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 I am taking medication for depression, and I am having thoughts of suicide?
I am 15 and I have been taking medication for depression. I don't want to but my parents are making me. I have been taking them since June of 2006. I take two a day. But I hear that these drugs ...

 How many of u believe in---?
where there is love there is no respest and where there is respect there is no love---
please answer ...

 Is there any1 else out there feeling depressed? and wants to kill themseves?
anything to make me feel better..............

 What should i do when i get panic attacks?

 What helped you to stop cutting yourself?

 If you've ever been suicidal, what prevented you from doing it?

 POLL: Do you stress out over little things in your life ???
Thank you....

 BIG woman problems ahead for me. Advice urgenty sought ?
My g/f of six months belives i spent 8 years in the Parachute Regiment. I have even brought some second hand body armour for bedroom games and her nickname for me is " Serge"
Problem ...

 My sister just stopped breathing. She isn't answering my questions.?
what should I do......

 How do i cope with the death of my dad?
any ideas how im ment feel or is feeling numb normal
Additional Details
thank you for all your kind words it's going be hard 2 ...

 I am 23 years old. I depend too much on my parents for everything. Am I normal?

 Should you ever seek revenge on someone who has caused you suffering and/or pain? Why/Why not?

 Weird question that ive always wondered
What time is it and what state do you live in,
I live in oregon and is 4:00 am ...

 I only have four cigarettes left?
what am i suppose to do i wont have any money until tomorrow and four cigarettes wont last that long. im not tired so sleeping wont help. IM FREAKING OUT!!! what do i ...

 Does any one wish they could delete unwanted information out of their heads?
I find I have far too good of a memory, I remember too much useless knowledge....

 How can i improve my knoledge?

 How can i get my 17 year old g/f to have a b00b job, i fear she is going saggy already and its not nice?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions :)!...

 I can't control my temper, what can i do about it?
serouisly, i am really gonna end up killing someone one day and i can't stop arguing with my mam. everyday is hell for me! how can i stop being so stressed out? no nasty people please, i know i&#...

 Suicide please help?
i am 21 old with Cerebral Palsy i can walk and do everything i just walk funny i have a felony for robbery when i was 18 for a coat that fall off during a fight and then a few months later lost a ...

 How do you get ride of stress?

What are you scared of?
eg. spiders

bad things.

I'm really scared of earthworms and maggots. I tried to overcome it and yet I couldn't. As if I will die If I see one. Don't you?

Spiders - apparently i always say they're 10 times bigger than they are and i have nightmares that there are giant spiders and they're taking over the world!

Crazy Diamond
Flying, thunder & lightning, big spiders, oh and dont forget wasps, i REALLY hate wasps.

steve ze

Elizabeth G
elevators, and tornado's

keri f
Heights. And, rattlesnakes and scorpions.

louise s
im scared of any type of insects!!! the last time a slug was put near me i took a panic attack and fainted

being smothered

man straight up im scared then a... of spiders. got like arackniphobia or sum shyyt. id rather take my chances with a rabid dog than a spider

Moths...especially the great big ones!
daddy long legs
and spiders

spiders, people, embarassing myself in public, crane flies, growing up and not being able to get a decent job, life..... the list goes on

its got to be spiders,i get sooo angry with myself for being so terrified,but i just cannot bring myself to look at them or try and get near them,totally irrational i know.


i am scared of vomiting

DRAGON FLYS i can not stand them and it is dragon fly season oh help me

regards x kitti x

Shaun the Sheep
Illness or accident happening to a loved one.

Disability and being a burden and losing control over ones' life.

Nothing else matters really.

I even like spiders ☺

"Ronnie The Chosen"
Dying never reaching my goals, or loosing my children in a tragedy."

heights, spiders, snakes, mice, rodents


Your face:O

Rejection. Bullies. Loneliness.

fun u
iam scared of losing 2 dollors from the sum of hundred thousand million dollors

people finding out what i am scared of, because i am frightened that they will submit me to it to try to cure me

xxx vici

my facial expressions

(some says i look sober,but deep inside im really happy!!! im afraid that they got the wrong message)

alex s
VERY LARGE spiders!


losing the person i love most in the world and therefore losing myself too. being made to suffer like if someone breaks in and hurts you, and most of all hurting the man i love.

Rob K
the voices in my head...

Shut up, SHUT UP!, SHUT UP!!!!!

leave me alone!

the stuff in my head

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