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 How do I become a vegetarian?
Like I know the obvious answer is 'don't eat meat.' but that's kinda hard for me. How do I ween myself from it? I want to lose weight....

 Am i fat??? PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, im almost 15, im 5'11 and im 83.6lbs. I am a female if that helps. I am pretty mucular and i just need a way to lose weight. I currently work for a modeling agency and i always feel fat ...

 Is this ok to lose some weight?
ok for breakfast i am going to have a cup of dry honey bunches of oats with some water. then later i am going to have a egg white sandwich on wheat bread wheat and for dinner chicken sanwich on wheat ...

 Guess how much I weigh! (Closest=10 points!)?
I'm 4"11 and wear size 0. ^_^...

 Suggest me some tips for growing tall?
I am 17 years old....

 Im 5"4" I weigh 97 lbs. is that over weight???

 What are your views on Overweight people?
I'd just like to thank the great response i got from the anorexia subject. Now i'd like know people's views on being overweight. whether your a stone overweight or 20 stone overweight, ...

 Do I look fat?
This is an old pic I don't dress like that anymore I know Iam slighty over weight but am I really fat?
http://i179.photobucket. D...

 What do you think of my weight?
108 lbs, 14 years old. 5'4.

too fat? not thin enough?

should i loose weight? i feel huge......

 I am 115 pounds how do i lose 15 pounds?
i have been 115 for 2 years and when i starve my self i lose 4 pounds and i look fatter and when i eat something i look skinner.

i just want to look lik nicole richie:(...

 How can i do the aerobic part of my training without losing muscle?

 Am i fat???????
i am 136 puonds and about 5'4...

 Can We Take Fruits in breakfast? If so Which fruits are good to Have?

 I am a girl,im 13 years old,and i weigh 130lbs,i am also 5'8 am i over weight?

 Would you rather be anorexic or obese?
P.S you can die either way....

 Why is nutrition such an important issue globally?
Diseases either directly or indirectly linked with nutrition.
What is considered to be THE most important issue concerning nutrition.
Why and how does the nutrition of different countries ...

 Why do people eat over 300grams of protein is healthy?
Sure it helps build muscle while it restores it. But is everyone aware that too much protein is bad for your kidney's. If so, they why take soooo much protein??...

 Am i fat???
Thigsh- 20 inches (highes point on my thighs)
Waist- 26 inches
Hips- 32 1/2 inches

is this fat?
are my thighs/hips/waist to big?
im a girl and 14
104 pounds ill ...

 800 calorie diet?
i need to lose 40 pounds.
can i do it in 14 weeks eating 800 calories a day.
oh, no dairy or meat too.
only fruits,veggies, nuts/seeds....

 I need 2 lose weight i have 2 weeks i need a FREE way to lose 12lbs in 2 weeks please help.?
if its more than 2 weeks don't answer/ please help. and if u r going 2 tell me its not heathy dont answer .i need answers that will help ...

Shannon J
Who is to blame for obesity?
I need to know this answer for a school project. i need an opinion from everyone. so tell me your views

I think it's a combination of things. Of course, it begins w/the individual making bad food choices. However, I also agree w/some others who blame food manufacturers. There is absolutely NO need to add high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) to EVERY freakin' thing on the shelf! In addition to being a high caloric sweetener, HFCS acts like a drug and tells our brains that we are NOT full. This additive should be BANNED! I also think that society adds to the problem. No longer do we have a single parent workforce. With two parents working full time, there is often little time to devote to meal planning. Consequently, we are prone to either prepare a pre-packaged meal or stop at McDonald's. Finally, I think we need to stress nutrition education in schools and eliminate the option of buying crap food at school.

Obesity cannot be blamed on anyone but the person putting the food in their mouths and leading an inactive lifestyle - I personally believe that self-motivation is the only answer to the obesity epidemic!

Vincent S
Unless you have a problem with your genes - you are!

You should eat fresh meat, veg, fruit, fish etc. and get plenty of exercise - daily, that's why you have two legs. Keep alcohol down to 17 units a week. A small glass of 13% wine is EQUAL TO 2 units!

I would advise that chocolates, crisps, processed food be banned from the house and then you would not tempted to eat them. Boring, but it's the only way. By yourself a treat occasionally. Too much junk food will help you become a diabetic, heart and health problems and too much alcohol will affect the liver etc giving a welcome invitation to cancer.

The less you eat and drink the healthier you should be - however, there are no guarantees but try and enjoy life.

lana s
You all want to blame people for not eating right and say horrible things about them. But so much of it is genes, metabolism, physical problems, medications they have to have. It isn't just pigging out. Get the facts before judging others. I eat once a day, and not much, and I am still overweight. So many meds can do this to you.

I think its a mixture of factors. Lack of education is a massive factor - why is nutrition and health not a key part of our curriculum when it is essential for survival (and would save our national health service a lot of money!). But also people need to start taking responsibility for their own lives. We all know that too much fat is bad, just as we know that smoking kills, but people and the media are always looking for external sources to blame. So many people are inherently lazy (me being one) and, with so much easy junk food around, obesity is just inevitable.

☼ Jules ☼
Food manufacturers for making and promoting unhealthy foods,
schools for not teaching adequate cooking skills leaving people relying on ready meals and processed packaged foods later in life,
the individuals themselves for not keeping a check on their health (or ignoring healthy eating advice),
perhaps government for not making healthy eating advice clear enough for some people,
restaurants for offering larger and larger portions, incentives to buy more and moves towards unhealthier ways of cooking such as frying (saves the restaurant money and is quick),
manufacturers of labour saving devices such as cars, remote controls etc for reducing the exercise people take just going about their daily lives,
criminals on the streets leaving people fearful of walking in their neighbourhoods,
costs of gyms and sports facilities,
more families nowadays have two working parents where they do not have time to cook a proper meal and sit down to eat it as a family,
the media for promoting fad diets which enevitably lead to weight gain over the long term.

Some of these links are remote, but obesity is such complex issue they all have a role to play.

People eating too many cream cakes, mostly.

the fat people stuffing their mouthes with crap and doing no exercise. We can blame the government, McDonalds and confectionary companies as much as we want but in the end we are all responsible for what we eat and what we do

Obese children become obese adults, so it has to start with bad parenting. How many obese children have slim parents?

Dave A
I am a little overweight
Who's fault is that ??
its not the people who make the chocolate I love
Its not the fast food chain who i visit too frequently
Its not the people who serve large portions at the pub I go to

Its my fault !!!
No one makes me do all those things
I choose to do it
i can and sometimes do choose not to

Blaming others for my failings would be rather sad
but very easy to do
There are some people who always have to blame someone else for their problems

David S
As a parent and a teacher, I feel that parents have the greatest responsibility for setting standards for diet and exercise. Children need to see role models eating healthily and taking regular exercise. Parents who do not interact with their children at meal times and encourage them to try new foods are failing. Similarly those who allow their children to spend hours watching tv and playing computer games while they are able to carry out what they want do not encourage healthy lifestyles.
By the time children go to school they have formed some of their habits for life.

bridge M
I come from a family of obese women and feel that over the last decade the situation has been worsened by the easy life throw away society we now live in..
As a mother I have found it extrodinary that most of my childrens friends do not sit down to meals together and most live off of ready meals or beans on toast. I have not always been big and did not have a weight problem until my twenties, I put the change down to not being able to do the amount of exercise and healthy cooking that I wanted to. When my children were old enough to eat proper food I made a point of feeding them fresh meats, veg and fruits and thankfully all have grown to be healthy teenagers. But.. to show the difference in environments - my youngest daughter went to live with her father and subsequently put on over a stone in a year purely from bad food and no exercise.
So my final thought on who is to blame for obesity it is ourselves - as we have a choice how to behave in every aspect of our lives and it is ourselves who decide to be lazy with our foods aswell as our excercise efforts. But the manufacturers who make all the ready made foods should be held accountable too as they have added all sorts of junk into the foods which has hooked many with addictive tendencies for example chocolate!!
I hope this helps with your study on obesity and good luck .

Obese people are to blame for obesity. Everyone knows that eating nothing but fast food is unhealthy and will make you fat but some people choose to do it anyway. It's not difficult to exercise either but some people can't be bothered to get off their fat ars*

Chris W
The reason for obese people being more obese over the last ten years is they are more gluttonous than ever. this is the result of very low self-esteem (multitude of reasons for this) which leads to over-eating both by way of comfort. there is also the physiological effect where the stomach becmes permanently stretched which in turn creates an apparent 'hunger' more frequently.
Even the intake of calories recommended on most diet charts are well over genuine reqirements.
I do a physical job for 6-7 hours non-stop 6 days a week. This job is carried out on the intake of one drink and two rounds of toast or similar.
One typical english size meal should be divided into three separate meals and that is much nearer the correct quantity of intake. Needless to say it is necessary to have a varied diet to ensure the correct intake of vitamins etc.
Chris Wiseman

Okaaaay. There are as many views here as there are people to espouse them. Simple answers will not be accurate. As to who is to blame, you could mention anyone who eats food/ lacks exercise/ has a medical condition/ enviromental predisposition/ monetary limitations/ nutrition educational shortcomings/ect. The list is endless. If you pick just one, remember that all the other views are just as valid.

It depends on the age of the obese person. If it is a child then the parent are definately to blame but obese adults only have themselves to blame.
There is enough information available for people to make an educated decision about what lifestyle they should lead

In children, no one can be blamed but the parent(s). This is the age children learn their eating habits and should be educated how to be healthy and eat a balanced diet.

If we're talking adults, then I don't think fast food companies can be blamed. If people eat RESPONSIBLY, i.e. a McDonalds once a week rather than five times, they won't suddenly become obese!

If people choose to eat rubbish, or not exercise, they can blame no one but themselves if they become obese. Eating healthily does NOT have to be expensive either - in fact it has to be cheaper than a take-away in most cases!

Of course there will always be exceptions, with illnesses which can affect weight and so on, but the majority, who simply have an unhealthy lifestyle and choose not to exercise are only hurting themselves in the long run.

I'm now going to Maccy's for my lunch. I'm not obese! :)

If you really have to assign blame its up to the individual to be proactive in their health, fitness or lack thereof.

Stan L
Arguably it was the Egyptians who first used cop rotation and therfore alowed people access to food that was mass produced, but that was out of line with our (human) natural eating patterns.

Your body makes new cells from the food you give it.. If you put in vegatables and fruit and complex carbs (carbohydrates that take alot of time to break down into usable energy) you provide it with the best resources and are healthy. However, if you provide it with things it does not want like sugers, simple carbs (carbohydrates that quickly break down into usable energy), milk of other animals and processed meat (all meat unless naturaly eating/living animal that has been killed and hung), it will not work properly i.e. obesity.

Simply our bodies were designed and have evolved slowly over a long time so recent scientific developments in producing food (i.e. over last 5000 years) have confused our bodies. Our bodies do not handle changes in diet well.

Who is to blame: The individual who puts more energy in than they use, via the wrong sorts of food therefore funding and providing cash to companies to produce and provide such food.

Hope that helps and good luck at school

Since the advocation of a 'low fat diet' and the encouragement of the public to increase their unrefined carbs the obesity curve has soared. A diet high in good fat and protein and low in carbs keeps insulin levels from continually spiking and from producing insulin resistance. Trials have also shown it to lower triglycerides and LDL while raising levels of HDL, which is good news and the only eating regime which does this.
Although he was reviled for about 20 years Atkins wasn't so stupid, and some scientists are beginning to think he may have been onto something...
Enough exercise and possibly supplements of chromium [needed for good insulin function] would contribute to maintaining a healthy weight, less abdominal fat and lower risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease.
Learn to critically evaluate literature and don't be mugged by the sugar lobby. A lot of 'trials' are motivated by big business in the interests of profit...

So, although obese people want to lose weight, if they follow the bad science funded by the sugar lobby [and others] and published in the Daily Mail, they will try diets that don't fill them up, diets that keep them hungry [which need incredible will power to follow], and they put weight back on when they've finished.

You can blame parents only partly... good food is expensive [refined carbs are cheap and full of sugar and advertised on TV so give parents a break]...and who can blame people for believing what they read in the newspapers?

People eat too much sugar, it's in everything, and you have to put in an enormous amount of effort to avoid it. So blame food manufacturers who are in it for the making huge profits, and who then stick a 'wholegrain' label on the front of something like Cheerios! Huh! Cheerios are full of sugar and contribute to obesity. Healthy??
It's a myth that fat is bad, honest!
Chuck sugar and potatoes and rice [even brown] and pastry and sweets and cakes and fill up on sausages and bacon and cream and eggs and meat and fish and veggies, and you will be full and satisfied and lose weight.
Try it for 4 weeks and see for yourself!

Big Wullie (Hairy Scotsman!)
Everyone is responsible for their own diet.

It's easy and convienient to blame king sized choc bars or fast food, but it's exercise and a balanced diet everyone is lacking.

i'll put my hand up and admit that i enjoy a curry or burger, but i also work out 5 days a week, and eat a balanced diet everyday.

Also people should pay attention to the food packaging. most of the "ready meals" are loaded with sat fats and calories, yet if you make the same meal yourself with higher quality ingredients, you can cut out the bad stuff and it only takes an extra couple of minutes.

People are to blame: It's which people you choose to blame though!
the fast food or junk food manufacturer who couldn't care less who buys or eats his product.
the people in advertising who tell us it's ok to eat this because it's low in fat without telling you it's loaded with umpteen different kinds of sugars and carbohydrates to make it palatable.
the people in Government that have messed up the school system so much that cookery and games lessons are no longer seen as important.
the DIET industry people who produce un-natural eating regimes that allow people to lose weight but don't encourage a healthier eating plan or lifestyle so when you return to normal foods the weight is just put straight back on and the yoyo effect starts.
Even the super thin models have a role in it! Some people are never going to be able to healthily be that slim so they 'give up' and overeat to compensate.
Naturally thin people, who without trying are that way but who 'pick on' those who are heavier, compounding their misery and leading them to further 'comfort eating'
the adult who knows that the food they eat or the alcohol they consume contains far more calories than they can burn off.
the parents who give in to their childrens demands for sweets and junk food.
the over-weight parents who from laziness or lack of education encourage bad eating habits.
the parent who 'comforts' a child by giving them sweets or food when they are upset.
Whichever way you look at it PEOPLE are to blame!
As a thin person I could say the obese have only themselves to blame but as a care-worker I know that there as many reasons for why a person is obese as there are people and that 10% of people do have MEDICAL REASONS which some people should find out about before labelling someone as a 'fat, lazy slob!

Just as a side thought. The people who are really huge and can't get off their beds why don't their carers just stop feeding them and then they would loose weight. I know that they have to give them something but seems they just keep getting fed more and more until they die.

russell h
The only person to blame for becoming obese through eating is the person who puts the food in their mouth. The only exception are for young children where the parents are to blame, adults and mid-teenagers its all your fault, if you choose to eat unhealthily and it makes you gain unwanted weight then there is no one else to blame.

McDonalds cant make you eat their food!

The Results of Shock Therapy
I think it comes from people having less meals at home and eating more at fast food restaurants. Less people are exercising and spending more time in front of the television.

neil desperandum
The person who has put too many calories into their mouth.

In adults, it's the obese person themselves

In children, it's the disgraceful parents that don't care about their kids health

Other than that nobody, it's not the food manufacturers fault as nobody forces you to eat the c**p that they make.

I think the cost of fresh fruit and vegetables is also a BIG factor. At the moment (in Australia) tomatoes are at $7.95 per kilo, Apples $7.50 per kilo and the list goes on. Whilst frozen pies (6 pack) will set you back maybe $5 and a bag of frozen chips $2.50.
So if you are on a very tight budget (due to the cost of rent/mortgage etc etc) and you have a family of 4 to feed - you will include more "junk" food as its cheaper and fills the bellies..

Instead of the govt. spending money on research of why people are obese why not subsidize the cost of fresh fruit and veg?

It's not a who. It's a "YOU" in most cases. The problem with obesity boils down to poor lifestyle choices.

That's it in a nutshell. YOU are responsible for YOUR LIFE and the choices you make are yours alone. You choose to eat a supersized MickyD meal or you choose to eat a fresh salad with low fat dressing for dinner.

YOU CHOOSE to veg in front of your video game all afternoon when you get home from school or you choose to
go riding on your bike for exercise.

You choose to become obese by the lifestyle choices you make.

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