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 Are toothbrushes on short supply in Britain?
The corn looking teeth is why I ask, just curious?...

 Does it hurt when u get ur braces off?

 I getting braces but they have to take out 2 of my teeth Will it hurt and how do they do it?

 Tooth Question?
Ok...this question may seem weird, but since dentists took off my braces, one of my front tooth is kind of damaged, some part of the tooth broke and it keeps breaking more I think. My tooth seems ...

 Adult Braces..Why do i look so dumb now?
It was my choice and $$ to get braces. I couldnt get the ones you take out cause my teeth are just a bit to bad for thoes. I didnt look to bad with no braces and messed up teeth. Now i have the clear ...

 ~i want while teeth~?
i want white teeth what can i use for toothpaste and what should i eat to make the really ...

 Will having 5 teeth removed under sedation hurt?And also will the needle hurt much?
Im pertrified of needles and need these teeth removed due to braces . Please please be honest.
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Aww I didn't realise how polite and kind people are.. You have all ...

 Why do I have teeth?

 I had my wisdom teeth pulled and stitched up. Am I going to have holes still?

 Wisdom tooth removed?
I had it taken out a few days ago
and I am feeling sick , cant stop going to the toilet and am very swollen and sore

have to add though that I have irritable bowels brought on by ...

 How would I make my teeth white?
How can I make my teeth look really white and clean?...

 How bad does it hurt to get Braces on?
Will it hurt bad? Also from your Experience what foods are best to stay away from? And what foods are easy to eat? The whole time i have braces on will it hurt to eat hard food?...

 I am getting braces soon... do they hurt?
i have spacer right now... do they hurt more than spacers??...

 How to prevent cavity?
what should i do ? i brush, floss ...but not that often, and i use listerine.but i kept getting cavities !!!! is there anyway to HEAL the cavities ? so those ugly filling wont show ? any advice on an ...

 Everyday I drink a tablespoon of vinegar with a cup of water, I was wondering if this could damage my enamel?
If so do you think swishing water in my mouth after each time is enough or should I brush my teeth?...

 Can you have silver fillings replaced with white?
I had a lot of cavities when I was young and they were all filled with silver fillings. Now that I am older I hate seeing them. Is it possible to have them replaced with white fillings and how much ...

 How do I stop chewing on the backs of pens.?
It's a gross habit I've had since middle school and never broken....

 I just got braces, and they gave me small pieces of wax, whats that for?
how do I use the wax?...

 How long does nitrous oxcide stay in your system?

 Im getting braces tomorro and i want to kno why the pointments are so long? does it hurt when you put them on?

I'm having my wisdom teeth out. Any stories, good or bad?

owwww!!!! my aunt went in and came out very sore. but its for the best.

well when mine were removed I had a reaction to the codeine in the pain killers they gave me and threw up...the dentist would not give me anything else and told me to take 6 Tylenol every four hours! and that did not even dull the pain!! needless to say I am glad that they are all gone and I have not had any more problems

I had four impacted wisdom teeth out in hospital under a general anesthetic.

It was fine: I was given drugs and ice packs for the pain and swelling, and went home the next day with a fresh packet of pain killers.

I barely even swelled up and had minimal pain with treatment, and no follow up problems. I really recommend going to hospital to have it done, even though my dentist thought this was cowardly.

I figure if someone wants to saw through my jawbone, I want to be asleep when it happens!

if they are getting cut out you'll have one week of swelling and stuff... after that week it wont be as bad...
the worst time is when the Novocaine wears off and you don't have the painkillers in your system in time...
but if you keep taking them until its over it wont be too bad
your face will be bruised up and swollen quiet a bit though...

i had to take two extra strength vicodins at times to make the pain go away though... and that puts you in a whole diff. world =) but you'll like the different world

well i went for mine out i was getting bad pain now there fine you look like a hamster after but you get loads of ice cream yum yum yum

Just think positive, things will go fine for you I'm sure.
I can tell you normally after the medication wears off you will be in some pain. Your dentist may give you a Rx for pain medication. If you like, use an ice pack on your
face to keep swelling down.. Just remember your dentist
is a professional and he knows what he is doing. You may want to have some yogurt, plain soup or something on that line to eat when you feel up to it. Keep tongue out of gum hole where teeth were removed. May taste some blood when drinking or eating something, it will go away.


so i'm 20 and i got my wisdom teeth out just 5 days ago now, so that was friday. i got penicillian and 10 oxycodone 5's to take home.... with one of my teeth impacted. i might have messed up by eating foods that were too hard too soon, because as this is the 5th day i can still feel pain where the impaction was, not bad, but like the tooth is still there and its pushing the other molar. the molar it was by is actually quite loose now, like wiggle with the fingers loose. and my bottom teeth are sore in the front, they had bunched a little since my teeth came in. im using listerine now too, and that may be bad. they say salt water. dry socket is supposed to be a sharp pain like when you drink or consume anything. you should know if that develops. they saw to call in that case.... i would say try and resist the urge to put your tongue back there untill like 5-6 days after they're gone. it's an unpleasant surprise. and do take the antibiotics as directed. its a lot easier that way. ive used 4 of my oxy's and that was at night to sleep. i take 600 mg ibuprophen occasionally. my follow up is in 2 days, to get stitches out and such.
Also, when i went in they put an oxygen mask on my nose, gave me a little shot, and didnt tell me that the shot would put me out. then they started putting a rubber spacer in to keep my mouth open. well, as i was delirious, i asked my friend to call the police because i didn't like having that in my mouth. it's amazing how quickly it's over, like you sit down and then 30 secs later you're out. i was really surprised how easy it was, i only slept 2 hours on the anestesia when i got home, and then i was up and at em. kinda fun actually!

best of luck with you surgery!

GET IV MEDS! They are awesome. I woke up mumbling and of course I couldn't walk anywhere but it was pretty crazy. While you are out you have some crazy dreams. You shouldn't feel a thing or remember anything either if they give you enough meds. It's pretty fun coming out of it though. I was trying to read the paper they give you about how to care for the sites and I was seeing double. It was so funny. It didn't start hurting until several hours afterwards but just take the meds they give you and sleep A LOT! That will help a ton. Buy some Jello and broth so you can eat too.Chicken and Stars is good for food but just make sure a little star doesn't get in one of the holes. Change your gauze as often as it needs. It needs changed a lot the first few hours. If you wet it with cold water, it will help with the pain and swelling. Good luck, and I really wouldn't let them do it if you aren't going to be sedated. You'll remember everything and hear it all if you don't get meds. Other than that, I had a good experiance and I hope you do too!

I'd like to start off by saying, be tough. If you're like me, worrying about the healing of the extraction sites and stuff can make matters worse simply by your mind playing tricks on you. For the first two hours, you'll actually be feeling great (if you got local). About three hours after, you'll begin to get an extreme headache(talking about how my day went) followed by pain in the jaw and mouth. I advise you to take your pain medicationas soon as you get home, just so you wont have to deal with the pain to start off. I'm assuming you'll be given antibiotics as well. Along with those pain meds youll have to eat, which will be tough to do for the first day or two (soft foods) The first night will be the roughest because you'll most likely be bleeding and if you accidentally slip on your side at night, youll wake up with pain from lying on the site all night. After about four days, your swelling should begin to subside. Everything from day two is easy sailing as long as you follow OS orders. Good luck.

P.S....After everything is over and you've healed correctly, you'll actually get a good sense of pride that you got them out and you're one of the many lucky people who will never have to worry about them later in life where more problems could arise.

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