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 What measures can I take to prevent shin splints? Vitamins? Stretching?

 How do I become a vegetarian?
Like I know the obvious answer is 'don't eat meat.' but that's kinda hard for me. How do I ween myself from it? I want to lose weight....

 Am i fat??? PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, im almost 15, im 5'11 and im 83.6lbs. I am a female if that helps. I am pretty mucular and i just need a way to lose weight. I currently work for a modeling agency and i always feel fat ...

 Is this ok to lose some weight?
ok for breakfast i am going to have a cup of dry honey bunches of oats with some water. then later i am going to have a egg white sandwich on wheat bread wheat and for dinner chicken sanwich on wheat ...

 Guess how much I weigh! (Closest=10 points!)?
I'm 4"11 and wear size 0. ^_^...

 Suggest me some tips for growing tall?
I am 17 years old....

 Im 5"4" I weigh 97 lbs. is that over weight???

 What are your views on Overweight people?
I'd just like to thank the great response i got from the anorexia subject. Now i'd like know people's views on being overweight. whether your a stone overweight or 20 stone overweight, ...

 Do I look fat?
This is an old pic I don't dress like that anymore I know Iam slighty over weight but am I really fat?
http://i179.photobucket. D...

 What do you think of my weight?
108 lbs, 14 years old. 5'4.

too fat? not thin enough?

should i loose weight? i feel huge......

 I am 115 pounds how do i lose 15 pounds?
i have been 115 for 2 years and when i starve my self i lose 4 pounds and i look fatter and when i eat something i look skinner.

i just want to look lik nicole richie:(...

 How can i do the aerobic part of my training without losing muscle?

 Am i fat???????
i am 136 puonds and about 5'4...

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 I am a girl,im 13 years old,and i weigh 130lbs,i am also 5'8 am i over weight?

 Would you rather be anorexic or obese?
P.S you can die either way....

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Diseases either directly or indirectly linked with nutrition.
What is considered to be THE most important issue concerning nutrition.
Why and how does the nutrition of different countries ...

 Why do people eat over 300grams of protein is healthy?
Sure it helps build muscle while it restores it. But is everyone aware that too much protein is bad for your kidney's. If so, they why take soooo much protein??...

 Am i fat???
Thigsh- 20 inches (highes point on my thighs)
Waist- 26 inches
Hips- 32 1/2 inches

is this fat?
are my thighs/hips/waist to big?
im a girl and 14
104 pounds ill ...

 800 calorie diet?
i need to lose 40 pounds.
can i do it in 14 weeks eating 800 calories a day.
oh, no dairy or meat too.
only fruits,veggies, nuts/seeds....

How can I lose my tummy without crunches or situps?

Additional Details
Right now I am using the stationary bike and my mini-stepper.

u can run but when u run twist ur body which works ur abs. and u can eat healthier, but thats hard to do so wut u can do instead is eat serving size. so when u get icecream for example look on the bucket for the nutrien on it and above that is the serving size and if i is 1 cup thats all u eat. i hope this helps. o yeah here are some other excersises: lie on ur back and keep both legs 6 inches off the ground for 30 sec. and that works ur stomach good. i hope htis helps

why won't you do crunches or situps? they're easy

To be honest, there isn't any other way. Cardio only helps to a certain extent. The rest you will have to work out...now there are other options to assist, which are: change of diet, pilates, yoga, certain fat burners.

I know you've heard this before and probably have read it in posted answers already but it's basic: proper food diet and exercise. And remember, it will take time, perseverance and patience. You didn't build the tummy overnight, right? Contrary to the sensational ads on TV, radio and the web, there is no miracle drug. It took time to add the weight and it will also take time to lose the weight. And in terms of food diet, try to stick with unprocessed foods and try to stay away from foods containing refined sugar. If you think about it, our bodies best understand how to process foods produced naturally. After switching to a low sugar, more natural foods diet, with the addition of moderate daily exercise, I was able to shed 10 pounds in the first 40 days. I know you can lose the tummy. Develop a diet and exercise routine and stick with it. Good Luck!


When I was riding horses on a regular basis I kept a rock hard stomach. Since that time I now have a jello belly.

cardio, cardio, cardio & watch what you eat

Flatten your abs forever!

Unfortunately, the fitness world has beaten the crunch to death. Every variation of crunch torture you could ever imagine has been, and continues to be, published, yet our abs are not getting flatter! Bodybuilders often go to great extremes such as starvation diets, diuretics, laxatives and even enemas to evacuate the organs and bowels for flat abs before going on stage. Even those methods don't always get the job done!

See the source page for more.

there is no easy way out

walk a lot it helps i've lost almost ten pounds in 2 or more months.

rawr in hawaii
cardio. crunches builds muscle, not burns fat.

Try running, and if you REALLY want to do abs, do it at the end of your workout, because almost everything takes work in your abs: bicept curls, tricept curls, any leg work, any gluet work, etc. do Abs laaaaasssst.

good luck, chica!

Alex P
Everyone else has the right idea, Cardio is a great idea and the techniques everyone else is telling you is your choice without getting bored. You got to loose calories when working out. Running by itself or the bike or whatever you said you were doing won't work unless you are doing it for at least 1 hour. You need constant Cardio to burn what's needed.

Jogging and some aerobics will help. But, you can get a Aerobics Ball and do crunches that way. If you are having a hard time.

Look up the Abs Diet. Best thing out there. All you do is change your diet to high protein, fiber, and calcium. Alittle exercise is Best, but not a requirement just to loose a little around the waist.

do pilates...they are awsome....after one time of doing it you walk around actually feeling as if you tummy is flat...


Anorexia or do the crunches and situps. P.S I'd do the crunches and situps.

get a pilates ball and the exercise straps, i myself hate crunches but i do them on the ball and it make it so much better and you can use it for other exercises also i have lower back broblems and the i sit on the ball rotate my hips and it helps tremendously

this has a great work out and weightloss program. yoga is a great stress free work out you can do. youll find everything in this article

swim, swimming stretches the entire body

well their is no way u can lose it with out doing excersize but a big advice is not to eat anything that contains oil because it will go straight to ur stuomach sides creating rolls... dont eat n e thing greasy

Confused Angel
Hypnosis. Many people think this stuff is crap, but its actually not. If you achieve 100% believe in yourself and achieve 100% concentration, you can do anything. By the way, are you reallypretty as your avatar?

you could try smart-lipo. it's a laser based liposuction and it's currently the trend in asian countries. but the key to losing tummy fat and any body fat, for that matter is to be disciplined in what you eat :)

pilates "6 inch" works well

Don't eat after 7pm ,eat six or 7 smaller meals a day rather then your regular 3 times a day.Drink lots of water rather then soda.Drink non fat milk..if you drink it.oh yea try not to eat to much bread..(carbs) non sugar products are great use splenda instead of sugar..Hope it helps..oh and try to change up your work out so you can shock your body in to something new

Trish J
Aerobic exercise is the most effective way to get rid of excess pounds. What you are doing now is very good. However if you have reached a plateau and aren't loosing any pounds you need to up the amount of time you excercise. Everytime you notice you hit a plateau and you still want to lose more you will have to increase the amount of excercise. Make sure you are excercising for at least 30 minutes at a time at least 3 weeks a time. Also just take a look at your general diet and try to cutout excess calories.

Try turbojam @turbojam.com. It puts dance moves with music and simple standing moves and makes for a great workout. You never have to lay down again to get the great abs you want

There is a simple morning exercise that will create dramatic improvement in your shape without a lot of work.

First thing in the morning when you get up do this one minute routine ~
Lean against a wall so your butt, shoulders and head are touching the wall. Hold your arms out in front and join your hands (thumbs up).

Raise your right leg as high as it will move easily, breath in, and do a full body isometric (tighten all muscles).
Repeat 5 times with each leg.
Thats it ... very simple. Do it every day for a month and re-measure your waist.

Why it works
This is a self enforcing of correct breathing that encourages you to have better posture and to breath properly. This gives you more energy through out the day so you are more active.

best wishes

A great way to tighten up those muscles is to simply maintain good posture and hold the muscles tight throughout the day. This works for those notorious "glutes" as well! Combine some stretching exercises with this and the next thing you know....well, it works for me! Eat healthy foods!!

Cardio/running. Doing crunches and situps dont help you lose your tummy any more than anything else. You cannot "spot" lose weight. It just doesnt work like that. When you burn calories, they come from all over your body, no matter what exercise you do. Situps and crunches will help build muscle in your stomach (that will be hidden under the fat), and will help burn some calories from all over your body, but they wont help you just lose fat in your stomach. Run 45 minutes or so a day at a decent pace, 5-6 days a week. BY decent pace, I mean a minumum of 6 miles an hour. Work up to it if you need to. Cut your calories to something like 1800 a day. The fat will start disappearing in no time. I also suggest doing some lifting, about 30 minutes work 3-4 times a week if you can, as the extra muscle you gain speeds up your metabolism and helps you keep the weight off.

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