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 Is cardio more effective earlier in the morning?
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 Am i fat??? PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!
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http://i179.photobucket. D...

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 Am i fat???
Thigsh- 20 inches (highes point on my thighs)
Waist- 26 inches
Hips- 32 1/2 inches

is this fat?
are my thighs/hips/waist to big?
im a girl and 14
104 pounds ill ...

Bob J
Do squats work the same muscles as the leg press?
Im getting ready for the football season and i am lifting in my school weight room. I know that squats are very helpful but i really dislike them and was wondering if the leg press works as well as doing squats.

Carlos S.
No man squats are WAAAY better for you than leg presses.

it would be better if u do both but do squats its more afictve for football.

Some of the same muscles but in a different way. The leg press is on a controlled machine as opposed to squats that uses these muscles in a much different way, basically uncontrolled (yes utilizing stabilizer muscles in a great way)!.So by doing both greatly enhances strength and agility!

Richard H
I would think its supposed to but i don't think it does. Its sort of a tricky answer you should ask your coaches. And see what they say.

Squats are more efficient because they work the legs as well as the core. But as far as legs go they seem to work the same muscles.

do yoga and pilates that works heaps of areas and squats deffinitely work better

the fact that you hate squats more is usually the best indication when exercising. Squats are more affective and works out a quads, glutes and works your perseverance muscle! hang in there!

I'm not an expert, but leg presses will probably help you build ore muscle, and control because of the pressure. While bringing the weight down, always go really slowly, for it is the most important part.

Hi, sorry I dont know the answer I may as well get 2 points for trying . xxx

yeah they basically work the same musclues. Squats not olny work your quads but other areas in your body, it sorda trains your muslces. Leg presses just work your quads, their still pretty effective.

They both target your quadriceps but squats are much better.

No, there is a reason why you (AND 90% OF ALL FOOTBALL PLAYERS) dislike squats. They work more muscles, especislly those in the hips and back. They produce a much stronger CORE strength and this is important for every position in football. There is no short cut. Sorry!

leg presses work the glutes and the quads, squats work the glutes, quads, calfs and all the other core stability groups. Grab some big *** weights in your hands and relax your arms while squatting, this will make you have an intence work out!

Jim J
squats do more upper leg and butox area while different variations of the leg press can do every different part of your leg

no different muscles

I believe so....

squats workout your thighs and booty also strengthens your legs

squats give you more tone too your legs and work more muscles but leg presses usually work just a few muscles in the leg

His answer is right. (mairdo51)

Squats, by using free weights, tone your stabilizing muscles in addition to your quads, as well as train your brain to coordinate your muscles to balance heavy things. The leg press on the machine will isolate your quads and only work them. If you do only the machine press, you will probably end up strong but unstable when it comes to pushing people around on the field.

Matt Ryan
Yes and no. You would use other muscles to keep you standing, when the leg press focuses more energy into specific muscles. If your targeting a specific area, focus all your energy in that area. Use your head, more direct to the muscle with the press, less with the squat. Better range with the squat, less with the press.

Andrew Luettgen
They are basically the same but squats are more efficient and need a little more effort.

Squat work some of the same muscles but don't work the core or any stabilser muscles and therefore are inferior. Squats a re way better. For fottball depending on your position try car pushing as this is an excellent exercise for football. Just find an empty lot and push for speed or distance than turn it around for rest and repeat until you legs are jelly. Also one arm clean and presses are excellent full body developers.

squats definetly work more muscles than the leg press dude

Dan K
squats work out a lot more muscles than doing leg presses

the are both closed chained exercises so they are similar in that aspect. the squat gives greater overall body stimulation since the upper body is used to help support the load along with the core muscles. the mechanics of each is different which is seen since there is no carry-over from one exercise to the other. in other words an efficient squatter won't neccessarily be an efficient leg presser and vice versa. the angle that each is performed is also different which means the muscle fiber recruitment pattern for each is different. so you could substantially increase the leg strength using one or the other but for optimum hypertrophy in the legs utilize both. most research has shown the leg press to supplement the squat and not replace it as an exercise.

in terms of building muscle mass both can be used. the mechanics of everyones body is different due to variances in the length and cross sectional area of bone, tendon and ligament. that being the case some athletes are more efficient at one exercise than the other. i've seen people build powerful and strong legs using both exercises.

* I train and consult NPC & IFBB bodybuilders

Not really. Squats, by using free weights, tone your stabilizing muscles in addition to your quads, as well as train your brain to coordinate your muscles to balance heavy things. The leg press on the machine will isolate your quads and only work them. If you do only the machine press, you will probably end up strong but unstable when it comes to pushing people around on the field.

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