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 Why does my breathe always smell worst after i brush my teeth?

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no 4 days..........................................

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haha ok ppl no need to add more,first 28 anwsres now 36!!!
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I need help ?
I've been trying to find a way to get rid of this bad breath I have. I've tried so many things. I eat a lot junk food, but I don't know if this is the reason why even if a brush my teeth four times a day still makes my breath to stink. please help me.

Yvonne D
cut out coffee,as this causes a problem with bad breathe..chew gum,floss daily and visit the dentist for a good scrape..it may be you have a bad tooth as well which will give you bad breath..

See a dentist, you probably have a cavity (which is a rotting tooth!) hence the stink....good luck!

Do you floss your teeth daily? My husband had the same problem...until he had his infected gall bladder out (no symptoms)
Years later he had a benign (not cancer) tumor of the bowel and again the bad breath came back before treatment. Both of these things are easy to correct with minimally invasive surgery. Get them checked!

Are you taking any medications that could cause this? Some do.
Also if yo uhave a build up of phelm on your tongue you can use a tongue scrapper to get that off.
Floss daily. Use a floride rinse- and a mouth wash without sugars added.


Mike D
Germs are found on the tongue. Not only should u brush your teeth, but also your tongue as well. Also floss to remove food particles between your teeth which can rot and give of that bad smell.

Use a mouthwash and drink lots of water too.

Check this link for top tips for avoiding bad breath


also http://www.animated-teeth.com/bad_breath/t4z_tongue_cleaning.htm

lady bird
You might have an infection other than your mouth.

use mouthwash

You should try flossing. You may have dirt, plaque, or whatever else in between your teeth that you are not getting rid of. As well, use mouth wash (try ACT, works very well), it can get in hard to reach spots. Also, go to a dentist. They clean all those places you can't get. It can also be some sort of disease, like gingivites or something else. Go to www.webmd.com

Honey pot
yes you could have a cavity, but the stuff you can get to help is called xylitol

First, do you floss and brush your tongue? Both of those thing, in addition to brushing, can make a world of difference. If you're doing all three of those things religiously (brushing, flossing, and brushing your tongue), then you need to look for other potential causes. Other causes can be periodontal (gum) disease (you would need your dentist to determine if you have this), an abscessed tooth, chronic sinus infection/sinus drainage, and dry mouth (dry mouth can be caused by certain medications or tobacco use). If I were in your shoes (regular brushing and flossing not helping), the first thing I would do would be to contact my dentist. You really need he/she to check you for gum disease or any other oral condition which may be causing your bad breath. If they cannot find any problems, then it is quite likely related to some sinus issues and your doctor can work with you to address those. Good luck!

bacteria thrives on sugar so your going at the this entirely the wrong way

here are a few tips...drink lots of water, avoid fruit juices, brush your tongue, floss your teeth and make sure to get the floss up in the gums...the stuff you get out will smell pretty bad, dry mouth causes bad breath too, so does tonsils if they get infected and make sure to see a doctor to rule out diabetis or a thyroid problem.

You should really contact a dentist for some professional advice... you could have an underlying infection that needs appropriate treatment. You could try using a mouthwash called : "Corsodyl". It's very strong and shouldn't be used on a regular basis but it certainly helps with mouth diseases such as oral candida (thrush) or even gingivitis (bleeding gums). However, for more serious infections you may need a course of anti-biotics. There could also be a cavity that needs attention. Contact a dentist!

Bad breath is usually down to bacteria helping you to digest food and this process starts in the mouth. Junk food doesn't help but there could be a medical reason so go to your doctor for advice. Make a note for your doctor as to what you have eaten and the times ingested.
I the meantime change your diet as you obviously recognise you are eating too much junk food. Most of this is reconstituted bits from the carcass and stripped off by high pressure hoses before being "processed" into a burger/nugget/sausage or something similar and mixed with different types of fats. Not all such foods are made in this way but there is a lot of cheap rubbish around !!!
You are what you eat!!!

use sugar free mints/ use mint mouth wash/and wash your mouth out with warm salt water twice a day/and get u some breathe freshen to go, try this for about a month. it works.

this can be due to many sources. in the mouth, tongue or gums, , stomach or lungs.
in the mouth:-
you can brush your tongue.
the most common cause is gums (gingivitis periodontitis)
Clean between the teeth under the gum level and massage the gums with your tooth brush or what ever system you use. If the gums bleed this is a sign of periodontitis.
best answer is to see a dental surgeon with periodontal experience.

it could be your stomach because my best friend's breath stinks and it was only her stomach

Take a tablespoon and use it to wipe down your tongue, to like scrape it. They actually sell a device for this, but a table spoon works just as well. Do it several times a day. Also use mouthwash.

dudde yahh
listerine is like my best friend when it comes to badbreathe

That's My Baby!
You could have halitosis or a sour stomach. Bad breath is often found in people with periodontal diseases, including gum abscesses and mouth sores. These diseases are usually attributed to less than admirable oral hygiene, dentures, smoking or teeth restoration, such as bridges. A doctor can properly diagnose the issue. Halitosis may be related to a variety of causes, including bacterial infections and medications. Some bacteria in your mouth may produce gaseous compounds that cause bad breath. For some people, bad breath is caused by a dry mouth, which may be a result of medications you are taking or other medical conditions you may have. Bad breath is often found in people with periodontal diseases, including gum abscesses and mouth sores. These diseases are usually attributed to less than admirable oral hygiene, dentures, smoking or teeth restoration, such as bridges.
Brushing, flossing and seeing your dentist regularly may reduce bad breath. Some dental hygienists recommend brushing your tongue, since it traps large amounts of bacteria. Additional protection against the buildup of bacteria in your mouth can be achieved by rinsing with a mouthwash after you finish brushing. Eating lots of junk doesn't help and you probably don't drink enofe water. You should drink more water and eat more fruits and vegies. Your diet has a huge effect on the body. Definitly consult a doctor.

Sweet heart, the smell does not always come from your mouth, but from your digestive system and if you are eating junk, you may find that's your trouble not your mouth.
Are you regular? if not this coild be the culprit, a suggestion is to change your diet soon to include some fresh fruit and veg x

you might have an infection or gum disease try taking antibiotics or that mouthwash thats for gingivitis mite need a root canal if you leave it too long tho

1. Brush (try an electric toothbrush)
2. Floss ( between ALL your teeth, backones too)
3. Scrape your tongue( if it's white i'ts dirty)
4. Use mouthwash (Periomed is good)
5. Go see a Dentist( you might need a deep cleaning or have tooth decay)
6. Go see a doctor( some illnesses like diabetes can cause bad breath)
good luck...

If you clean you teeth that much it's not them, look at what you are eating thats your problem

Okay. Floss your teeth to get those little pieces of food to move elsewhere. Gargle with Listerine. Swallow a lilttle tiny sip of it (about half a teaspoon) to also kill all the bacteria in your lower throat which rinsing and brushing can't reach. Brush your tongue gently, too. Beyond that it might possibly be something else, but these suggestions will make you civilised enough for most company. Should keep you pleasant for about four hours at a time. Your dentist will give you extra help if you are willing to put up with him and ask.

Donna M
Try rinsing with Corsodyl twice a day - that's pretty powerful stuff and will zap any bacteria (the usual cause of smelly breath). Also, ask your dentist what he thinks may be causing it.

borax from the chemist is good for cleaning and for breath also eating a few stems of parsley.had a friend who ate garlic all the time and she swore by these and i must admit i never got a wiff of garlic from her so it must be true

spidoing n
Maybe you need fillings or a scale and polish.

You need to see your doctor and dentist if you have persistant halitosis. Also sometimes people think they have bad breath when in fact it really isn't bad. That does not mean that you don't have halitosis but see your doc and your dentist to find out.

uhg they just came out with a brand new thing for this though i cant remember the name call your dentist and find out the name he'd know best

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