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 Is this ok to lose some weight?
ok for breakfast i am going to have a cup of dry honey bunches of oats with some water. then later i am going to have a egg white sandwich on wheat bread wheat and for dinner chicken sanwich on wheat ...

 Guess how much I weigh! (Closest=10 points!)?
I'm 4"11 and wear size 0. ^_^...

 Suggest me some tips for growing tall?
I am 17 years old....

 Im 5"4" I weigh 97 lbs. is that over weight???

 What are your views on Overweight people?
I'd just like to thank the great response i got from the anorexia subject. Now i'd like know people's views on being overweight. whether your a stone overweight or 20 stone overweight, ...

 Do I look fat?
This is an old pic I don't dress like that anymore I know Iam slighty over weight but am I really fat?
http://i179.photobucket. D...

 What do you think of my weight?
108 lbs, 14 years old. 5'4.

too fat? not thin enough?

should i loose weight? i feel huge......

 I am 115 pounds how do i lose 15 pounds?
i have been 115 for 2 years and when i starve my self i lose 4 pounds and i look fatter and when i eat something i look skinner.

i just want to look lik nicole richie:(...

 How can i do the aerobic part of my training without losing muscle?

 Am i fat???????
i am 136 puonds and about 5'4...

 Can We Take Fruits in breakfast? If so Which fruits are good to Have?

 I am a girl,im 13 years old,and i weigh 130lbs,i am also 5'8 am i over weight?

 Would you rather be anorexic or obese?
P.S you can die either way....

 Why is nutrition such an important issue globally?
Diseases either directly or indirectly linked with nutrition.
What is considered to be THE most important issue concerning nutrition.
Why and how does the nutrition of different countries ...

 Why do people eat over 300grams of protein is healthy?
Sure it helps build muscle while it restores it. But is everyone aware that too much protein is bad for your kidney's. If so, they why take soooo much protein??...

 Am i fat???
Thigsh- 20 inches (highes point on my thighs)
Waist- 26 inches
Hips- 32 1/2 inches

is this fat?
are my thighs/hips/waist to big?
im a girl and 14
104 pounds ill ...

 800 calorie diet?
i need to lose 40 pounds.
can i do it in 14 weeks eating 800 calories a day.
oh, no dairy or meat too.
only fruits,veggies, nuts/seeds....

 I need 2 lose weight i have 2 weeks i need a FREE way to lose 12lbs in 2 weeks please help.?
if its more than 2 weeks don't answer/ please help. and if u r going 2 tell me its not heathy dont answer .i need answers that will help ...

 Am i fat... idk?
is being 5'8 and 162lbs fat?...

 How much weight should i lose?? (pics)?
i'm sorry if the links don't work.

What is the best way to lose weight?
what is the easiest way to lose weight for a 14 year old?

burn more energy than you consume, thats what it comes down to. you can do this simply by eating a balanced diet along with regular exercise

John R
Eat less and exercise more...seriously all those weight loss pills you see on tv are scandals, nothing more. this is the best way

Exercise drink water walk your dog and dont eat at night

Lift weights... It helps build both Muscile Mass and Bone Mass... So it will make you stronger, leaner, and make your bones stronger!!

Don't eat LESS...


Lots of veggies...
LEAN meats...

Lay off all fast food...

100% no soda!!!! Soda is just corn syrup and that gets put directly to fat!

The BEST advice I can give is that you need to learn how to read the backs of the packages...

QUANTITY doesn't matter...
CALORIES matter...

1 little bag of cookies may have 600 calories...
but if you read the backs then you can find a kind that only has 300 calories... or 100 calories.

If you think "Do I REALLY want to eat *Number* calories? What have I eaten already? What will I eat later on today? Is THIS snack really worth it?"

As long as you are AWARE of what is going in your mouth you can control your weight...

Also, look up a list of portion sizes.

Fast food has our idea of what a true portion size is all out of proportion...

A single serving of fruit is the size of a tennis ball...
A single serving of meat is the size of a deck of cards...
A single serving of cheese is 2 dice...

Yet what we THINK a serving is can be 4x the APPROPRIATE SIZE.

The less you eat, in the long run, will shrink your stomach and you will start getting full on less food... Restruant portions have your stomach streched to hold, on average, 2x the "Appropriate" amount of food in a serving.

Good luck!!!

the one thing NOT to do is starve yourself or puke after eating. this is horrible for your body. you should eat right (healthy foods, not junk or soda) and make sure you drink lots of water. excercise regularly, maybe play a sport or walk a dog or something like that. also doing situps and stuff daily will help, as long as you do other physical activity. and only lose weight if you really need to, if you are just trying to live up to the standards in magazines that are unpractical, then just live healthy! good luck!

knowledge is the key
exercise simple

Magdeline C
Stay away from foods that are high in fats. Exercise 30 minutes a day. Drink plenty of water to help you feel full.
Dont skip breakfast and eat 3 hours before bed time.
You may also try the 3 hour diet. by eating smaller meals every 3 hours to get help speed up your metabolism
to lose weight faster.Good Luck.

grace M
A 14 year old should NOT worry about losing weight at all.

But if you really NEED to

simpily burn more calories then you consume

Dont get sneaky into wanting to lose weight. Talk to your mom that you want to strat eating healthier. Stay away Get into a school activity like track or a sport. Get a buddy to join you. (but dont compete)

hello =)
eat healthy foods and exercise daily!

ry to avoid food that contains a lot of "fat" (Trans fat, total fat). That diet (I made 5 so far over the last 18 years, lost and gained 30-40 lbs each diet) was the only one that helped me loose 42lbs (and much more important: to keep it off!!). Also, try to do a little bit excersise (whatever makes fun: swimming, walking, jogging). 10-15 minutes a day is a good start. Please DO NOT avoid all "fat" in the food. You may get gall problems (gallstones). There is no way to loose weight fast. The faster you loose weight, the faster you will gain it back. Give yourself 1/2 year to loose 20 lbs maximum, 1 year to loose 40 lbs and so on. Hope that helps. Good luck!

Supermarket "Ready Meals"
White bread
White pasta
Fast food (Mcdonalds, Burger King etc)
Processed frozen, canned or chilled food such as burgers or potato cakes (learn to make your own!)Frozen or canned veg in "pure" form (such as peas) is OK.
Jelly sweets
Anything with non-natural or chemically derived ingredients. ( good guidelines: if you can't pronounce it, don't eat it, if you don't know what it is, don't eat it, if you wouldn't pick it up off the floor, don't eat it!)
fizzy soft drinks
Deep fried foods
Shop bought cakes
lager or beer
sugar (or anything coated in sugar)

Eating 5 times a day and portion control. This boosts your metabolism. "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper." And two small healthy snacks in between. If you do have a few "treats" be sure to eat them earlier in the day because you will work the calories off easier through out the day. Also, some quick stretching exercises in the morning when you wake up helps along with 30 mins of exercise at least 3 times a week.

Jack of all trades
Eat six square meals a day, smaller to the proportion you would eat normally so your eating the same amount or just slightly higher or lower. This opts to obtaining the most metabolic structure for processing into usable substances rather than sitting in your stomach and being converted to fat.
Watch what you put in and on your food and make sure what you are eating is organic. No added salts, sugar, no high fructose corn syrup (converts directly to fat instead of being used for energy as regular sugar). No MSG's (stops digestion) the more you do these things the better. I was eating at McDonalds almost every day for lunch and still lost because of the rest of this.
Eat fresh grape fruit (not juice) before each meal and Oolong tea or Yerba mate (green tea can be supplemented but with less effect) four times a day.
Run first thing in the morning when glycogen is at its lowest stores, before you drink or eat anything. Start the day with 10 oz. of room temp. Distilled water. Drink distilled water throughout the day (distilled water does not have chlorine or fluoride of which shuts down digestion and is bad for electrolyte balance and parasite defense.)
Eat your largest meal with most fat content before the most active part of your day, (usually morning before work, unless at an office job).
Don't eat two hours before bed. Consume flax seed oil and caisine protein directly before sleep. (Caisine is the slower digestive protein that will last all night to heal from the day. Found in nuts, peanut butter, certain protein shakes, or 4 oz. fat free milk would work as well)
Low carb. Protein before work out, high carb snack or drink while working out and sugar protein directly after (insulin receptors are creating an anabolic effect for first 20 minutes after a hard workout and will use sugar as a healing regiment.
You may also want to do some cardio within the first 29 minute after eating to burn off calories that you just ate.
These are the basics without going into a book about the body and functions of anabolic, catabolic and metabolic structures and how each receptor and hormonal diversities consolidate with each other.
I'm sure you have also heard muscle burns fat, which is true, but muscle also adds pounds which is why most dieting structures don't say to gain muscle and they are actually having you lose muscle while losing the fat, because they care about you seeing the results so you'll stick to it. Which is good for people who need to see the results, but not for those who can wait, cause if you build muscle first, the fat will shed off alot quicker and you'll get toned instead of just thin. The process will take longer, but will be healthier.
If you would like a more personalized approach a lot more info would be needed. A lot on the best way to achieve your goal is on a psychological level of what you can handle and what you need to see to keep yourself motivated. Which is why a good personal trainer that knows what they're doing and that can really get in side your head would be helpful. It's too bad there aren't many around.

Rule of thumb for weight loss: Diet= 70% exercise= 30%
Great 7 step plan to follow for LASTING and healthy results (My sources are I've been a world-class athlete since age 6, read tons about this for years including Gunnar Peterson's book The Workout [he's trainer to A list celebrities] and Tony Robbin's "The Body You Deserve" and after educating my brother, he lost 45 pounds in 4 months and has kept it off for 1.5 years):
1. Awareness of what you eat by keeping a diet journal to see where ure going wrong plus writing down very specific goals w/a time frame on them (be realistic yet firm) and view them on a regular basis. Also- tell someone about your progress toward your goals on a regular basis- this will keep you accountable. I have an excel spreadsheet that lists all my goals and my weekly progress toward them and I share them with my boyfriend each week so we can discuss it. Choose someone encouraging and motivating that wants to see you succeed. Family and best friends are great choices.
2. Best cardio is running in terms of weight loss. It is however, very high-impact and can lead to injuries. If you get injured- 2nd best is rowing, 3rd is cycling (both of which are less impact). You should be doing cardio minimum 4 times a week 30min.-1 hr. Weight loss heart rate range is one where you can carry on a conversation w/o a big struggle.
3. Resistance program to help firm muscles and give a pretty tone (u can't spot-reduce- weight training results per individual body part will only be visible after the fat layer is off from the cardio). You should do this 2-3 times a week for 30 min-1 hr each time. It's important to have that break in between so your muscles can rest. Remember- each muscle gained= more calories lost on a daily basis b/c this revs up your metabolism! Jessica Biel is a great model for a muscular gorgeous body. Look at a picture of her and visualize your face on her body. The mind's thoughts literally create your reality and destiny. This has been proven over the centuries.
4. 3 meals/2snacks per day: high fiber/ high protein helps keep you full and eat low carb unless its good complex carbs like salad and fruit and whole-grains. Bottom line: eat the natural foods our ancestors ate, no processed junk. The best foods for you are filled with FIBER (shoot for 35 gms a day- this will curb cravings like heck!) Anna Kournikova eats a fruit and has a glass of water 30 min before her meals to be fuller and eat less (you should always do this, esp b4 going out to eat where temptations are large). When you eat great, nutrient-packed foods, you dont need to obsess over counting calories- so many better things to occupy your time with, like reading! A clever mind will take you farther in life than a beautiful body :) Bottom line- keep perspective and don't let this consume you to the point of being OCD. Also, no diet sodas- the fake sugars actually make ure body crave more sugary stuff. Stick to tea (coffee makes your body crash and can increase appetite) and water and never bring bad foods into your house. A woman should never go under 1200 cals a day by the way, slightly more for a man...very unhealthy. Breakfast= eat like a king, Lunch= eat like a prince, and Dinner= eat like a pauper. Lastly, take a multivitamin each day...go to Whole Foods and ask them which is a really high-quality one, b/c it's not just taking a MV but the better ones dont cheat you on the grams and your body absorbs the vitamins/minerals best. Ask what is a good daily regimen for your gender, but don't let them oversell you. The most you should need is a multi and maybe fish oils.
5. Americans in general want things QUICK and easy, we are impatient- you must be patient in terms of your results and never give up. Additionally, this is a LIFESTYLE change for LIFE: There are NOOO get-thin quick schemes, PERIOD. If u abuse your body u will ruin your metabolism and in the future u will gain weight MUCH easier than today. Diet pills will kill you as quickly as they helped kill Anna Nicole Smith. They are no better than drugs so don't take the cheap lazy way out.
6. Weigh yourself once a week, never more often than that but get all measurements- waist circumference, body fat %, muscle %, water % (there are good digital scales that do this) b/c u could be gaining muscle which weighs more than fat or be full of water and be like- why the heck wont i lose weight! and then binge on donuts :) no no no! and reward yourself when you make progress! make it fun or else you'll quit sooner than later.
7. Drink min. 2 liters of water per day (more for men) and whenever you're stressed- take DEEP BREATHS rather than reaching for food. Breathe in this ratio: Inhale for 5 counts, hold for 20 counts, exhale for 10 counts. If you do 10 of these 3x/day you'll be releasing toxins, decreasing appetite, & your energy and vitality will boom. This is why people lose weight doing yoga which on its own doesnt lose many calories. Oxygen is so so important.

You can do it! Good luck, keep a positive attitude, and never give up! :)

Brigitte B
The best way for someone 14 teen to lose weight is to turn off the TV. Go for a bike ride, walk to the store, stop the fast food , eat right and find and active activity they like.

drink lots of water and exersise more!! and eat less junk.

cut back on the junk food and exercise join a sports team at school or something and eat healthy foods like fruits and vegtables

Nanometer {Formerly Ownz0rz}
DO NOT MAKE YOURSELF PUKE, DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. I'm fourteen, too. Making yourself puke with burn your throat with stomach acid. Starving yourself will make you disgusting looking. They both make your body eat ALL of your muscles, you'd end up weak and nasty-looking.
So exercise and eat healthy! Walk around the block every day and stay away from bread and ice cream! :D

Lisa Marie
Low fat diet (balance protein, good carbs and good fats) Cardio (at least 30 minutes 3-5- times a week) and lift weights (don't over do it tho).

Weight training and cardio together will boost your matabolism... which means you will burn fat quicker!

go running, everyone knows how to run.

diet and exercise.

count calories and exercise!

exercise, eat less sweets.

exercise and eat clean

no, you need to eat if you don't your body will belive it's staving and bulid fat around your stomach. eat heathly don't drink soda only water cut sweets work out, run, push ups, chin ups,and more. eat like a banna or carrot if you get hungery don't starve your selft doesn't work like that.

you're still very young--don't do anything stupid. If you just wait your body is still adjusting

Eat less and exercise more, but don't starve yourself and eliminate food you love or you will fail. Get into a regular exercise routine, and make it fun. Buy an aerobic or kickboxing tape or go to a gym with a friend. Walking is great too.

watch what you eat and just eat less. Exercising helps a ton but most people won't commit to it

Vanilla meltdown
Don't eat junk foods and don't sit on your butt all day

David J
Healthy balanced diet, and regular daily exercise.

That's it.

Drinking lots of water, no soda, be more active, don't eat less than 3 hours before you sleep. Cut the junk food and fast food too, or at least cut the amount you eat,

I did this when I was 15 and I lost like 20 lbs.

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