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 Am i fat??? PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, im almost 15, im 5'11 and im 83.6lbs. I am a female if that helps. I am pretty mucular and i just need a way to lose weight. I currently work for a modeling agency and i always feel fat ...

 Is this ok to lose some weight?
ok for breakfast i am going to have a cup of dry honey bunches of oats with some water. then later i am going to have a egg white sandwich on wheat bread wheat and for dinner chicken sanwich on wheat ...

 Guess how much I weigh! (Closest=10 points!)?
I'm 4"11 and wear size 0. ^_^...

 Suggest me some tips for growing tall?
I am 17 years old....

 Im 5"4" I weigh 97 lbs. is that over weight???

 What are your views on Overweight people?
I'd just like to thank the great response i got from the anorexia subject. Now i'd like know people's views on being overweight. whether your a stone overweight or 20 stone overweight, ...

 Do I look fat?
This is an old pic I don't dress like that anymore I know Iam slighty over weight but am I really fat?
http://i179.photobucket. D...

 What do you think of my weight?
108 lbs, 14 years old. 5'4.

too fat? not thin enough?

should i loose weight? i feel huge......

 I am 115 pounds how do i lose 15 pounds?
i have been 115 for 2 years and when i starve my self i lose 4 pounds and i look fatter and when i eat something i look skinner.

i just want to look lik nicole richie:(...

 How can i do the aerobic part of my training without losing muscle?

 Am i fat???????
i am 136 puonds and about 5'4...

 Can We Take Fruits in breakfast? If so Which fruits are good to Have?

 I am a girl,im 13 years old,and i weigh 130lbs,i am also 5'8 am i over weight?

 Would you rather be anorexic or obese?
P.S you can die either way....

 Why is nutrition such an important issue globally?
Diseases either directly or indirectly linked with nutrition.
What is considered to be THE most important issue concerning nutrition.
Why and how does the nutrition of different countries ...

 Why do people eat over 300grams of protein is healthy?
Sure it helps build muscle while it restores it. But is everyone aware that too much protein is bad for your kidney's. If so, they why take soooo much protein??...

 Am i fat???
Thigsh- 20 inches (highes point on my thighs)
Waist- 26 inches
Hips- 32 1/2 inches

is this fat?
are my thighs/hips/waist to big?
im a girl and 14
104 pounds ill ...

 800 calorie diet?
i need to lose 40 pounds.
can i do it in 14 weeks eating 800 calories a day.
oh, no dairy or meat too.
only fruits,veggies, nuts/seeds....

 I need 2 lose weight i have 2 weeks i need a FREE way to lose 12lbs in 2 weeks please help.?
if its more than 2 weeks don't answer/ please help. and if u r going 2 tell me its not heathy dont answer .i need answers that will help ...

 Am i fat... idk?
is being 5'8 and 162lbs fat?...

Y! Canada News Editors
What are your suggestions for encouraging Canada's kids to be more physically active?
With a recent health report giving Canadian kids a failing grade for physical activity, what practical suggestions do you have for encouraging children and teens to become more active and interested in fitness?

Health report gives Canadian kids a D

Keep your kids healthy

Get your kids moving

Forget about face time

First Knight
As an adult athlete I know that year round sports or excercise are fundamental in burning calories and maintaining a good level of fitness so even while at rest you burn calories. So kids need to be in organized and non-organized sports everyday. Being in education for over 12 years I also know that schools need to integrate more than forty minutes of regular exercise into the curriculum since some parents cannot give their children appropriate opportunities to excercise at home due to their hectic schedules. In addittion to excercise caloric intake must be monitored. Pop and unhealthy snacks provide what is known as empty calories and do not properly satiate children. Cut out the pop, sugar and chips. Give them fruit, when that's all there is they will eat it believe me. Overweight parents are the worst examples to their children who let kids eat anything they want-don't give me bologny about thyroid problems and being "big-boned" that is a lazy and irresponsible statement and an easy way out. Don't buy junk and your kids won't eat junk-it's simple. Fruit and vegetables provide enough natural sugar to satisfy kid's sweet-tooth. Grow a spine and learn to say no to your kids, sweets should be a treat not a staple-that is abusive to an overweight child and the parents should have to get some dietary counselling on how to provide better choices for kids-why should I and my healthy neighbours have to pay, through our taxes, for your sick child that has been the victim of poor eating habits and lack of excercise? Pick a sport, choose some fresh fruit, prepare meals, don't just pick up the phone or open a box-that's not real food its processed and it's bad for you. Turn off the T.V., video games and computers and tune into sports, fitness and activities to get the heart going. As a society we have become way too soft both figuratively and physiologically. Parents are the example, if you care for your kids care enough to set them in the right direction. Nothing in this world is of more importance than one's health and well-being especially our children's because they inherit both the good and the bad habits of us as parent's. So tonight make an oath as a parent that you will not be neglectful of you child's poor fitness and allow one more minute to pass by without reacting to them being overweight, lazy and unmotivated-because that is what you have created!!!!!

When I was growing up, I used to play sports with my Dad and family. My Parents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins would get together on the weekends and we'd all play football, softball, go fishing, hunting, berry picking ect...
That way the Parents and the kids were involved. It brought us closer together. ( I did it with my kids.) In the Summer, Friday through Sunday was camping time. When they reached the age of say "16", they could participate in other approved activities if they chose (enphasis on approved).

Right up until I joined the Marines at the age of 18, I went to the Gym and worked out with my Dad, and participated in our family outings. At 16 we hunted and my Parents let me carry a rifle and protect the berry pickers from Bears and such while we were in the forest. I was treated like an honored warrior and an needed member of the family and appreciated it. As it should be.

Get off your own butt Mom and Dad. Get out there with your kids.

I know that registering kids for sports can be expensive, but it doesn't cost anything for parents to send their kids outside to play. Just simple games like catch, touch football, ball hockey, skipping, hopscotch will improve the child's fitness and encourage the mind to be creative.

Get them a dog. It's a great way to teach them responsibility, they make a new friend and get to walk it!

Martina R
Get children more interested in the outdoors through environmental education!! Teaching them about, and showing them the intricacies of, and connections between plant and animal habitats, and amazing abilities of our native species is a start to getting them outdoors. The physical benefits start by detaching them from computers, TVs and MP3 players and getting them outside, where they can realise that an exciting world is beyond their front door! Health benefits from interacting with one's environment go beyond the physical and also touch the emotional and social realm.
It does require enthusiastic parents, teachers, and communities to make this happen though! Pick a local area of interest yourself, engage your school/teachers, local community group(s), or find an outdoor/environmental educator(s).

i think everyone assumes that if kids are outside playing, they will be running or jumping or playing tag with other kids and everything will be great. when i was a kid we were out jumping things with our bikes, riding motorcycles, fighting, teasing certain kids, and getting hurt, hurting other kids, and getting up to no good. not to mention the predators that are around now that will be eagerly waitng for parents to throw their kids outside.

The oppressed Rise again
Let kids keep playing their games, with the exception that you watch and make sure they play properly. I say this because, my suggestion is to make them play, while walking on the treadmill, and children need supervision.
Games like Tom Clancy's Vegas, and Advanced Warfare do well to simulate the real running speed of a person, so when you play these games and actually simulate the running by running on a treadmill, the game feels much more real, and the person playing gets tired from the actual running they are doing, not simulated in-game fatigue (try playing for more than a hour). If you child can play more than an hour on a treadmill at 1/4 speed, then your child should be pretty healthy. I have lost over 100 lbs in fat.
Or you can get your child Dance Dance revolution, making them play at least 15 minutes a day. The game is hard, very areobic, and would keep your kids away from the games of they HAVE to play this before and after any other games.
These suggestions are not just for parents, these suggestions also go out to other gamers and people who want this advice.

When father says, i'm going out on land and hunt,
the kids eyes will open wide, fishing is good and the land is there.
Deer hunt is fun and sharing food is the best thing.
Bring dog with you, kids play with them all day long sometime.
Find a guide, and camp.
don't bring too much candies, sweets.
if its camping ground, share it with your friends.
no movies, or games with you.

nan geurdnu are
summertime. take away the computer. take away the xbox. provide bike. provide skateboard. provide scooter. provide whatever you can or can't. you wanna sit and play on the computer? get on you bike or your deck or your scooter or your hoofs and go to the library (where you might learn how to read, too) and play on the computer for half an hour at a time and then go find something else to do, like in the park with your friends or at the pool or doing dirty deeds or you figure it out, because you ain't coming home to sit on your fat a.s.s. until i get home from work. parents. what the hell are you for???

Take away computer and game console privleges, and go out with the family at least once a week and do something (bike ride, walk the dog, etc)

BrunnenG E
Parents are to blame plain and simple.Our children cant go out and BUY the latest video games or go buy a PC so the Youth of the Nation can sit around watch the Tv and play vid games.Why I was young my parents had me in sports not too mention they always freeked out when it was nice out and I was inside all I heard is GO OUT & PLAY its a beautiful day out not to be spent inside.Not to mention what ever happened to the Fed Govts " Particpaction " with the colorful pinwheel where did that go way of the Dinosaurs?? Oh I got a Idea since were being hammered by the stupid " CARBON TAX " since we all expell carbon as a bi-product ,why dont we put some of that stupid TAX grabbing bottomless pit and put it to more skating rinks , parks , recreation centers , Now theres an Idea? or put a bike that you have to peddle 20mins to charge the tv for 1Hour .... garunteed they will have to work for it!

I'm using my mom's account of which she has conveniently left on but oh well...
The adults of the world are conspiring against us kids! I LIKE the computer! I don't wanna go outside and get waterlogged and sun burnt and all the rest! I'm VERRY comfortable staying just where i am, thx.

Blaqwynter Sorrows
Indeed fitness is very important, for children, especially when they are still growing. Today's society have been ''slacking'' the concept of active children, and do need to get back into the routine of physical activity. However; with parents always working, and have to always be on the go, parents are unable to spend as much time with their children these days compared to several years prior today. Children in fact do need their parents to promote a healthy lifestyle, also teachers need to be aware of this growing situation.

Here are a few things a parent can do to help promote an active lifestyle for their child/children.

- Promote healthy eating, no junk food (chips, pop, candy)
- Be a role model, by teaching your child jumping jacks, warm ups, etc.. (Even if you have to make a game out of it )
- Play active games such as duck, duck goose, or red rover.
- Teach your child to jump rope
- go for a walk in the park, and this will promote active play on the playground...
- Sign up at a family fitness centre, and enjoy a game of tennis, or even an evening swim.
- Buy a bicycle for your child, go with them...

There are numerous ways to promote fitness within the family. Remember its not a chore, it can be fun, make a game out of it!! Have fun, and enjoy!

We should take discerniment and alert our children about the activities will bring them a better health.

They can play videogame, play soccer, volleyball and others, but with moderation.

The secret of a good life is the example of the parents and friends.

It all starts at home with a good example. Does a kid really need a TV in his/her bedroom? How about a computer? There should be a common area for these.

Also, I find the high rates charged by places such as the YMCA (particularly in the GTA) tends to shy people away - I know I am not willing to pay $75 a month plus a monthly charge for new members.

If a child is under 12, there should be no charge for these facilities. There should be incentives to get the parents out as well - a healthy family will certainly be better off in the long run.

I just don't accept that video games are the problem. Video games are not the only thing keeping kids indoors - its fear. Once upon a time, parents used to let young children go out to play unsupervised for hours on end. They no longer do.

I also think that 'getting kids to play' is in some ways a short term fix because 'playing outside all the time' is not something that's going to carry over into adulthood. Most of us have desk jobs. I figure as my kids get older, I'd like to instill in them the kind of habits that _do_ last a lifetime. When I was growing up, we'd get thrown outside, and just sit around waiting to be allowed to play video games. If my kids want to do 2 hours of hard exercise then play video games for 6, that's fine.

Melanie R
I have always been overweight, including in grade school. I was tormented by the children and hated gym class. I think part of the help needs to go into discouraging bullying to help make overweight kids feel "safe" in sports activities.

Secondly I always felt that the things I did outside of school weren't enough for my parents who wanted me to be more fit. Acknowledge the small steps, and activities which will be encouragement for kids to do more, and take bigger steps to being more active.
At 24 I have taken control of my weight and have lost 30lbs on my way to an eventual 70lbs goal!

Rob T
1) Parents need to model a variety of daily and seasonal physical activities themselves so children grow up with it as part of their lifestyle.

- walk and bike in fair weather
- swim and ski during the winter
- stretching and quiet time daily

2) Parents need to actively limit TV, computer and gaming time.

Exercise for exercise sake is boring! This is not only true for kids, but for adults as well. 90% of those adults at a gym are not exactly enjoying it... they do it because of other motications to do so - health issues, gaining weight, etc.

To make kids exercise, you have to make that exercise fun. In fact, it should be solely seen as fun. For me and for many like me, that means playing a game that includes exercise: playing a sport! ... And more particularly, playing a team sport where they are encouraged to try harder by their fellow teammates.
If it is not fun, the kids will not do it. Children and young adults don't see, or even care about, the health issues and benefits - they are kids! Most do not have the health worries that adults have. This question, in itself, is targeting the parent's worries about their sedate kids - if it were asking the kids themselves, the answers and interest in it would be far less.

I starting playing hockey as a 4 year old, and in my teens I was playing at higher levels were I was skating for 2 hours about 5 times a week. Why? Because I loved it! Sometimes I didn't, but overall I loved it!
As an adult, I dream of those days! Sitting in front of a laptop for 10+ hours a day simply does not provide the benefits of those days of exercise, but my experience as a young man growing up now mandates that I do work out when I can. Why? Because I still play sports and want to be in some semblance of "shape" for when I play. Sure, it is not perfect, but it's far better than nothing.

Kids would not play video games if they were not fun!!! Kids would not be on Facebook or other friend-interactive sites if they were not fun! So make their exercise fun (don't force it - let it happen) and they will play!!! To kids, it's not exercise... help them to play and enjoy a sport and be happy that they are getting some exercise when they are having fun!!!!

Tina D
Activities need to be more readily available in all communities. Kids living in smaller towns outside urban areas cannot make a class at a community centre or YMCA if it starts at 4pm when classes finish at 3:30 and parents work to 5pm.

Lead by example. Get out with your kids right from the beginning (an early start with young children). Make a plan to be active at least three times a week. My kids and I know what the plan is to be active and now at the ages of 5 and 6 if I feel tired they say come on mom, lets get some exercise, it will make you feel better. We all encourage each other. Also recognize kids that are active, it helps encourage them. When we are out bike riding a someone passes by saying your doing a great job to my six year old she just wants to do it more.

Hakim A
Increase the mandatory hours in the schools. In comparison with other countries (USA, France...), it must be more hours for physical activities from the primary to the university.

Orion S
Hey, remember all those things you used to do in school that kept you in shape? Your kids don't get those things anymore. What do you suggest, everyone ponying up to put their own kids in organized activity? Yep, that's how it works now. Hey, what do you know... the number of physically inactive kids is mostly proportional to the number of poor families. Sure there are bad parents who let their kids get away with this... but damn, how fair is when good parents can't afford to put their kids in the soccer league?

Get outdoors with your kids at any opportunity. A rainy day with the proper clothing can be as interesting as a beautiful sunny day. Make it interesting. Go for a walk in a forest or park. Turn over rocks and logs. Explain what's underneath. Show them the trees, shrubs, ferns and flowers. Open up their eyes and minds. A walk at the beach can be fun too. Go shell and rock seeking. Show marine life in tidal pools. Play in the sand. Skipp stones on the water. Take them to the playground. Bring a ball, a Frisbee or a badminton set etc. Show them that you are having fun too. In conclusion there are endless things to do. And the best of all the fresh air and the exercise is beneficial for their health.

I'm a kid, and I agree with all this unhealthy kid stuff. I'm totally unhealthy. From where I've been, the only real physical activity is involved at school - gym class, sports teams or after-school badminton. Other than that, there isn't much activity that most of us do.

A good way to get us active would be to participate with friends - like a swim by the local pool on the weekends, or a day at the park.

All I know is, it's better if kids don't get physical alone. Hanging out with friends make physical activity sound more fun.

(P. S. What about Wii Fit? I haven't tried it, but it looks like it could help)

to get my three kids away from all the gadgets i have to do as i say, how can i tell them that their time is up and they have to go outside if i stay sitting in front of the TV, computer or whatever. As a parent it is important to put time limits on these things and interact with your kids. after supper instead of doing dish's right away and watching TV go for a walk or bike ride and do it together. no ones life is too busy for a ten minute walk or ride.

When I was younger I wasn't a fan of gym class; the health exercises we did were monotonous and boring. They didn't really encourage me to keep at it when I was out of school.

It took my parents encouraging me to find a sport I enjoyed. I tried basketball, volleyball, baseball, tennis...and while they weren't bad they weren't bad.

Eventually I found sports that I loved: horseback riding, soccer and rugby. Instead of my parents telling me to choose between one of the three I did all three; riding in the winter, rugby in the fall and soccer the rest of the time. And of course swimming to cool off in the summer.

I went from a chubby kid to a lean, mean, sporty machine. That's the biggest challenge I think, making physical activity fun and appealing for kids. Parents should encourage them to find a different sport for every season.

So I say parents encourage their kids to find their sport(s), and help them stick with it. Once they do, and they make some friends it's far easier to encourage them to go outside and do some drills with their friends instead of playing video games.

Leading by example. Parents also should be keep active and eat healthy. Kids will notice and follow. Find fun family things to do.

Get out there, set an example for your kids and also actually spend time with them doing physical activities. Positive reinforcement. There is always something going on in most communities and lots of places to take a walk or cycle.

Brendon W
buy wii fitnees

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