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 My jaw keeps feeling like its popping, what do i do?
It keeps popping and it hurts but I don't know what to do about it to get it to stop. Please help....

 If i go to the dentist,will the dentist tell my parents that i smoke?
ok... ive been smoking for atleast about 1 1/2 years and my teeth arent really straight and both of my front teeth are chiped and even the middle is chipped to in between both of my front teeth,yes ...

 Dentist is pulling 10 of my teeth tomorrow..?
any words of advice for all the pain I'm to be in?...

 I have a crumbling tooth around a large mercury filling...?
and I want this tooth out. OUT. There are no NHS dental places anywhere near me and finances are tighter than a very tight thing on national tight day. Please PLEASE don't say 'oh go to a ...

 What are the disadvantages of being a Dental Assistant?
Everyone keeps telling me that I shouldn't become a Dental Assistant. Could someone tell me what's so bad about it....

 Who hates going to the dentist and why?
hate ...

 I am 27 Years old and I am Getting Braces..Do they Hurt ??
I finally got some good insurance to get braces. I am getting the traditional ones but with white locks so they blend in with my teeth more. What I was wondering is if it hurts to get them put in. ...

 How make your teeth white and shine?

 Is a deep hole normal that traps food after wisdom tooth extraction?

Does anyone actually floss everyday? I do but I think I'm in the minority....

 Which recreational drugs damage teeth and gums?

 Can I die from Vicodin?

 White teeth?
I need to get white teeth fast for a modeling photoshoot and I am wondering how can I get white teeth fast without white strips. I also brush my teeth everyday but it doesnt ...

 Tooth pain after a root canal?
I got a root canal on my tooth I never got a cap but on it ... three years ago I got the root canal a year after the root canal i started to feel some pain in the tooth , I told my dentist he said ...

 Bad Breath?
I have had bad breath all my life. i brush my teeth twice a day for 4 minutes and i floss twice a day too. and i still have bad breath. i have found no solution, can someone tell me if u had this ...

 My bottom left wisdom tooth has a cavity in it. But, it has not totally come out of my gums. how to stop pain?
I can see the thing, and I want to get it worked on. but I have to save up since I work retail (woo hoo minimum wage! yeah!)
But, it hurts like hell what can I do (besides brush) to stop it from ...

 Describe your teeth?

 I have a tooth ache!!?
The Dr. said that I was clinching, maybe because of stress!!! Have any good ideas for me??!!...

 How do I cure ulsers?
Well I often get ulsers in my mouth which stops me from simple things like talking, eating, breathing in the wind, and more

so does anyone have any cure for them apart from bonjela?...

 Would you go out with someone with whitesh yellowish teeth?
if they were very sweet and there breath didnt stink?...

I went to the orthodontist today...?
..and I got rubber bands attached to my braces and they pull back my front-top teeth and they hurt like hell. How do I get rid of the pain without taking them out (I already took 2 advil and I have been eating soft foods)- I have gotten them on before, but I always take them off after the fourth day of hurting...I can't take it!
Please...help me stop suffering with this!

Amy L
Sorry, but it'll hurt for a short time while your teeth get use to it. I wore rubber bands on the last months when I had braces. It hurt but don't take them off or they'll hurt again when you put them back on. Don't know how old you are but go to the drugstore and ask the pharmacist what the recommend. Ibuprophen (spell?), tylenol, or motrin always works for me. But best to ask. Hang in there! =)

DK Julie
they will stop hurting after a few days. If you take them off you are making the braces useless. Ask your orthodontist if he can give you slightly larger rubber bands, they will put less pressure on your teeth and thus hurt less. They will take longer however to straighten your teeth. Also in the mean time try some orajel on your gums.

You will get used to them. Just make sure you continue to wear them so that your teeth will move. The more you wear them, the faster your teeth will move so just keep that in mind. If it is really bothering you see if they can possibly give you a lighter size rubber band to start off and then as you get used to that you can go back to the stronger size. Good luck!

take one Tylenol T3

moo cow
I had rubberbands...and they do hurt...ALOT! All I can say is they will get better with time( imagine having them when you were 5 1/2)

You sound like me. When I had braces mine hurt a lot but, sadly I think the only thing you can do is take advil/tylonal etc. You eventually get used to them though it usually takes a couple days.

advil should work. and yes they hurt. if you dont take them out after 4 days you can get your braces off sooner, bands are always the end of braces.... so hold up! itll be worth the pain when your teeth are straight

I know how you feel! I had my rubber bands attached last week, and there isn't much you can do, if you drink hot drinks like tea, coffee, or cocoa and also really cold or frozen things, that helps. Don't swallow it right away, just let it sit in your mouth for a while

Killer Karamazing
Swish cold water through your teeth.

Oh my gosh..I hate those dumb things I have to wear them too and I've had them since like January. Mine totally hold my mouth shut to the point where I like cant even talk. so annoying..lol. but really the only way to get rid of the pain is just leave them in there because once they start working and situiating your teeth, the pain goes away. thats why your not supposed to keep taking them on and off and on and off because it just slows down the movement. Hey..I really know how you feel and I can sympathize with you but just hang in there and be tough and eventually the pain will go away and you wont have to wear the dumb things anymore! Hope I helped! Take care :)

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