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 Braces hurt?
i had 4 brackets on my teeth now there on all the top please what can i do to make them stop hurting
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thanks for ...

 What can't you EAT if you have BRACES??

 How can i tell a friend without offending her that she has badbreath? Please help...?
She is a sweet friend, we`ve been friends for years now but somehow i have no guts to tell her that she has bad breath, am afraid i might offended her... How can i tell her?...

 When was the last time u brushed ur teeth, try to be 100% honest please, 100% honest?
me it was 4 months ago
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no 4 days..........................................

 My gums bleed when I brush my teeth. How do I stop this?
My gums bleed when I brush my teeth. I'm really worried. I floss and brush every day, but they still bleed. What do I do?...

 Colors!!! (braces)?
I was just wondering what color of rubberbands you think I should get on my braces. It can be as many as you want. BTW I am a ...

 Are you suppose to floss your teeth before or after brushing?

 How do I tell my boyfriend to brush his teeth?
I met him through myspace and we have met and I realy truely like him even before meeting him, but it appears and smells as though he doesnt brush his teeth. He is 35 years old and should know he ...

 So how bad is getting your wisdom teeth out and what can i expect? what's the pain similar to?

 If i knock a teeth out,will another one grow?

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haha ok ppl no need to add more,first 28 anwsres now 36!!!
Im just making sure that i was right.....

 Any advice on how I can STOP BITING MY NAILS??

 If a king is gay and marries another guy what is that guy to the royal family?

 Im getting my all 4 wisdom teeth took out next week. Im scared to death. Does it hurt? What can i eat?

 What else can i use for bad breath other then mouthwash, mints and toothpaste?

 Please anser: how much does it hurt to get a tooth pulled?(see details)?
As in a not loose tooth, getting numbing shots injected in your gums, pulling it out and stitching it up? (no tooth growing in under it) awake but numb... please! any pain comparisons?...

 What is the best way to cure my bad breath?
My girlfriend is moaning at me and I think I need to do something about it.

I am only 26 and it has just started in the past few months!

Simply brushing my teeth does not work ...

 Suggest a trendy name for a dental clinic?
Planning to open a complete oral rehab clinic. searching for trendy name. plshelp me ...

 Any tips for a person being scared of the dentist?

 How painful is wisdom teeth extraction?
So I went to the oral surgeon today, and I'm going in on the 23rd to get my 4 wisdom teeth removed. I am doing local anestetic, and not getting knocked out for it.

My question is, how ...

 Is there a polite way to let someone know about bad breath?
A really nice guy that I just met has terrible bad breath. He seems interested in a relantionship but his bad breath is the only thing turning me off. What options are out there to diminish this? How ...

dayen o
What do you think about drinking and driving?


Used to do it all the time (not much, a couple of beers). Now, it's hard to imagine doing it except I did the other night on the way home from restaurant and hockey game.

I drink coffee all the time while driving...of course, I drink coffee no matter what I'm doing.

George P
I think its stupid and people who do it deserve to be locked up. There are so many other ways to get home, Taxi, bus, call a friend, or walk. No excuse.

I think that no-one should drink and drive
ever see shows about accidents from drunk drivers=everyone should

guessing you are speaking of alcohol and motor vehicles- it's illegal for a very good reason, it's selfish, dangerous, deadly, idiotic.....
if you mean drinking a yoohoo while riding your big wheel....
that's another story...

Michael H
Who ever gets caught driving while intoxicated should go to jail regardless of the drug used.

Driving while drinking WHAT? If you are referring to something that can impair your judgment, your attention to detail, and your reaction time, then it's a VERY VERY VERY VERY bad idea. It's dangerous, stupid, and just asking for trouble. I always have something to drink with me in the car, though......either a mug of coffee or that same mug filled with iced tea. Even with that, extreme care must be taken.

why us this in the dental section?

I guess because the effects of drinking and driving can perminantly injire teeth. Teeth in the dashboard are really not fun.

that it's really stupid. but i've done it. so i've been stupid too :( we all make mistakes........

How is this a dental question?

DUI-1st offense--1 year in jail---mandatory.

DUI-2nd offense (nomatter how many years)--5 years in prison---mandatory. No more drivers license.

DUI--3rd offense (no matter how many years)--15-25 years in prison.

And if you're dumb enough to get another one. Life--no parole.

Ya ummmmm NO not a good idea that's sort of a stupid thing to do so be careful if you do do that

Ruby Tuesday
Attempted murder.....stupid

In Australia we have a saying drink drive "Bloody Idiot" which l think says it all.

I'm totally against it. What do you get out of driving while drunk? Obviously we all know that it will end up killing someone. I just don't understand why people still do it even though they know that it will be a problem. I hate people who think they can still drive after a couple of drinks. It's a dangerous world.

It is illegal, very dangerous, and those who do so are just asking for disaster...

Mike E
Considering that I've had, as of Sunday night with another death, 18 friends and 8 family members killed in wrecks because someone else decided to, I am totally against it and think penalties should be harsher

Ummmm...it's not a good idea.

it hurts lots of people.

It' so stupid and life-threatening

drinking anything that is not alcohol or life threatening while driving is okay...but drinking alcohol while driving is okay when your in an open field by yourself so you can kill yourself instead of harming others who don't deserve it....basically that person is stupid....

Drinking and Driving is a stupid thing to do!

P.I. Joe
Drinking: fine
Driving: fine

Driving drunk: not fine

~*13 Baby Blue all the way*~
i think it is ridiculous... i lost my best friend cuz of drinking and driving...i understand that people like to drink but if they are going to drink they need to stay at home with people that will take care of them and make sure that they are safe and not putting people in danger.


its unsafe and life threatening

Do you really have to ask?

Jessica K
I'm thinking you should move this question out of the dental section....

Done separately, fine. Doing both at the same time is plain stoopid.

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