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 How can you tell if someone is addicted or using cocaine?
i have a feeling my bf is using it and im not sure i dont know how to tell. plz help
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also i dont want to let him know that i think hes using it because ive heard that ...

 Could I be Bi Polar?????????
My Aunt has been diagnosed with Bi Polar disease.
So I looked it up and I think I may have it.

I can be EXTREMELY HYPER to where I'll do ANYTHING.
I will do "crazy"...

 Does drinking alcohol help anxiety sufferers?
Does it help calm you as my sister tells me, I dont drink cos I am scared it will affect my pill or make me feel dizzy etc???...

 My dreams are freaking me out?
every time i have my period, i have a recurring dream, that my daughter is being kidnapped, i always find her, but then i have to watch her being abused, last night however i dreamt that my son had ...

 I need help?
Its hard to explain everything but i will give u some details, i have derpression and some social promblems, and i am a full time carrer and i am finding it really hard to cope with everything most ...

 Cant stop crying?
Im crying now as i type this... Im so upset i feel upset to the core! why is this...
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I had cancer in 2005 im 22 now.. i hate the way i look... i hate most things . god ...

Has anyone out there ever suffered from depression, and if so, How did you discover you were suffering from it and can it ever be defeated?
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Thanx for all the ...

 My neighbor never leaves the house, has no visitors, and doesn't know any of us after 12 years! What's wrong??
I've lived in a 3 flat building five years. My downstairs neighbor, whom no one really knows, has lived here 12 years. According to other neighbors, they rarely see her, she has no visitors, ...

 What is wrong with my 7yr. old? Someone please help!?
2nd grade, in new school, can't stop talking, can't do work, falls off chairs, keeps getting in trouble, has to be the loudest kid, makes goofy noises, hyper, won't listen, dad not ...

 How do I get over my mothers death?

 Anger issue?
Ok, i have this anger issue. I get really made at every thing. I've tried anger management, but that really hasn't worked lately. Does any1 know how i can vent my anger....

 What's the second sign of madness?

 Self mutilation?
First of all, no bashing, no one here wants to read your close-minded ignorance, if you do post and bash, i WILL report you....and then....i might just eat you...0_o
Okay, heres the ...

 What do you worry about?
And what do you not worry about that you see others stressing over?...

 Why am i bulimic?
i'm bulimic and i don't no why. well i do its because i feel so fat but i feel bad becos i come from a great family. ive never been bullied etc. most eatin disorders seem to hav underlying ...

 Can a guy change if he is pathologically jaelous, can get violent, verbally abusive..?
can he change if i "punished" him by being away for 6 months. he is trying hard to get me back, but i dont know.lot of **** happened and im not sure anymore what is the best.

 Is This Stress Or Depression?
I keep having scenarios in my head from the past and am physically beating these people up like punching the air.

Is this stress or depression?

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 I feel alone even when people are around me?
I have plenty of friends, two really close friends but I still feel lonely.
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I think I have depression but am not ...

 I have ocd?
I have obsession compulsive disorder its so stressing what do i do? Do u have ...

 How can i be Sad, low, depressed and high, happy, hyper, at the sametime?
I've been a cutter for a long time now been on 6 lots of meds for depression. Coz I have been on 6 lots and they not worked my GP has taken me off meds and is now saying "well maybe your ...

Is it possible to beat clinical depression without anti-depressants?
If so tell me how. I've felt like sh1te for days and have all the same symptoms as when I have had it before like crying nearly all the time. But I don't want to go back to the docs and end up on medication. Is there an alternative to make me feel better?

Certainly not. You need a course of modern anti-depressants under medical guidance.

EXERCISE, honestly, 30 mins of brisk walking will make you feel great, try it!!

Make sure you get lots of vitamin D. Also, try taking flaxseed oil (also known as linseed oil), it worked a treat for me!

Also, get some exercise. You'll feel better afterwards... Kickboxing is great for working out all those aggravations!

Oh, and some counselling is good. Don't bottle it up as it'll make you worse...

I hate being on pills too so I'm trying to work it out myself....

You really have to try and find a person that can support you through out this. You need to have some one to help and let you talk to them when you feel down, even if they are just there to hug you. It also might help for you to go and seek some counciling as it may also help to talk over where the root of the depression started and try to put it behind you.
I'm trying to get over mild depression but I refuse to go back on tablets and I'm getting better day by day, its a very slow process but its working.

marcy w
I was diagnosed with clinical depression 12 yrs. ago. I took Zoloft and it seemed to help me. However, my financial situation changed and I could no longer afford the prescription. I haven't taken any for 9 years. It helps that I stay busy with my work, and when I start feeling just a bit depressed, I refocus my thoughts and seek out a friend that I can talk to. I believe it is possible to control clinical depression to a certain point by changing your mindset, but this can be difficult. With what I know, it is a chemical imbalance in the brain and there is good treatment out there. My best advice is to talk with your family dr. and have him/her recommend someone to you. There is nothing wrong with taking meds especially when it can be beneficial to your well-being. If you had problems with the meds you took before,(maybe you didn't like the side-effects) your Dr. can try something else until you get the right one.

it is better to try and beat depression without meds. my mum has had long-term depression for my whole life, and meds no longer work on her as she took them when i was young.

try your best to cope with the depression by talking through how you feel with friends or a counsellor, only take medication if you feel you cannot go on!

A better question is "Is it possible to beat clinical depression WITH anti-depressants?"

You can beat it on your own. Just decide. Abe Lincoln said, "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Love, Jack.

for support you can do EFT yourself
get the free manual on www.emofree.com
Alfons can provide you with great help!
he has a special cure which you can combine with any other treatment. I can highly recommend this man.

Will maybe you can, there are all sorts of things out there that you can do, you have got to get to the source of the reason why you are feeling so depressed. I have had the same problem, a few years ago, and the Doctor put me on this medication, and i took it for a while, and felt better, then started to feel dreadful, so i sort some help, also started doing some mediation, trying to work through the problems, i was having at the time, then slowly weaned myself of the drugs..............I still have days where i full dreadful, and feel like howling all day, but have learnt to snap out of it, i do know that it is hard, but believe me, when i say this, sometimes it is mind over matter, I went for heaps of long walks,got outside in the sun. I wish there was more i could tell you,and say don't go back to your Doctor, but if it gets to bad maybe you will have to, good luck and god bless.

yes it can see dr

you can't beat it but you can get used to it and find ways around it and to get the best live you can with depression

I think the first thing to do is think about what is causing this depression then deal with it by telling a close friend , a problem shared is a problem halved . best wishes lady blu. mitch

Absolutely. Contact a local Clinical Psychologist who specaillizes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT is the most effective form of therapy for depression and does not involve medication. You can, if you'd like, augment your CBT with medication, but this is only minutely more effective than CBT alone and the effects of CBT are long lasting, while medication efficacy fades. If you are tenacious enough, and have $60, you can purchase Dr. Aaron Beck's book "Cognitive Thearpy for Depression" from amazon.com. Aaron Beck, M.D., is the creator of cognitive therapy and is a huge contributor to cognitive behavioral therapy. These, I believe, would be your best options. Good Luck!

Definitely... exercise, change of diet and sleep, counseling, etc... I was going through a light bit of it for the past year and this year I exercised a lot and all of the endorphins seemed to have done something right because it helped... but now I hardly exercise and I'm in the dumps so try it...

Exercise! Cycling, swimming, walking etc.

Also good diet with plenty of fresh veg and fruit.

I've also heard that the EPA in cod liver oil and other fish oils may be helpful in large quantities.

you need to be on meds. about 3 wks before any change in mood and many have side effects as well i dont blame you for not wanting to take meds. it is possible to do it but will take time and a lot of self determination.

As a sufferer and A student of psychology I would suggest that you get plenty of:-
exercise:- about half hour more a day than usual to begin with and build it up.
Fresh air:- sunshine really because S.A.D. can make symptoms worse - at least 15 minutes outdoors a day
B group Vitamins:- to help overcome paranoia and many other depressive symptoms
Omega 3:- Is very important for brain functions and can help you think more clearly and avoid mood swings.
That's all I can think of for now. But it is definitely possible to begin feeling better through diet and exercise (studies have shown). Or even taking supliments although these are not advised for long term use, so try to work the vitamins etc into your diet if you can. The last time I had it I took the medication for a couple of months just to get the motivation to sort things out though - and that worked. So don't rule it out - especially if you are not getting results and other method's aren't shifting it.

It may be possible but I recommend seeing a therapist!

Yes! EFT technique is an excellent technique - - if you do not want to pay for learning it I can teach you what my therapist taught me through email. Another thing is adjusting your sleeping time. Go to bed before 11 pm and get around 7:30 to 8 am. Sometimes this is hard when a person is depressed but if you sleep past 8 am the hormones in your body are different and can contribute to depression. Another thing is to practice breathing excersises - - taking in more oxygen can change whats happening in the body and bring you out of depression. I use this myself and have been able to stay off medication. Yoga & excersise (walking) also help regulate the body's natural chemicals and can help keep you off of medication. Feel free to email me carolmerel@hotmail.com if you would like a more in depth discussion.

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