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OK, Im off to my dentist when my mum can get me a appointment to get mesured for braces. what do they do, Ive heard they put clay in ur mouth then have to wait a bit to get braces made.. is this true<...

 The things you hate?
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 How many times should you brush your teeth a day?

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 Tooth Abscess?
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PS. I had a tooth abscess for 7...

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Lately, Ive been having these sores on the left side of my mouth and I cant seem to get them to go away.
Ive cleaned them and Ive went to the nurse at my school and she doesnt even know what ...

 I just got braces and they hurt!what do I do?
I just got braces this morning and they didn't hurt then and I've taken tylonal and they still hurt what can I do?
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and I have these bit things behind my two ...

 Will smoking crack make my teeth fall out?

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 Which hurts more: wisdom teeth extraction or getting braces?
Already had my wisdom teeth removed (6 months ago), getting braces in about three weeks.
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When I had my wisdoms out, wasn't able to take medicine until a couple ...

Everyday I drink a tablespoon of vinegar with a cup of water, I was wondering if this could damage my enamel?
If so do you think swishing water in my mouth after each time is enough or should I brush my teeth?

Lemon, vinegar and ice are the worst thing you can do to your teeth. It will break down the enamel and eventually make your teeth very sensitive. Use a straw!

Nebula D
I am a dentist.

Acetic acid (found in vinegar) is, if memory serves, is one of the weakest monoprotic acids. Combined with a cup of water, and the acidity is negligible.

The normal pH of saliva is around 7.4 (which is, remarkably, the pH of blood). The pH of the mouth in general is a little lower. Demineralization of enamel begins when the pH at the surface of a tooth drops to 5.5 and below. Above 5.5 demineralization does not occur.

It is almost an impossibility that a tablespoon of vinegar in water would have a pH approaching 5.5, let alone bringing the pH of the tooth's surface to 5.5 with all the saliva in there. Of course, it certainly can't hurt to swish with water after drinking your nasty drink.

The bigger question is, "why are you drinking vinegar and water?"

why are you doing this?

No, but I would rinse the sink anyway. Seriously, you are in more danger from the foods you chew then a little bit of watered down vinegar squished.

Why do you do that? Does it have any proven virtue?

What are you trying to do, pass a piss test?

Putting the vinegar in the water dilutes it already. You are drinking it, not letting it sit in your mouth. If you swish your mouth out with pure water afterwards, it won't damage your teeth any more than eating something with tomatoes in it or drinking a soda would.

a permanent amount of intake breaks down the calcium in your bones ans well as the enamel, so therefore, it is advisable to brush your teeth everyday!!

jessica rabbit
is this that diet i heard about?....ya....try rinsing after...my friend mixed the viniger in grape juice like the diet said to and her teeth stained (temporary) purple tint

ur friggin crazy dude.. wdf do u drink vinegar? not only will it damage ur enamel but ur oesophagus ( gullet) aswell..

I eat vinegar on my chips and crisps most days, it's common in the UK and never did anyone any harm.
Try a shot of malt vinegar on your 'french fries' when really hot and find out why.

☼Jims Brain☼
All acids in the mouth will wear down your enamel. Swishing water is not a good substitute for brushing.

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