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 I accidentally swallowed the wax for my braces! HELP!!! I NEED ANSWERS QUICK!!?
I just swallowed a pinch of wax a while ago. Is the wax safe if swallowed? Is it something to worry about?? I don't wanna get poisoned. =(...

 Chewing gum with braces...?
What would happen if I chew gum with braces??Will anyone else notice I was chewing gum??
Thanks =]...

 How do you know if u need braces?

 Do braces hurt?
because my teeth r really messed up and i need them and i have been doing research on them


 What colors should i get for my braces?
ok i am going to the orthodontist soon for like the one millionth time and i need color suggestions!
the color combos i already used were:
pink and black
orange and green
red and ...

 When is the best time to brush your teeth?
Is it bad to brush them straight away after you've eaten?
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i brush them 6 times a day but will it ruin my gums ...

 Is this going to permanentley damage my teeth forever!?
I know it sound stupid, but I filed my front teeth down w/ a nail file. I didn't do it hard or for very long, but I looked in the mirror and the bumpy ridges on the bottom of my teeth (which ...

 How painful is getting wisdom teeth out?

 Are you afraid of going to the dentist?

 Straight after you brush your teeth, do you look in the mirror and smile at yourself?

 How many teeth do you have missing (not including wisdoms)?
I have had four extracted....

 I need help ?
I've been trying to find a way to get rid of this bad breath I have. I've tried so many things. I eat a lot junk food, but I don't know if this is the reason why even if a brush my ...

 What do you think about drinking and driving?

 How old were you when you got your wisdom teeth?

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You're all so young....

 Are braces worth it?
Even though they hurt and are annoying??? Are the worth it???
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Were you really happy with your results???...

 How long are you suppoesed to brush your teeth?
I always thought it was 2-3 minutes. Then floss then mouthwash.

But my boyfriend went to the dentist yesterday and his dentist told him to brush his teeth for ten minutes, about 2 minutes ...

 Do you have to pull your wisdom teeth out??
My friend told me that everyone has to pull their wisdom teeth out, and it scared me. Do i really have to do that? Can I not pull them out?...

 On a scale of 1 to 10... How sore is root canal work??
one of my bottom teeth will need either root canal work or to come out completely.... id rather keep the tooth???...

 How do i get rid of my kanker sores?
how can i keep them from coming back!...

 Why do we say bless you, after someone hads sneezed?

Is it possible to pull out my wisdom teeth myself. and of so what tools do i need? thxs?

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well some numing stuff, a razer and pilers right?

Wouldnt recommend this, especially if they are impacted. You might pass out from the pain and choke on ur own blood. Go see an oral surgeon. Happy Day!

Don't try it.
Dentists train for years.
An amateur can ruin his own teeth and health in 2 minutes.

Ouchhhhhhhhhh ? What do you need ? How 'bout a lobotomy ? And...maybe consider keeping the teeth...you need the ' wisdom '.

Of course, this is a ' joke ' question...right ?. Yes . But, still . . . the thought of that ! . . . Ouchhhhhhh ! ! !
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I was just informed by another that " Everyone does their own teeth in England ". If that is so...I apologize for my answer. I live in California.

I apologize for my answer...yet will still express . . . Ouchhhhhhhhh ! ! !


This takes "do it yourself" to a new and unprecedented level.

What you probably need more than dental work is a brain transplant.

large pair of pliers and a largre container of nuts if you know what I mean

please don't be your own dentist. I think the only thing you can do is get drunk and get a friend to yank them out with some plyers, but it's not a good idea.

i MiSs U, tExAs!!!
im sure its possible but that would be insane

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! First of all, have you clarified that you are growing wisdom teeth and that they actually need to come out? You would also need to know where they are, (how erupted they are), and you would need an X-ray for this. Second of all, it is much too painful to do this yourself, you could not control the pain enough to keep your hand steady..you do know that dentists usually knock you out for this procedure?? Also, there would be such a high risk for infection, and that the blood wouldn't clot properly, the list is endless. It would be much smarter to allow a professional to do it and avoid all these risks. DON'T BE STUPID!!!! Please see a dental professional and don't try to do it yourself. And afterwards you need a perscription for antibiotics and pain killers, how are you going to get these if you do it yourself??

Geisha VT poser
yeah, youre gonna need some dynamite and...NO! do not do that or think about that thats insane!!!!

Thats really gross and unless your a deentist then no there isnt

Bill F
I was in pain for days after having mine removed by an oral surgeon while under general anesthesia. I can't even imagine how it would feel as a Home Depot DIY project. "You can do it, we can help" does not apply here.

It's way too far at the back end of your mouth for you to pull it. You'll need a tiny wrench, but you might need surgery so I highly recommend you don't do it.
When my mom pulled mine out [SHE'S A DENTIST, OF COURSE], it wouldn't clot so I needed medications in order to fill the hole in my gums. So... DON'T DO IT YOURSELF!

You wanna save some money huh?! I would it do the same thing but I don't think you could do it yourself! The pain. The strenght you would need to rip them off! Ouche in the couche!

Whiskey, codeine, paracetamol, (plenty) and needle nose pliers, you may also need some stub nose pliers and a flat screwdriver for prizing, good luck. Valiums help too and go well w. whiskey and pain killers.

A fifth of some good bourbon and a dremel tool is all you need.

No it is impossible to do this safely. The roots of the wisdom teeth are deeply embedded in the jaw bone. If you were to try to pull them out, you'd most likely either break off the crown of the tooth leaving the root stuck inside the jaw to slowly rot and cause excruciating pain, or you could severely damage your jaw and need surgery. You could even have irreversible nerve damage to your face.

Don't even try this!!!

lol...great Q.

Is it possible for you to come up with a more idiotic idea? I'm sure it is possible but if you aren't smart enough to do the research yourself to find out what tools you would need to do it then you probably aren't smart enough to actually do it without seriously injuring yourself.

If you want to suffer more pain than you can possibly imagine and likely bleed to death, give it a try.

Don't do it man. Just go to the dentist and tell everyone you did it yourself.

iu ryu
You it's amazing the number of answers you've gotten. All I have to say is that home surgery usually is not a good idea. Probably as bad as trying to cut a toe off.

i think you should go to the docs for this one i did

I definitely would not recommend this. It is very dangerous and you could risk infection. If you call around your town or city usually you can find a dentist even if you don't have insurance. Sometimes they would accept a payment plan. This is just not a procedure you know how to do and you could hit a nerve. Don't risk it.

khorat k
Yes it is possible but very difficult. You have to stick an operating jack hammer into your mouth and only touch the teeth you want to extract.

Takes a steady and strong hand.


Some people......


do not pull them out yourself! you could cause serious damage to your teeth and gums!

GO to the dentist. they are professionals.


No, don't even think about it. Wisdom teeth are hard to reach and even harder to pull. See a dentist.

TELL you what my cousin did. HE kept moving it back+ forth. IT finally came out.

are you insane?

Better Life
even the dentist finds it a bit harder to pull out wisdom teeth due to their 3 root system and being distal inside the mouth.
I advice you to do Little searching at the Health Information Center : http://google.com/coop/cse?cx=007185308018807068018%3Ax2z07lqx3mg
to learn more about your wisdom teeth and general teeth health , it is the only health specific search engine on line.

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