did it again. I don't know what to do. I am so ashamed.?
I hurt myself again. I don't know what to do. I just lost control of myself. After 7 months of being clean. This was not supposed to happen. Not now. I thought everything was cool again. But ...

 How can I make my 16 yr old daughter quit eating boogers, dandruff, ear wax, crusty skin, etc.?
I am very concerned due to my daughter being 16 years old. If she was a little girl it would not concern me nearly as much. I will appreaciate any help and advice. Thank you in advance.

 I think I have a problem... what's wrong with me?
I think I might be depressed. I have very severe lows which end up with me sitting in the shower cutting myself with my razor while crying. The cuts aren't that deep but they hurt like hell and ...

 I cry everyday,, is this right?
I hurt myslf ...

 I am taking medication for depression, and I am having thoughts of suicide?
I am 15 and I have been taking medication for depression. I don't want to but my parents are making me. I have been taking them since June of 2006. I take two a day. But I hear that these drugs ...

 How many of u believe in---?
where there is love there is no respest and where there is respect there is no love---
please answer ...

 Is there any1 else out there feeling depressed? and wants to kill themseves?
anything to make me feel better..............

 What should i do when i get panic attacks?

 What helped you to stop cutting yourself?

 If you've ever been suicidal, what prevented you from doing it?

 POLL: Do you stress out over little things in your life ???
Thank you....

 BIG woman problems ahead for me. Advice urgenty sought ?
My g/f of six months belives i spent 8 years in the Parachute Regiment. I have even brought some second hand body armour for bedroom games and her nickname for me is " Serge"
Problem ...

 My sister just stopped breathing. She isn't answering my questions.?
what should I do......

 How do i cope with the death of my dad?
any ideas how im ment feel or is feeling numb normal
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thank you for all your kind words it's going be hard 2 ...

 I am 23 years old. I depend too much on my parents for everything. Am I normal?

Why do i feel this way???
Im turning 14 today. I have a boyfriend who i love much, i have close friends too. But lately, i just wanna die. I went thro a rly moody few weeks and ended up cutting myself. But i have my bf (boyfriend) and friends to support me, and i havent cut again since june 5.

I feel so empty inside. I want to feel the blade tear my skin, but im stronger than that. I feel so anti-social, but when im around my friends im fine. I lie in bed until 3am b4 i sleep and end up awake again by 9, b//c im too sad to sleep! I feel like i need help, but my family doesnt have money for a theripst. How can i get back to normal, and restrain from hurting myself? I feel more dead than alive...i just want my old life back =/ I wanna run away. I love my boyfriend and friends very much, and they make it better, but im begining to think i cant get happy again. I feel 'emo' or w//e. ((&& i now love watching blood)) what the heck is wrong with me? im so afraid! Plz help me!!!
Additional Details
Yes, genetic maybe. My parents r both on anti-depressents, i just dont want to have to take medicine to feel how i used to, great ideas tho. thank you all. i wasnt expecting this kind of reaction...and im very ashamed of this so i didnt mention it earlier but i have been slipping into anrexia for about a year too. Ill get help. =/ Oh, and Im a Christian, i have a religion.

You have received so many encouraging answers. Doesn't that make you feel better already.
All that people care about you!
You are not alone.
I care too.
Think positive.

There are friends all around you, friends you don't see but they are there... friends that need you to be there for them, stay with us, you are stronger than you think! Read the lines above that may be much better than mine, shoot an email to any of us, talk about life, people around you will support you and your will to live for them will turn into will to live for your self.

God speed!

Call a close byu church and ask to speak to the preacher, sometimes they help pay for theropy...Stop cutting yourself and Pray.............Hun you are to young and whatever is wrong will get better...God be With you..

It sad that at a young age you feel this way... There has to more than you're telling us, to have such a strong feeling that you wanting die--something traumatic happen. If I'm wrong I apologize... I understand your parents have don't have the financial means to provide you with a therapist, but majority of Middle schools and High School have a school psychiatrist available. Contact a teacher you trust. Seek help. I don't know if you go to church but priest can also provide you with good advice. They are excellent listeners. By running way, you accomplish nothing, your problems will follow you wherever you go. In addition, now your adding homelessness and you're really going to be a loner--you hold the answer on how you can get your old life back. I wish you the best of luck and remember life is beautiful--seek help.

calm down. I have a friend who's like that. She's just fine. Just a little half emo. I cought a scar on her arm that looked like she cut herself. I told he not to. She does other things now. She has a teddy bear under her bed thats all cut up. It's her bored bear. I worry about her sometimes, and I wonder why she such a half emo. Plz don't hurt yourself anymore. Use your most trustworthy friends as your therapists. If you hurt yourself you'll hurt your friends more. Take it from the friend of a half emo. Work out your problem. Hoping for the best, Tententwin1010

P.S. Do you think you have a medical issue? You could be Bipolar. Look it up, ask you parents if they, or anouther family member, is(i think it's jenetic, but i'm not sure), also see your doctor about it. He/She can find out. There is medication for it, so if you are, you'll be fine. (but just so you know, if you ARE bipolar, it's treatable, not cureable. You'd have to take the medication all your life.)

I highly doubt anybody that reads this is truly qualified to answer. The first thing you should do is talk to your parents about how you feel and then talk to your school counselor. They will be able to provide you with the help you need to overcome this. The long-term answer would be to develop a relationship with God and realize no matter what, He loves you.

you're depressed...that doesn't mean you're crazy. you just have a hormonal imbalance that affects thousands (maybe millions) of people every year, including myself.

I been the same way and it passes if your friends make you happy you should tel your friends about how you feel and you should tell your mom and dad about how you feel also you shouldn't come here for a solution you should ask a family member or a friend to help you get help in a proper way. Theres usually a program running in your local areas, just look it up in the phone book. under kids help phone or CHIMO

manic depressice, maybe? Try talking to your friends and boyfriend. Since you are happy around them try being around them as much as possibel(not too much with the same person you don't to get on there nerves).

I hope you get through this. Even when you are feeling the worst DO NOT THINK SUICIDE!

Also try getting a hobby. Instead of cuuting take a rubber band and stap it on your rist.

>wonder whats next<
sounds to me, since your still pretty young and all, you still havent found out what makes you happy. you have to be ok with yourself. you have to be happy with yourself.

Nicole G
You feel this way because you are a teenager. It's the most emotional time of your life!! You can't see past another day and if one thing goes wrong it's the end of the world right? I promise you, it get's better. Trust me there is nothing worth getting that upset about. You said you have a boyfriend and good friends. You are so lucky that you have that. You could have absolutley no one. I promise things will get better and what you are going threw right now is just a nasty emotional time in your life. Trust me I wouldn't go back to being a teenager for all the money in the world. If you feel that you need help then you should get some. It's great that you can be honest with yourself and admitt that. Most people can't do that. Being that honest with yourself shows that you truely are strong and you can come out of this. Just know you are not the only one that feels the way you do. I know there are a lot of orginizations out there that provide free counseling and thearpy. Get on the internet and do some research. You will come threw this but the only one that can change the way your life is, is you. We make our own choices and choose the life that we live. Take the steps to make yours a meaningful and beautiful one. You are strong, you can do it.

I felt similar when I was your age. IT WILL GET BETTER. See if there are any free (or low cost) medical services in your area. It doesn't have to be a therapist. It can be a primary care physician. You need to get on antidepressants badly. They help you from dropping into those lows. Also, if school has not ended in your area yet, try to go to your guidance counselor. I know it's embarrassing, but they may be able to help get you connections that don't require money. You need to seek assistance on this soon. Every time you want to cut...go for a walk instead. Clear your mind. It will get better. Good Luck! =)

If you don't really have the time or money to see a therapist see your GP they can give you some medications that will help you

go see a therapist.
ur just having a troubled time.
and need someone who is good in explaing ur life to ya.

Up & At 'em
Get to a counelor and doctor anyway, regardless of finances. I'm sure your friends and family would prefer you alive over loss of dollars.

There is free help available.

You can probably go to a walk-in clinic at a hospital which serves the mental health needs of the community.

If you can't figure where that is, you call your local YWCA and ask to speak with a counselor immediately and tell them your situation.

A Boys and Girls club sometimes has someone avail too, but most likely the YWCA or YMCA.

Is there a Catholic Charities program in your area? You don't have to be Catholic or become Catholic. They are there to serve the needs of the community.

Also, try child and family services in your phone book.

Or call the crisis hotline in your area, any time day or night.

Use the operater or 411 information.

You definitely need help sorting things out and in saving your life.

Don't wait until you need an ambulance or until your parents need a funeral director.

Go on now. Reach for that phone and get help. You're sooo worth it!

mark c
Fourteen is just the start of your life, don't give up. There are so many things to see and do, countries to visit, people to meet. I've enjoyed most of my life. Sure, there are things I regret, wish I hadn't done, but the experiences I've had have been much greater. Take a day at a time, wake up wanting to do something new and write back when you're fifteen. A lot can happen. Good luck.

Princess AJ
you need to call a hotline. You may have issue in your sub-con that is making you depressed.

It not cute to cut

oh,god....if you don't have any money ask you're friends to borrow you.....or somebody else.Its not a shame to ask for help when its needed...till then stand by you're family and friends and just try to BE happy

Ask Me
Obviously for you having a boyfriend and friends is not enough.
How about a pet? or maybe get a hobbie, something that will keep you busy, so you go to sleep thinking about the next day.
Did you try talking to a social worker, they can find help for you for free. Ask at school for help. Don't be shy. If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for your family and friends.

Don't die. The world needs you. You can do something very simple and that's to just change your mind. You are unique and as special as anyone else on this planet. You have something to contribute that will benefit the world. Don't worry if you don't know what that is just now. Follow your heart to what makes you happy and you will be happily surprised at what turns up. Don't put time demands on it as it will happen when it's supposed to. Promise. At that time you will be able to help others who feel like you do now. Nothing but love.

Call a help line...they are free (look online or in a phone book). They'll give you advice, and talk you through anything you want to talk about. Talk to your parents about how you feel. I'm sure they can also help. BUT DO NOT do this alone. Stay close to your friends and keep your head up..things always get better!!

see a school guidance counselor or talk to an adult you trust to get help. This behavior is unhealthy and you need help.

Tell your parents anyways, tell them you want to see someone. Most places have organizations that you can get help from for free or low cost. If it doesn't work through your parents, ask your school counselor where you can get help for whats going on.

dont cut, its stupid, i used to do it, and it looks ugly, but instead of cutting, i would rip up phone books, and i took a boxing class.

Kirk N
You should go see a counselor at school.

The Archive
This is a very serious situation you are in, and all I can say is don't give up because it will get better. Life has its up and downs, right now what you are going through is something much deeper, and I implore you to seek someone you can talk to about this, like a counselor or something. You're not crazy, you're just going through tough times but this is one of those times that you cannot go through alone. You've reached your hand out, now its time to pull yourself up.

I understand that your family does not have money. If you have health insurance, many will cover for mental health doctors, you just need to search. You can also see your primary doctor for medication. You definetly sound depressed and you would be amazed that anti depressants work. There are so many different types that you are bound to find one that works. Even if you don't have health insurance, talk to your school nurse and see if either 1) your school has a psychologist (which should be free) or 2) She knows of any free clinics, which she should. Also, because your life seems "happy" (BF, friends, etc.) it is most likely that all of your feelings stem from chemical imbalances in your brain (not upsetting events) and that the right medication will make you feel good as new. Also, use your friends to help as well, make them listen to you because that is what they are there for. Just talking it out will help a lot. Good luck :)

I think that you should just stay close to your friends and family. Don't hurt yourself anymore than you have, you have people who love and care about you very much... why would you want to let go of that? I hope that you get happier day by day, just remember how many people you love and that they love you too.

Sweet Lilies & Lavender
Sweetheart, first of all I want to wish you a Happy Birthday. Second, although it is not healthy for you to cut on yourself, I can relate. I used to be a cutter, and I too enjoyed seeing my blood. It was a release for me, however, you need to know that there are so many infections that you can get from doing this. Running away from your emotions will not make life easier....where ever you end up, your issue will follow. The important step for you to make, is to let someone you trust, a teacher, friend, your parents, or a doctor know that you are having a lot of emotional issues right now, and you need some help. There are a lot of programs that the state will pay for. you will not have to pay anything. Happiness is a state of mind dear. There are so many medications that can help with an imbalance. Please see a doctor, and discuss these thoughts. It will be the best thing for you.

You need help. And a pair of plastic safety scissors.

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