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What is the best thing to do to get rid of depression.. I'm on antidepressants but don't want to take them for the rest of my life ... And i'm single coz blokes don't understand/ ...

 Can my boss keep ringing me while I'm off sick?
Help needed urgently!!! I'm off sick from work with a four week sicknote from the doctor for stress and depression. Caused in no small part by my boss who is a bully and a complete control ...

 How would you rate your current mood on a scale of 1-10? 10 being extremely happy?

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Someone asked about me...well, about a 6--I'm on this site procrastinating to avoid an incredibly messy house!...

 I did it again. I don't know what to do. I am so ashamed.?
I hurt myself again. I don't know what to do. I just lost control of myself. After 7 months of being clean. This was not supposed to happen. Not now. I thought everything was cool again. But ...

 How can I make my 16 yr old daughter quit eating boogers, dandruff, ear wax, crusty skin, etc.?
I am very concerned due to my daughter being 16 years old. If she was a little girl it would not concern me nearly as much. I will appreaciate any help and advice. Thank you in advance.

 I think I have a problem... what's wrong with me?
I think I might be depressed. I have very severe lows which end up with me sitting in the shower cutting myself with my razor while crying. The cuts aren't that deep but they hurt like hell and ...

 I cry everyday,, is this right?
I hurt myslf ...

 I am taking medication for depression, and I am having thoughts of suicide?
I am 15 and I have been taking medication for depression. I don't want to but my parents are making me. I have been taking them since June of 2006. I take two a day. But I hear that these drugs ...

 How many of u believe in---?
where there is love there is no respest and where there is respect there is no love---
please answer ...

 Is there any1 else out there feeling depressed? and wants to kill themseves?
anything to make me feel better..............

 What should i do when i get panic attacks?

 What helped you to stop cutting yourself?

 If you've ever been suicidal, what prevented you from doing it?

 POLL: Do you stress out over little things in your life ???
Thank you....

 BIG woman problems ahead for me. Advice urgenty sought ?
My g/f of six months belives i spent 8 years in the Parachute Regiment. I have even brought some second hand body armour for bedroom games and her nickname for me is " Serge"
Problem ...

 My sister just stopped breathing. She isn't answering my questions.?
what should I do......

 How do i cope with the death of my dad?
any ideas how im ment feel or is feeling numb normal
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thank you for all your kind words it's going be hard 2 ...

 I am 23 years old. I depend too much on my parents for everything. Am I normal?

 Should you ever seek revenge on someone who has caused you suffering and/or pain? Why/Why not?

 Weird question that ive always wondered
What time is it and what state do you live in,
I live in oregon and is 4:00 am ...

How do i make the voices in my head go away?

More drugs... the answer to all lifes problems.

Go see a medium of some sort. This question doesn't have enough depth to be answered here, and it's too much of a personal thing to cure over the internet.

take the sweeties the nice doctor gives u they will help

1. Go and see a Dr.
2. Wear headphones while listening to something you like.
3. Go and see a Dr.

take more medicines.

Gone fishin'

Satori ☮ ♥ ツ ☼ Sacerdotisa
Seek PROFESSIONAL HELP immediately!

i find this very affensive if this is a joke, if it isn't, i had a nephew that stood in a shed, i walked in, and he had a shotgun to his neck, said to me, i can't make them stop talking to me, and shot him self, dont let this be you, please get some help before its to late.

Brittaney x3's Holden
tell them to shutup and yell in the middle of a store that your not crazy and take off running screaming they wont go away!!!

ok...if this question wasnt a joke then i recommend a doctor and alot of booze

you could try talking to them, or you could just put the phone down. x

Personally I would talk to them. They may make a lot more sense than most people on this site tonight. Failing that, just take off the headphones. Usually does the trick.

dont shave and dont take a bath now just cover your head with the blanket and smell them out ,, id they are still around se a counselor for some drugs like lithium salts they are for that or go to a emotions anonymous meeting

Medication. Just telling them to leave you alone does not work. Trust me, I've tried.

play music and seek help
oh and take your meds

go to the doctor.

Engage them with all your personality, courage and best intentions and they will be forever your guide !!

Tell them to shut up cause you're not gonna listen.
Seriously, get to a doc.

Make a tin foil helmet like the rest of the nuts do.

try getting the voices on your side, then you can work as team with them helping you with decisions. Allowing you to see and understand the positive and negative sides and outcomes to a decision.

At least that's what I did with mine, though admittedly it may not work for everyone.

go and kill everyone you know.

burn them....burn them allllll!!!!!!! Mu-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaa!


or alternatively seek medical advice.


listen to them and see what they have to say, it might be interesting....

Start listening to them....they're just your fears, your worries. acknowledge them, change what you can, accept what you can't and ignore the rest!

Arnold M
try negotiating with them to leave you alone

Take the headphones off

ryan s
stop talking to yourself

you can't...you can try to silence them momentarily but they will always be there. They are there to remind you of your faults, your mishappenings, misfortunes or missed opportunities. But then again they are not always bad....sometimes when you are alone, they are a friend to talk to, someone to confide in and they can even be your best friend.

try meditation

Why do you want them to go away I learned to accept mine and it was the best decision of my life.

Andy H
if they tell you to flood a school or burn down a house, dont do it.

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